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Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body
Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body
Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body
Ebook42 pages29 minutes

Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body

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About this ebook

A small manual detailing the many various meditation methods I have found and used during my life, the effects that can happen during one's meditation, and post practice. It details how body, energy and mind are inter-related and how performing meditation will open these other areas whether one wants to or not, and what to expect when this occurs.
This manual is not a hand me down of a strict follow this path but suggests the paths are many and that some people should find the one that bests suits them and change as the need arises.

PublisherMaha Ete
Release dateDec 13, 2017
Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body

Maha Ete

Maha Ete Bringing 50 years of experience in meditation, spiritual shamanic healing including massage, intuitive acupuncture and acupressure, psychic healing, trigger actions and words, animal spirits and symbolic magic.Have used a Gestalt, Zen approach when correcting emotional problems.I bring a broad range of intuitive abilities to those searching either Christian 3rd eye consciousness or Buddhist Enlightenment.I am proud to note I have no degrees in any of the above subjects which makes sense as they cannot be learnt loll. Experience through introspection and practise to perfect skills has always been my teacher.I know that many say that a guru is a requirement to advance spiritually, but I have found that is not the case provided one keeps an open mind and follows through with both worldly and spiritual practise at the same time balancing oneself in the process.

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    Meditation. My Methods Of Reintegrating Mind And Body - Maha Ete


    The Wiki description of Meditation is "Meditation is a practice where an individual operates or trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness to allow the mind to engage in peaceful thoughts.[1] Meditation is often used to clear the mind, reduce stress,[2], promote relaxation or train the mind.[3][4][5] It may be done while sitting, repeating a mantra, and closing the eyes in a quiet environment."

    Wrong, wrong and even more wrong. What the mind is doing now is overexercising, running hither and thither endlessly spouting new thoughts, new desires, chasing endless dreams constantly. The closest comparison would be to walking around in a thick fog. You can see the fog but very little else. The rampant number of our thoughts are clouding everything that we can be and feel. So the first purpose of meditation is cleaning the cobwebs and the fog. The mind’s original state was one of rest while we were in mum’s tummy doing the nine months float tank meditation. We let ourselves become distracted from birth onwards. Admittedly our Western lifestyle is conducive to increasing the distraction.

    Are we training the mind when we meditate? I cannot comprehend that returning the mind to its natural state is either a practice or training. Like the mud swept into a river in flood, it will settle naturally when it is time. I do agree that the practice increases the rate of clearing. Meditation is and has never been used to promote peaceful thoughts. Peaceful thoughts are analytical mind racing in that direction, towards peace but never finding it. As meditation is about returning mind to its basic reactive state which is a state of rest awaiting a reaction whether that is self-created or received and having the ability to fully assess the outcome and react to it.

    Yes, the effects, clearing the mind, relaxing one, superconscious experiences can all happen when one is meditating or shortly after the meditation. Yes, one can do it sitting, walking, standing, lying down, repeating mantras, using mudras, eyes open, half open and closed etc.

    No! You don’t need to go on a mountain top and be a hermit and no you don’t need a teacher to train you. Having said that some teachers do assist by promoting the tranquil mind by being in their presence because of the aura they emit.

    Chapter 1:


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