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Stop with the SQUAWK!
Stop with the SQUAWK!
Stop with the SQUAWK!
Ebook40 pages8 minutes

Stop with the SQUAWK!

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In the town of Froghop lives a lonely parrot named Aku (AH-koo). Aku tries hard to make friends all day, but the other animals always run away. You see, his pleading parrot-hello is viewed as a bothersome SQUAWK.

Poor Aku. He is a sad bird.

One day, Abbot Rabbit and cousin Cabot Rabbit, with help from Ella Eagle, come up with a plan to help Aku STOP the SQUAWK. Something special happens!

Join Aku and his fellow Froghop animals—Rumbo Raccoon, Grandpa Turtle, Munk the Skunk, Pappy Porcupine, and the froggies— as they journey from irritation to friendship and experience the joy of learning.

Release dateJul 25, 2017
Stop with the SQUAWK!

Lynette Haddock

(Lynette Haddock (pen name Grammy Lyn) is also the children's author of "The Three Spunkiens Find a Monkey," "The Three Spunkiens on Safari," "The Three Siblings and the Weird Hill," and "Stop with the Squawk!" under the pen name of "Grammy Lyn." Growing up in Nigeria and Ghana, West Africa, and traveling the African continent, Grammy Lyn's children's books are full of animal adventure.) Having taught music (Elementary, Junior High, and College) for over thirty years, Professor Haddock writes from the experience of explaining the basic building blocks of music to students. With thirty years at the college level, L C Haddock has taught classes in Fundamentals of Music, as well as Theory and Musicianship (Sightsinging and Eartraining). Understanding how students learn has enabled her to concentrate on the smallest teachable concepts, hone her craft of presenting those concepts to her students, and watch the students successfully master the concepts. In her words, "Textbooks sometimes lose track of the essential thread upon which most music concepts are based—key signatures. The reason we teach fundamentals of music is because there really are basic fundamentals in music. These fundamentals are the underpinnings of the superb music of the ages. They are used over and over and can be learned. My goal is to write mini-books that focus on mastery of these fundamentals, spiraling conceptual learning by systematically building new learning upon previous learning. Key signatures need to be learned before attempting scales. Once students learn key signatures, they can build and analyze chords, build and analyze intervals, and write major and minor scales. Building concept upon concept with intentional reinforcement of previous concepts results in solid academic understanding and retention."

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    Book preview

    Stop with the SQUAWK! - Lynette Haddock

    Stop with the SQUAWK!


    Grammy Lyn

    Illustrated by

    Gavin Brown (age 9)

    Copyright © 2016 Lynette Cobb Haddock

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    About the Book

    In the town of Froghop lives a lonely parrot named Aku (AH-koo). Aku tries hard to make friends all day, but the other animals always run away. You see, his pleading parrot-hello is viewed as a bothersome SQUAWK.

    Poor Aku. He is a sad bird.

    One day, Abbot

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