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Clojure for Java Developers
Clojure for Java Developers
Clojure for Java Developers
Ebook308 pages2 hours

Clojure for Java Developers

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About this ebook

Transition smoothly from Java to the most widely used functional JVM-based language – Clojure

About This Book

- Write apps for the multithreaded world with Clojure’s flavor of functional programming
- Discover Clojure’s features and advantages and use them in your existing projects
- The book is designed so that you’ll be able put to use your existing skills and software knowledge to become a more effective Clojure developer

Who This Book Is For

This book is intended for Java developers, who are looking for a way to expand their skills and understand new paradigms of programming. Whether you know a little bit about functional languages, or you are just getting started, this book will get you up and running with how to use your existing skills in Clojure and functional programming.

What You Will Learn

- Understand the tools for the Clojure world and how they relate to Java tools and standards (like Maven)
- Learn about immutable data structures, and what makes them feasible for everyday programming
- Write simple multi-core programs using Clojure’s core concepts, like atoms, agents and refs
- Understand that in Clojure, code is data, and how to take advantage of that fact by generating and manipulating code with macros
- Learn how Clojure interacts with Java, how the class loaders work and how to use Clojure from Java or the other way around
- Discover a new, more flexible meaning of polymorphism and understand that OOP is not the only way to get it

In Detail

We have reached a point where machines are not getting much faster, software projects need to be delivered quickly, and high quality in software is more demanding as ever.
We need to explore new ways of writing software that helps achieve those goals. Clojure offers a new possibility of writing high quality, multi-core software faster than ever, without having to leave your current platform.
Clojure for Java developers aims at unleashing the true potential of the Clojure language to use it in your projects. The book begins with the installation and setup of the Clojure environment before moving on to explore the language in-depth. Get acquainted with its various features such as functional programming, concurrency, etc. with the help of example projects. Additionally, you will also, learn how the tooling works, and how it interacts with the Java environment.
By the end of this book, you will have a firm grip on Clojure and its features, and use them effectively to write more robust programs.

Style and approach

An easy to follow, step-by-step, guide on how to start writing Clojure programs making use of all of its varied features and advantages. As this is a new language, certain new concepts are supported with theoretical section followed by simple projects to help you gain a better understanding and practice of how Clojure works.
Release dateFeb 23, 2016
Clojure for Java Developers

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    Clojure for Java Developers - Díaz Eduardo

    Table of Contents

    Clojure for Java Developers


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    1. Getting Started with Clojure

    Getting to know Clojure

    Installing Leiningen

    Using a REPL

    The nREPL protocol

    Hello world

    REPL utilities and conventions

    Creating a new project

    Project structure

    Creating a standalone app

    Using Cursive Clojure

    Installing Cursive Clojure

    Getting started with Clojure code and data

    Lists in Clojure

    Operations in Clojure

    Functions in Clojure

    Clojure's data types


    Collection data types


    2. Namespaces, Packages, and Tests

    Namespaces in Clojure

    Packages in Clojure

    The classpath and the classloader

    Back to Clojure namespaces

    Playing with namespaces

    Creating a new namespace

    Working with namespaces on the REPL

    Testing in Clojure

    Testing from the command line

    Testing in IntelliJ


    3. Interacting with Java

    Using Maven dependencies

    Clojure interop syntax

    Creating an object

    Calling an instance method

    Calling a static method or function

    Accessing inner classes

    Writing a simple image namespace

    Writing the tests

    The let statement

    Destructuring in Clojure

    Sequential destructuring

    Associative destructuring

    Exposing your code to Java

    Testing from Groovy

    Proxy and reify


    4. Collections and Functional Programming

    Basics of functional programming

    Persistent collections

    Types of collections in Clojure

    The sequence abstraction

    Specific collection types in Clojure




    Sorted maps and hash maps

    Common properties


    Sorted sets and hash sets

    Common properties

    Union, difference, and intersection

    Applying functional programming to collections

    The imperative programming model

    The functional paradigm

    Functional programming and immutability



    5. Multimethods and Protocols

    Polymorphism in Java

    Multimethods in Clojure

    Keyword hierarchies





    A la carte dispatch functions

    Protocols in Clojure

    Records in Clojure


    6. Concurrency

    Using your Java knowledge

    The Clojure model of state and identity


    Pulsar and lightweight threads


    Software transactional memory and refs






    Why lightweight threads?





    7. Macros in Clojure

    Lisp's foundational ideas

    Macros as code modification tools

    Modifying code in Java

    Modifying code in Groovy

    The @ToString annotation

    The @TupleConstructor annotation

    The @Slf4j annotation

    Writing your first macro

    Debugging your first macro

    Quote, syntax quote, and unquoting

    Unquote splicing


    Macros in the real world




    Clojure for Java Developers

    Clojure for Java Developers

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: February 2016

    Production reference: 1190216

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street

    Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78528-150-1



    Eduardo Díaz


    Ning Sun

    Nate West

    Commissioning Editor

    Kunal Parikh

    Acquisition Editor

    Usha Iyer

    Content Development Editors

    Neeshma Ramakrishnan

    Kajal Thapar

    Technical Editor

    Saurabh Malhotra

    Copy Editor

    Sneha Singh

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    Shweta H. Birwatkar


    Safis Editing


    Hemangini Bari

    Production Coordinator

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    Cover Work

    Shantanu N. Zagade

    About the Author

    Eduardo Díaz is a developer with a strong background in the Java language. He has a passion for functional programming and new programming paradigms. His work includes full stack development, systems design, and high volume real time data processing.

    He has worked on every technology related problem you can imagine, as a consultant solving anything related to Java, UNIX, C, or any other strange problem you might have had.

    As a developer, he has been working for around 10 years on Java, Python, Scala, Clojure, in the media, bank, and primarily communications industries.

    He is currently working at Grupo Expansion, a media company, where he helps design and implement a new content delivery platform aiming to empower content editors and encourage developers to find new ways to use data.

    First of all, I would like to thank Neeshma Ramakrishnan and Kajal Thapar at Packt Publishing, they are the best editors, they have an incredible amount of patience and without them, there would be nothing even close to a book.

    I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends at Grupo Expansion, Lucasian Labs, and Javanes; they have helped me grow in every way imaginable. Thanks for everything!

    Last but not the least, thanks to my family for always keeping up with me, cheering me up, believing in me and helping in everything I do, even when it means not seeing me for weeks or months. I truly value your support!

    About the Reviewer

    Ning Sun is a software engineer currently working for a China-based startup, LeanCloud, providing one-stop backend as a service for mobile apps. Being a startup engineer, he has to solve various kinds of problems and play different kinds of roles; however, he has always been an enthusiast for open source technology. He contributes to several open source projects and has also learned a lot from them.

    At LeanCloud, he built a messaging system that supports tens of millions of clients per day. The system is fully powered by Clojure and its ecosystem. He has been an early member of Clojure Chinese community since 2011. He has delivered talks at several meetups and has been very active in the mailing list and open source projects. Ning created Clojure RPC library Slacker, which is widely used at LeanCloud and several other companies.

    He worked on in 2013, which is known as one of the most important websites in the early Web 2.0 era.

    He has been a reviewer of two books about Solr at Packt Publishing. Also, he was the reviewer of Programming Clojure, Chinese edition.

    You can always find him on and

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    In the last few years, we have seen a widespread tendency to create new languages for JVM. There are all sorts of new languages with different paradigms and different ways of working.

    Clojure is one of those languages, one that we believe is worth learning.

    Over the course of this book, you will learn about Clojure and how opinionated it is. You will learn why immutable objects are not only possible, but it is a good idea to use them.

    You will learn about functional programming and see how it fits the concept of immutable programs.

    You will understand the very powerful idea of representing your code as a data structure of the same language.

    It is important to note that we will build all this knowledge on top of what you already know; this book assumes that you understand the Java language and a bit of how it works. It assumes that you understand how to create classes and objects, how to call methods, and also a bit about the JVM. We will find similarities and differences from the Java language that you already know, so you can understand how the Clojure world works.

    It is said that a great programmer is not the one who knows a lot of different programming languages, it is someone who knows different programming paradigms.

    Clojure brings ideas from Lisp and functional programming, which are different to what you are used to. This book will help you understand the power behind these ideas and why a language so old still exists and has a place.

    Learning Lisp is one of the great pleasures of life, I hope you enjoy it!

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Getting Started with Clojure, is your first step with Clojure, from how to install an interpreter, how to use the IntelliJ plugin Cursive Clojure, and how to start writing your first lines of code in Clojure.

    Chapter 2, Namespaces, Packages, and Tests, deals with how every other language needs a way to organize our code. We do it with namespaces, and we start learning by doing little experiments and by comparing with the Java packages we already know.

    Chapter 3, Interacting with Java, discusses the fact that one of the most useful features of Clojure is that it can be hosted on top of other platforms. Java is probably one of the most common platforms, and here we learn how to interact with Java code and libraries and how to expose our Clojure code to Java.

    Chapter 4, Collections and Functional Programming, tells us that functional programming and immutable data structures (or collections) are fundamental to programming in the Clojure language; here we understand how we can write meaningful programs using immutable data structures and how functional programming is ideal for that.

    Chapter 5, Multimethods and Protocols,

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