The Internal Light: Finding Peace in a World Full of Chaos
By C.A. Clement
About this ebook
Author C.A. Clement (aka Camille Jefferson) brings you The Internal Light, geared to help teach you the philosophy of tapping into the light that lives within you, in order to obtain the peace and happiness you seek, despite the noises of the world – stress, heartbreak, inner fears and insecurities, and more – that try to rob you of that peace daily.
You already possess what you need to accomplish everything you want in this world. You just need to learn where to find it.
Discover what happy, successful people have known for centuries: No true peace or happiness can begin without tapping into your Internal Light.
C.A. Clement
C.A. Clement was born and raised in Brooklyn New York, and moved to Miami, Fl in 1999. She is a Senior Writer, and Editor, and lives in Florida with her two children, who, after becoming young men, have been strictly instructed to refer to her in public as their cool, young Aunt.
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The Internal Light - C.A. Clement
The Internal Light
Finding Peace in a World Full of Chaos
By: C.A. Clement
Copyright 2018 Camille Jefferson, Smashwords Edition.
This E-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This E-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this Author.
This book is dedicated to my Queen mother Sheila, a.k.a. Monica, a.k.a. Superwoman. Your Strength, Light and unwavering Love over the years has helped me to find my own voice. Thank you.
Table of Contents
Real Happiness.
Explore Within.
Know and Love Thy Self.
Your Internal Light.
Lay a Good Foundation.
Realize Where Your Power Lies.
Refocus your Lens.
Daily Affirmations and Self-Reflection.
Trust and Forgiveness: It Is Possible.
Win Past the Fear.
Rule Your Destiny.
Sharing Your Walk in Life.
Trust Your Journey.
There is an old Hindu legend that tells the story of when all human beings were gods. The story goes that they abused their divinity so much that Brahma, the chief god, decided to take it away from them and hide it where it could never be found.
But Brahma had no idea where to hide it, so he called on the other gods to help him. Let’s bury it deep in the earth,
said the gods. No, because humans will dig into the earth and find it,
he replied. Then the gods said, Let’s sink it in the deepest ocean.
But Brahma shook his head. No, they will just learn to dive deeper in the ocean and they will find it.
Then the gods said, Let’s take it to the top of the highest mountain and hide it there.
Once again, Brahma disagreed, That will not do either, because they will eventually climb every mountain and once again find their divinity.
The gods gave up and said, We do not know where to hide it. It seems that there is no place on earth that human beings will not eventually reach.
Brahma thought for a while and said, Here is what we’ll do. We will hide their divinity deep in the center of their own being, for humans will never think to look for it there.
And there, according to the tale, is where it has been hiding ever since.
In life, it seems as if we are constantly searching for answers in the world. Some profound, great, elusive answer for real, true happiness. And humans are so amazing and resourceful, they will go to great lengths to search, study and explore any and everything within their reach. But sometimes, if we’d just take the time to look deep enough within ourselves, we would find that the answers we need already reside within the depths of our being. We just need to know where to look for them.
Having a good life in many ways can be attributed to two things: living your most complete life with purpose, gratefulness and no apologies, and seizing your moments. Some of these moments you experience in your life affect you in ways you never expected or prepared for… They warm you, they change your heart, they hurt you beyond understanding and they bring you immeasurable joy. As an adult, you’ve already had many of these moments – they quickly come to mind if you reach for them – and whether they were good or bad, these are the moments that hold the most weight in your life because they’ve helped to mold the person that you’ve become.
My hope is that while you read this book, you have a moment. A moment that brings you clarity. Warmth. Encouragement. Courage. And Faith… A moment that helps you see that the light you are looking for, through all the darkness and chaos in this world, was in you all along.
I never thought that the first person this book would help would be me. But as I was writing it, it was a constant reminder that for most of life’s issues and confusion, we indeed already have the answers, as well as the light we’re constantly searching for, inside of us. It can just feel difficult to reach because it’s often clouded by our emotions, experiences, fears, and the constant battle of what we want, versus what we really need. Even when we do know the right answers, we tend to need a reminder every now and then. Writing this book gave me the clarity to stay focused on my own journey in life, to be the example that I am teaching, and to always remember that my happiness is my own, and therefore must come from me.
As you read, understand that whatever it is you want to go after in your life, no matter how difficult or unlikely it may seem, happiness is not only in achieving it, but also in the journey. Stop to look around you and see what you’ve already accomplished, and feel good about who you are right at this moment. All we have is now, so cherish it. Don’t wait for something amazing to happen to find your happiness. YOU are the amazing. Learn to fall in love with yourself. Find your happiness in the life you possess right now. If you truly can’t do that, then make the decision to rid yourself of whatever is stealing your smile once and for all, because your internal peace is the most important thing you can possess.
Every human being has the desire for their soul to be happy, to have a mental understanding of all things that matter, and to be at peace. No matter how you go about finding this happiness, this is always the goal. But in the world we live in, everyday problems invade that peace daily. We cannot control the world. We cannot predict the future, nor can we stop the rain when it falls on us. But the one thing we can control is ourselves. We can control how we deal with that rain, with the storms ahead, and with the chaos around us. Once we learn how to see things in a new light, we can start our own journey to seek our inner peace. And once we’ve found that, then we have truly arrived.
Each experience in your life is a seed. You can disregard that seed and let nothing come of it, or you can hold on to it and allow it grow into something meaningful. You may not always be able to choose your circumstance, but you can always choose how you react to it. This choice is always yours, no matter what it is.
Mahatma Gandhi defined ‘Namaste’ by saying, I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, [and] of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us [we are one].
Therefore, I say to you, Namaste. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to find love in your life, as well as within yourself; despite your mistakes, hard times, or any other hurdles that you may have encountered. You have survived them, and you are still here. Hold on and know that even though it may be too late to change some things in your life, every day you are alive is another chance to do something better, to get something right, and to find your own inner peace.
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Claim your Happy.
Real Happiness.
In this world, it’s pretty safe to say that everyone wants to live his or her life in a state of happiness. I say state of happiness
because we’d like to believe that everyone feels happy at some point or another in their lives, even if only for a short while. But when we think of being happy, the true goal is to achieve that state of living where we feel joy or content all or most of the time; and unhappiness or being unsatisfied are feelings that are short-lived, instead of part of our daily lives.
But for happiness to be something that is so sought after, few of us really evaluate what being truly happy even means. We are convinced that once we attain that one thing
we are presently desiring, we will be happy – whether it be money, love, fame, even marriage or something else entirely. The measure of success – making it
or true happiness
– is different for everyone. But is that really what happiness is?
And how can we sustain that happiness over time?
Seems like a strange question to ask. You of all people should know what can or will make you happy, right? But in reality, that isn’t always true. The one constant truth amongst most human beings is once you reach an age of awareness, you tend to have a desire for something more. A yearning for more than what you presently have or own. Once you attain this thing you’ve been wanting, it feels good – even great.
But after time, you realize that the happiness you attained from this achievement is short-lived, and you find yourself once again chasing after something, convincing yourself that once you get this new thing, then you’ll really be happy. The problem with this thinking is we are confusing our internal happiness with improving the external quality of our lives. Many people believe that complete happiness will appear once we obtain a lot of money, have someone to love, maybe lose a lot of weight, get recognition for something, etc. – basically anything that you may be chasing at the time.
Desires and goals have a valid merit in the world we live in, and achieving this form of success greatly changes your life. But if every wealthy or successful
person were truly happy, the world would be a different place. Many rich people in the world are still unhappy. What is missing? The problem is no balance. Although desires and goals are valid, they are only one aspect of satisfaction. If your internal state is not in balance, whether you’ve succeeded at a new business, finally won that medal or graduated with honors, that feeling of achievement is not enough to encompass your entire state of happiness.
If you live your life in a constant state of waiting until after you achieve or get something to feel happy, then maybe your basis for happiness should be redefined. The truth is, when we chase after our desires, they really aren’t what we are chasing. What we are actually chasing is the happiness we think these things will bring us once we get them. But the reason why we seldom get there, or if we do the feeling doesn’t seem to last long, is true happiness is not based on what you have or own. It’s a state of mind that you simply feel all the time.
Once attained, this feeling already exists when you wake up in the morning, and remains with you while you carry out your day, your week, and your years. It is fueled by knowledge of self, the things you have learned, the gratefulness you feel and the light that lives inside of you. When this type of happiness is achieved in your life, it not only assists you in achieving all your goals and dreams, but everything else that occurs daily borrows light from this happiness. Then you can feel happy when you simply take a walk on the beach. When someone gives you the smallest gift, or writes you a note. When you have a conversation with