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The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2
The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2
The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2
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The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2

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Fans of the 1911, Look Inside For...

Up-to-date information on the greatest pistol ever designed

Tests and reviews covering:

  • Performance
  • Accuracy
  • Durability
Release dateFeb 15, 2006
The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2

Patrick Sweeney

Patrick Sweeney is a certified master gunsmith and armorer instructor for police departments nationwide. He is the author of the Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Gun Digest Book of the AR-15, and the Gunsmithing the AR-15 series, among many others, and is a regular contributor to Gun Digest the Magazine.

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    The Gun Digest Book of the 1911, Volume 2 - Patrick Sweeney

    The Gun Digest® Book of

    The 1911

    Volume 2

    A complete look

    at the use, care & repair

    of the 1911 pistol


    ©2006 Patrick Sweeney

    Published by


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    All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a critical article or review to be printed in a magazine or newspaper, or electronically transmitted on radio, television, or the Internet.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2005924841

    ISBN 13-digit: 978-0-89689-269-9

    ISBN 10-digit: 0-89689-269-7

    eISBN: 978-1-44022-431-7

    Designed by Kara Grundman

    Edited by Kevin Michalowski

    Printed in the United States of America

    About The Covers

    Front Cover


    With a long history of making some of the finest 1911 pistols available Springfield Armory continues to serve private citizens and the law enforcement community with pistols that set the standard for performance and accuracy. Displayed on the front cover are the TRP Light Rail with Springfield’s Armory Kote finish and a stainless steel Custom Loaded model.

    The TRP Light Rail is built to the same specifications as the FBI contract pistol and comes with a 5-inch bull barrel and adjustable night sights. The Custom Loaded model is available with a wide variety of features usually installed as aftermarket parts by custom gun-makers. Both live up to the exacting standards of Springfield Armory.

    Back Cover


    Before for Bill Wilson became a custom gunsmith he was, first and foremost, a shooter. His ideas on what makes a great pistol and his attention to detail have made him a household word in the world of 1911 pistols. Shown on the back cover, Wilson Combat’s CQB (Close Quarters Battle) and Classic 1911 pistols represent the finest in craftsmanship and reliability. The CQB offers tritium inserts to aid in low-light shooting and stree-proven features light a high-ride beaver-tail grip safety and tactical magazine release. The Classic is just that, a pistol that offfers the timeless look of the 1911 with some of the best features Wilson Combat has to offer, including a low-mount adjustable rear sight. As always, Wilson Combat pistols come with an accuracy guarantee.


    As the 1911 pistol approaches the century mark, it is still looked at by many as the standard to which other pistols are compared. So great is the popularity of this design that it has spawned an entire industry of aftermarket accessories, parts and various other goods and services. The desire for information about the 1911 pistol and its component parts is evident throughout the firearms community. There is always someone learning something new about the 1911 and passing that information to the throngs of dedicated shooters.

    To that end, this book is not designed to replace Volume 1 of the Gun Digest Book of the 1911, on the contrary, this is a companion volume that offers new insight, more tests and further information about the most popular firearm ever designed. If you use a 1911 for sport, recreation or self-defense, this book with expand your knowledge and open your eyes to all the things the pistol can do and many of the things you can do to the pistol. So far, the options are almost endless.



    I’d like to thank all of the manufacturers who sent stuff, in particular Bill Laughridge, who not only sent stuff but answered questions. Kristi Hoffman of Black Hills was once again generous in the extreme. The whole staff at Black Hills is ultra supportive.

    Dave Skinner as usual sent me more than I asked for. He also doesn’t ask for it back on any kind of a schedule. I suspect he likes asking me at matches So how is that gun doing? When I ask him Which one? he laughs and says Whatever the latest one I sent you is. Unlike some makers, who make me work to get a gun, or who say: We need that back in two weeks/30 days so we can send it to the next gun writer. It is the only loaner we have Dave will send me anything he has. So will Kimber, (thanks Dwight Van Brunt), Caspian (thanks Gary Smith) Para Ordnance (thanks Kerby Smith) Olympic (thanks, Tom Spithaler) Wilson Combat (Bill Wilson) and Blade-Tech (Carla Power and Bobby McGee). Halfway through the project, as it seemed I might actually run low on ammo, Ivan Walcott of Armscor came to the rescue. One thing you have to be aware of, is that Armscor believes the old specs are plenty good enough for .45 ACP. You know, the old 230 at 815 fps specs you read on ancient boxes of ammo. They must, for their ammo produced Power Factors from 190 to 195. Man, this would have made nice bowling pin ammo back in the days of Second Chance.

    That’s not to say the other manufacturers weren’t forthcoming, just that some companies seem to have selected their P.R. people for a reflexive need to ship guns, ammo and gear to gun writers.

    As always, I could not have done the work without my crew of volunteers, who selflessly sacrifice their time and skills to shoot free ammo through expensive loaner guns. As more than one has been noted to say; It’s a dirty job…

    I have to mention Baxter. A bumper sticker I once saw sums it up: Dear Lord, please let me be the kind of person my dog thinks I am. Baxter patiently waited at the gun club, in the truck or the clubhouse, through endless days of test firing, photography and general fooling around. He’s gone now, too soon, but when he was there he was always happy to run the length of the 100-yard range to make sure there weren’t any squirrels foolish enough to contest his ownership of the range. And through this and all the other books I must thank Felicia. Some married men make jokes about the better half. I don’t joke, for Felicia is. She taught me how to write, and how to re-write. She’s still trying to teach me how to keep the office neat, but I fear that is a never-ending task. Good for me she’s here for the long haul.

    Last, you; the patient reader. I’m still amazed that not only do people find my writing informative, entertaining and interesting, but that people are actually willing to pay for it. Some days I think all of us gun writers have simply died and gone to heaven.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Preface to Guntests


    50 GI


    Dan Wesson




    Nighthawk Custom











    Well, it was something we just had to do. Since the first book there have been advances in 1911 technology (hard to imagine with something nearly a century old, but true) and there are more makers than ever. Some of those we covered in Volume one are gone. The AMT operation folded, not through any lack of quality guns. Others folded precisely due to a lack of quality.

    As I did in Volume One, I tested everything I could lay my hands on. Some of the tests will be new products from makers you saw in the first book, and others will be newcomers to our inquiries. I made a pest of myself, and managed to lay my hands on some really primo guns. And I failed in getting my hands on others. All I can say is, I tried.

    Readers are always of two minds on several aspects of testing. One group is firmly convinced that gun writers get special guns, tuned and tested, that the factory fusses over before shipping. As if! One maker sent me a show gun. I found out at the range that it had a clipped firing pin, too short to set off primers. I had to strip one of the other guns to get a firing pin into it that worked. Other makers sent guns lacking a magazine. Now on a project like this, that’s not a problem. After all, I own a couple of hundred magazines for the various platforms and calibers of the 1911, so I was able to supply magazines of my own to get things going. But imagine trying to test something more exotic, and finding the box to contain gun but no magazine. Other readers simply assume (correctly) that gun writers get the first gun off the inventory shelves that the Marketing Department orders shipped.

    Ammunition is always a concern. You can prove anything with the correct selection of ammunition. I can prove that the best 1911 out there is an unreliable, festering pile of fly-ridden cow flop by feeding it certain batches of ammunition. Certain low-quality ammunition. I can turn an average-accuracy gun into a stellar performer if I only test it with the brand or lot of ammo it re- ally likes and only choose to record or photograph the best group. I try to test with as much different ammo as I can get, using Black Hills as the standard against which all others are measured. If a gun won’t reliably work with plain old ball ammo from Black Hills, then something’s up. I also do not cherry-pick groups. I don’t throw out the obvious flyer in an otherwise good group. I don’t drop a bad group from the average, and I don’t expect every gun to be a superb shooter. There are a lot of graves out there filled with people who were killed by guns that were only casually accurate. And yet a lot of bad guys (and good) have been dropped with inaccurate guns, and a lot of freezers have been filled with deer and elk shot by rifles and handguns that weren’t bull’s-eye-accurate. So you’ll be reading a lot of accuracy reports that may puzzle or outrage you. Three inches from a Ransom rest? That stinks! Why, my competition gun does under an inch all day long." I’m sure it does. And I’m sure you either tested until you found the ammo it likes or you loaded the ammo it likes. If you’re shooting in the Bianchi Cup, it matters. If you’re shooting at the monthly club practical match, or carrying concealed, a gun that shoots 5 inches at 50 yards is just as good as one that shoots half an inch at 50 yards. At the short distance and in the compressed timeframes you’ll be using it, the accuracy difference between those limits won’t be a factor.

    Some readers assume gun writers are superb, nay, brilliant shots, who can product one-hole groups on demand. (Pardon me, but I just had to wipe snorted coffee off the computer screen upon re-reading that.) If we were that good, we’d all be shooting in matches with Robbie Leatham, Dave Sevigny, Todd Jarrett or Jerry Barnhart. We’d be contesting with Doug Koenig for the Bianchi Cup trophy. I know all those guys, and I can even say that at one time or another I’ve beaten them all. Well, except for Dave. He only shoots Glocks, and I’ve never shot Production against him. But give me time, and I’m sure I could beat him on at least one stage. Which proves nothing. Gun writers write mostly because they are good at writing. Being good at shooting is a bonus, if that particular writer happens to be good. (Some aren’t.) If I want to know how accurate a particular handgun is, I’ll either clamp it in the Ransom rest, or ask a better shooter to shoot it over sandbags for me. However, I cannot get Robbie, Dave, Todd, or Jerry to sit down and shoot half a dozen groups with each load out of each gun, to see how well the guns do. I can ask, but we all know what the answers are likely to be.

    Some, more cynical readers figure that gun writers are great shots because they do all their shooting with their typewriter. (Word processors in today’s world.) I’ve known some who would shoot a group, call it the average and send in an article. Editors figure out pretty quickly who they are, and unless the writing is brilliant and compels readers to snatch issues off of the newsstands, Editors eventually stop asking such authors for articles. Me, I spend entirely too much time at the range. If the clubhouse at my gun club had a shower, I’d be tempted to pull overnighters, just to get the travel time per range trip down.

    The last aspect of writing that some readers just can’t reconcile is that writers love every gun they write about. I don’t know about the others, but I’ve gotten some lemons: The revolver where the trigger stuck in the rearward location. It was double-action all right: one press to fire, and another to push it back forward to try again. Or the pistol where the recoil spring assembly launched itself at the targets while I was shooting. Ammo where bullets set back into the case on feeding. Or magazines that wouldn’t hold as many as they were rated for, wouldn’t hold the correct caliber, or wouldn’t stay assembled when loaded. But I do not have time to list all the stuff that went wrong. The manufacturers of those products will either fix them, or soon go out of business. How interesting would it be to read a book devoted to businesses no longer in business, making products that didn’t work? Not very is my guess.

    That said; I was pleasantly surprised at how well the guns I tested worked. Manufacturers in general, and of the 1911 in particular, know competition is tough. The marketplace both rewards and punishes. The old days of spending a pile of money to buy a gun just to then send it off to a gunsmith to get the gun rebuilt are long gone. Consumers expect at least a modicum of function for their money, even if they fully intend to get their 1911 rebuilt anyway. Many fully expect to simply buy what they need and not get customizing work done, and will pay enough more that makers now make 1911s to that standard. It is now plenty easy to simply purchase the 1911 you need, whether for carry, competition or just going to the range for fun.

    A careful reader might get the impression that I am fond of the 1911. You’d be correct. While I initially learned to shoot on single action revolvers, I found I much preferred the 1911 for everything except bone-crushing power. For speed, accuracy, enough power, durability, availability and ease of use, I would be hard pressed to find something better. Other shooters and writers might disagree, and that’s the beauty of the modern capitalist system: we can disagree, still have our opinions and products, and learn from each other.

    The guns in Volume One were much the same: single-stack guns good for Limited 10 in USPSA, or carry or IDPA matches in CDP Division. For Volume Two I tried to spread things a bit. We have compacts like the Detonics. We have high-caps like the Armscor. I tested 9 mm, .38 Super, 40 and 10 mm as well as .45 ACP.

    Until I win the lotto (which I rarely play, and then only for entertainment purposes) a project like this is dependant on the manufacturers for assistance. I can’t go out and buy everything I’m going to test. I have to ask the manufacturers to send me the guns, gear and ammo. The guns and gear, the manufacturers get back. (Another one of those things people don’t believe about gun writers) The ammo goes downrange. Some rare calibers my test crew pocket samples of. Back in the S&W book, I got about half the .500 S&W ammo and brass back. Every tester who shot it pocketed a loaded round and a fired case. Well, in this book it isn’t such a problem. They all have a plentiful supply of 9 mm and .45 ACP brass at home, and a few empties won’t make any difference. If I turned my back the five-gallon bucket of brass might disappear, but the lads know they might not get invited back, so they restrain themselves.

    Chapter 1

    Advances in the 21st Century

    Ihave to start off the second volume on the 1911 with a grumble: Words mean things. Modern marketing has so changed, distorted and altered the English language that up means down, and bad is good. The first one to grumble over is Classic. By the dictionary I learned from ‘lo these many years ago, classic was an object, tool process or method that had stood the test of time. Today, last years model of an appliance, computer, or soft drink is a classic. B-S. The second grumble is tactical. As in pertaining to tactics? No. As in something to do with a process, method, or reactive system to a threat? Sometimes, but not often. No, tactical today often means whatever the mall ninjas want it to. Usually, something that in an earlier age would have been called cool. Some in the firearms, equipment and training businesses look at each other knowingly and smile a slight smile when hearing the word tactical uttered. I’ve heard more than one person remark If you paint it black and put some Velcro on it, you can sell it to cops. Now so it is with tactical. Some people will buy anything if you earnestly tell them it is tactical. Some in the industry even make fun of it: Blackhawk, with a great big smirk, calls their coffee cups tactical caffeine delivery systems.

    You want Classic? How about a firearm that has been around essentially unchanged for (as I write this) ninety-four years? Which has not only shrugged off competitors, but is now seeing a resurgence of use? How about the .45 ACP cartridge, which is still the standard against which all other defensive cartridges are compared? The 1911 pistol is strong not from the use of exotic alloys, but strong as the Mauser bolt-action rifle is strong, from design. You can make a 1911 with greater longevity if you use alloy steels and involved heat-treatments, but you don’t have to. The government proved that with the WWII-production guns. They had minimal heat-treatment, most only had the locking lugs on the slide hardened in any way, and many are still in use today. On Okinawa during the invasion, the average life expectancy of a Second Lieutenant was 30 days. Given that most 1911s issued to those officers would disappear into the destructive maw of war, why should the manufacturer have spent any more time in heat-treating it than absolutely needed? And yet they still work.


    A classic design makes the 1911 great, but new and improved steel makes the pistols even better.


    The big advances in handgun use have been as much on the user end as pistol design. Fifty years ago you’d have been hooted off a range shooting this way.

    Today you can buy or build a 1911 with alloy steels and improved heat-treatment, one that given proper maintenance will outlast both you and your heirs.

    In the world of tactical, tactical is that pertaining to the development, use, teaching and utilization of tactics. Not just gear. In the close fight, what is tactical is that you make the bad guys either cease their bad activities, or be unable to continue them. If the use of a handgun is called for, the quick cessation of bad activities is a good thing. The longer bad guys keep doing bad things, the worse it is for you and the rest of the good guys. However, you can have too much of a good thing. We can all agree that a handgun chambered in 12-gauge, loaded with 00 buckshot, would be a more effective fight-stopper than a mere .45 ACP. However, getting the hand-shotgun into use would be difficult. (We won’t even go into the legal difficulties of obtaining or building such a beast, or the recoil problems.) Anything you built or bought that could be effectively utilized would be so bulky it wouldn’t be much more use than a rifle or shotgun. Or, it would be compact, but no one would dare shoot it more than once.

    A tool must be handy or it isn’t useful. Carpenters use powered nailguns because they are compact, and can be handled with one hand. If nailguns took both hands and a backpack powerpack, carpenters would still be using hammers. Thus it is with a sidearm. You don’t go into a fight with a handgun, not if you have any other choice. Or common sense. Often a handgun is what’s left after all the other tools have run out, been broken or lost. A handgun that is too heavy, bulky or has too much recoil isn’t a useful emergency tool.

    Marine Lt. Brian Chontosh gave a demonstration of when you use a handgun, in Iraq in 2004, leading a patrol up Highway 1. The patrol was ambushed, and the Lieutenant ordered his Humvee driver to flank the ambushers. The M2HB gunner shot the machinegun emplacement that was firing directly on his Humvee, and when the vehicle crashed into the enemy trench, the Leuitenant bailed out. And attacked. He went down the length of the trench, firing his M-16 until he had exhausted his ammo. Then he pulled out his sidearm and continued. (A Beretta M9, but we’re talking tactical use of a sidearm here.) When that ran out, he began picking up dropped AK-47s. You use your handgun either because it is the only thing you’re carrying, or the bigger things you’re carrying have stopped working. In the words of John Farnam, long-time firearms instructor and tactician The number one cause of weapon malfunction is running out of ammo.

    There are more manufacturers of the 1911 than ever before. When I was writing the first volume, I would not have thought it possible that even more manufacturers could get into the game, but there are. And not just small companies making custom guns. Big names in the handgun biz, names you would never have associated with the 1911; SigArms, S&W, Taurus, are now making one or more versions of the best gun ever designed. And the models they offer, and the options you can have, are greater than ever. We have 1911s made of exotic alloys. Not just high-chrome steel, but titanium, scandium-laced aluminum and polymers. You have more choices than ever in caliber. You can go from a .17 on the small end to a .50 on the big end. There are more sights, magazines, grips, and finishes than you can shake a stick at. And there are more competitions than ever where a 1911 is not just another gun, but often the one you want to be using if you expect to win. And in police departments across the country, and in foreign lands where we expect our men and women to protect us before danger gets here, the 1911 is being asked for more and more. More than before I get requests from officers in departments asking how to convince their chief or sheriff to allow the department to carry a 1911. The various branches of the military are hearing (whether they like it or not) that many of the troops on the sharp end want something better than a 9mm. Something more like, or better yet exactly like, the 1911. By the time this book hits the bookshelves, the Department of Defense may have gone full circle. Or at least as much of a circle as the inhabitants of the big five-sided building can bring themselves to admit. The new sidearm will almost certainly have an accessory rail, will probably be .45 ACP, use a single-stack magazine, and may be the old cocked and locked trigger mechanism. It may be some trick DAO variant or derivative of the Para LDA, or a Glock-ish or Springfield XD trigger. That would be the bureaucratic, and stupid, thing to do. As much as I respect those pistols and their trigger mechanisms, they have not been studied, debugged, worked on, adjusted and modified like the original 1911 trigger mechanism has. Yes, Glock has made several trainloads of their pistol, and knows a whole lot about how it works. But a lot of that knowledge is proprietary, and not common knowledge.


    Firearms used to be made from forgings. Now a lot of the preliminary work is done via castings.


    A good caster can design in a lot of the features that used to require extensive machining.

    The manufacturing abilities of the makers have improved by leaps and bounds even in the last few years. In the old days a manufacturer would set up a plant to make firearms. There would be rows and rows of lathes and mills. Each machine would have an operator. Each machine would have a fixture, where a piece of metal would be held for one, two or three machine operations. And the object of their attentions would have been a forging, a lump of steel heated red-hot and hammered in a huge hydraulic press. Now, those parts can be machined from bar stock, plates, castings, even created by moulding and heating, called MIM. Now, CNC machines are common. The cost had dropped so much, and availability so increased, that even small shops can own a CNC machine. And there, the machine can do a whole host of machine operation on one part. Sometimes every machine operation, swapping cutting tools as it goes. With some sort of auto feed, a machine can work overnight, or twenty-four hours a day, with minimal attention from its minder. Once machined, they need only be deburred and sent off for finishing, plating, heat-treating or whatever is left to produce a finished part.

    CNC machines also machine to tighter and more repeatable tolerances than individual machines and fixtures. The end result is tighter slide-to-frame fits, better barrel fits and more accuracy.

    Smaller parts are made via the wire EDM process or MIM, producing small parts of excellent (or perfect) dimensionality at less cost than the old forged and machined parts. The modern 1911 looks identical in many respects to the older guns. But in almost every iteration, in almost every way, they are better. Tolerances are tighter, accuracy and reliability are better, in some ways my job is more boring. If, when I started this volume you had told me I would shoot a truckload of guns, feed them a ton of ammo, and none of them would fail, I’d have said you were crazy. Put any model out there, and the chances of going through tens of thousands of rounds without failure is small. If each object of that model came form a different maker, the chances of failure go up. In the phrase Charlie Petty once uttered (and probably has more than once, it’s a good phrase) Reliability testing was a waste of good ammunition. Except here it wasn’t a waste. I and my test crew got to do some practice, and we learned things along the way that can only be learned from doing. In the realm of useful phrases, I learned one many years ago in college: If we knew what the answer was, it wouldn’t be research. If I had known before starting the success rate would not be high, but be 100%, you couldn’t really call it research, could you? It would be plinking, subsidized by the guns and ammo makers.

    Well, we plinked for all we were worth. And you get the benefits.

    Chapter 2


    The whole point of a rifled barrel is accuracy. But, as with so many things in life, you can’t get something for nothing. Oh, you can get a lot for very little, but it still all costs. And accuracy costs more than most things. First of all, if you expect accuracy, you have to use good ammo. Do not expect your high-dollar custom 1911 to shoot one-hole groups with ammo obtained form Bob’s House of Low-bidder Gear. Yes, you might get lucky with this or that import, or some lot of surplus or reloads, but if you expect the same performance from the next production batch of that ammo, boy have I got a deal for you. You need not break the bank buying only factory-new, premium ammo. But you do have to spend something. However, good ammo is not hideously expensive. If you are willing to invest in a reloading setup, and spend some time learning the process, you can produce match-quality ammo at the rate of 400 rounds an hour, and for about $75 per 1,000 rounds.

    But now we come to the gun. An accurate 1911 is one that has a straight, smoothly-finished bore, in a barrel that locks up consistently to the slide. If the slide runs and locks up consistently on the frame, well that’s a bonus. But the barrel-slide fit is what matters. If the barrel locks up consistently to the slide, and you’re aiming the slide, then even a gun that seems loose can shoot well. Competition guns with scopes bolted to the frame are much more dependant on a good slide to frame fit, which is one reason why a good USPSA/IPSC Open gun costs more than other 1911s.

    But what does the barrel lock up on? Where does it bear? What is a good fit? How complicated can it be? If everything goes well, quite simple. And if not, devilishly complicated. Bill Laughridge, the owner of Cylinder & Slide, teaches a week-long 1911 customizing class. In the class, students build a 1911 from a box of parts. He found that the barrel fitting part of the class took so much time it was tough to get guns finished, and students instructed, in one week. So he split the barrel-fitting portion of the class off into its own class. Which takes two full days. As I said, if everything goes right, you can fit a barrel in fifteen minutes. If not, you could be at it for a whole day.

    Before we dive into barrel fit, perhaps we should take a walk around a barrel, just so we all are speaking the same language. (You’d be surprised at what some people call some parts of the barrel. And even before it starts malfunctioning.) While we’re at it, we’ll discuss what those parts do as they function.

    The barrel is at its heart a tube with spiraled grooves cut or pressed into its interior. Out at the front is the muzzle, with the crown. The muzzle is the open end, where the bullet exits, while the crown is the particular portion of the front face that comes down to and meets the rifled bore. A clean and perpendicular crown is important. If it is uneven, rough or dented, the bullet will not have a good start in its brief life. The meeting edge of the crown and bore is the important part. If it is rough, nicked, dented or uneven, the propelling gases will jet out at the first gap. The jet can create stability problems for the bullet. Why do some gunsmiths cut the crown as an inverted cone, or deeply round the crown? To protect that edge. By recessing the edge they can protect it from wear (holster, mostly) and impacts. In an ideal world, a crown that was simply a lathe-cut perpendicular face would work. But in our non-ideal world, the first impact on that crown would dent or otherwise mar it, harming accuracy.

    Back of the crown is the barrel tube itself. On older guns, and on basic, non-fitted guns, the barrel diameter is the same all the way back to the locking lugs. At least on .45s. On a lot of 9 mm 1911s, the barrel bushing area is a large diameter, and the barrel is tapered down to a smaller diameter soon after, back to the locking lugs. The fit of the barrel to bushing can have a big impact on accuracy. But a tight bushing can create drag, something not needed for the full stroke of the slide travel. Clever gunsmiths in the old days would tightly-fit a bushing and then polish, draw file or lathe-turn the barrel diameter behind the bushing so it was slightly smaller. The 9 mm barrels were made smaller to lighten them. The 9 mm doesn’t have the power, and the smaller size of the casehead creates less thrust, so to ensure reliable function many makers turn the 9 mm barrel down to lessen the unlocking mass. Colt even lightened the slide internally, to lessen the cycling mass as well. Where this method of barrel design was really picked up was the abortive Colt collet bushing. They made a special bushing with spring fingers that clamped down on a bushing diameter made a lot larger than the barrel shaft diameter. The idea was to use the spring fingers to center and hold the barrel, without the need for hand-fitting of a tight bushing. When it worked it worked just fine. But some guns broke the fingers. It seems the bushing was really stressed when some dimension or another was slightly out of spec, and Colt hadn’t taken that into account. In the age before CNC machining, perhaps they could not have. With the CNC mills and lathes of today, it would be easy enough to make sure the dimensions worked out so the collet bushing fingers would not break. Of course it is even easier to just make a regular bushing that is a snug fit and avoid all the collet bushing silliness. The breaking fingers of the collet bushing would not have been a problem except that when they broke they stopped the gun cold. Sometimes it took surgery to get the gun apart and replace the bushing. When Bar-sto was making barrels in the early days, they also tried the collet bushing system. They ended up dropping it. It seemed that too many owners, when taking the gun apart to clean it, insisted on taking the bushing off the barrel. Yanking it off, and prying it back on, was very stressful, and collet fingers broke. Bar-sto finally just threw up their hands, and started shipping barrels with regular bushing again.


    Gunsmiths used to spend a whole lot more effort on bushings, until word got around about how Colt solved the 9mm/Super problem. The lower barrel is a Super, with a visible muzzle flare. The upper is a .45, and while the increased diameter isn’t readily visible, it is there.


    The Kart EZ Fit barrels have raised fitting pads in the rear slot.

    The big deal about the collet-bushing barrels was that the enlarged lump made a perfect base to tightly-fit a regular bushing for reliable function. More on bushings in a bit.

    At the rear of the barrel shaft is the chamber. The top of the chamber has the locking lugs. You’ll see two slots and three lugs. An ideal fit would have all three lugs bearing evenly on all three corresponding lugs in the slide. If you ever find a 1911 with a barrel that has all three lugs evenly fitting, you’re holding the work of a master. Many earlier guns left the factory with only one lug bearing. In the course of firing, the one lug bearing would set back slightly under the load of recoil until the second lug started taking the load, and then the setback would stop. (I imagine that a lot of the initial setback happened when the proof loads were fired.) Commander and smaller guns will have only two bearing lugs. The slide needs the extra space the front lug took up, just to cycle far enough to function.


    Many custom barrels use a lifted rear slot as a means of fitting barrels. Your gunsmith will file here to fit its upward travel.

    If you look closely at a good barrel, you’ll see that the two slots on the barrel are not the same. On a barrel such as a Bar-sto, the rear slot is higher than the front one. In a barrel such as a Kart, the rear slot will have two raised pads in it, at roughly ten and two o’clock. The raised inner portion of the slot is meant as an upper stop limiter. On the Bar-sto, the outside shoulders of the raised slot bear against the rib of the slide, stopping the barrels upward movement. The raised pads of the Kart do the same thing. The bearing portions can (and must) be filed, to adjust upward movement of the barrel, so it has sufficient engagement with the locking lugs of the slide, and presents the primer to the firing pin. Barrels lacking some sort of stop depend on the upward limit of the link to keep them in place. While that works, it can be hard on the link, and is not as good a long-term solution. And many 1911 owners expect long term to be quite a few rounds.

    Occasionally, you have a chance to handle an old-school gunsmithed 1911. Look inside the slide opposite the ejection port. On some guns you’ll see a small dab of weld. In the old days, before match barrels were common, gunsmiths would weld the barrel to re-cut it for a tight fit. To stop the upward travel of the barrel, they’d (the good ones, anyway) weld a spot on the inside of the slide, and file it to act as an upward stop to barrel travel. Yes, it was only one spot, and off-center at that. But it was a stop.

    You’ll usually find a marking of some kind on the chamber area, usually caliber, and sometimes the maker’s name. A good maker will mark it, then finish-ream the chamber. That way if there is any upset into the chamber, the reaming cleans it up. Barrels that are marked by milling or laser-etching do not risk altering the chamber by marking.

    In back is the hood. Why a hood? I can only imagine, as the hood makes fabricating barrels and slides more difficult. I’ll bet John Moses Browning first tried to make the earliest pistols without hoods. But what he found was that the cartridge just couldn’t be relied on to feed 100 percent without some kind of guide. The hood is a guide. As a bonus, it offers a longer base to lock the barrel to the slide, and a longer base potentially adds accuracy. The hood can be a tight fit or a loose one. Theoretically, a tightly fitted hood increases accuracy. As a practical matter, it increases accuracy only after all the other variables have been nailed down. That is, if we took a good barrel and simply grew the hood until we could fit it tightly to the barrel, we would not see much increase in accuracy. But if we have a barrel that is tightly and properly fitted except for the hood, and then tighten the hood, we can expect to see groups shrink a bit.


    The lower lug had a number of jobs to do, and properly-fitted will last a long time. Improperly fitted, and it will quickly wear or even break.

    On the bottom are the parts that cause so much consternation; the bottom lugs and the link.

    The bottom lugs and the link have separate jobs. The link unlocks the barrel, and the lugs lock the barrel. Do not confuse the two jobs. The bottom lugs ideally rest on the slide stop shaft, and prevent up-and-down movement of the barrel when it is in battery. As the slide travels forward, chambering a round, the barrel moves forward until the bottom lugs contact the slide stop pin. The barrel can’t ride up on the pin until the slide has move forward enough to clear the locking lugs. Until then, the top of the barrel and the slide rub. Once the lugs have clearance, the barrel cams up the bottom lugs until the rear foot of the lugs contacts the slide stop pin, and the assembly stops. At the stop point, in a properly fitted 1911, the pivot pin of the link is over center by a thousandth of an inch. That is, the center of the link pivot pin is forward of the center of the slide stop pin. When fired, the barrel must travel that thousandth before it can start unlocking. The initial thrust of recoil thus is working against the mass of slide and barrel, and the full force of the recoil spring.


    The lower lugs on this barrel have had the radius clipped to quicken unlocking. Bad show, and a short-lived barrel.

    When the barrel unlocks, the unlocking happens as a result of the link pin pulling the barrel down out of the slide. Once released, the inertia of the slide carries it to the limit of its rearward travel. The barrel takes a different path. Pivoting around the link pin, the barrel, by means of the lower lugs, hits the frame and stops. This is important; the lower lugs hit the frame and stop. You do not want the chamber portion of the barrel to be the impact surface. Barrel fit in relation to the frame is critical. If the surface is in the wrong location (the frame, that is) the barrel and slide can be worked a lot harder than designed and even wear prematurely or break.

    The rear of the lower lugs must also strike the frame evenly. If they do not, the stress of impact can peen or break the lower lugs.

    If the frame face is too far forward, the slide must cam the barrel down while the barrel is wedged against the frame. Lacking room, the slide and barrel upper lugs must grind past each other, rounding their corners and prematurely wearing them. Usually you see rounded lug shoulders and a loss of accuracy. And short order for a 1911 is less than 10,000 rounds. I’ve seen very badly fitted barrels quit in a thousand rounds. If the frame face is too far back (towards the shooter) the lower lugs can’t contact the frame face before the chamber crashes down on the frame seat. Depending on how strong the barrel is, and how stout the loads the barrel may last a long time before breaking. There will be no warning of impending failure. The lower lugs separate from the chamber area, and accuracy suddenly goes all to hell, then if you keep trying the pistol stops working. Sometimes the link quits first, cracking and often unable to unlock as designed. Again, the pistol stops working.

    A mis-located frame face is serious but rare. It eventually damages the barrel and slide. If yours is egregiously mis-located, the only solution is to have the frame machined for an integral-ramp barrel.

    Barrel Fit Checks

    It isn’t uncommon to see someone checking a 1911, and pressing the chamber down with his thumb when the slide is closed. We all do it. However, it doesn’t impart as much knowledge as you might think. First, what does a moving barrel tell you? That the barrel is propped up by inertia, being thrown vertically as the slide closes. There is nothing mechanical holding it in place. In some instances, the barrel will spring back in place after being pushed. There, the barrel is binding on the bushing in its locked location, and when you press down, the bushing is springing it back. Neither

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