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Buying Love with Autism
Buying Love with Autism
Buying Love with Autism
Ebook30 pages56 minutes

Buying Love with Autism

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About this ebook

Travis tries hard to fall in love with the right woman. Having autism it is harder for him to connect with others, Out of desperation Travis tries buying love from his peers by taking them shopping and buying them nice things in order for them to like him. Travis grew up forming this bad habit because that is the only way he could get attention from girls due to his social issues from the autism. Now Travis tries to break that horrible habit of buying people's love and affection by learning the social skills that is necessary to connect with someone else for free without paying them. Travis has accumulated a lot of debt over the past fifteen years as he has felt like he had to buy love and now that debt is coming back to haunt him. Travis says "the reality is that when you are desperate for love and affection a person will go to great lengths to try and solve their loneliness issues. This book will open your eyes to how autistic people can be exploited and taken advantage of.

Release dateJul 28, 2017
Buying Love with Autism

Travis Breeding

Travis is an author from Huntington Indiana how enjoys entertaining and educating through words. He enjoys telling a story and taking it from his mind to paper. He has authored several books on autism, mental illness, schizophrenia, and disability issues. He continues to write about those issues but also explores some fiction writing as well. Travis has a loving family and enjoys spending time with friends and family. He loves to play bingo and meet new people. One day Travis hopes to start a family of his own and give them so much love. Travis would like to thank his readers for supporting him on his journey of becoming an author. He could not have done it without you. If you would like to get in touch with Travis please email him at tbreedauthoratgmaildotcom,

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    Buying Love with Autism - Travis Breeding

    Buying Love with Autism

    Travis Breeding

    Published by Travis Breeding at Smashwords

    Copyright 2017 Travis Breeding

    All Rights Reserved


    Buying Love with Autism

    About the Author

    Buying Love with Autism

    After leaving my job in a sheer attempt to show that I was like everyone else, and was cool, had some guts, and could stand up to people. I returned to school. This time I would be taking real academic classes instead of just the music ensembles. This would provide a little bit of spark in my life once I got past all of the anxiety that starting school led to.

    I was taking about sixteen credit hours this particular semester. While the majority of them were still music courses I also had to take some challenging general education courses. I wasn’t able to concentrate very well in my general education classes due to the amount of social anxiety that I was having. It seemed like every attempted approach to make a friend was a disaster and would lead to bad things.

    IWU Wind Ensemble

    Once again music would be the thing that kept me motivated and trying to succeed in school. I would once again be named section leader of the trombone section which was something that I could be proud of. As section leader I was also eligible to receive grant money for each semester in the amount of $500.00. I wasn’t able to tell if other students in the group liked me too much or not, but after reflecting back on this a year or two later in talking with Mr. Flanagin it was decided that they all liked me but they just weren’t sure what to make of me at first. They thought I was a little strange.

    While being at Indiana Wesleyan was nice in a way because of the fact that supposedly the majority of the students that attended there were good solid Christians. This would make some aspects of life easier but also some other aspects of life a little more challenging.

    I was once again a part of the Indiana Wesleyan University Honors Brass Quintet. This was again one of the finest quintets in which I had really ever had a chance to play in. There were two outstanding guys in the group; not only outstanding musicians but they were just all around good people. Phil Wiseman is one of the coolest guys I’d ever met in my life and he actually talked to me and made me feel a little bit included. Paul French was another outstanding musician

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