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A Practical Guide to Photography
A Practical Guide to Photography
A Practical Guide to Photography
Ebook236 pages1 hour

A Practical Guide to Photography

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About this ebook

Take your camera off auto and learn how to take control and get better photos than you ever did before. In this free downloadable ebook, I have put together all the basics in a simple, practical and jargon-free way. Illustrations and examples photographs show you exactly how each effect works, so it's just like being out there on a workshop doing it yourself.

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Everything you wanted to know about photography but were afraid to ask

When I started learning photography back in 1997, I picked up an old book which taught me everything I needed to know in order to fully understand how a camera and photography works. While we have moved on to digital and cameras have become more complex and, in some ways, easier to use, these basics are just as important today as they ever were.

Laid out in a simple, visual and easy to read format that is devoid of technical jargon, the book helps you understand all the essentials such as: light, exposure, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, white balance, focussing and exposure compensation.

Using illustrations and example photographs, you can more easily see how all these work and how each effect is applied.

A simple, practical way to learn all the skills you need to take great photos like the pros

Release dateJun 1, 2017
A Practical Guide to Photography

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    Book preview

    A Practical Guide to Photography - Ian Middleton

    Part 1: Introduction to light & direction of light


    From the Greek word which literally means:

    Drawing with light

    Light travels in straight lines and without it we cannot see.



    Most objects do not give off their own light, so what we see is the light that is reflected off the subject into our eyes, and this in turn determines how the object or scene appears to us.

    When light is low we don’t see things so clearly. When there is zero light we see absolutely nothing, even if objects are right there in front of our eyes. So, in the same way that our eyes need light to see, the camera needs light to capture a picture.

    Light is everything when it comes to photography, and it not only determines what we see, but also how we see it. All of us are aware that the world around us appears differently depending on the day, the weather, and time of day or year.

    So, just as the light determines how we see things, it also dictates, to some degree, how our photo will look. Therefore, not only do we have to consider how much light is available, but also:

    •  The quality of the light

    •  The colour of the light

    •  The direction of the light

    •  The source of the light

    •  How the light is falling upon our subject and what effect it has

    Light can come from a variety of sources:

    •  Natural light from the sun (best)

    •  Artificial light (bulbs etc.)

    •  Camera flash

    •  Candles

    There are various types of light

    Direct light (hard light from a small source) (sun, flash, street lights, candles) This produces high contrast images with lots of shadows and definition, along with bright, vivid colours

    Diffused light (soft light from a large source) (cloudy day, big windows, large studio softboxes) This gives soft, low contrast images with little or no shadow, along with softer more subtle colours

    Indirect light (Reflected light) (water, bounced flash, large surfaces). Softens and diffuses light. Can also help to fill in unwanted shadows.

    Search for the light

    It’s all about the light and not about photoshop... While many believe that photoshop is some kind of magic tool for photographers, it isn’t. The light is our magic tool. It determines from the very start how our image will look. You could never turn the image on the left into the image on the right using software and make it look natural.


    On the left image cloud has thrown the tree and foreground into shade, so both are devoid of colour and texture. However, light is still falling on the mountains and the two people in the lower right corner. The patch of white brightly lit cloud behind has also helped make the people stand out.

    On the right photo, the cloud cleared and sunlight fell on the foreground and tree, bringing out the colour and texture of the tree.

    The different type of light here has created two entirely different scenes. On the next pages we will see just how the different types of light affect our scene.

    Direct light effects

    hard shadows_A4 gradient.jpg

    Direct light comes from one direction and therefore produces bright and dark sides to the subject it illuminates. The result, as you can see by the illustration, is a high contrast scene with hard light, hard shadows and hard edges with lots of definition.


    The picture of the snowboarder was taken on a bright, clear sunny day, so here direct light from the sun was illuminating the subject. Notice how bright the colours are, and how much detail, definition and sharpness there is on the subject. As the subject was in the air with nothing but the sky behind, then shadows were avoided. This was also taken in winter, when the air was clear and free of moisture. So take note of light quality. It’s not enough that it’s sunny. While the sun may beout, there could still be a lot of haze and moisture in the air, which affects the clarity of a scene. This is especially true in the summer months when it’s hot. Time of year and the time of day are also important. When the sun is higher in the sky, around midday or during the summer months, then the light is harsh and hazy. Because this was taken on a mountaintop ski resort in winter, the air was crystal clear which has also resulted in a crystal clear image. During winter the sun is lower in the sky so the light is less harsh. And finally, snow is reflective, so the underside of the boarder and snowboard is also lit. So not only does this image have direct light, but also reflected light.

    Unwanted shadow

    When photographing in direct light, shadows can be a major problem. So you must look carefully when photographing under these conditions.

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