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Stoicism : Mastery - Mastering the Stoic Way of Life
Stoicism : Mastery - Mastering the Stoic Way of Life
Stoicism : Mastery - Mastering the Stoic Way of Life
Ebook59 pages1 hour

Stoicism : Mastery - Mastering the Stoic Way of Life

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Are you ready to lead a life that is full of virtue, where you are able to lead a good life that isn't controlled by your emotions but still allows you to have empathy and feelings for others? Stoicism is an ancient thought that has stood the test of time and can provide you with the fulfilling life that you are looking for.

Inside this guidebook, we are going to learn some practical tips that you can use in your daily life in order to bring some more stoicism into your daily life. Some of the things that we are going to explore include:

  • Practicing gratitude in our lives
  • How to accept our own faults and nurture our minds
  • How to practice some mindfulness
  • Learning how to be virtuous
  • How to contribute to others in a willing manner
  • How to avoid revenge and the control it has on us
  • How to be patient in all things
  • How to be honest and sincere
  • How to find peace with ourselves no matter what the outside world thinks of us.

Stoicism may be an ancient idea that has been around for years, but it is an idea that still has a lot of merit in our current times. When you are ready to see how you are able to live the life of a Stoic, make sure to read through this guidebook and learn just how you are able to do this.

PublisherRyan James
Release dateApr 15, 2018

Ryan James

Ryan James is an author who's passionate about Human Psychology.He believes that by understanding our brain and our emotions, why we do what we do, we are better equipped to deal with the various challenges we encounter in life.In his books, Ryan provides practical steps to improve all aspects of your life including, health, fitness, work, productivity, confidence, relationships and more. He focuses on providing actionable steps rather than hyped up strategies that rarely work in the real-world. you'll find that his books are easy to follow and easy to implement.When he's not helping his clients become the best version of themselves, you will either find him at the rock climbing gym or at home with his family making his favorite guacamole recipe.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Nice simple read for a recap on stoicism I enjoyed reading it!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Clear, concise and inspirational I love this Authors series on Stoicism.

Book preview

Stoicism - Ryan James


Congratulations on purchasing your personal copy of Stoicism Mastery: Mastering the Stoic Way of Life. Thank you for doing so.

The following chapters will discuss some of the many ways that you are able to add stoicism into your own personal life. Many people mistakenly believe that you can only practice stoicism if you are from ancient Greece or if you make some major changes to your current life. But in reality, stoicism is still as relevant as ever and with some simple additions and modifications to the life that you already have, you are able to become a Stoic.

This guidebook is going to talk about simple ways to take the Stoic philosophies and learn how to make them a part of your habits. We are going to discuss how sharing empathy with others, giving up control of the events that go on around you, living virtuously, and even how to contribute willingly to your society ad community will be able to help you live a truly Stoic life.

When you are ready to bring some of the ideas of stoicism into your daily life without having to change up everything about your life, read through this guidebook and learn just how stoicism, and its simple philosophies, will be able to make such a difference in your life.


There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible. Please enjoy!

Chapter 1: What is Stoicism?

Stoicism is an interesting idea from ancient times that has really translated over to modern times. It came out during a time of great turmoil in ancient times, a time when emotions could get out of hand and life was not a predictable thing like before. The tenets that come with Stoicism often work well with times that are tough, times of misunderstanding and conflict, which is why it can sometimes work so well in our modern times.

The ideas behind Stoicism help you to find true happiness. This philosophy is meant to put you in control of your emotions, allowing you to look at the situation logically, rather than letting your emotions get out of control and determine how you react, sometimes making you to react in ways that you are ashamed of later on. In addition, you will be able to understand how others react in some cases, keeping your relationships strong while also working with helping out others.

The history of Stoicism

Before we are able to look at how to get started with Stoicism, we need to have a bit of background about Stoicism. Stoicism is a philosophy that was founded by Zeno of Citium around the 3rd century BC. The philosophy asserts that the follower needs to have virtues, like wisdom, in order to find happiness and that any judgment needs to be based on the behavior of the other person, rather than on their words. Stoicism often talks about how we are not the ones in control of, and that we can’t rely on, the external events that go on around us. But we can control how we respond to these events.

Stoicism is a pretty simple philosophy, but in many cases, it can be hard to stick with. It works to remind us that the world is unpredictable and that our moment in life is pretty brief. It works to teach us how to be strong and steadfast and that to find true happiness with our short time on this earth, we need to be able to control ourselves.

It also recognizes that many people are unhappy in life, but the source of this dissatisfaction is not in having too little money or not having enough stuff, it is with our dependency on our emotions and acting out right away, rather than using

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