The Mysteries of God Revealed: This Book Reveals the Future
By Roy Dixon
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The Mysteries of God Revealed - Roy Dixon
This Book of Redemption is God’s master plan to redeem his children back from the fall of sin caused by the serpent (Satan) in the beginning. Satan has deceived the whole world with his lies and has caused the people to sin against their creator. This book will reveal that Jesus is both Lord and Christ, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, in One PERSON, manifested in flesh, and existed from eternity past to eternity future and that He is Supreme, not God in three persons, blessed trinity, but One God, One Person, who created the heavens and the earth in the beginning with three major titles, with three Dispensations manifesting those titles.
This Book will reveal the mysteries to the things that happen in the Past, Present, and what will happen in the Future. This Book is the Spirit of prophecy of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is a Book of mysteries to the events of the things that happen over the Ages (generations) on earth, and what will happen hereafter.
EPHESIANS 3:9 God desire for all men to see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hidden in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ. I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him that your eyes may be open and enlightened when you read this book. God by His grace has made known to us the mystery of his will through revelation. Blessed is he that reads, and understands the revealed mysteries in this book.
This book may be difficult for the average person to understand. The reader must seek God in prayer for revelation that He might unfold these mysteries to the reader. Some readers may not agree with the hidden mysteries revealed in this book, because this is the Father’s bread to His children. And if you are a child of God, His search light will shine upon your heart. My sincere prayer is that when His search light shines upon your heart, please harden not your heart, but turn to Him and repent and be made ready for His coming. This book can not be revealed to everyone, but a special class of people.
It is a book of revelation to the Bride of Jesus Christ. You must have prophetic insight and revelation from the Spirit to fully understand His master plan. These mysteries that are unveiled in this book are the master plan of God’s handiwork that is hidden from the angels. In order for you to see the complete picture of God’s master plan of Redemption, you will need to see through the eyes of the spirit and create mental images while reading this Book. It is a Book to be read slowly and savored. This Book is created for constant use, and to read it once through is obviously not enough to fully understand God’s master plan of Redemption.
The Mysteries of God Revealed
was written by Roy Dixon from sermon quotations of the Prophet William Marrion Branham. Scriptures quotations are from the King James Version. The quotations and grammar has been copied in their entirety and are not edited because the Prophet should always be quoted in the same context that he spoke, although his grammar was not proper, nevertheless, neither was John the Baptist.
The main theme in this Book is God hiding Himself in Simplicity, and then revealing His Glory in the Seven Ages. It is essential that you know the hidden revelations to the Seven Ages to fully understand the Book of Redemption, because out of the Ages come the Seals and out of the Seals come the Trumpets and out of the Trumpets come the Vials. All of these events happen simultaneously. This Book that Angels desire to look into are the eternal thoughts of God that was written before the foundation of the world. God has been expressing His eternal thoughts over generations by His written Word.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and took on the Name Jesus, which means (Jehovah Savior). God wanted to express His eternal thoughts and attributes as a Redeemer and Healer over generations. In the beginning God wanted to express His Hidden Glory but there were no creatures to express His eternal thoughts and attributes. So He created the Angels to worship Him to express His hidden Glory. He created a third of the Angels to rebel against Him that his Glory may be revealed. After God created the Angels to worship Him, He decided to express His eternal thoughts out of His plan of Redemption. God wanted some children to manifest His Glory as a Redeemer and Healer. So He created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them [GENESIS 1:27]. Man was created in the eternal thoughts of God before the heavens and the earth were created. God wanted to express His eternal thoughts of His plan of Redemption for man throughout the Ages on earth.
The Angels desire to know the hidden mysteries of God’s master plan for man, but God is keeping them a secret until the plan of Redemption is completed. The Angels marveled when Adam and Eve fell under the curse of sin because they knew God’s children was created in His image and likeness and was apart of God Himself. The Angels knew that God could not destroy His children without destroying himself because they were apart of His eternal Spirit. So the Angels desired to know the hidden mysteries of God, but God is keeping the mysteries a secret from the Angels until every eternal thought in God’s master plan of Redemption has been expressed. If the fallen Angels would have known the hidden mysteries to the plan, they would have done great damage to God’s master plan of Redemption for man. The greatest mystery that God chose to put in His master plan of Redemption were names of people that He elected to be conformed back into His very image. Glory to God in the Highest! He did not have to force these elected people into worshiping Him. God foreknew by His plan of Redemption that these people would choose to worship Him without ever hearing His voice or seeing His face because they were created from God’s eternal Spirit in the beginning. This was His purpose that took form through election, by His own decree He predestinated (elected) them to the adoption of children according to the good pleasure of His will. God foreknew by His omniscience and omnipotence that He would receive glory through His elected children by Faith in His plan of redemption. Which is Christ in You the Hope of Glory.
FIRST PETER 1:12 To whom it was revealed, that not to themselves, but to us they did minister the things, which are now reported to you by them that have preached the gospel to you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.
May God grant you the eyes and wings of an eagle to see the hidden Revelations as you soar into the cloud of Seven Angels.
missing image fileThe Supernatural Cloud
This supernatural Cloud was formed by the wings of seven Angels who had ascended after speaking with Brother William Marrion Branham about the opening of the Seven Seals. The great Cloud was over 26 miles high and 30 miles wide, when photographed over Flagstaff, Arizona, at sunset on February 28, 1963. This photograph was first printed in Life magazine on May 17, 1963.
When this photograph is turned to the right, it reveals the face image of Christ, as shown on the front cover of this book.
The Host of Heaven was silence when God
unwrapped the Gift of Love; He left his throne from
above, To bring to earth this gift of Love. What is
this gift of Love? It is a Book of Redemption that
Angels Desire to look into; In whom we have
Redemption, through His Blood the forgiveness of
sins. According as He has chosen us in Him before
the foundation of the world, that we should be holy
and without blame before Him in Love, and having
made known to us the mystery of His will; Which
hath been hidden from generations, but now is
made known to us; Which is Christ in You the Hope
of Glory.
missing image fileBut in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He has declared to His servants the prophets.
The Mysteries of God is the ministry
of the seventh angel
The Pillar of Fire over Brother Branham’s head was photographed at Houston, Texas, January of 1950, and had accompanied him since his birth in 1909. During a 1933 baptismal service in the Ohio River at Jeffersonville, Indiana, this supernatural Being appeared before hundreds of people, saying to him, As John the Baptist foreran the first coming of Christ, you will forerun His Second Coming.
The Word of the Lord has promised that He would send to the earth once again the spirit of Elijah in the form of that End Time Messenger who was the angel to the seventh church age in these final closing days of time. We believe firmly that this promise was fulfilled in the vindicated ministry of our precious brother, William Marrion Branham.
The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And when he come forth, he will take the mysteries of God and reveal it to the bride. Where the church has got it all scrupled up in all these denominations ages.
The seventh earthly angel Revelation 10:7 has the mysteries of God given to him by the Seventh Heavenly Angel in Revelation 10:1-4 [Christ], and finishes all the mysteries that’s been left off down through the denominational ages. And remember, it comes at the seventh church age when the Mysteries of God will be opened up. Now watch real close, this is something you must get. Now He had been doing His mediatorial work making intercessions for the believer for two thousand years, He had been back there as a Lamb. Now He is stepping forth from Eternity to take the title-deeded Book and break the Seals and reveal the Mysteries. Now, break the Seals and release all the Mysteries to them, to the seventh angel, whose Message is to reveal all the Mysteries of God. All the mysteries of God lays in these Seven Seals. The Entire mystery is unfolded. That’s the ministry of that earthly angel. See? Be so simple, just drop over the top of people head. Seals page 88 & 131
Now the age in which we are living is going to be a very short one. Events are going to transpire very rapidly. So the messenger to this Laodicean Age has to be here now, though perhaps we don’t know him as yet. But there will surely have to be a time that he becomes known. Now I can prove that because we have Scripture that describes his ministry. First of all, that messenger is going to be a prophet. He will have the office of a prophet. He will have the prophetic ministry. It will be based solidly on the Word because when he prophesies or has a vision, it will always be Word oriented
and it will ALWAYS come to pass. He will be vindicated as a prophet because of his accuracy.
The proof that he is a prophet is found in Revelation 10:7, But in the days of the voice of the seventh messenger, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as He hath declared to His servants the prophets.
Now this person, who in this verse is called an angel
in the King James version is NOT a heavenly being. The sixth trumpeting angel, who is a heavenly being, is in Revelation 9:13, and the seventh of like order is in Revelation 11:15. This one here in Revelation 10:7 is the seventh-age messenger and it is a man, and he is to bring a message from God, and his message and ministry is going to finish the mystery of God as declared to His servants, the prophets. God is going to treat this last messenger as a prophet BECAUSE HE IS A PROPHET. That is what Paul was in the first age, and the last age has one too. Amos 3:6-7, Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it? Surety the Lord God will do noting, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets. It was in the end-time period that the seven thunders of Jesus came forth. Revelation 10:3-4,
And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roars: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not." What was in those thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a prophet to get the revelation because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural revelation except by a prophet.
The Word always came by a prophet and always will. That this is the law of God is evident by even a casual search of Scripture. The unchanging God with unchanging ways invariably sent His prophet in every age where the people had strayed from Divine order. With both the theologians and the people having departed from the Word, God always sent His servant to these people (but apart from the theologians) in order to correct false teaching and lead the people back to God. So we see a seventh-age messenger coming, and he is a prophet. Not only do we see this messenger coming here in Revelation 10:7, but we find that the Word speaks of Elijah coming before Jesus returns. In Matthew 17:10, And His disciples asked Him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
And Jesus said, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
Before the coming of the Lord, Elijah must come back for a work of restoration in the church. This is what Malachi 4:5-6 says, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." There is absolutely no doubt that Elijah must return before the coming of Jesus. He has a specific work to accomplish.
That work is the part of Malachi 4:6 that says he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers.
The reason that we know this is his specific work to do at that time is because he has already accomplished the part that says he shall turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,
when the Elijah ministry was here in John the Baptist.
Luke 1:17, And he shall go before Him in the Spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord. In the ministry of John the
hearts of the fathers were turned to the children." We know that because Jesus said so. But it does not say that the hearts of the children were turned to the fathers. That is yet to take place.
The hearts of the last-day children will be turned back to the Pentecostal fathers. John got the fathers ready for Jesus to welcome the children into the fold. Now this prophet upon whom the Spirit of Elijah falls will prepare the children to welcome back Jesus. Jesus called John the Baptist, Elijah. Matthew 17:12, But I say unto you, That Elijah is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed.
The reason that he called John Elijah was because the same Spirit that was upon Elijah had come back upon John, even as that Spirit had come back upon Elisha after the reign of King Ahab. Now once again that Spirit will come back upon another man just before Jesus comes. He will be a prophet. He will be vindicated as such by God. Since Jesus, Himself, in the flesh won’t be here to vindicate him, (as He did John) it will be done by the Holy Spirit so that this prophet’s ministry will be attended by great and wonderful manifestation.
As a prophet, every revelation will be vindicated, for every revelation will come to pass. Wonderful acts of power will be performed at his commands in faith. Then will be brought forth the message that God has given him in the Word to turn the people back to truth and the true power of God. Some will listen, but the majority will run true to form and reject him. Since this prophet messenger of Revelation 10:7 will be the same as Malachi 4:5-6 he will be naturally like Elijah and John. Both were men set apart from the accepted religious schools of their day. Both were men of the wilderness. Both acted only when they had Thus saith the Lord,
straight from God by revelation. Both lashed out against the religious orders and leaders of their day. But not only was that so, they lashed out against all who were corrupt or would corrupt others. And notice, both prophesied much against immoral women and their ways. Elijah cried out against Jezebel, and John rebuked Herodias, Philip’s wife.
Though he will not be popular, he will be vindicated by God. As Jesus authenticated John, and the Holy Ghost authenticated Jesus, we can well expect this man will be first of all authenticated by the Spirit working in his life in acts of power that are indisputable and found nowhere else; and Jesus Himself, in returning, will authenticate him, even as He authenticated John. John witnessed that Jesus was coming, and so will this man, like John, witness that Jesus is coming. And the very return of Christ will prove that this man indeed was the forerunner of His second coming. This is the final evidence that this indeed is the prophet of Malachi 4, for the end of the Gentile period will be Jesus, Himself, appearing. Then it will be too late for those who have rejected him.
Now this messenger of Malachi 4, and Revelation 10:7 is going to do two things. One: According to Malachi 4, he will turn the hearts of the children to the fathers. Two: He will reveal the mysteries of the seven thunders in Revelation 10, which are the revelations contained in the seven seals. It will be these Divinely revealed mystery-truths
that literally turn the hearts of the children to the Pentecostal fathers. Now watch, there is a lot of truth lost out there. Why? Where others compromised on truth. But this Seventh angel doesn’t compromise on anything! He gathers up all the loose ends—gathers them all up, and at HIS SOUNDING, all the mystery of God should be finished. God sent him. All of the hidden mysteries were finished when he… It was revealed to him. But what? If these are hidden mysteries, the man will HAVE to be a PROPHET. And didn’t we just get through and see that the prophet that would come in the last days would be that great Elijah that we have been looking for? Because these mysteries that are hid to the theologians will have to be revealed through God, and the Word comes ONLY to the prophet. And we know it. He will be the second Elijah, as promised. Oh, my! The message that he will bring will be the mysteries on all these things.
We have water baptism—it’s all mixed up. That is right. One sprinkles, one pours, one takes Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one takes this, one baptizes three times face forward. One for a God named Father,
another for a God named Son,
and another for a God named Holy Ghost,
. The other one says, You are wrong, you have to baptize backwards three times that way
—and oh, what a mess! But the whole thing has been wound up! For there is only ONE God! And His Name is Jesus Christ, and their is not another name under Heaven … There is not one text of Scripture, anywhere in the Bible, where anybody was ever baptized in any other way but in the Name of Jesus Christ. Not one time was any of the church…or the Church of Jesus Christ ever sprinkled, poured, or anything else. Not one time was ever a ceremony used, I baptize thee in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
It is creeds and things. And in the battle for truth, those ends have been lost; but God said they would be restored again in the last days. I will restore, saith the Lord.
A Brief Biography of Roy Dixon
Roy Dixon was born and raised in Belle Glade, Florida. He graduated from Glades Central High School. He is married and have three children. Although he did not attend college, he believes God has given him a gift of wisdom and revelation to magnify sacred Scriptures a part from scholars and theologians. In October 2005, he believes the Holy Spirit lead him to create this book title.
The Mysteries of God Revealed
A Brief Biography of the Life of
William Branham
Rev William Marrion Branham, a man sent from God
with a healing and exposition of Bible mysteries, a ministry unparalleled in our age as prophesied in Malachi 4:2: Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
Malachi 4:5-6: Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse
Luke 17:30: Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed
; and Revelation 10:7: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.
From the minute he was born April 6, 1909, William Branham was set apart from the ordinary. Right after he was born, a light, almost like a star, flew into the room and startled his parents Charles and Ella Branham. The strange light circled the room several times, and then stopped over the bed hovering over the new mother and child.
Then as quickly as it had come in, the fireball left, whirling up past the rafters and out through the roof. Ella Branham, thought that her child has been dreaming, when one day he came running into to house, and told her that a little bird had told him that "you will live near a city called New Albany. Shortly after, the family moved to New Albany. However, the most supernatural event that would affect William Branham happened when he was seven years old. He noticed a whirlwind in a tree. As he watched, a voice suddenly boomed from the tree saying,
Don’t ever drink, or smoke, or defile your body in any way. There will be work for you to do when you get older."
He became hysterical, and would not calm down. A doctor was summoned, who declared that he was just nervous, and would get over it with time. He never went near that tree again. From then on, he would sometimes feel a presence or see visions of things that would terrify him. However, he did not think about God until he was fourteen, when he nearly lost both legs in a shotgun accident. As he lay dying in a pool of blood, he saw a terrifying vision of hell. He cried out to God for mercy promising that he would be a good boy if he lived. Miraculously, he was given that second chance. He lived.
After that accident, William Branham did not know what his promise to be a good boy meant, so he did not think about God. One day, as he walked past a church when he felt something telling him to go into the church. However, he refused to stop and continued on his way. Soon after, he heard a voice saying, I called you, and you would not go.
He realized then that he had to approach the Lord since his life has been spared, but he did not know how. One day he decided to tack a letter to a tree. He then went into a barn and prayed sincerely from his heart. When he opened his eyes he saw floating in front of him, a brilliant amber light, forming a perfect cross in the air. There, in that barn, he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.
Shortly after this experience, William Branham met a young woman, Amelia Hope Brumbach, who invited him to visit the Missionary Baptist Church in Jeffersonville, Indiana, USA. The pastor, Dr. Roy Davis, was impressed by the young man’s sincerity and zeal. After watching him for several months, Dr. Davis suggested that he should enter the ministry and he was ordained as a minister in the Baptist church. As a young pastor, William Branham struggled to understand his peculiar life. Why was he the only minister in town who saw visions? When God first called him into nation-wide evangelism in 1934, he refused because his mother-in-law felt that he should not drag his new wife, Hope, around the country. He paid dearly for the mistake of not listening to the Lord by losing his wife, Hope, and daughter, Sharon Rose, to tuberculosis in the Flood of 1936. After the death of his wife and daughter, he fell into a deep depression, feeling that God had abandoned him. He tried to commit suicide a few times but did not succeed. Meanwhile, the visions continued. Ministers told him that these visions came from Satan. Desperation finally drove him to seek God in the wilderness, where he came face to face with a supernatural Being.
This supernatural being, the angel of the Lord, gave William Branham a commission from God to take the gift of divine healing to the people of the world. When William Branham argued that people would not believe an angel had really met him, the angel said he would be given two supernatural signs to prove his calling. Soon after the angel visited him and told him he was ordained to take a gift of healing to the people of the world, the first sign appeared – a physical reaction in his hand that happened only when he touched the hand of someone suffering from a germ-caused disease. Within two months of his commission, William Branham’s extraordinary gift had gained national attention. People by the thousands flocked to his meetings, where he preached salvation and divine healing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Miracles abounded.
The world had not seen anything like it since the days when Jesus walked through Galilee, casting out demons and healing all who were sick and afflicted, and infallibly discerning the secrets of hearts, hundreds of thousands of times, without once being wrong. The second gift appeared soon after – he was now able to discern the hearts of the people.
As he testified in his sermons below:
Rev. William Branham prays: Now, shall we bow our heads now for prayer. Father, realizing that I be afraid to step into this realm now, without You would hold my hand… Now, my mind is going back to around two years ago, when in the room that night, that Angel of God came walking in there and said,
You are—been borne in this world to take a gift of Divine healing to the people. Many will not believe you; yet many will. If you’ll be sincere and will get the people to believe you, not even cancer shall stand before your prayer. Angel of God, I do not see You. But I know that You are standing near. Please, Thou knows my heart, and know how I love these people. Stand by me tonight. And may not one go through without faith. And I know that Your Words have been true. I’ve took You at Your Word, for You said You were sent from God. I believed You. And You’ve stuck by me. You have confirmed the Word with signs following. Now, again tonight, in this March the fifth, this Memorial night, may You stand now and heal every one.
Grant it. May every demon be submissive to the Name of Jesus Christ. And now, Father, I step out here in this realm of Spirit faith, challenging every demon that’s here in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Rev. William Branham speaks to a lady in need: Bring the lady. All right, sister, what do you think about it? You believe? Put your handkerchief in your other hand; lay your hand on mine. What does that look like to you? Strange looking sight there, isn’t it? It’s cancer. Come here just a moment. You know when the Angel of the Lord met me that was the first thing He said, Till not even cancer will stand before the prayer.
Do you believe it? I