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Why God Cares About Politics
Why God Cares About Politics
Why God Cares About Politics
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Why God Cares About Politics

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Rochelle Conner writes from the foundations of the Bible. A clear, concise, and impactful guide to government in the natural and spiritual realms. A powerful illustration of God's intricate involvement in politics.
Release dateFeb 8, 2018
Why God Cares About Politics

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    Why God Cares About Politics - Rochelle Conner

    Published by Gatekeeper Press

    3971 Hoover Rd. Suite 77

    Columbus, OH 43123-2839

    Copyright © 2018 by Rochelle Conner

    All rights reserved. Neither this book, nor any parts within it may be sold or reproduced in any form without permission.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

    Scripture references are from the King James Version.

    ISBN: [to come]

    Printed in the United States of America

    Except the Lord build the House, they labor in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman watches in vain.

    —Psalm 127:1




    PART I

    Chapter 1: Government in the Bible

    Chapter 2: Political Figures in the Bible

    Chapter 3: America’s Christian Roots

    Chapter 4: God and Government


    Chapter 5: The Rise of Secular Humanism

    Chapter 6: Three-Pronged Attack of Secularization

    Chapter 7: Political Socialization

    Chapter 8: Why God Cares About Politics



    This purpose of this book is to provide insight into how Christians influence national blessings or judgment through the actions they take or don’t take in politics. It is my prayer that by the end of this book, the reader will see the manifested connection between God, government (politics) and the Christian’s responsibility to influence the affairs of this nation. This book is designed to impart several concepts: 1) the biblical foundation for government; 2) demonstrate how God’s people influence the political realm; 3) highlight America’s biblical foundation; and 4) explain how the absence of Christian involvement in the governmental (political) realm has led to a secularized nation; and 5) how Christians can become salt and light in America. This book, based on the charge God gave to me more than 20 years ago (Matthew 10:5-7), is written specifically to the New Testament Church living in turbulent political times in the 21 st century. Consider what I say, and the Lord give thee understanding in all things (II Tim. 2:7).


    Some say Christians should not be involved in politics. However, American history is replete with people of faith actively engaging the political/governmental realm. Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist ministers battled in the political sphere against slavery. They preached the equality of men made in the image of God. And it was through preaching of the gospel and political action that America came under spiritual conviction of the evils of slavery. Ministers such as Richard Allen, John Wesley, Henry Highland Garnet, Owen Lovejoy, and many others, were not afraid to challenge the greatest social malady of their time. It was their refusal to remain silent that altered the cultural conscience on racial equality. The Bible is filled with political events and characters.

    The Holy Scriptures reveal how God placed his people into positions of authority to 1) effect national change, 2) make known His existence above false gods, and 3) deliver His people from destruction.

    As believers in Christ, we are citizens of the kingdom of God. We have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Christ.¹ It is imperative that we have a clear understanding of kingdom and citizenship. A kingdom represents rulership or governance by a supreme leader (like a king or queen) over territories, states, nations, or people groups. Beyond the natural realm, the kingdom of God is the eternal spiritual sovereignty of God. A kingdom is a governmental system. Isaiah declared 700 years before Christ "the government shall be upon his shoulders . . . and of the increase of his government . . . there shall be no end.² Jesus Christ is the sovereign king of whom Isaiah spoke. Luke, a companion of Paul and gospel writer, reiterates Isaiah and of his kingdom there shall be no end."³ According to scripture, it is clear that God has designed an eternal kingdom to be ruled by Jesus Christ.

    A citizen is a native-born or naturalized individual who pledges allegiance to a nation’s government in return for the benefits of national rights, privileges, and protections. Native-born citizens are those, who by birth, are entitled to the rights and protections of the nation in which they are born. Naturalized citizens are foreign-born persons who adhere to a governmentally-designated process through which they are granted the rights, privileges, and protections of citizens.

    As believers in Jesus Christ, we are citizens of the kingdom of God. Our citizenship guarantees us all the rights and protections promised by God in the Bible. In John 18:36, Jesus said that His kingdom was not of this world, and rightly so. The kingdom of God is within the believer⁴ and every place the believer goes, he or she carries the kingdom of God. Knowing this, we have a responsibility to govern ourselves according to the principles of God’s kingdom. As citizens we have free choice to obey the laws of righteousness or not. But just like in the natural governmental realm, we reap the benefits or consequences of our choices.

    As citizens of God’s kingdom, we owe our allegiance first and foremost to God. We must represent His kingdom in all earthly realms wherein He has placed us, including the political and governmental realms. When we think of politics we generally think of voting and electing people to office. However, politics is much broader than this. Politics is the governing of the affairs of a nation; or activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government. With definition this in mind, let us examine the biblical foundation for government.

    PART I

    Chapter 1

    Government in the Bible

    Have you ever wondered why the professed faith of other countries is not targeted on a national scale for secularization? Why aren’t atheists and agnostics challenging India to reject Hinduism or Japan to reject Shintoism or Buddhism? Why aren’t secularists trying to legislate the overthrow of Islam in Muslim countries? What about removing Catholicism or Santeria from Latin America? Why is it here in America, a nation founded on the Judeo-Christian belief, that we encounter individuals and organizations committed to stripping us of our religious liberties and destroying our national Christian heritage? Could it be

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