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12 Books in 12 Months?
12 Books in 12 Months?
12 Books in 12 Months?
Ebook154 pages1 hour

12 Books in 12 Months?

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About this ebook

12 Books in 12 Months? is a challenge I posed to myself. Can I put out 1 Book each month in 2018?
12 Books in 12 Months? is a tasty sample of some of the work I'll be releasing this year and includes the introduction and first chapter of most of the books I've written thus far. It also includes two short stories from my Short Story Anthology and a couple recipes from the vegan cookbook Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk. 12 Books in 12 Months? gives readers a chance to experience the madness that is my mind.

PublisherStudo Mke
Release dateJan 28, 2018
12 Books in 12 Months?

Studo Mke

STUD!O M!KE is a writer, musician, music producer, stand-up comic, multi-award winning artist and dreamer.

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    12 Books in 12 Months? - Studo Mke

    12 Books in 12 Months?

    12 Books in 12 Months?


    The Compassion Experiment

    12 Books in 12 Months?


    12 books in 12 months?

    Am I crazy or what? That is the goal though, to release one book a month, every month, during the year 2018.

    Some of the books I will release this year will include: Young Adult Fiction, Children’s Fiction, Adult Sci-fi/Fantasy, an Illustrated Novel, a Vegan Cook Book, a Short Story Anthology and a Non-Fictional musical adventure called My Wasted Youth.

    What makes this idea even crazier is that most of these books lie in an incomplete state. I’d say at least ten of them are near the finish line but this really will be a challenge and unless I put myself out the way I have, trying to make this somewhat outrageous idea a reality, none of them would probably ever see the light of day.

    They say everybody has at least one good book in them, so, I’ve decided to put out twelve books in twelve months with my fingers crossed that at least one of them is good, possibly even great.

    Twelve Books in Twelve Months? is a tasty sampling size of some of the work that I will release in 2018, to give potential readers a taste of the madness that is my mind.

    Enjoy the madness!


    Table of Contents

    1. A Maggot Conspiracy :

    Young Adult - Illustrated Novel

    2. Moose and Turkey :

    Children’s Fiction

    3. The Mars Experiment Book 1 :

    Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy

    4. Lost in the Wilderness :

    Young Adult

    5. Short Story Anthology:

    Little Surfer Girl

    The Unlucky Burglar

    6. Compassionate Eating For Everyday Folk:

    Veggie Chill

    Shepherds Pie

    Carrot Ginger Soup

    Beet Risotto

    Chunky Cinnamon Applesauce

    7. My Wasted Youth:

    Non-fictional Musical Adventure


    12 Books in 12 Months?

    Table of Contents


    A Maggot Conspiracy

    My Name is Deegan

    Moose and Turkey

    Moose and Turkey

    Moose and Turkey

    Moose and Turkey

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    The Mars Experiment

    Lost in the Wilderness

    Lost in the Wilderness

    Short Story Anthology

    Short Story Anthology

    Short Story Anthology

    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk


    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk

    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk

    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk

    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk

    Compassionate Eating for Everyday Folk

    My Wasted Youth


    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    My Wasted Youth

    About the Author


    This book is dedicated to everyone who has ever encouraged me to pursue my dreams, no matter how unrealistic.

    A Maggot Conspiracy

    The ideas for this story started to percolate in my brain in the year 2002, while I lay in bed, in a tiny, doorless room that I rented in a house with four other dudes.

    I spent most of my time in that house skateboarding on a half-pipe we built in the backyard and playing loud music in the basement - which was where the toilet backed-up into pretty much everyday.

    I got the idea for this story while staring up at the two giant oak trees that stood defiantly in the front yard.

    I wondered to myself: ‘What’s going on in those trees?’

    This is what I found out…

    My Name is Deegan

    Out of the corner of your eye you see them scuttling about. In nightmares they crawl all over your body and plant eggs in your throat and eyes. They bite, they buzz, they breed on your food, and they can kill you. They are everywhere and always will be. They are mighty insects and, may it be an ant, spider, hornet, or termite, these creepy-crawlies inflict more pain and death, than creatures twenty times their size.

    People blame ants for ruining their picnics. They blame termites for ruining their furniture. They blame bumble bees for suffocating their precious children. Maybe they’re right. But they are also painting a simplistic image of a diverse world that is out of sight of the average human eye.

    But that is exactly how the most vile of insects want it.

    They love secrecy, war and destruction, and anyone who stands in their way will be infected and destroyed.

    And though insects may be small, they cause painful death all over the world. And the evil ones love this, they also work hard to ensure the veil of fear and terror only few can see.

    These insects may vary in size, but you’ll rarely find one as big as a human and this frightens them. Every year, anti-human insect fundamentalists sacrifice their lives to ensure that people won’t forget the horror of a bloody insect war.

    To categorize every insect as evil and disgusting is wrong. But there are bad seeds everywhere, including in the insect world, which really isn’t all that different from the world you live in. The reality is, no one really ever looks close enough to see what really goes on down there, under the rocks, in the shadows, and anywhere that sugar can be found.

    When an insect is seen, it’s because they weren’t quick enough to escape from a heist. Most insects don’t want to be seen. They just want to be avoided. And can you blame them?

    Many children have favorite pastimes that include burning ants with a magnifying glass, pulling the legs off spiders, spraying flies with air freshener, putting firecrackers in ant compounds, and trapping grasshoppers and crickets. Indeed there are many time-honored insect-killing traditions.

    To an insect, this is insulting and considered a personal attack.

    If people don’t think karma works when it comes to killing insects, they’re seriously wrong, the repercussion being death, of course.

    Parents warn children that if they kill a spider, it will rain; the scary thing is that they aren’t that far off. When you kill a spider, it is instantly more likely that you, or someone you love, will die from complications due to repeated spider bites, or will suffocate while choking on a throat full of silken webbing.

    Insects live very tough, simple lives. For the evil ones, the one thing that they enjoy more than picnics and sweet garbage is revenge.

    They love it!

    When someone tries to swat a hornet hive with a tennis racket, they’re ready and waiting.

    But patience is definitely a virtue hornets were blessed with. They’ll wait as the teenager, stumbling from illicit substances, makes his way to a hive that he so badly needs to smash. They’ll pretend like no one is home.

    Or send out a couple drones to lure him in.

    The queen hornet always keeps a tight noose on her drones, but when the hive is threatened, it is open season on that unlucky individual.

    Hornets live for days like that, to release the frustration they have from living the confined and restrictive lifestyle that they are born into.

    Don’t feel sorry for the sad sack, swarmed by hornets on a quest for blood, because they’ve brought it on themselves . Of course they tell the doctor who treats their injuries that they don’t know how it possibly could have happened.

    Insects have no pity for a race that has no pity for theirs.

    Humans and insects are constantly at war, and a deadly and brilliant insect war collective has been watching and planning, and this could prove disastrous - for creatures far and wide.

    As hard as it might be to believe what I’m saying, it has proven to be true.

    Killer bees are just the first in a line of hybrid insects that have given up trying to hide their great hate for humans, we call them insect fundamentalists.

    Forget your insecticide, citronella and mosquito coils. When these insects arrive, RUN!

    They are quick and ruthless, and soon it will be too late, so keep your eyes peeled.

    Words are just words, of course I recognize this.

    And without evidence, who is going to believe me?

    People will continue to slaughter insects without remorse.

    And now more than ever, they need to stop it before it is too late.

    For everyone’s sake, let’s just hope it is not too late already!

    I can see this coming because I am closer to their world, than yours.

    I am warning people because things have to change, and I am destined to be a part of that change.

    I have always wanted to live in a world where insects, humans and

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