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Success Boosters
Success Boosters
Success Boosters
Ebook109 pages30 minutes

Success Boosters

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Most of us have trouble finding the reason why success remains elusive on some people while others seem to have it as their garment. As we look at successful people in life we are left to wonder sometimes: Why can’t I be successful as he or she is? Is it possible for me to excel in my family, relationships, business, education, spiritual life and all other areas of life just like I see other trailblazers before me? If that is your cry, this is your book. Using a practical case of Samson in the Bible, this book gives principles of success that answer the question of why winners win and why losers lose.

Release dateApr 5, 2018
Success Boosters

Bernard Kimani

Rev. Prof. Bernard K. Kimani is Deputy Principal and Academic Dean at Nairobi Pentecostal Bible College. He is also an adjunct faculty Riara University and Africa International University.  He is a sought after conference speaker and an approved Global University adjunct professor of Christian Education and Bible. He holds a B.A. (Bible and Theology) from Global University (USA), Masters Degree in Christian Education (Africa International University), Diploma in Bible and Theology (NPBC, Kenya) and currently pursuing his PhD. He is happily married to Saph and they are blessed with two boys and two girls, Ian, Brian, Sheena and Joan. He occasionally speaks on Family Media TV and Radio 316.

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    Book preview

    Success Boosters - Bernard Kimani


    The book you now hold in your hand answers many questions people ask on success. It lays down some of the things that can be applied in one’s endeavor to succeed in their life ministry, mission and other arenas of life. These ideas are distilled in short sentences which are referred to as nuggets because of the value inherent in their application, especially when done in light of other scriptural admonitions and within the overall context of the Christian life.

    The life of Samson will be taken as a guide while dealing with this subject. Samson was the second last judge of Israel who was best known for His miraculous strength, by which he harassed the Philistines, and his long hair was the secret of his strength. His story is narrated in the book of Judges 13:1-16:31. He doubled as both the strongest man in the Bible and also the weakest to remind us that the strongest among us can be the weakest and the weakest among us can be strong. He had everything working for him including his name which means distinguished but ended a failure. This is because even though he was raised to deliver the people from the Philistines back to God, he died with the enemies and people never came back to God. The domination of the Philistines on Israel reached its pinnacle at the time of Samson and continued in the times of David. The people even plunged in idol worship (Judges 16:30, 17:1).  He can be called a strong weak man.

    From Samson’s life we can get several truths that can help us to rise to the level God wants us to be and to perform God-given tasks.  Yet from his life we can also see some of the pitfalls that Christians at large face that exclude them from the victor’s crown.

    This book is going to explore the character of Samson drawing on his strengths and weakness to show his life as a replica of a man who was greatly used of God but had a missing link- his character. It was this shortfall in his life that led to his downfall. His moral infirmities led to his tragic end. We will compare and contrast Samson’s life with other Bible characters where necessary in order to look at several nuggets on success in life that can be applied in all areas of life.

    Finally, the oasis you have been looking for in a desert of lost hope is here with you in your own hands! God raised Samson in Israel at a time when the nation was experiencing what I would call the Philistine menace. The nation was under conquest of the Philistines for a period of forty years. His birth just like ours was a date with destiny. He was to deliver his people from this conquest. However, I dare say that Samson did not fully locate his sense of destiny because he ended up serving his own interests and not those of the nation. He failed the test of selfishness, consecration, control and care. He forgot that it was not about him but about God and other people. Any time we are addicted and tortured with a passion to make a difference in other people’s lives, we connect with God’s desire for our lives.

    As we look at Samson, we cannot help but see the nuggets that can help one locate his/her sense of destiny and live a successful life on earth. We are also presented with the opposite: the hindrances that can make one miss out his/her date with destiny and hence live a worthless life. As such, the nuggets presented have both positive and negative overtones. For the purpose of this book we have presented them as they occur within the development of the plot in Judges 13:1-16:31.

    Samson’s life is a life worth learning from. It presents to us the real things that real people face in a real world as they try to live for a real purpose that they really believe in. This book will espouse the reason why success remains elusive to some people and why others seem to have it as their garment. It answers the question of why winners win and why losers lose. However, I must admit that what is presented in this book is not all there is. I have spent time

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