Microsoft PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible
About this ebook
William R. Stanek
William R. Stanek is an award-winning author who's written more than 100 books, including Windows Server 2012 Inside Out, Windows 8 Administration Pocket Consultant, and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Pocket Consultant. He is the series editor for the Pocket Consultant line of books.
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Microsoft PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible - William R. Stanek
Microsoft® PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript® Bible
Published by
Wiley Publishing, Inc.
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Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-0-470-38680-4
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About the Authors
William R. Stanek ( has over 20 years of hands-on experience with advanced programming and development. He is a leading technology expert, an award-winning author, and a pretty-darn-good instructional trainer. Over the years, his practical advice has helped millions of technical professionals all over the world. He has written more than 75 books, including Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Microsoft Windows Vista Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant, and Windows Server 2008 Inside Out.
Mr. Stanek has been involved in the commercial Internet community since 1991. His core business and technology experience comes from over 11 years of military service. He has substantial experience in developing server technology, encryption, and Internet solutions. He has written many technical white papers and training courses on a wide variety of topics. He frequently serves as a subject matter expert and consultant.
Mr. Stanek has an MS with distinction in information systems and a BS magna cum laude in computer science. He is proud to have served in the Persian Gulf War as a combat crewmember on an electronic warfare aircraft. He flew on numerous combat missions into Iraq and was awarded nine medals for his wartime service, including one of the United States of America’s highest flying honors, the Air Force Distinguished Flying Cross. Currently, he resides in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and children.
James O’Neill was born in 1965, used his first Microsoft product at the age of 13, and has scarcely stopped since. He describes himself as a compulsive explainer, which led him to work as a technical trainer and run a small training company in the 1990s. He joined Microsoft Consulting Services in 2000, and after six years there working with a wide variety of clients he moved back to a role where he can explain more, becoming an evangelist, talking to IT professionals primarily about Windows platform technologies. He is a veteran of every Microsoft operating system and network technology since DOS 3.1 MS-Net and Windows 1.03, and has used a dozen or so programming and scripting languages. Over the last two years, he has become increasingly evangelical about PowerShell, using it to write libraries that support Windows 2008 virtualization and Office Communications Server. He lives near Oxford, England with his wife and two children, and occasionally manages to find time for photography and scuba diving. He has a worrying tendency to write about himself in the third person.
Jeffrey Rosen has a Masters of Business Administration from Case Western Reserve, Weatherhead School of Management, specializing in Information Systems. He is a Microsoft Certified Architect, an MCSE specializing in messaging and security, and a CISSP. He began his career working with Microsoft Mail and Novell Netware. Since then, Jeffrey has worked for Microsoft Consulting Services for nine years on large and complex Exchange deployments. He is a co-author of Professional PowerShell for Exchange 2007 SP1.
About the Technical Editor
Andrew Edney has been an IT professional for more than 12 years and has, over the course of his career, worked for a range of high-tech companies, such as Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Fujitsu Services. He has a wide range of experience in virtually all aspects of Microsoft’s computing solutions, having designed and architected large enterprise solutions for government and private-sector customers. Over the years, Andrew has made a number of guest appearances at major industry events, presenting on a wide range of information systems subjects, such as an appearance at the annual Microsoft Exchange Conference in Nice where he addressed the Microsoft technical community on mobility computing. Andrew is currently involved in numerous Microsoft beta programs, including next-generation Windows operating systems and next-generation Microsoft Office products. He actively participates in all Windows Media Center beta programs and was heavily involved in the Windows Home Server beta program. In addition, Andrew has written a number of books including: Windows Home Server User’s Guide (2007), Pro LCS: Live Communications Server Administration ( 2007), Getting More from Your Microsoft Xbox 360 (2006), How to Set Up Your Home or Small Business Network (2006), Using Microsoft Windows XP Media Center 2005 (2006), Windows Vista: An Ultimate Guide (2007), PowerPoint 2007 in Easy Steps (2007), Windows Vista Media Center in Easy Steps (2007), and Using Ubuntu Linux (2007).
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Writing PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible took a lot of work and research. Much of the time was spent searching for undocumented features, resolving problems with poorly documented interfaces, and exploring uncharted areas of Windows. Then, I had to write about the hidden features and the many interfaces I had discovered. I hope you’ll agree that the result was worth all of the effort. The book contains over 300 code examples and dozens of working scripts, all designed to provide a top-notch tutorial and reference.
PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible wouldn’t have been possible without a lot of help from others and, especially, the team at Wiley: Katie Mohr, the Acquisitions Editor, and Ed Connor, the Development Editor.
A big thank you goes out to my close contacts and friends at Microsoft. Thanks also to Studio B literary agency and my agents, David Rogelberg and Neil Salkind. Neil has a terrific knack for helping me find projects that are both fun and challenging.
I hope I haven’t forgotten anyone, but if I have, it was an oversight. Honest. ;-)
William R. Stanek
There are a few people without whom I wouldn’t have been able to contribute to this book. Neil Salkind at Studio B who asked is perhaps first in the queue to be thanked. Richard Siddaway, who started the first PowerShell user group, is probably the person most responsible for the depth of my interest in the subject. At Microsoft, I should mention Jeffrey Snover for his encouragement and Eileen Brown, my manager but also my friend, mentor, and when I least deserve it, my advocate. She deserves far greater thanks than a mention here. And finally, my family: my wife, Jackie, and my children, Lisa and Paul. Kids: the book in your hands is one of the reasons why Daddy kept asking you to be quiet.
James O’Neill
To my wife, Christine, and our daughters, Madison and Isabel, I love you, and thanks for always being there for me. Also, thanks to the authors, editors, and other invaluable staff that I’ve had the pleasure of working with.
Jeffrey Rosen
If you’ve purchased PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible or are thumbing through the book in a bookstore somewhere, you probably want to know how this book can help you. Our goal in writing PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible is to create the best resource available on scripting the Windows operating system.
As you’ll learn in this book, Windows scripting involves many different technologies. These technologies include:
Windows operating systems
Windows Script Host (WSH)
Scripting languages, such as VBScript and JScript
Windows PowerShell
ActiveX and COM (Component Object Model) components
Microsoft Active Directory
ADSI (Active Directory Services Interfaces)
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)
We’ve tried to pack in as much information about these topics as possible, and to present the information in a way that is both clear and concise. We’ve also tried to present Windows scripting in a unique way, offering both VBScript and JScript solutions throughout the text and then discussing how to accomplish similar tasks using PowerShell. In this way, you can learn exactly how VBScript, JScript, and PowerShell can be used with Windows. With this approach, you gain insight into unique scripting techniques necessary to implement solutions in VBScript, JScript, and PowerShell, and, if you prefer one technique over the other, there’s no more guesswork.
PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible is a work in progress, just like the Windows operating system itself and the body of work that’s grown up around it. It is quite likely that errors will make themselves apparent after this book has gone to press and found its way onto your desktop. I very much appreciate the efforts of readers who go to the trouble of pointing out mistakes in the text so I can fix them in future editions. Even more, I am grateful for readers who offer their own hints, tricks, code, and ideas to me for inclusion in future editions of this book.
I truly hope you find that PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible provides everything you need to perform essential scripting tasks. You can contact me through e-mail at You’re always welcome to write me with ideas, suggestions, improvements, or questions. If you provide an example that’s used in a future edition of this book, I’ll be especially grateful for your help and will credit you in that edition. I also have a Web site, which contains support material for this book, among other things. Point your browser to for corrections, enhancements, news, and additional thoughts. I’ll post the source code from this book as well.
Thank you!
William R. Stanek
The best introduction to a book I ever saw was from Machiavelli’s The Discourses, where he says something like, I’m sending you something, and if it doesn’t meet the obligations I owe you, is at any rate the best I can send. For in it I have set down all I know from long experience and constant reading…you may perhaps lament my lack of skill should my narratives be thin and also errors of judgment if I have made mistakes.
The longer the piece that I write, the more likely I am to think of that. The experience I have in PowerShell builds on decades of seeing different scenarios and using different tools: and that experience has been gained working with people who don’t think of themselves as Programmers. Graphical management tools make it easy to find how to do a one-off task, but some repetitive tasks aren’t efficient with the GUI. Some information can’t be extracted easily from a graphical tool: some tasks just weren’t anticipated by the Programmer who wrote it. UNIX system administrators have known for a long time that there is an area, which isn’t Programming in the customary sense, of creating a large beast, with considerations such as user interface design to be taken into account. It produces something that a dictionary would define as a program—a sequence of instructions to be followed by the computer. A script is a program but not a Program (the capitalization is deliberate). Scripts are written mostly by people who are not Programmers, but just know the job they need to get done. And, usually a script will involve less time to create than a proper
Program and will pay back the time that went into it very quickly. Want to know which of the servers you manage don’t have a key patch on them—without logging onto each one? It’s a few lines of script; a system administrator can put it together in a couple of minutes. A Programmer (capital P) won’t have fired up Visual Studio and roughed out the user interface in that time.
Better still for the Windows system administrator, most of the work has been done by someone else. Want a list of your servers? A couple of lines of script will get it from Active Directory. Want the installed patches on each of those servers? One line of PowerShell will get that. Most of the knowledge needed isn’t of a programming or scripting language—whether you use PowerShell, VBScript, or any other environment, it is a question of understanding the task and the objects that you can call on from that environment. PowerShell has all of .NET, WMI, AD, and ActiveX/COM at its disposal. It needs a whole bookshelf to explain all of those things, so what we do in this book is to try to equip you, the reader, with the skills you need to use them—which is why I worry that my narratives may be thin.
Who Should Read This Book
If you are someone who is interested in any of the previously mentioned technologies, PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible is definitely a book you should read. This comes with several caveats. This book is designed for:
Administrators who support Windows systems
Developers who create scripts or programs for Windows systems
Advanced users working with Windows systems
To pack in as much information as possible, We had to assume that you have basic networking skills, a basic understanding of Windows, and that Windows is already installed on your systems. With this in mind, we don’t devote entire chapters to understanding, installing, or using Windows. Beyond the introductory information in Chapters 1, 2, and 3, we don’t cover scripting basics either. We do, however, cover every facet of Windows scripting, so if you want to learn Windows scripting inside and out—including techniques not published elsewhere—you’ve come to the right source.
Although the book highlights the latest and greatest features of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, just about everything you learn in this book can also be applied to script Windows XP. Keep in mind that if you are using a pre–Windows Vista system, however, you may need to check your scripts to ensure they are fully compatible.
How This Book Is Organized
Learn the basics of what goes into Windows and you will be able to use all sorts of devices and computers in the future. The book is organized in a way that enables you to start off at the very beginning with Windows, but still grow to the point where you can get going with some powerful server and programming features, if you care to.
Part I assumes that someone has set up a Windows system in front of you. After being introduced to Windows script in Chapter 1, you learn the basics of how to:
VBScript Essentials (Chapter 2)
JScript Essentials (Chapter 3)
PowerShell Essentials (Chapter 4)
In Part II, you learn how to:
Creating Scripts and Scripting Files (Chapter 5)
VBScript and JScript Scripting Basics (Chapter 6)
Input, Output, and Error Handling with VBScript and JScript (Chapter 7)
Working with Files and Folders in VBscript and JScript (Chapter 8)
Reading and Writing Files (Chapter 9)
Managing Drives and Printers with VBScript and JScript (Chapter 10)
Configuring Menus, Shortcusts, and Startup Applications (Chapter 11)
Working with the Windows Registry and Event Logs (Chapter 12)
In Part III, you learn network and directory service scripting:
Scheduling One-time and Recurring Tasks (Chapter 13)
Managing Computer and User Scripts (Chapter 14)
Introducing Active Directory Service Interfaces (Chapter 15)
Using Schema to Master ADSI (Chapter 16)
Managing Local and Domain Resources with ADSI (Chapter 17)
Service and Resource Administration with ADSI (Chapter 18)
Maintaining Shared Directories, Printer Queues, and Print Jobs (Chapter 19)
Managing Active Directory Domain Extensions (Chapter 20)
In Part IV, you learn Windows PowerShell:
Input, Output and Error Handling in PowerShell (Chapter 21)
Working with Files and Registry in Powershell (Chapter 22)
Event Logging, Services, and Process Monitoring with PowerShell (Chapter 23)
Working with Active Directory Using ADSI and PowerShell (Chapter 24)
Working with WMI and PowerShell (Chapter 25)
In Part V, you develop a set of programming libraries:
Library: File-System Utilities (Chapter 26)
Library: I/O Utilities (Chapter 27)
Library: Network Resource Utilities (Chapter 28)
Library: Account Management Utilities (Chapter 29)
Library: Building a PowerShell Library (Chapter 30)
In Part VI, you’ll learn more about:
Windows Scripting API (Appendix A)
Core ADSI Reference (Appendix B)
Essential Command-Line Utilities for Use with WSH (Appendix C)
Conventions and Features
As with most computer books, you’ll see that some text is highlighted by special formatting or with special icons. Here’s a field guide to the things you’ll see.
note.epsNotes provide additional details and often contain information that you should read before trying to implement a referenced technique.
cross_ref.epsCross-references tell you where you can find more information on a particular topic.
tip.epsTips inform you of little factoids that may be useful to you as you work with Windows scripting. Tips provide helpful information that isn’t always essential to getting things to work correctly. Rather, Tip material can be used to make things run better.
caution.epsCautions provide a specific warning about things you should watch out for, or things you shouldn’t do. You should pay particular attention to Cautions when reading the text.
Source-Code Formatting
The text contains source-code listings as well as in-text references to objects, methods, properties, and other source-code elements. In order to minimize line wrapping and formatting issues, we generally use in-line code lists for code examples. For example:
In-text references to source-code elements are highlighted with a monospace font, as in the following sentence. The OpenTextFile method is used to open text files. Don’t confuse monospace type with in-text elements printed in bold. When you see bold text in the middle of a paragraph, it means that this is something you should type in at the keyboard, such as, "Type cls at the command prompt to clear the screen."
What’s on the Companion Web site
On the companion Web site, you will find the following:
Sample code: Each chapter has its own subfolder on the Web site, and you will find all the code output that was discussed in each chapter organized accordingly.
What You’ll Learn from This Book
Every how-to book is supposed to teach its readers how to do something, and in the process convey some body of knowledge to the reader. PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible is no exception. This book teaches you about Windows scripting and includes in-depth coverage of related technologies.
PowerShell, VBScript and JScript Bible isn’t meant to be a do-everything guide to scripting. Rather, the book focuses on techniques you’ll use to script the Windows operating system. Chapter by chapter, you learn how to create scripts. The detailed explanations provided are backed by hundreds of hands-on examples and over 300 complete source-code listings. This book also develops extensive utility libraries that you can use to quickly and efficiently perform complex tasks.
Part I
Getting Started with Windows Scripting
In This Part
Chapter 1: Introducing Windows Scripting
Chapter 2: VBScript Essentials
Chapter 3: JScript Essentials
Chapter 4: PowerShell Fundamentals
Part I of the PowerShell, VBScript, and JScript Bible introduces you to the powerful administrative tool that is Windows scripting. You’ll get an overview of Windows scripting and its potential, and an introduction to three technologies you can use for Windows scripting: VBScript, JScript, and PowerShell.
Chapter 1
Introducing Windows Scripting
In This Chapter
Introducing Windows scripting
Why script Windows?
Getting to know Windows Script Host
Understanding the Windows scripting architecture
Windows scripting gives everyday users and administrators the ability to automate repetitive tasks, complete activities while away from the computer, and perform many other time-saving activities. Windows scripting accomplishes all of this by enabling you to create tools to automate tasks that would otherwise be handled manually, such as creating user accounts, generating log files, managing print queues, or examining system information. By eliminating manual processes, you can double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity and become more effective and efficient at your job. Best of all, scripts are easy to create and you can rapidly develop prototypes of applications, procedures, and utilities; and then enhance these prototypes to get exactly what you need, or just throw them away and begin again. This ease of use gives you the flexibility to create the kinds of tools you need without a lot of fuss.
Introducing Windows Scripting
You’ve heard the claims about scripting and now you’re thinking, so what? What’s in it for me? You may be an administrator rather than a developer. Or maybe you’re a power user who helps other users from time to time. Either way, scripting will prove useful to your situation and needs. So in answer to the question, What’s in it for me?
consider the following:
Would you like to have more free time? Windows scripting frees you from mundane and repetitive tasks, enabling you to focus on more interesting and challenging tasks.
Would you like to be able to analyze trends and be proactive rather than reactive? You can use Windows scripting to extract and manipulate huge quantities of information and turn out easy-to-use reports.
Would you like to be able to seize opportunities before they disappear? Windows scripting enables you to take advantage of opportunities and be more effective. You can solve problems quickly and efficiently.
Would you like to be a top performer and receive the praise you deserve? Windows scripting enables you to accomplish in hours or days what would otherwise take weeks or months with traditional techniques. You’ll be more successful and more productive at work.
Would you like to be able to integrate activities and applications? Windows scripting enables you to integrate information from existing systems and applications, allowing you to kick off a series of tasks simply by starting a script.
Would you like to have fun at work? Windows scripting can be fun, challenging, and rewarding. Give it a try and you’ll see!
If Windows scripting can do so much, it must be terribly complex, right? On the contrary—it is its simplicity that enables you to do so much, not complexity. Many Windows scripts are only a few lines long and you can create them in a few minutes!
Taking a look at Windows Scripting
Two different architectures are used for scripting in Windows. The older one uses the Windows Script Host and the newer one uses PowerShell. A lot of the tasks that can be carried out using the VBScript in the Windows Scripting Host can be transferred to PowerShell. However not all the tasks that can be run in PowerShell can be transferred to Windows Script Host scripts so easily. For a lot of organizations using various derivatives of Visual Basic—in Web pages, Office applications, Windows forms applications—makes a de-facto standard.
Windows Script Host Architecture
Windows Script Host (WSH) has been part of Windows since Windows NT4. Windows Script Host provides architecture for building dynamic scripts that consist of a core object model, scripting hosts, and scripting engines—each of which is discussed in the sections that follow.
Getting Started with Windows Script Host
Windows Script Host is a core component of the Windows operating system and, as such, is installed by default when you install Windows. Like other components, Windows Script Host can be uninstalled. It can also be upgraded through downloads or by installing service packs. To ensure that Windows Script Host is installed on your system, type cscript at a command prompt. You should see version information for Windows Script Host as well as usage details. If you don’t see this information, Windows Script Host may not be installed and you’ll need to install it as you would any other Windows component.
The key components of Windows Script Host are as follows:
WScript: A Windows executable for the scripting host that is used when you execute scripts from the desktop. This executable has GUI controls for displaying output in pop-up dialog boxes.
CScript: A command-line executable for the scripting host that is used when you execute scripts from the command line. This executable displays standard output at the command line.
WSH ActiveX Control: An ActiveX control that provides the core object model for the scripting host.
Scripting Engines: Scripting engines provide the core functions, objects, and methods for a particular scripting language. VBScript and JScript scripting engines are installed by default on Windows.
A Windows script is a text file containing a series of commands. Unlike shell scripts, Windows script commands don’t resemble commands that you’d type in at the keyboard. Instead, they follow the syntax for the scripting language you are using, such as VBScript or JScript.
Windows scripts can be created in Notepad. When you finish creating the script, save it with an extension appropriate for the scripting language (.vbs for VBScript, .js for JScript, or .wsf for batch scripts that combine scripts with markup). Once you create a Windows script, you run it with WScript or CScript.
Using and running scripts
Windows scripts can be run with either WScript or CScript, and most of the time the application you use depends on your personal preference. However, you’ll find that WScript works best for scripts that interact with users, especially if the script displays results as standard text output. For tasks that you want to automate or run behind the scenes, you’ll probably prefer CScript, with which you can suppress output and prompts for batch processing.
You can use WScript and CScript with scripts in several different ways. The easiest way is to set WScript as the default application for scripts and then run scripts by clicking their file name in Windows Explorer. Don’t worry—you don’t have to do anything fancy to set WScript as the default. The first time you click a Windows script, you’ll be asked if you’d like to associate the file extension with WScript. Click Yes. Alternatively, you may see an Open With dialog box that asks which program you would like to use to open the file. Choose WScript, and then check the Always use this program to open this file
You can also set CScript as the default interface. When you do this, clicking a Windows script runs CScript instead of WScript. Or, you could run scripts from the Run prompt just as you could when WScript was the default. To run scripts with CScript from the command line, enter cscript followed by the pathname of the script you want to execute. For now, don’t worry about the details; you’ll find detailed instructions in Chapter 4.
Core object model
The core object model and scripting hosts are packaged with WSH for Windows. The core object model is implemented in the WSH.ocx ActiveX control. WSH.ocx provides the key functionality necessary for scripts to interact with the operating system. In WSH, objects are simply named containers that you’ll use to interact with operating system components. For example, you’ll use the WshNetwork object to access and configure network resources, such as printers and drives.
Each object has properties and methods that are used to perform certain types of tasks. Properties are attributes of an object that you can access. Methods are procedures that you’ll use to perform operations. As with other object-based programming languages, you can work with objects in a variety of ways. You can use built-in objects, create new objects based on the built-in objects, or define your own objects using unique methods and properties.
Table 1-1 provides a summary of the WSH object model. The WSH object hierarchy can be broken down into two broad categories: exposed objects and non-exposed objects. Exposed objects, such as WScript, are the ones you’ll work with in your scripts. Non-exposed objects, such as WshCollection, are accessed through the methods or properties of other objects. These objects do the behind-the-scenes work.
Table 1-1: Core WSH Objects
note.epsWith the JScript scripting engine, the letter case for object, method, and property names is important. The JScript engine doesn’t recognize an object unless you reference it properly. For example, with WScript, the JScript engine does not recognize Wscript. Because VBScript really doesn’t care about letter case, either Wscript or WScript works just fine.
More on scripting hosts
To execute Windows scripts, you’ll use one of the two scripting hosts available, either WScript or CScript. WScript has GUI controls for displaying output in pop-up dialog boxes and is used primarily when you execute scripts from the desktop. CScript is the command-line executable for the scripting host that is used when you execute scripts from the command line. Although you can work with both of these hosts in much the same way, there are some features specific to each, which we discuss later in Chapter 4. For now, let’s focus on how the scripting hosts work.
Several file extensions are mapped for use with the scripting hosts. These file extensions are:
.js: Designates scripts written in JScript
.vbs: Designates scripts written in VBScript
.wsf: Designates a Windows script file
.wsh: Designates a WSH properties file
A limitation of .js and .vbs files is that they can contain only JScript or VBScript statements, respectively, and you cannot mix and match. This is where .wsf files come into the picture. You can use .wsf files to create WSH jobs, or what I call batch scripts. These batch scripts can combine multiple types of scripts and can also include type libraries containing constants.
Batch scripts contain markup tags that identify elements within the batch, such as individual jobs and the scripting language being used. These markup tags are defined as XML (Extensible Markup Language) elements. XML is structured much like HTML and uses plain-text characters. You can use any text editor to create batch scripts and, because batch scripts contain XML, you can also use an XML editor.
Windows scripts can also use .wsh files. These files contain default settings for scripts, such as timeout values and script paths. Because of the introduction of .wsf files and direct in-script support for most script properties, .wsh files are rarely needed.
More on scripting engines
Scripting engines provide the core language functionality for Windows scripts and are packaged separately from the Windows Script Host itself. You can obtain scripting engines for JScript, VBScript, Perl, TCL, Python, and more. The official Microsoft scripting engines for VBScript and JScript are standard components on Windows and are the focus of this book.
With Windows scripting, many of the features available for scripting with Internet Explorer and the Web aren’t available. Functions needed for Web scripting simply aren’t needed for Windows scripting and vice versa. For example, in JScript, none of the window-related objects are available in WSH because, in Windows, you normally don’t need to access documents, forms, frames, applets, plug-ins, or any of those other browser-related features. The exception to this is if you create a script that starts a browser session; within the browser session, you can use the browser-related objects as much as you want.
Right now, you may be wondering what exactly is and isn’t supported by Windows scripts. In a nutshell, the scripting engines support core language and language runtime environments. The core language includes operators, statements, built-in objects, and built-in functions. Operators are used to perform arithmetic, comparisons, and more. Statements are used to make assignments, to conditionally execute code, and to control the flow within a script. For example, you can use for looping to execute a section of code for a specific count. These types of statements are all defined in the core language. Beyond this, the core language also defines the core functions and objects that perform common operations such as evaluating expressions, manipulating strings, and managing data.
The runtime environment adds objects to the core object model. These objects are used to work with the operating system and are available only with Windows Scripting. Table 1-2 provides a complete list of the available VBScript objects. The list is organized according to where the objects originate, either in the runtime environment or the core object model.
Table 1-2: VBScript Objects for Windows Scripting
Table 1-3 provides a complete list of available JScript objects. Again, the list is organized according to where the objects originate.
Table 1-3: JScript Objects for Windows Scripting
Windows PowerShell Architecture
The name PowerShell
explains the key architectural difference from the Windows Scripting Host. PowerShell began life as a command-line shell—like Windows CMD.EXE, and you can interact with it—so where VBScript or JScript programs are written in Notepad and run using the appropriate language inside the scripting host, the lines of a PowerShell script might be tested at a command prompt one by one and then gathered into a script.
As a shell, PowerShell can chain commands together using piping—that is, sending the output of one command into another using the | symbol. Often, development consists of running a command, checking its output, piping that output into something, checking that, and building up a long and complex line.
One of the important things that sets PowerShell apart from CMD.EXE is that where a command returns text to CMD, PowerShell’s commands return objects. The properties and methods of those objects can be used by commands further along a pipeline.
Compared with the WSH languages, PowerShell’s use of objects is both broader and deeper. Its use is deeper because .NET defines types such as text strings, and provides methods for working with them. PowerShell does not need to write a function for getting a substring from a bigger string—that’s inherited from .NET, as is PowerShell’s file handling, arithmetic, and so on (so PowerShell doesn’t need to implement the core functions found in the WSH languages). PowerShell’s use of objects is broader, because PowerShell has access to .NET objects, as well as COM ones and ready-made commands for getting to WMI and Active Directory objects.
WMI objects provide management, configuration, and performance information for many server applications and Windows components—indeed you could do a lot with just piping the output of PowerShell’s Get-WMIObject command into its Format-Table command.
PowerShell was designed to be highly extensible. Not only can your own scripts become part of the working environment, but also developers can write snap-ins that extend the environment with compiled code. These add to the set of commands available inside PowerShell—the term command
in PowerShell covers all the different things that can be invoked from the prompt: external programs, scripts, functions loaded from scripts, and what PowerShell terms CMDlets
from the snap-ins. PowerShell provides five snap-ins by default.
Table 1-4: PowerShell Snap-ins
Other products that run on Windows can provide their own snap-ins—for example, Exchange2007, SQL Server 2008, and various members of the system center family provide their own snap-ins to allow PowerShell to be used as the scripting environment to manage them. At the time of this writing, Windows Server 2008 R2 has only just been announced: It will include an updated version of PowerShell, and more Windows components will have snap-ins to manage them.
The CMDLets snap-ins can also implement providers. The Security snap-in loads a provider for the Certificate store, so you can browse through it as if it were a file system. The Core snap-in has one for the registry, so you can treat branches of the registry like folders on your hard disk. Again, additional snap-ins can add to the list of providers.
Although PowerShell is a shell, it is possible to use the engine from another program without loading the host
—the command Window that is wrapped around the engine. Increasingly it is expected that management tools for Microsoft products will be written as PowerShell snap-ins and then the GUI management tools will invoke CMDlets in these. This allows you to carry out a task in the GUI, discover the script that would carry it out, and use that as the basis for your own scripts.
PowerShell scripts have a .ps1 file extension, but to avoid the dangers of PowerShell automatically running a malicious script, the file type is not tied to the PowerShell executable. You can run PowerShell.exe with a command line that is the name of a script. Or you can invoke the script inside the shell. There is no equivalent to the choice between CScript and WScript.
Is there any need to learn anything other than PowerShell? That’s less of a point of argument between the contributors of this book than you might imagine. It’s going to become harder to be a properly rounded IT professional in a Microsoft environment without PowerShell, but the other languages will be with us for many years. Few organizations will see sense in re-writing a perfectly good VB or JScript script as a PowerShell one, and there are libraries and code samples that exist only in those languages. Sometimes it will make sense to translate them into PowerShell (which requires the ability to understand the script) and sometimes it will make sense to adapt an existing script in its existing language.
Now that you have a taste of what Windows scripting is all about, it’s time to go to the next level. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide essential scripting techniques for VBScript, JScript, and PowerShell, respectively. Carefully study these chapters before proceeding as they describe the core mechanics of scripting, covering variables, arrays, operators, conditional statements, control loops, procedures, and more. Once we have covered these core mechanics, we won’t waste your time rehashing how these features work with every future scripting example. Instead, we will trust that you’ve reviewed and understand the core mechanics and want to focus on the new materials we are discussing in a particular chapter. Even if you know some scripting basics, we recommend that you use these chapters to brush up on your VBScript, JScript, and PowerShell knowledge.
Chapter 2
VBScript Essentials
In This Chapter
Variable naming and types
Using and sizing arrays
Working with conditional statements
Using control loops
Understanding and using procedures
Microsoft Visual Basic scripting edition (VBScript) has long been the favorite scripting language of Microsoft developers and soon it will be your favorite as well. VBScript is easy to learn and use, making the language a great choice, especially if you don’t have a programming background.
Working with Variables
Variables are a part of most scripting languages, and VBScript is no exception. A variable is simply a placeholder for a value you want to work with.
Variable naming
You can create a variable by assigning the variable a name, which you can refer to in your code later. Variable names, like other VBScript structures, follow standard naming conventions. These naming rules are as follows:
Names must begin with an alphabetic character.
Names cannot contain periods.
Names must be less than 256 characters in length.
Variable names also have an additional property, which isn’t the case of other structures in VBScript. They are case-sensitive, meaning value1, Value1, and VALUE1 are all different variables. However, method, function, and object references in VBScript are not case-sensitive. For example, you can echo to the screen using any of the following commands:
wscript.echo This is a test!
Wscript.echo This is a test!
WScript.Echo This is a test!
But in reality, the correct capitalization for this reference is WScript.Echo.
Declaring variables
In VBScript, variables are declared either explicitly or implicitly. To declare a variable explicitly, use the keyword Dim to tell VBScript that you are creating a variable and then specify the variable name, such as:
Dim newString
You can then assign a value to the variable, such as:
newString = I really love VBScript!
You can also declare multiple variables at the same time. You do this by separating the variable names with commas:
Dim firstName, lastName, middleInitial
To declare a variable implicitly, use the variable name without first declaring it; you don’t need to use the Dim keyword. In this instance, VBScript creates the variable for you.
The problem with implicit variables is that any name is assumed to be valid, so you can mistakenly assign values to the wrong variable and you won’t know it. Consider the following example, in which you assign a value to theTotal and later assign a value to a variable called theTotals:
theTotal = sumA + sumB + sumC
'working with the variable
'now you need to increase the total
theTotals = theTotals + 1
tip.epsEverything following a single quotation mark is interpreted as a comment. You can use comments anywhere in a line of code.
In this example, we meant to increase theTotal, but increased theTotals instead. To avoid situations like this, set Option Explicit, which requires that all variables be declared explicitly with the Dim keyword and also ensures the validity of your variables. This option should be placed at the beginning of your script, as shown in Listing 2-1.
Listing 2-1: Using Variables
Option Explicit
'Setting variables
Dim sumA, sumB, sumC
Dim theTotal
sumA = 100
sumB = 10*10
sumC = 1000/10
'Get the total
theTotal = sumA + sumB + sumC
'write total to command-line using WScript.Echo
wScript.Echo Total =
, theTotal
Variable types
VBScript assigns all variables to the variant data type. Variants can hold numeric or string data and each is handled differently. The primary way in which VBScript determines if something is a number or a string is through the use of double quotation marks. In the previous code sample, sumA, sumB, and sumC are all handled as numbers. If you add double quotation marks to the values, they are treated as strings, as in the following example:
sumA = 100
sumB = 10*10
sumC = 1000/10
The use of strings yields very different results when you add the values together, and as a result, the value of theTotal is:
The reason for this is that while numbers are summed, strings are concatenated so you get the literal sum of all characters in the string. To complicate things a bit more, VBScript also uses variable subtypes. Variable subtypes are summarized in Table 2-1. Subtypes enable you to put certain types of information into categories, which allows for better handling of dates, floating-point numbers, integers, and other types of variables. For example, if you are working with dates and you need to add two dates together, you wouldn’t want the result to be an integer. Instead, you’d want the dates to be handled as dates and the result of any operations to be dates, which is exactly what subtypes offer.
Table 2-1: Variable Subtypes in VBScript
Generally, if you use whole numbers, such as 3 or 5, with a variable, VBScript creates the variable as an Integer. Variables with values that use decimal points, such as 3.125 or 5.7, are generally assigned as Doubles, double-precision floating-point values. Variables with values entered with a mixture of alphabetical and numeric characters, such as Yeah! and Q3, are created as Strings.
Converting variable types
VBScript can automatically convert between some variable types, and this eliminates most variable conflict. However, if you try to add a string variable to a numeric variable type, you will get an error. Because of this, do not try to perform numeric calculations with alphanumeric data.
That said, VBScript includes many different functions for converting data from one subtype to another. These functions are summarized in Table 2-2.
Table 2-2: Functions for Converting Variable Subtypes
Working with conversion functions is a lot easier than you may think. To convert a value, just pass the value to the conversion function, as follows:
stringA = 42
stringB = 37
intA = CInt(stringA) 'Set to integer value 42
intB = CInt(stringB) 'Set to integer value 37
The CBool(), CDate(), and CString() functions deserve a special note because they return output that is a bit different from what you might be used to. To learn more about these functions, take a look at Listing 2-2.
Listing 2-2: Using Conversion Functions
sumA = 30: sumB = 15 'Initialize variables
wscript.echo sumA:
& TypeName(sumA)
wscript.echo sumB:
& TypeName(sumB)
Test = CBool(sumA = sumB) 'Test contains false
sumB= sumB * 2 'Double value of sumB
Test = CBool(sumA = sumB) 'Test contains true
wscript.echo Test:
& TypeName(Test)
dateStr = December 10, 2005
'Define a date as a string
wscript.echo dateStr:
& TypeName(dateStr)
theDate = CDate(dateStr) 'Convert to Date data type
wscript.echo theDate:
& TypeName(theDate)
timeStr = 8:25:10 AM
'Define a time as a string
theTime = CDate(timeStr) 'Convert to Date data type
wscript.echo timeStr:
& TypeName(timeStr)
wscript.echo theTime:
& TypeName(theTime)
aDouble = 715.255 'Define a numeric value
aString = CStr(aDouble) 'Convert to a string
wscript.echo aDouble:
& TypeName(aDouble)
wscript.echo aString:
& TypeName(aString)
This code produces the following output:
sumA: Integer
sumB: Integer
Test: Boolean
dateStr: String
theDate: Date
timeStr: String
theTime: Date
aDouble: Double
aString: String
Working with Constants
Constants provide an easy way to use specific values without actually having to remember related value codes or strings. By using constants, you make it easier to maintain your code should the value of a constant ever change. You’ll also see constants referred to as literals. To help differentiate constants from variables, you should use a unique prefix or formatting.
Using built-in constants
In VBScript, constants are either intrinsic (built-in) or declared explicitly. VBScript has many built-in constants. Because built-in constants are already defined, you don’t need to explicitly declare them in your scripts. All VBScript constants begin with the prefix vb.
Table 2-3 shows the available color constants. Table 2-4 shows the available date and time constants. Many other constants are defined as well, and are referenced in the appropriate sections of this book.
Table 2-3: Color Constants
Table 2-4: Date and Time Constants
Declaring constants
You declare a constant explicitly using the keyword Const to tell VBScript that you are creating a constant, specify the constant name, and then assign a value to the constant, such as:
Const COMPANYID = 4876-54-32-87A
Constant names don’t need to be in all caps. However, to give constants a unique formatting that differentiates them from variables, we decided to use all caps in the examples in this section.
Here, you are declaring the COMPANYID constant and setting a string value of 4876-54-32-87A. With string constants, the quotation marks are necessary to differentiate a string value from other types of values.
When you declare a numeric constant, you don’t need to use quotation marks. The following example declares a numeric constant:
Here, you are declaring the PROJECTNUMBER constant and setting a numeric value of 789.
You declare date and time constants by enclosing them in number signs (#), such as:
Const PROJECTSTARTDATE = #12-15-07#
Working with Arrays
Using arrays, you can group related sets of data together. The most common type of array you’ll use is one-dimensional, but you can create arrays with up to 60 dimensions if you want to. While a one-dimensional array is like a column of tabular data, a two-dimensional array is like a spreadsheet with rows and columns, and a three-dimensional array is like a 3D grid.
Initializing arrays
Arrays are declared much like regular variables except you follow the variable name with information describing the size and dimensions of the array. You can initialize an array with ten data elements as follows:
Dim bookArray(9)
Values in an array always begin at 0 and end at the number of data points in the array minus 1. This is the reason an array with 10 data points is initialized as bookArray(9). To access elements in an array, reference the element’s index position within the array. For example, bookArray(0) references the first element, bookArray(1) references the second element, and so on. Use the index position to set values for the array as well, as in the following:
bookArray(0) = A Tale Of Two Cities
bookArray(1) = Grapes Of Wrath
Using arrays with multiple dimensions
Multiple dimensions are created by separating the size of each dimension with commas, such as currentArray(3,3,3) or testArray(2,5,5,4). You can create a two-dimensional array with five columns each with four rows of data points as follows:
Dim myArray(4,3)
Then, if you want to obtain the value of a specific cell in the spreadsheet, you can use the following:
theValue = arrayName(columns -1, rows -1)
in which columns is the column position of the cell and rows is the row position of the cell. Following this, you can get the value of the cell in column 3, row 2 with this statement:
myValue = myArray(2,1)
Sizing arrays
Sizing arrays on-the-fly allows you to use input from users to drive the size of an array. You declare a dynamic array without specifying its dimensions, as follows:
Dim userArray()
Then size the array later using the ReDim function:
ReDim userArray(currValues - 1)
ReDim userArray(numColumns - 1, numRows - 1)
You can also use ReDim to change the size of an existing array. For example, you can increase the size of an array from 10 elements to 20 elements. However, when you change the size of an existing array, the array’s data contents are destroyed. To prevent this, use the Preserve keyword, as follows:
ReDim Preserve userArray(numColumns - 1, numRows - 1)
VBScript Operators
Operators are used to perform mathematical operations, to make assignments, and to compare values. The two key types of operators you’ll use in VBScript are arithmetic operators and comparison operators. As you’ll see, VBScript supports fewer operators than the command line. While this may seem limiting, VBScript makes up for this by allowing you to use floating-point values and integers with high precision.
note.epsVBScript also has logical operators such as AND, NOT, OR, and XOR. With the exception of NOT, these operators are rarely used.
Arithmetic operators
VBScript supports a standard set of arithmetic operators. These operators are summarized in Table 2-5.
Table 2-5: Arithmetic Operators in VBScript
As you can see in Table 2-5, there are few surprises when it comes to VBScript operators. Still, a few standouts are worth mentioning. In VBScript, you determine remainders using the Mod function versus the % for the command line. But the syntax is essentially the same. With the expression:
Answer = 9 Mod 3
Answer is set to 0.