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F*ck Whales: Also Families, Poetry, Folksy Wisdom and You
F*ck Whales: Also Families, Poetry, Folksy Wisdom and You
F*ck Whales: Also Families, Poetry, Folksy Wisdom and You
Ebook237 pages2 hours

F*ck Whales: Also Families, Poetry, Folksy Wisdom and You

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A collection of satirical, crass, comedic essays from famed Internet personality and New York Times bestselling author Maddox, of the infamous website The Best Page in the Universe.

In this third book from Maddox, the reigning king of Internet satire delivers a collection of humorous, unapologetic essays in the same voice that propelled him into comedic stardom. With all-new material, F*ck Whales delivers on his personal brand of satire, complete with self-promotion, petty rants, and brilliant essays on anything and everything Maddox deems worthy of his ire.
PublisherGallery Books
Release dateOct 17, 2017


Maddox has been writing hilarious essays for his website,, since 1997. Through word-of-mouth alone, it has become one of the most popular personal sites on the Internet. In 2006, he published his first book, The Alphabet of Manliness, a New York Times bestseller, followed by Crappy Children's Artwork based on his wildly popular article that has been viewed more than 20 million times. Maddox has also published a comic book based on his site, and he has a YouTube channel called “The Best Show in the Universe,” featuring clips viewed by more than 40 million fans.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    You can't be out here hating animals don't be like that whales are just whales I know some can probably be scary but it's not they fault
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Dippy stcks........

    Stupid tre'ĕ§ ßþüpįđ hœřßə§ stupid dumb idiotic wàłèś

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F*ck Whales - Maddox


No other animal gets as much of a free pass as whales do, and no other animal deserves it less. What has a whale ever done for you? That’s not a rhetorical question. Think about your first day of school, or when you learned to tie your shoelaces, or the long summer you worked to earn your first car, or applying to college, or having a child. Everything you’ve ever done, from folding loads of laundry to locking your door when you go to sleep at night, was done without the aid of a whale. These pale gray abominations—and they are gray, let’s not kid ourselves with fairy tales about them being blue—have never done anything for you or anyone you care about.

Whales Suck at Everything, Including Death

If a whale fulfills its lot in life, it will likely end up on a beach, where it will spend its time rotting under the sun, emanating a waft of pungent sea-funk that will serve only to ruin beach outings for months to come (Fig. 1).

Removing the whale carcass presents a unique challenge because the job requires a complete disregard for one’s own happiness and olfactory health. The most useful outcome for a dead whale should be to end up on our plates, but whales even suck at being food. The mercury levels in whale meat can exceed the recommended limit by 200 times.¹ That means if you’re pregnant—and I assume you are, until I know otherwise—simply doing your part to dispose of a dead whale, by eating it, will give your child birth defects. That brain damage, in a roundabout way, could be the only positive thing that can be said about whales. It could potentially employ a neurosurgeon.

Fig. 1: Here’s a fat, stupid, idiot whale ruining everyone’s day at the beach by dying all over it. Fuck you, whale.

Yet in spite of their complete lack of contributions to humanity, they get from us an undue amount of respect and compassion. Whales are the charity cases of the sea. They subsist equally on krill and empathy from idiots (Fig. 2).

Whales are always in need of saving. No other being, except for the queen of England, has ever needed so much saving as a whale. At least with the queen, it’s up to God to save her, as opposed to us. It’s like the ocean is one giant level of Super Mario Brothers, and the princess is 150 tons of blubber. Every time you save one whale, it proceeds to have offspring that also need saving. It’s like trying to save a cat from a burning house while it gives birth to a litter of kittens that all run around the burning house. There’s no way to help whales, except with a harpoon. However, that’s a waste of steel. In an ideal world, people would be more concerned about saving the harpoons. Harpoons have uses; whales do not.

Fig. 2: Just another unemployed bum begging for scraps. Get a job!

Whales Are Drinking All Our Water and Eating Our Sailors

Whales are drinking our water, but they’re not even good at doing that, because there’s still some left. They need to drink all the oceans dry, so every last whale is beached on a desert of his own creation. When whales aren’t eating our sailors, which is never, they’re luring them into blasphemous, lifelong obsessions.

Years ago, I wrote a celebrated article titled When Was the Last Time a Whale Did Anything for You? Over the years, this essay has elicited much angry hate mail from whale apologists. Here’s one such exchange:

From: Ashley

Subject: Think again!

You know NOTHING about whales. Whales are loving creatures! They DO NOT eat people! Nor do they drink water other than when they suck in water to feed on krill. Did I mention a killer whale has NEVER hurt anybody in the wild? The only thing to blame is humans. They slaughter them, and put killer whales in captivity! Whales go mad in captivity! Next time research before you write!

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again!

Whales are the #1 killer of sailors and that’s a fact.

From: Ashley

Subject: Re: Think again!

Nope, you’re thinking of jellyfish. I’ve seen a picture of a cat kissing a beluga whale and a whale with a diver.

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again!

Might wanna check your facts. Just because you’ve seen a picture of a whale with a cat or a scuba-diver doesn’t mean either survived the encounter. They were probably killed immediately after that picture was taken.

From: Ashley

Subject: Re: Think again!

Yeah right. Get YOUR facts straight!

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again!

Whales are vicious killers. See for yourself!

From: Ashley

Subject: Re: Think again!

The whale is being KILLED BY HUMANS . . . now they seem like vicious creatures! Oh and in case you couldn’t tell it’s called sarcasm. Watch blackfish you idiot.

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again!

Blackfish is a fictional movie with three writer credits. When whales aren’t killing humans, they’re drinking all our fresh sea water, killing turtles, jelly fish, dolphins, and wreaking havoc on our ecosystem.

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again! [2 days later]

I actually looked into it and I think you might be right. I may have overstated the number of people whales kill. I think I owe you an apology.

From: Ashley

Subject: Re: Think again!

You know what I will accept your apology but you have to say whales are majestic, beautiful, and you were wrong.

From: Maddox

Subject: Re: Think again!

Whales are majestic, beautiful and you were wrong.

From: Ashley

Subject: Re: Think again!


Whales Are Lazy Animals with Unearned Reputations

When people discuss whales, they often use lofty language to describe their majesty. But does anyone ever stop to ask why? The only noteworthy thing about a whale is its size. Who gives a shit? Notice how the word majestic only gets traipsed about when something large is contemplated? People call elephants, oceans and even mountains majestic. Why? Mountains are collections of boulders, boulders are collections of rocks, and rocks are collections of dirt. I have dirt under my fingernails, and I don’t see anyone staring at them breathlessly.

If you shrank a whale down to the size of a mackerel, it’d just be an ugly fish. But as soon as that pale-gray, barnacle-caked monstrosity is larger than a school bus, it’s suddenly noted for its grandeur. I’m not impressed by an animal that (A) doesn’t have shoes, and (B) couldn’t tie them anyway. Whales don’t have feet, footwear, or an entire shoe industry. Or any industry. What exactly do whales make, other than blubber? And they’re not even good at providing that, because we have to kill them to get it. Imagine if you went to work every day, and your boss had to kill you in order to extract value from you. That’s what whales are like: employees you have to kill, except they don’t even reproduce fast enough to deliver value sustainably.

At this point, you may think that I have contempt for whales, but I don’t. It’s hard to have contempt for an animal that matters so little. People say whales are smart and that they can communicate, but who cares? Build a call center, then I’ll be impressed. Humans have built pizza shops inside airports. You can buy a ticket to fly to another country, and then while you’re waiting for your flight, you can order a piping-hot pizza, made with fresh ingredients grown all over the world, to satiate your peckishness before you experience the miracle of flight in a man-made airplane. Meanwhile, whales are getting tangled up in giant, conspicuous nets. Nets don’t even move, they just sit there. Getting caught in a net is like hitting a parked car: embarrassing. One look at a whale’s face refutes its regal reputation (Fig. 3).

I’m not suggesting the wholesale slaughter of whales. I don’t see the point, because man has better shit to do. I’m suggesting that maybe if whales are so great, we should let them fend for themselves. It’s time for whales to either step up or shut up. If they can’t hack it, that’s fine. I don’t expect all animals to be able to adapt successfully to the encroachment of mankind. But that failure should come with some loss of reputation. We should stop heralding whales as majestic and start calling them what they really are: idiotic, unproductive, sea losers.

Fig. 3: Whales are gape-mouthed morons!


What is a table other than a raised floor? I’d sooner put things on the floor than a table, because at least floors are honest. They’re not pretending to be anything they’re not. There is no number of legs you can put on a table to make it useful, other than zero. A floor is the people’s table. If I wanted a raised floor, I’d just get stairs. Stairs go higher than tables, without ever pretending not to be floors. Imagine going to the house of someone who doesn’t have stairs. How do you get to the second level? It won’t be with a table. Stairs are so important that they name the whole area of the house upstairs. Stairs are better at being tables than tables are. The ideal use for a table would be to take an ax to it and then use the planks of wood to bludgeon the person who made the table, for wasting our lives with bullshit.

My entire adult life, I’ve never owned a table. Every time I point out that I don’t have any tables, everyone asks the same question: How do you eat? With plates, idiot. Ever heard of them? Plates are just small tables that you can carry. What is a table but an oversized plate that you put other plates on? When you use a plate as a table, you will finally be liberated from the tyranny of raised flooring. When you realize that approximately 50 percent of the foods we eat—such as pizza, sandwiches, fruit and candy—don’t even require so much as a plate, much less a table, that’s when you as a human will truly set your spirit free. Buddha spent a lifetime finding enlightenment, yet he failed to include in his sutras a single word about how tables are for dipshits.

Imagine if you had shelves in your house that you used only a few times per week, for a few minutes at a time. People would stone you to death for being such a dumb sonofabitch. Well, that’s exactly what you’re doing with a table. Unlike most things you put on shelves, meals only last for a few minutes—or up to an hour at most, and that’s if you have a nosy dinner guest who can’t stop asking about your life. Not having a table helps such guests to feel less welcome, and every time a guest feels unwelcome it’s another opportunity to be alone. Being alone is awesome.

If you’re looking for evidence of the unease we feel for owning tables, look no further than the centerpiece. A table looks barren without something on it. We all feel it. The glaring omission of something—anything—on a table makes us feel uncomfortable. Deep down, it mirrors the emptiness we feel inside. The more tables you own, the worse your mental state will be. No thanks. I don’t want to peer into the chasm of emptiness that is my life every time I look at my useless kitchen furniture. I have a family to help me do that.

Even when people try to find a novel justification for a table, such as a table devoted entirely to a game, it feels absurd. One such contrivance is a pool table (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4: Pool is just raised golf.

This was invented by some enterprising idiot who tried to look less stupid in front of his or her friends by giving a table an actual use.

If I wanted to play pool, I’d just put holes in the floor and call it golf. Pool tables are giant and expensive, permanently taking up a huge area of your house, and owners of the tables lose their minds when you spill spaghetti on them. Ever see anyone lose his or her mind when you spill marinara on the floor? No, of course not. That’s because floor owners are chill, and pool-table owners are uptight assholes.

If a squatter proposed to take up 5 percent of your house for the rest of your life, you’d pop him in his stupid horse-mouth. Yet that’s exactly what we do by housing a table. If you live in a 500-square-foot studio apartment and the average table size is 24 square feet, and your rent is $1,000, that translates to a cost of $50 per month, or $600 per year, to house your shitty table. It’s essentially an area of the apartment you can no longer utilize. If every household in America saved the money wasted every year on buying and housing tables, we’d reduce the national deficit to zero overnight.

For those occasions when you eat something that requires some assembly, like fajitas,* where you need to have multiple small dishes to make your fussy meal, a simple food tray will suffice. A food tray is the fajita table of a thinking man. It’s a bigger plate that you can put other plates on, except that—unlike the massive plate that is a table—a food tray can be conveniently stored under your bed when you’re done eating and you go back to contemplating how awesome your life has become since you’ve given up tables. It’s time to liberate yourself from the tyranny of tables and the dinner guests they attract, and start living the life you deserve—alone.

* An obnoxious food item that’s basically a taco you assemble yourself, with meat, onions, salsa, and all the normal stuff you’d put into a taco. It’s marketed as a fun food item, but there’s nothing fun about assembling your own taco. Not one damn thing.


I hate horses, but I love glue. I wish someone would invent a time machine so all the horses currently in existence or any horse that has ever existed could be rendered into glue. Glue is the most useful and versatile adhesive ever made. Still, fuck horses.

Ever wonder why beating a dead horse is a phrase? Because beating it while alive isn’t enough. The expression has come to describe any activity that is pointless to continue. Many noted horse haters take issue with this characterization, because beating a dead horse is an end unto itself. Nobody asks an artist why he paints, or why a bonsai gardener arranges potted trees in aesthetically pleasing ways. Similarly, the artistic expression, relaxation and satisfaction one can derive from beating a horse beyond expiration should not be overlooked.

There’s a horse-beating simulation game that was released in 2010

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