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Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Heart
Ebook13 pages12 minutes

Bleeding Heart

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About this ebook

Dear friend, I take this precious moment to share with you what I cannot bring myself to say in your face, I sat down and thought of what a friend is to me and the list is endless. It is by chance we met and by choice we became friends. When counting my blessings I count you twice. What I have learned so far is that don't beat yourself for what you did yesterday or else you will never have the strength to live for tomorrow. But I want you to know that I know my worth and who I am. Thank you for degrading to me.

PublisherAkinyi Ali
Release dateApr 8, 2017
Bleeding Heart

Akinyi Ali

let us join hands and work on a way to help cancer patients. the cost of medication is very high, download the book and 30% will be to help the people who need our hand. if we learn to share the little we have we will be at a better place coz a man who walks a lone does less.Whose Akinyi? She is just like any ordinary human being who responds to pain.I am the sixth born in a family of seven. With five brothers and a sister.Am currently working on a romance novel which will be out soon.

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    Book preview

    Bleeding Heart - Akinyi Ali

    Blown by the Wind

    Let something of me survive.

    If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go further go together.

    African proverb

    Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy.

    Love does not parade itself, ids not puffed up.

    Does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, and thinks no evil.

    Does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth.

    Bears all things, believe in all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.

    I knew people were different; from the way they spoke, dressed, laughed and talked. They all have things to worry about, that is what makes us human. Some were busy with chitchat. Some gazed at what seemed to amaze their eyes. But who are we to judge? No one is perfect, that is what defines us.

    Gazing at the road there were

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