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Mastering Akka
Mastering Akka
Mastering Akka
Ebook876 pages10 hours

Mastering Akka

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If you want to use the Lightbend platform to create highly performant reactive applications, then this book is for you. If you are a Scala developer looking for techniques to use all features of the new Akka release and want to incorporate these solutions in your current or new projects, then this book is for you. Expert Java developers who want to build scalable, concurrent, and reactive application will find this book helpful.
Release dateOct 21, 2016
Mastering Akka

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    Mastering Akka - Christian Baxter

    Table of Contents

    Mastering Akka


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    1. Building a Better Reactive App

    Understanding the initial example app

    Working with the example application

    Setting up Docker

    Adding the boot2docker hosts entry

    Understanding the bookstore Postgres schema

    Running bash scripts on Windows

    Starting up the example application

    Interacting with the example application endpoints

    Installing httpie on Mac OS X

    Installing httpie on Windows

    Interacting with the user endpoint

    Interacting with the Book endpoint

    Interacting with the Order endpoint

    So what's wrong with this application?

    Understanding the meanings of scalability

    The scalability cube

    X axis scaling

    Microservices and Y axis scaling

    Z axis scaling

    Monolith versus microservices

    Scale issues with our monolith

    Issues with the size of deployments

    Supporting different runtime characteristics of services

    The pain of a shared domain model

    Issues with our relational database usage

    Sharing the same schema across all services

    Fixing a single point of failure

    Avoiding cross-domain transactions

    Understanding the CAP theorem

    Cassandra to the rescue

    Assessing the application's domain model

    Recognizing poorly written actors

    Replacing our HTTP libraries


    2. Simplifying Concurrent Programming with Actors

    Understanding the actor model's origin

    Differentiating concurrency and parallelism

    Defining concurrency in computing

    Defining parallelism

    The dangers of concurrent programming

    Using Akka actors for safe concurrency

    Concurrent programming with actors

    Achieving parallelism with Akka actors and routers

    A word on dispatchers in Akka

    Dispatchers and executors

    Dispatcher types in Akka





    Configuring a dispatcher for your actors

    Mailbox types in Akka

    Unbounded mailboxes

    Bounded mailboxes

    Configuring mailboxes for your actors

    Refactoring a bad actor to FSM

    Modeling the new process flow

    Coding the new order process flow

    Defining state and data representations

    Implementing the idle state handling

    Implementing the ResolvingDependencies state handling

    Implementing the LookingUpEntities state handling

    Implementing the ChargingCard state handling

    Implementing the WritingEntity state handling

    Handling unhandled events

    Summing up the refactor

    Testing your Akka actors

    Understanding the testing pyramid

    Unit testing

    Integration testing

    Acceptance testing

    Unit testing Akka actors

    The CallingThreadDispatcher

    Using TestActorRefs

    Using ImplicitSender

    Using TestProbes

    Testing the SalesOrderProcessor actor

    Testing homework


    3. Curing Anemic Models with Domain-Driven Design

    What is DDD?

    Knowing where the domain layer fits

    Understanding strategic DDD

    Ubiquitous language

    Bounded context

    Continuous integration

    Context map

    Patterns of intercommunication in strategic DDD

    Published language

    Open host service

    Shared kernel



    Anticorruption layer

    Visualizing the spectrum of cooperation

    Visualizing the relationships in strategic DDD

    Building blocks of DDD


    Value object


    Domain event




    Identifying anemic vs rich models

    Designing our DDD refactor

    The bookstore context map

    Modelling DDD with actors

    Understanding the vocabulary of a component

    Difficulties of DDD and actors

    Remodeling the user management context

    Remodeling the inventory management context

    Remodeling the credit processing context

    Remodeling the sales order processing context

    Understanding the refactored bookstore code

    The EntityActor abstract class

    The EntityAggregate abstract class

    The Book and InventoryClerk actors

    Looking up a single Book

    Looking up multiple books

    Making a persistence action on a book

    Fixing the transaction in the order creation process

    Improvements needed for the refactor

    Refactoring homework


    4. Making History with Event Sourcing

    Event sourcing primer

    The pros of event sourcing

    High performance

    Avoidance of Object-relational mapping

    Full audit trail

    Enabler for system/context separation

    No atomic concerns

    A natural fit with DDD

    The cons of event sourcing


    Performance with long lived entities

    Versioning concerns

    It's just different

    Bookstore-specific example of event sourcing

    Akka Persistence for event sourcing

    The PersistentActor trait

    Persistent actor state handling

    The persistenceId method

    Taking snapshots for faster recovery

    Serialization of events and snapshots

    The AsyncWriteJournal

    The SnapshotStore

    Using Cassandra for our persistent store

    Installing Cassandra

    Configuring Akka Persistence to use Cassandra

    Refactoring the inventory management module

    The PersistentEntity abstract class

    The Aggregate abstract class

    The JsonSerializer class

    The event sourced Book entity

    The refactored InventoryClerk actor

    Trying out the new Book entity

    Viewing the events in Cassandra

    Adding snapshotting to book

    Dealing with an evolving schema

    Using event adapters

    Detaching the domain model from the data model

    The refactored sales order processing module

    Refactoring homework


    5. Separating Concerns with CQRS

    A brief history of CQRS

    CQRS in the event sourced world

    Designing our read model implementation

    Selecting our read model data store

    Projecting events into the read model

    Using Persistence Query to build our views

    Understanding your journal provider's query capabilities

    Setting up a ReadJournal in your code

    Obtaining all of the persistenceIds in the system

    Getting events by persistenceId

    Getting events by tag

    Implementing the Book read model

    Supporting tagging in ProtobufDatamodelAdapter

    Elasticsearch support traits

    The ViewBuilder trait

    Acknowledging the flaws with the current code

    Discussing the code

    Building the BookViewBuilder

    Building the BookView

    Building a resumable projection

    Defining the resumable projection framework

    Applying ResumableProjection into our code

    Refactoring sales order processing

    Denormalization in the SalesOrder read model

    Using Persistence Query for inventory allocation

    Playing around with the new application

    Refactoring homework

    Closing comments


    6. Going with the Flow with Akka Streams

    Understanding the Reactive Streams API

    Back-pressure in action

    The Akka Streams API

    The building blocks of Akka Streams

    Learning the basics of Stream building

    Understanding Stream Materialization

    Operator fusion within streams

    Using buffers to control rate

    Internal buffers on async stages

    Adding explicit buffers to data flows

    Transforming rate within flows

    Reducing data flow rates with conflate

    Increasing data flow rates with expand

    Building processing graphs with the graph builder DSL

    Graph building basics

    Building a real-world graph example

    Working with partial graphs

    Handling streaming I/O

    Streams and TCP

    Framing your streaming I/O handling

    Refactoring the view building code

    Refactoring homework


    7. REST Easy with Akka HTTP

    Creating RESTful HTTP interfaces

    Comparing Akka HTTP to Spray

    Akka Streams and back-pressure

    Other differences

    Creating RESTful interfaces with Akka HTTP

    Using the low-level server-side API

    Akka Streams in the low-level API

    Handling requests with the low-level API

    Controlling parallelism within your server

    Low-level server example

    Using the high-level server-side API

    Completing, rejecting, or failing routes

    The RequestContext class

    Building out a routing tree

    Using directives to build your routing tree

    Composing directives together

    Marshalling and unmarshalling JSON with spray-json

    Handling rejections within your routes

    Building a custom RejectionHandler

    Testing your routes with route TestKit

    Invoking RESTful APIs with Akka HTTP

    Client-side Akka HTTP and streams

    Consuming the response entity

    Parsing the response entity as JSON

    Understanding the outbound connection models

    The connection-level API

    The host-level API

    The request-level API

    Refactoring homework

    Inbound HTTP changes

    Outbound HTTP changes


    8. Scaling Out with Akka Remoting/Clustering

    Using Akka Remoting

    Enabling Akka Remoting in your projects

    Interacting with remote actors

    Akka Remoting and serialization

    Looking up remote actors

    Deploying actors to remote systems

    Using remote routers

    Using Akka Clustering

    Core architectural principles of clustering

    Dealing with unreachable nodes

    Understanding the membership life cycle

    Enabling clustering in your projects

    Refactoring the remote worker example for clustering

    Using clustering in the bookstore application

    Using Cluster Sharding in the bookstore application

    Basic concepts of Akka Cluster Sharding

    Refactoring the code for Cluster Sharding

    Proper passivation of sharded entities

    Cluster Sharding related homework

    Using Cluster Singleton in the bookstore application

    Using the Cluster Singleton pattern

    Implementing Cluster Singleton for ViewBuilders

    Cluster Singleton homework

    Playing with the clustered bookstore application


    9. Managing Deployments with ConductR

    An overview of ConductR

    Installing and setting up ConductR locally

    Installing the ConductR CLI sandbox

    Setting up the ConductR sandbox

    Setting up sbt-conductr plugin

    A quick note about the use of Docker in the sandbox

    Using the ConductR CLI

    Viewing the ConductR version information

    Viewing the deployed bundle information

    Viewing service information from your bundles

    Viewing access-control lists for bundle services

    Loading a bundle into ConductR

    Starting a bundle within ConductR

    Stopping a bundle within ConductR

    Removing a bundle from ConductR

    Viewing bundle-related events in ConductR

    Viewing your bundle's logs

    Preparing your services for ConductR

    Bundling your components for deployment

    Creating and deploying your bundle

    Code requirements for deployment into ConductR

    Signalling the application state

    Setting up your ActorSystem and HTTP server

    Locating other services within the cluster

    Refactoring the bookstore for ConductR

    Splitting apart the bookstore projects

    Common changes to support ConductR

    The new Server class

    The ServiceConsumer classes

    Turning the service modules into ConductR bundles

    Setting up an application.conf for each module

    Adding bundle keys to our sbt build files

    Creating a main class to startup each bundle

    Refactoring the sales-order-processing module

    Refactoring the SalesOrderCreateValidator

    Refactoring SalesOrderViewBuilder

    Refactoring the inventory-allocation process

    Refactoring the inventory-management module

    Building and deploying the bookstore bundles

    Testing the bookstore modules in ConductR


    10. Troubleshooting and Best Practices

    Refactoring retrospective

    Coding better actors

    Using Domain-driven design

    Akka Persistence and event sourcing

    Akka Persistence Query and CQRS

    Akka Streams

    Akka HTTP

    Akka Remoting and Akka Clustering

    Separating the modules via ConductR

    Troubleshooting and best practices for actors

    Avoid closing over mutable state with Futures

    Avoiding closing over the sender

    Minimize your use of ActorSelection

    Use tell instead of ask

    Avoid creating a lot of top-level actors

    Troubleshooting and best practices for Akka HTTP

    Trouble with the tilde

    Building an inbound HTTP request log

    Building an outbound HTTP request log

    Troubleshooting and best practices for Akka Clustering/Akka Remoting

    Prefer using IP addresses over host names in config

    Configuring more than one seed node

    Disassociated exceptions in the logs can be normal

    Further reading


    Akka Streams cookbook

    How to and common patterns

    Akka Persistence schema evolution

    Other Akka books to consider reading

    Domain-driven design by Eric Evans

    Martin Fowler on event sourcing


    Mastering Akka

    Mastering Akka

    Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: October 2016

    Production reference: 1141016

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78646-502-3


    About the Author

    Christian Baxter, from an early age, has always had an interest in understanding how things worked.  Growing up, he loved challenges and liked to tinker with and fix things. This inquisitive nature was the driving force that eventually led him into computer programming. While his primary focus in college was life sciences, he always set aside time to study computers and to explore all aspects of computer programming. When he graduated from college during the height of the Internet boom, he taught himself the necessary skills to get a job as a programmer. He’s been happily programming ever since, working across diverse industries such as insurance, travel, recruiting, and advertising. He loves building out high-performance distributed systems using Scala on the Akka platform.

    Christian was a long time Java programmer before making the switch over to Scala in 2010. He was looking for new technologies to build out high throughput and asynchronous systems and loved what he saw from Scala and Akka. Since then, he's been a major advocate for Akka, getting multiple ad tech companies he’s worked for to adopt it as a means of building out reactive applications. He's also been an occasional contributor to the Akka codebase, identifying and helping to fix issues. When he’s not hacking away on Scala and Akka, you can usually find him answering questions on Stackoverflow as cmbaxter.


    A lot went into the writing of this book, and not just from me. As such, I’d like to thank a few people, starting with the two special women in my life.

    To my beautiful wife, Laurie. Thank you for being so patient throughout the writing of this book, and with me, in general. All this time, you’ve somehow been able to put up with all my quirks, which is a feat in and of itself. You’ve always believed in me, even if, at times, I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you for always challenging me and never letting me be complacent. Without you, this book would have never been possible.

    To my amazing mother, you taught me how to be a good person by instilling in me the values one needs to be successful in life. Your strength of character and resilience to life’s challenges have served as inspirations to me. You’ve always been there for me, no matter how hard the times got. For this, I am eternally grateful.

    Lastly, I’d like to thank my very first mentor, Dan Gallagher. I learned so much from you during our time together. Who knows how my career would have ended up if you weren’t there in the beginning to screw my head on straight. I appreciate the enormous amount of patience that must have gone into dealing with me way back then. Thank you so much for starting my career down the right path to where I am today.

    About the Reviewer

    Dennis Vriend is a professional with more than 10 years of experience in programming for the Java Virtual Machine. Over the last 4 years, Dennis has been developing and designing fault tolerant, scalable, distributed, and highly performant systems using Scala, Akka, and Spark, and maintaining them across multiple servers. Dennis is active in the open source community and maintains two very successful Akka plugins—the akka-persistence-jdbc plugin and the akka-persistence-inmemory plugin—both useful to design and test state of the art business components leveraging domain-driven design and event sourcing in a distributed environment. Dennis is currently working as a software development engineer for Trivento in the Netherlands.

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    The Akka library is well known in the Scala world for providing a means to build reactive applications. Akka’s core building block is the Actor, which is a simple concurrency unit that allows you to build asynchronous, event driven, fault tolerant, and potentially distributed components on top of. Actors are an excellent starting point to build your reactive applications and services on top of, but there’s a lot more within the entire Akka platform that you should be considering as well.

    This book will provide the reader with a purpose-built tour through some of the additional modules within the Akka platform. The tour will be conducted by progressively refactoring an initial Akka application from an inflexible monolith all the way to a set of loosely coupled microservices. Along the way, you will learn how to apply new features, such as event sourcing via Akka Persistence, to the application in an effort to help it scale better. When the journey is complete, you will have a much better understanding of these additional offerings within the Akka platform and how they can help you build your applications and services.

    Throughout the refactoring process, new concepts and libraries within Akka will be introduced to the reader on a chapter by chapter basis.  Within those chapters, I will detail what each new feature is, and how that feature fits into breaking down a monolith into a set of loosely coupled services. Each chapter will also involve coding homework for the reader, giving them an active role in the progressive refactoring process. This hands-on experience will give the reader an immersive understanding of how to use these newer Akka features in the real-world code, which is the main goal of this book.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Building a Better Reactive App, introduces you to the initial sample application and how it will be improved over the course of this book.

    Chapter 2, Simplifying Concurrent Programming with Actors, is a refresher on Actors with some refactoring work using Akka’s FSM.

    Chapter 3, Curing Anemic Models with Domain-Driven Design, introduces you to domain-driven design (DDD) and how it helps in modeling and building software.

    Chapter 4, Making History with Event Sourcing, presents Akka Persistence as a means to build event-sourced entities.

    Chapter 5, Separating Concerns with CQRS, teaches you how to separate read and write models using the CQRS pattern.

    Chapter 6, Going with the Flow with Akka Streams, explains how Akka Streams can be used to build back-pressure aware, stream-based processing components.

    Chapter 7, REST Easy with Akka HTTP, shows you how to leverage Akka HTTP to build and consume RESTful interfaces.

    Chapter 8, Scaling Out with Akka Remoting/Clustering, demonstrates how to use remoting and clustering to gain horizontal scalability and high availability.

    Chapter 9, Managing Deployments with ConductR, illustrates building, deploying, and locating your microservices with ConductR.

    Chapter 10, Troubleshooting and Best Practices, presents a few final tips and best practices for using Akka.

    What you need for this book

    You will need a computer (Windows or Mac OS X) with Java 8 installed on it. You will need to have Simple Build Tool (sbt) installed on that computer as well.  This book also leverages Docker, with the installation of Docker being covered in more detail in Chapter 1, Building a Better Reactive App.

    Who this book is for

    If you want to use the Lightbend platform to create highly-performant reactive applications, then this book is for you. If you are a Scala developer looking for techniques to use all features of the new Akka release and want to incorporate these solutions in your current or new projects, then this book is for you. Expert Java developers who want to build scalable, concurrent, and reactive application will find this book helpful.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: If you want to stop a Docker container, use the docker stop command, supplying the name of the container you want to stop.

    A block of code is set as follows:


      firstName: Chris,

      lastName: Baxter,



    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: Click the Docker whale icon in your system tray and select Preferences in the context menu that pops up.


    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Chapter 1. Building a Better Reactive App

    This book is meant to be geared towards the more experienced Scala and Akka developers looking to build reactive applications on top of the Akka platform.

    This book is written for an engineer who has already leveraged Akka in the 2.3.x series and below to build reactive applications. You have a firm understanding of the actor model and how the Akka framework leverages actors to build highly scalable, concurrent, asynchronous, event-driven, and fault-tolerant applications. You've seen the new changes rolled out in Akka 2.4.2 and are curious about how some of these new features such as Akka Streams and Akka HTTP can be leveraged within your reactive applications.

    This book will serve as a guide for an engineer who wants to take a functional but flawed reactive application and, through a series of refactors, make improvements to it. It will help you understand what some of the common pitfalls are when building Akka applications. Throughout the various chapters in the book, you will learn how to use Akka and some of the newer features to address the following shortcomings:

    Building a more domain-centric model using domain-driven design

    Using event sourcing and Akka Persistence for high throughput persistence

    Understanding reactive streams and how Akka makes use of them in Akka Streams and Akka HTTP

    Decomposing a monolith into a set of fully decoupled and independent services

    Understanding the initial example app

    Imagine you woke up one morning and decided that you were going to take down the mighty They've spread themselves too thin in trying to sell anything and everything the world has to offer. You see an opportunity back in their original space of online book selling and have started a company to challenge them in that area.

    Over the past few months, you and your team of engineers have built out a simple Minimum Viable Product (MVP) reactive bookstore application build on top of the Akka 2.3.x series. As this is an MVP, it's pretty basic, but it has served its purpose of getting something to the market quickly to establish a user base and get good feedback to iterate on. The current application covers the following subdomains within the overall domain of a bookstore application:

    User management

    Book (inventory) management

    Credit card processing

    Sales order processing

    The code that represents the initial application can be found in the initial-example-app folder within the code distribution for this book. The application is an sbt multi-project build with the following individual projects:

    common: Common utilities and a shared domain model

    user-services: User management related services

    book-services: Book management related services

    credit-services: Credit card processing services

    sales-services: Sales order processing services

    server: A single project that aggregates the individual service projects and contains a main method to launch the server

    If you were to look at the different projects from a dependency view, they would look like this:

    The individual services subprojects were set up to avoid any direct code dependencies to each other. If services in different modules need to communicate with each other, then they use the shared domain model (entities and messages) from the common project as the protocol. The initial intention was to allow each module to eventually be built and deployed independent of each other, even though currently it's built together and deployed as a monolith.

    Each service module is made up of HTTP endpoint classes, services, and, in some cases, Data Access Objects (DAOs). The endpoint classes are built on top of the Unfiltered library and allow inbound, REST-oriented HTTP requests to be serviced asynchronously, using Netty under the hood. The service business logic is modeled using the actor model and implemented with Akka actors that are called from the endpoints. Service actors that need to talk to the relational Postgres db do so via DAOs that reside within the same .scala files as the services that use them. The DAOs use Lightbend's Slick library with the Plain SQL approach to talk to Postgres.

    The way the application is currently structured, an inbound request that talks to the db would be handled as follows:

    The HTTP request comes in and is handled by Netty's NIO channel handling code on top of its own thread pool.

    Netty passes the code off to the Unfiltered framework for handling, still using Netty's thread pool.

    Unfiltered looks up a service actor via actor selection and uses the ask pattern to send it a message, returning a Future that will hold the result of the service call.

    The service actor that receives the message is running on the actor system's main Fork/Join thread pool.

    The actor talks to the Postgres db via the Slick DAO. The SQL itself runs within Slick's AsycExecutor system, on top of another separate thread pool.

    The actor sends a response back to the sender (the Future from the endpoint) using the pipe pattern.

    The Future in the endpoint, which runs on the actor system's dispatcher, is completed, which results in a response being communicated through Unfiltered and Netty and then back into the wire.

    As you can see from the preceding steps, there are a few different thread pools involved in the servicing of the request, but it's done completely asynchronously. The only real blocking done in this flow is the JDBC calls done via Slick (sadly, JDBC has yet to incorporate async calls into the API). Thankfully though, those blocking calls are isolated behind Slick's own thread pool.

    If you've played with Akka long enough, you know it's taboo to block in the actor system's main Fork/Join pool. Akka is built around the concept of using very few threads to do a lot of work. If you start blocking the dispatcher threads themselves, then your actors can suffer from thread starvation and fall behind in the processing of their mailboxes. This will lead to higher latency in call times, upsetting end users, and nobody wins when that happens. We avoided such problems with this app, so we can pat ourselves on the back for that.

    You should take a little time in going through the example code to understand how everything is wired together. Understanding this example app is critical as this serves as the foundation for our progressive refactoring. Spending a little time upfront getting familiar with things will help as different sections are discussed in the upcoming chapters.

    The app itself is not perfect. It has intentional shortcomings to give us something to refactor. It was certainly beyond the scope of this book to have me build out a fully functioning, coherent, and production-ready storefront application. The code is just a medium in which to communicate some of the flawed ways in which an Akka reactive application could be put together. It was purposely built as a lead-in to discover some of the newer features in the Akka toolkit as a way to solve some common shortcomings. View it as such, with an open mind, and you will have already taken the first step in our refactoring journey.


    Detailed steps to download the code bundle are mentioned in the Preface of this book. Please have a look. The code bundle for the book is also hosted on GitHub at We also have other code bundles from our rich catalog of books and videos available at Check them out!

    Working with the example application

    Now that you have an understanding of the initial code, we can build it and then get it up and running. It's assumed that you already have Scala and sbt installed. Assuming you have those two initial requirements installed, we can get started on getting the example app functional.

    Setting up Docker

    Throughout this book, we will be using Docker to handle setting up any additional applications (such as Postgres) and for running the bookstore application itself (within a container). For those unfamiliar with Docker, it is a containerization platform that will let you package and run your applications, ensuring that they run and behave the same no matter what the environment is that they are running on. This means that when you are testing things locally, on your Mac or Windows computer, the components will run and behave the same as when they eventually get deployed to whatever production environment you run (say some Linux distribution on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud). You package up all of the application components and their dependencies into a neat little container that can then be run anywhere Docker itself is running.

    The decision to use Docker here should make set up simpler (as Docker will handle the majority of it). Also, you won't clutter up your computer with these applications as they will only run as Docker containers instead of being directly installed. When it comes to your Docker installation, you have two possible options:

    Install Docker Toolbox, which will install the docker engine, docker-machine and docker-compose, which are necessary for running the bookstore application.

    Install one of the native Docker apps (Docker for Windows or Docker for Mac), both of which will also work for running the bookstore application.

    The biggest difference between these two options will be what local host address Docker uses when binding applications to ports. When using Docker Toolbox, docker-machine is used, which will by default bind applications to the local address of When using one of the native Docker apps, the loopback address of (localhost) will be used instead. 

    If you already have Docker installed, then you can use that pre-existing installation. If you don't have Docker installed, and you are on a Mac, then please read through the link from below to help you decide between Docker for Mac and Docker Toolbox:

    For Windows users, you should check out the following link, reading through the section titled What to know before you install, to see if your computer can support the requirements of Docker for Windows. If so, then go ahead and install that flavor. If not, then callback to using Docker Toolbox:

    Adding the boot2docker hosts entry

    Because we gave you a choice in which Docker flavor to run, and because each different flavor will bind to different local addresses, we need a consistent way to refer to the host address that is being used by Docker.  The easiest way to do this is to add an entry to your hosts file, setting up an alias for a host called boot2docker.  We can then use that alias going forward to when referring to the local Docker bind address, both in the scripts provided in the code content for this book and in any examples in the book content.

    The entry we need to add to this file will be the same regardless of if you are on Windows or a Mac.  This is the format of the entry that you will need to add to that file:


    You will need to replace the portion of that line with whatever local host your Docker install is using.  So for example, if you installed the native Docker app, then the line would look like this:       boot2docker

    And if you installed Docker Toolkit and are thus using docker-machine, then the line would look like this:  boot2docker

    The location of that file will be different depending on if you are running Windows or are on a Mac.  If you are on Windows, then the file an be found at the following location: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts.

    If you are running in a Mac, then the file can be found here: /etc/hosts.

    Understanding the bookstore Postgres schema

    The initial example app uses Postgres for its persistence needs. It's a good choice for a relational database as it's lightweight and fast (for a relational database at least). It also has fantastic support for JSON fields, so much so that people have been using it for a document store too.

    We will use Docker to handle setting up Postgres locally for us, so no need to go out and install it yourself. There are also setup scripts provided as part of the code for this chapter that will handle setting up the schema and database tables that the bookstore application needs. I've included an ERD diagram of that schema below for reference as I feel it's important in understanding the table relationships between the entities for the initial version of the bookstore app.

    If you are interested in the script that was used to create the tables from this diagram, then you can find it in the sql directory under the intial-example-app root folder from the code distribution, in a file called example-app.sql.

    Running bash scripts on Windows

    If you are using a Mac, you can skip reading this section. It only pertains to running the .sh scripts used to start up the app on Windows.

    As part of the code content for each chapter, there are some bash scripts that handle building and running the bookstore application. As bash is not native to the Windows operating system, you will have to decide how you want to build and start the bookstore application, choosing from one of the the following possibilities:

    If you are using Git for Windows, then you have Git BASH installed locally and you should be able to use that tool to run these fairly simple scripts.

    If you are on Windows 10, then you can use the new Windows Subsystem for Linux and install a bash shell. Check out this link for instructions:

    You can install cygwin.

    As a last resort, if none of the above options work then you can look at the .sh files referenced and just run the commands (which are a mix of sbt and Docker commands) individually yourself. There's not a lot of them per file, so this is not a bad last resort.

    Starting up the example application

    Now that the database is up and running, we can get the Scala code built and then packaged into a Docker container (along with Java8 and Postgres, via docker-compose) so we can run and play with it locally. First, make sure that you have Docker up and running locally. If you are running one of the native Docker apps, then look for the whale in your system tray. If it's not there, then go and start it up and make sure it shows there before continuing. If you are running Docker Toolbox, then fire up the Docker Quickstart Terminal, which will start up a local docker-machine session within a terminal window with a whale as ASCII art at the top of it. Stay in that window for the remainder of the rest of the following commands as that's the only window where you can run Docker-related commands.

    From a terminal window within the root of the initial-example-app folder run the following command to get the app all packaged up into a Docker container:

    This script will instruct sbt to build and package the application. The script will then build a docker image, tag it and store it in the local docker repository. This script could take a while to run initially, as it will need to download a bunch of Docker-related dependencies, so be patient. Once that completes, you can then run the following command in that same terminal window:

    This command will also take a while initially as it pulls down all of the components of our container, including Postgres. Once this command completes, you will have the bookstore initial example application container up and running locally, which you can verify by running the following command:

    docker ps

    That will print out a process list for the containers running under Docker. You should see two rows in that list, one for the bookstore and one for Postgres. If you want to log into Postgres via the psql client, to maybe look at the db before and after interacting with the app, then you can do so by executing the following command:

    docker run -it --rm --network initialexampleapp_default postgres psql -h postgres -U docker

    When prompted for the password, enter docker. Once in the database, you can switch to the schema used by the example app by running the following command from within psql:

    \c akkaexampleapp

    From there, you can interact with any of the tables described in the ERD diagram shown earlier.


    If you want to stop a Docker container, use the docker stop command, supplying the name of the container you want to stop. Then, use the docker rm command to remove the stopped container or docker restart if you want to start it up again.

    Interacting with the example application endpoints

    Once the app is up and running, we can start interacting with its REST-like API in an effort to see what it can do. The interactions will be broken down by subdomain within the app (represented by the -services projects), detailing the capabilities of the endpoint(s) within that subdomain. We will use the httpie utility to execute our HTTP requests. Here are the installation instructions for each platform.

    Installing httpie on Mac OS X

    You can install httpie on your Mac via homebrew. The command to install is as follows:

    $ brew install httpie

    Installing httpie on Windows

    The installation on Windows is going to be a bit more complicated as you will need Python, curl, and pip. The full instructions are too long to include directly in this book and can be found at:

    Interacting with the user endpoint

    The first thing we can do when playing with the app's endpoints is to create a new BookstoreUser entity that will be stored in the StoreUser Postgres table. If you cd into the json folder under the initial-example-app root, there will be a user.json file that contains the following json object:


      firstName: Chris,

      lastName: Baxter,



    In order to create a user with these fields, you can execute the following httpie command when in the json folder:

    http -v POST boot2docker:8080/api/user   < user.json

    Here, you can see that we are making use of the hosts file alias we created in section Adding the boot2docker hosts entry.  This let us make HTTP calls to the bookstore app container that is running in Docker regardless of what local address it is bound to.

    The -v option supplied in that command will allow you to see the entire request that was sent (headers, body, path, and params), which can be helpful if it becomes necessary

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