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Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.
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Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

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Bombing minds rather than bodies is the warfare of the new millennium. This book uncovers the terrifying extent of electromagnetic and biotelemetric mind control experimentation on involuntary human subjects.

"The evidence presented in this book is a savage indictment of democracy-turned-dictatorship. The sordid truth about what really goes on in the halls of power is often too much to take, but it does help to have some idea of what we're up against." -- Nexus

PublisherFeral House
Release dateSep 1, 1995
Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A.

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    Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. - Alex Constantine


    The Deep Politics of Psychocivilization

    Rent-a-Tent, Rent-a-Tent...

    For the past fifty years a pathological science has evolved in the netherworld of the national security elite. Like a buxom siren, the science of mind control beckons the technocrat with Machiavellian ambitions into assuming the position of a petty god.

    He dreams of cybernetic control of whole populations.

    At one point in their careers, in fact, most of the upper-tier academics employed in federal mind control research have publicly expressed a yearning for a psychocivilized society. Subjects of the experimentation have glimpsed their dream—a daily regimen of dehumanizing harrassment and even torture from a remote source, usually veiled by hypnotic memories of alien contact or the like. The number of human guinea pigs is growing. The experiments have encompassed entire cities. Electromagnetic influence over the brain and body—flashy comic book technology—is a recurring theme in these pages, which attempts to cut through the veil thrown up by the media around the skulking of the CIA and other totalitarian branches of government.

    The science of mind control has achieved the scale of a criminal subculture, and left a wide path of chaos and confusion that crosses all international boundaries. The carnage takes place under the noses of the public, obscured by cover stories and dead witnesses and the incredible naivete of most news reporters. The cover stories take variegated forms:

    ♦   Brain Studies—On occasion, with startling candor, federally-funded psychiatrists sometimes blurt out to reporters their deepest desires. Dr. Karl Pribram, director of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory at Stanford University, once boasted, I certainly could educate a child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalamus. Selective stimulation, he said, meant that I can grossly change his behavior. In Psychology Today for October, 1973 M.I.T. Professor Stephan Chorover observed: Too many contemporary neuro- and behavioral-scientists seem committed to a narrow, unrealistic view of human social behavior. They focus mainly on the possibility of controlling behavior. If this continues, psychotechnology will increasingly become a favorite tool of social and political repression.

    ♦   The Alien Invasion—a very active cover story for the development of mind control technology. Supposedly (as those weird syndicated UFO television programs keep reminding us) alien scientists have voyaged millions of light years to place CIA implants in the bodies of human subjects. This incredible cover story is widely believed—yet most skeptics scoff at the notion that human scientists might want to do the same thing. The aliens have been pounded into the heads of the American consumer by a slue of books penned by military intelligence officers.

    ♦   Parapsychology, ESP and Remote Viewing Experiments—the type that made history at Stanford University and UCLA. These are usually astonishingly successful and passed off as proof of the paranormal, when in fact they are augmented by telemetric brain technology, and cannot help but succeed if the microwave transmitter is operating and set to the brain frequency of the percipient. Remote viewing, for example, is possible when an image is beamed to the visual pathways.

    Psychic Spying?

    Four years ago, officers of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency participated in a series of unusual experiments run by Stanford Research Institute (SRI) to verify claims that certain people have psychic abilities. The results SRI reported were astonishing.

    The SRI investigators, physicists Harold E. Puthoff (a former NSA research engineer) and Russell Targ, set out to demonstrate to their CIA sponsor that their subjects, noted psychic Ingo Swann and a middle-aged businessman named Pat Price, could describe distant locations merely by knowing which geographic coordinates to look at. Some parapsychologists call this alleged ability astral projection, or out of body experience. Puthoff and Targ prefer the term remote viewing.

    Targ and Puthoff—who have disavowed working for the CIA—have in common credentials in advanced laser technology. Puthoff, a high-ranking Scientologist, is the inventor of the tunable laser. Targ once designed a microwave plasma generator. Twilight Zone studies often front for the development of intrusive machines that interact with the cortex. (CIA critic Ken Lawrence sniffed, it takes considerable mind-bending to suppose the CIA hired men with these skills to try to read the Kremlin’s classified zener cards.)

    The remote viewing study, code-named Project Scanate, makes sense when considered a techno-organic test drive conducted under the rigorous control of the sponsor. The Washington Post reported that the Agency admitted transmitting coordinates from a monitor in Washington, D.C. to Stanford University. After the experiment, Pat Price, a psychic test subjects (yet another Scientologist), was asked to mentally revisit the site. She supplied the following details:

    Top of desk had papers labeled:



    File cabinet on north wall labeled:


    Folders inside cabinet labeled:


    14 BALL

    4 BALL


    Name of Site vague, seems like Hayford or Haystack Personnel:




    But Mr. Price wasn’t nearly satisfied with merely describing a top-secret satellite interrogation station complete with code words used to eavesdrop of Soviet space vehicles (if, in fact, he saw anything at all.) He volunteered to scan the other side of the globe for a (Soviet) Bloc equivalent, and found one in the Urals, according to the Stanford report on the experiment. He managed to give the map coordinates of the Soviet installation, described it in minute detail, including heliports, radar arrays, railroad tracks, and the observation of an unusually high ratio of women to men, at least at night.

    ♦   Space-Based Defense—As much as half the funding for Star Wars has disappeared into classified R&D programs (see Blue Smoke and Lasers). All along, Congress was assured by SDI officials that the funds were spent on the programs for which they were intended. Behind the Pentagon’s search for the perfect space-based X-ray laser, replete with faked testing and slick public relations, lurked a secret electromagnetic weapons program, and intrigues that proved fatal to 23 British scientists. Otherwise rational Ph.Ds were driven by an inexplicable, overpowering urge to destroy themselves by biting on live wires and driving furiously into brick walls.

    Under the increasingly anxious skies of California, SDI development was housed at Lawrence Livermore labs—once the site of remote viewing experiments similar to those at Stanford University.

    ♦   Non-lethal weapons—goop guns, robotic soldier-ants and acoustic bullets serve as a much-publicized Trojan horse for the proliferation and introduction of electromagnetic pulse weapons, infra-sound guns, plasma generators, killer satellites, computer-aided mental projection, cranial surveillance devices, EM brain-blasters, pulsed-microwave thought transference, cyborgian psychic driving techniques, computer-enhanced subliminal transmissions and other military spin-offs of remote mind control technology.

    ♦   Ritual child abuse—since 1963 the CIA and select branches of military intelligence have been intensely involved in the occult underground. Some of the most menticidal of the Mystery Cults participate in psychoactive drug experimentation, the development of harassment techniques, the testing of brain-intrusive devices on unwary human targets, hypno-programming, and so on.

    Dr. Catherine Gould, an Encino, California-based child therapist specializing in ritual abuse, found that mind control is originally established when the victim is a child under six years old. During this formative stage of development, perpetrating cult members systematically combine dissociation-enhancing drugs, pain, sexual assault, terror, and other forms of psychological abuse in such a way that the child dissociates the intolerable traumatic experience.

    Ad nauseum.

    Mediaeko, the Swedish investigative group, found that the hidden professional body of the mind control fraternity, wherever it operated internationally, together with the secret police, was to preserve the secrecy of mind control, since they could systematically certify any person who insisted that he or she had been subjected to such abuse. Now, the conviction of being externally-controlled, of being mind-read or subjected to long-term experimentation with radio-signals was due to the psychoses often referred to as persecution mania, paranoia or schizophrenia. The media have led the public at large to accept that such claims are the ravings of classic persecution mania.

    But once the curious political researcher learns his way around the covert mind control universe, it unfolds in media reports like a fine-point Oriental mural on torn rice paper. This volume is an encryption guide for reconstructing the picture from scraps of media disinformation of the type that flows from the False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

    Section One

    Telemetric Mind Control

    Chapter One

    Hearing Voices

    The Hidden History of CIA and Pentagon Electromagnetic Mind Control Experiments on Involuntary Human Subjects

    Ricardo S. Caputo was a very disturbed man, as the New York Times blared:



    In dozens of sessions with his attorney and psychiatrist, Caputo spoke of hearing bizarre voices and seeing hallucinations when driven to murderous fits. He described the three personalities inside him. In his diary, the killer wrote of his violent moods, preceded by broad lines crossing his vision whenever his emotional state deteriorated and the voices taunted him into a murderous rage.

    Desperate, Caputo turned to his brother Alfredo and hired the attorney. Heeding their advice, he surrendered to the Argentine authorities, but police and judges simply threw up their hands, the Times reported, "claiming that since no charges were pending against him, he could not be arrested, no matter how many crimes he confessed to. In his diary Caputo described the four killings, the broad lines scoring his vision when his emotions swung out of control and the voices harassed him. The voices, he said, did not let me have any peace."1

    An equally repugnant story was told by Carl Campbell, described by his mother as a troubled man haunted by voices. On May 5, 1991 Campbell strolled to a bus stop in the Pentagon parking lot and emptied five pistol rounds into the chest and abdomen of Navy Commander Edward J. Higgins, an arms control specialist for the DoD. Campbell was taken into custody by federal police and charged with first-degree murder.

    Psychologists submitted a report to U.S. Magistrate W. Curtis Sewell in Alexandria. In it, they wrote that Campbell claimed the CIA had injected him with a microchip that controlled his mind.2 In fact, there is a little known technique used by the CIA for injecting a computer chip into the bloodstream, which delivers it to the brain where it catches and lodges.3 The question is, how did Campbell, ruled mentally incompetent by the court, a gibbering psychotic, become familiar with an obscure procedure for implanting a biomedical telemetry chip?

    Early Giants of Remote Mind Control

    The CIA’s experiments in radio control of the brain are based on the development of the EEG in the 1920s. In 1934 Drs. Chaffee and Light published a pivotal monograph, A Method for Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System. Work along the same lines allowed Dr. Jose Delgado of Cordoba, Spain to climb into bull-ring and, with the push of a button, trigger an electrode in the head of a charging bull and stop the beast in its tracks.

    Further groundbreaking advances were made by L.L. Vasiliev, the famed Russian physiologist and doyan of parapsychology, in Critical Evaluation of the Hypnogenic Method. The article detailed the experiments of Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky in remote radio control of the brain, at a distance of one or more rooms and under conditions where the participant would not know or suspect that she would be experimented with.... One such experiment was carried out in a park at a distance, Vasiliev reported, and a posthypnotic mental suggestion to go to sleep was complied with within a minute.4

    By 1956 Curtiss Shafer, an electrical engineer for the Norden-Ketay Corporation, could explore the possibilities at the National Electronics Conference in Chicago. The ultimate achievement of biocontrol may be man himself, Shafer said. The controlled subjects would never be permitted to think as individuals. A few months after birth, a surgeon would equip each child with a socket mounted under the scalp and electrodes reaching selected areas of brain tissue. In this psycho-Arcadia, sensory perceptions and muscular activity could be either modified or completely controlled by bioelectric signals radiating from state-controlled transmitters.5

    The CIA had already rushed headlong into Shafer’s EMR dystopia with the founding of an experimental mind control clinic in Montreal, directed by the notorious D. Ewen Cameron, M.D. on grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and J.D. McConnell of the Montreal Star. Another pool of funding was the Gerschickter Foundation, named for Dr. Charles Gerschickter of Georgetown University Hospital, who had tested potent drugs on mental patients and the terminally ill, and bombarded monkeys with radar waves until they passed out at the behest of the CIA.6

    Allan Memorial was housed in a limestone mansion atop Mount Royal, donated by Sir Hugh Allan and staffed with emigre psychiatrists from war-crushed Europe.

    Cameron shared a bloodless, sadistic character with the Nazis he analyzed early in his career. Allan Memorial opened in 1942. Three years later he was invited to Nuremberg to evaluate the mental state of Rudolph Hess. In Germany Cameron could dissect the aberrations of fascist rule. Dr. Harvey Weinstein, a psychiatrist whose father was a guinea pig for Cameron’s mind control experiments, writes that Germany was a laboratory in which the issues of authority, powerlessness, individual motivation and behavior could be examined.7 And ruthlessly applied in Montreal. Cameron’s early revulsion at Nazi violence gave way to a growing elitist sensibility. His scorn for the weak, including his own mentally-crippled patients, qualified him for the carnage to come.

    In 1992 retired Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, formerly a Pentagon liaison to the CIA, told author Dick Russell that Allan Memorial was pretty well organized. Prouty:

    If you get ahold of a directory for the American Psychiatric Association in around 1956 or 1957, you’ll be surprised to find that an enormous percentage of the individuals listed are foreign-born. Mostly they came out of Germany and Eastern Europe in a big wave. They were all called technical specialists, but really they were psychiatrists. They went into jobs at universities mostly—but many were working on these ‘unconventional’ mind control programs for U.S. intelligence.... These would go to people like Dr. Cameron in Canada.8

    Not one of Cameron’s patients was ever cured in the Radio Telemetry Laboratory, a makeshift torture chamber assembled in the cellar of his own private Bedlam. The financial underpinnings for the experiments came from Cornell’s Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology, a CIA front. Cameron’s right-hand man was Leonard Rubenstein, an electrical whiz of Cockney descent who lacked medical bona fides, but passionately exercised a fascination with remote brain control. He foresaw the telemetry lab as the foundation of a sprawling psychopolitical Apparat that will keep tabs on people without their knowing, as he told a fellow staffer.9

    Cameron’s left hand was Dr. Walter Freeman, who had performed no less than 4,000 frontal lobotomies in 20 years of practice—often on patients suffering only mild depression or paranoia. Dr. Freeman went on to become a respected San Francisco brain specialist.10

    The psychotronic heart of the laboratory was the Grid Room, with its verticed, Amazing Tales interior. The subject was strapped into a chair involuntarily, by force, his head bristling with electrodes and transducers. Any resistance was met with a paralyzing dose of curare. The subject’s brain waves were beamed to a nearby reception room crammed with voice analyzers, a wire recorder and radio receivers cobbled together by Rubenstein.11 The systematic annihilation, or depatterning of a subject’s mind and memory, was accomplished with overdoses of LSD, barbiturate sleep for 65 days at a stretch and ECT shocks at 75 times the recommended dosage. Psychic driving, the repetition of a recorded message for 16 hours a day, programmed the empty mind. Fragile patients referred to Allan Memorial for help were thus turned into carbuncular jellyfish.12

    Yet Cameron, before his death in 1967, was president of the American and Canadian Psychiatric Associations.

    His work in brain emissions was balanced elsewhere by experiments in reception. Honeywell, Inc., for instance, launched into a method to penetrate inside a man’s mind and control his brain waves over long distance.13 The Scientific Engineering Institute in Boston, another CIA cover, was established in 1956 to study radar. In 1962 the SEI set up a Life Sciences lab to study the effects of electrodes deep within the brain.14 At the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Maitland Baldwin beamed radio signals into the brains of lobotomized monkeys. His CIA monitors noted weird excesses: in one experiment, Baldwin decapitated a monkey and transplanted its head to the body of another, then attempted to restore it to life with radar saturation.15

    At Langley the experiments were presided over by Dr. Stephen Aldrich, a patron of occult research, foreshadowing the use of mind control technology by satanic cults in the 1980s and ‘90s, according to Julianne McKinney, director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni.16 Dr. Aldrich, a graduate of Amherst and Northwestern, took control of The Firm’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) in 1962 upon the departure of Sidney Gottleib. The occasion marked the birth of Operation Often, an investigation of the occult. With Houston sorceress Sybil Leek as their guide, CIA behaviorists studied the arcana of the occult underground.17

    The SEI contributed a social laboratory to Often in 1972 at the University of South Carolina in the form of a course in rituals of demonology and voodoo.18

    Aldrich’s interest in the occult (shared by scores of others in the intelligence world.19) may explain his penchant for remote brain manipulation, based as it is in psychic technology. Under the direction of Aldrich, writes John Marks in The Search for the Manchurian Candidate, ORD technocrats kept probing for ways to control human behavior, and they were doing so with space-age technology that made the days of MKULTRA look like the horse-and buggy era.20 Particularly useful to CIA scientists were advances in stereotaxic surgery, simplifying the implantation of electrodes in the brain to wipe out a subject’s memories in preparation for hypnotic reconstructive surgery.

    In 1965 the New York Times learned of obscure electronic experiments quietly funded by the government, and went tabloid with the front-page headline:


    Dr. David Krech, a psychology professor at the University of California, warned that our research may carry with it even more serious implications than the awful, in both senses of the word, achievements of the atomic physicists. When leaks to the press exposed the horror stories, he said, let us not find ourselves in the position of being caught foolishly surprised, naively perplexed and touchingly full of publicly displayed guilt.21

    On May 6 Dr. Delgado, the Spanish bulltamer and postwar Yale researcher, closed a lecture on the evolution of the brain at the American Museum of Natural History in New York with the announcement that science has developed a new electrical methodology for the study and control of cerebral function in animals and humans.22

    Operation Bloodbath

    Encouraged by progress in transforming human beings into cordless automatons, the CIA picked up the pace. Two years before Dr. Krech’s admonition, a CIA manual was prepared on the electronic wizardry of Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control (RHIC), originally developed by the Pentagon, according to a 1975 issue of Modern People:

    When a part of your brain receives a tiny electrical impulse from outside sources, such as vision, hearing, etc., an emotion is produced—anger at the sight of a gang of boys beating an old woman, for example. The same emotions of anger can be created by artificial radio signals sent to your brain by a controller. You could instantly feel the same white hot anger without any apparent reason.23

    The objective of Project ARTICHOKE, the CIA’s umbrella remote mind control program in the 1950s (as reported in innumerable men’s magazines) was the creation of a Manchurian killer-puppet with a revolver and a memory like a steel sieve, both emptied by electrical stimulation.

    The technology existed by the early 1960s to support the contention of former FBI agent Lincoln Lawrence (an alias) and researcher Art Ford in the classic investigation of CIA mind control ops, Were We Controlled?, that Lee Harvey Oswald was a hypnogenic assassin—with a malfunctioning electrical implant in his head.

    That a political assassin could be directed from afar to strike on cue is not so implausible as it may seem to the uninitiated. The authors’ reconstruction holds up as well today as it did in 1968, when the book was published. If only persons involved with the book proved as durable. Lawrence’s attorney, the late Martin Scheiman, was gunned down inside the Time-Life Building. A condensation of the book by Damon Runyon, Jr. (an adherent to New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison’s recreation of the Kennedy assassination) was preempted by death. In April, 1968 the celebrated writer suffered a mortal fall from a bridge in Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park.24

    The CIA circle in the Inferno swelled with odd deaths, disappearances and suicides.

    In 1975 Herman Kimsey, a veteran Army counter intelligence operative and a ranking CIA official until his resignation in 1962, surfaced posthumously in Hugh MacDonald’s Appointment in Dallas: Oswald was programmed to kill, Kimsey told MacDonald, like a medium at a seance. Then the mechanism went on the blink and Oswald became a dangerous toy without direction.25 Three weeks after the interview, Kimsey perished of heart failure.26

    Likewise, Oswald crony David Ferrie, a CIA pilot and hypnotist, was found dead in his New Orleans apartment, surrounded by fifteen empty medicine bottles, a seeming suicide. But the coroner’s final ruling was that the cause of death was a berry aneurysm. Forensic specialists ventured that the blood vessel had hemorrhaged as the result of a karate blow to back of his head. Raiding police carted off Ferrie’s effusive notes on hypnosis and a pile of books on post-hypnotic suggestion. His cohorts went into hiding after his death, but one, Jack Martin, surfaced long enough, according to Walter Bowart in Operation Mind Control, to suggest that Oswald had been programmed by Ferrie to go to Dallas and kill the President.27

    A shadow cabinet of intelligence officials guided the CIA’s remote mind control program. The reigning Big Brother was Richard Helms, then plans director, a product of the Eastern cryptocracy (his grandfather was the first director of the International Bank of Settlements, and past president of the Federal Reserve), and a former United Press reporter, in which capacity he interviewed Adolph Hitler in 1937.28 In the wake of the Bay of Pigs tragedy, Helms was selected by CIA Director John McCone to run the dirty tricks department. Appointed to the position of Director of Central Intelligence in 1966, he left the Agency six years later. Before departing, Helms kept the secrets by ordering the destruction of all files relating to MKULTRA.29

    He was a Machiavelli with a mission. An avid proponent of telemetry as a form of low-intensity warfare, Helms commandeered a vast research network in pursuit of such subtle depth persuasion techniques as the transmission of strategic subliminal messages to the brains of enemy populations. He advocated the use of high-frequencies to affect memory and even the unconscious. Helms ordered up a scientific cabal to study automata theory.30 In a memo to the Warren Commission, he made mention of biological radio communication.31

    The 1964 memo was prophetic. Helms:

    Cybernetics can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns... all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.32

    Cybernetics technology that responds to thought was in the offing. In his memo, Helms diverted attention from CIA-funded research and development by alluding to the Soviets. But then they had no technology the U.S. did not also have, he conceded.

    A subsequent CIA directive, summarized in a brochure on the Cybernetic Technique distributed by Mankind Research Unlimited (MRU), a research front in the District of Columbia, gleefully discusses the Agency’s development of a means by which information of modest rate can be fed to humans utilizing other senses than sight or hearing. The Cybernetic Technique, based on Eastern European research, involves beaming information to individual nerve cells. The purpose, the directive states, is the enhancement of mental and physical performance.33

    The cyborg was born.

    Cyborg Nazis and the MASERS of Pandora

    In 1965, upon discovering the microwave dousing of the American embassy in Moscow, the DoD’s secretive Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) set up a laboratory at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C. ARPA had already

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