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The Adventurous Jill: And Her Friend Jack
The Adventurous Jill: And Her Friend Jack
The Adventurous Jill: And Her Friend Jack
Ebook108 pages58 minutes

The Adventurous Jill: And Her Friend Jack

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Jack and Jill went up the hill . . . oh never mind, you know that nursery rhyme. Im sure you do. But was it really Jack who fell down that hill first? What about this girl named Jill? How does she fit into all of this? Well, Im here to tell you the real story about these two. Jill is always getting into some kind of a predicament that often turns into a real adventure, and everyone loves reading about a good adventure. I think youll enjoy seeing how Jill gets herself into these messes, and how her friend Jack helps her get out of them. Oh, and by the way, is it Jack and Jill, or Jill and Jack?
Release dateOct 8, 2012
The Adventurous Jill: And Her Friend Jack

H. David Campbell

H. David Campbell is a retired sales executive. He is a grandfather and a great grandfather. He worked in the public schools as a volunteer for twenty years, helping kids with their reading. These books are for kids who are eight to twelve years old. He hopes that the kids will continue to enjoy reading his books.

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    The Adventurous Jill - H. David Campbell

    The Adventurous


    and her friend Jack

    H. David Campbell


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    © 2012 by H. David Campbell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/03/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-7241-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-7242-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012917751

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Illustrator: Doris Snyers

    Cover by: Darlene Thomas

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    This Book Is Dedicated to



    Chapter One

    Jack Meets Jill

    Chapter Two

    Jill’s Accident

    Chapter Three

    Jack Worries About Jill

    Chapter Four

    Jill Meets New Friends

    Chapter Five

    Halloween Eve’s Discovery

    Chapter Six

    Mr. Limpkin

    Chapter Seven

    How to Catch the Murderer

    Chapter Eight

    Jack and Jill Get a Reward

    Chapter Nine

    Jack’s Christmas Gift to Jill

    Chapter Ten

    Jill’s Parents Have a Big Problem

    Chapter Eleven

    The Stolen Bus Tickets

    Chapter Twelve

    Finding Uncle Fred’s House

    Chapter Thirteen

    Living in Luxury

    Chapter Fourteen

    Jill Meets Her Uncle Fred

    Chapter Fifteen

    The Kidnappers

    Chapter Sixteen

    Where’s Poor Jill?

    Chapter Seventeen

    The Kidnappers, Will They Get Caught?

    Chapter Eighteen

    Graffiti on the School

    This Book Is Dedicated to

    my granddaughter Jordan, who always loved hearing me make up many stories about Jack and Jill. Now some of these stories are a reality for her to treasure, and hopefully maybe even her future children.

    I also dedicate this book to the dear children I have tutored over the last ten years, who have brought much joy into my life.


    I love being with the 1st and 2nd grade kids and helping them in their reading skills. I was a volunteer tutoring eight kids in reading in 2004, and asked the teacher if I could also read to the kids once a week and she agreed. I told this story to the kids, which they enjoyed so much. This one short story later grew to become this book with eighteen chapters.

    I never wrote this story down at that time. Four years later, in about 2008, when I was having some fun with my granddaughter Jordan (who was about seven years old at the time), I started telling her this story about Jack and Jill. Since that time, she always wanted me to make up new stories about Jack and Jill, which I did, as we would take many long walks together.

    In the meantime, I started writing other books. The Adventurous Jill, and Her Friend Jack, is now my third children’s book. This current book has the first story interwoven into the new book, along with five other stories.

    The book is about Jill who is always getting into some kind of a predicament. Jack, her good friend, is always by her side, protecting and helping her. I think you’ll enjoy this book. It was a joy to write this for the kids I love so much.

    Look for my next books that will be published in the near future, Betsy Lynn in Alaska, and Corky.


    Now that I have written five books, and my personal history, I have found a wonderful friend who had helped me in editing my books.

    Barbara Sweeney has spent a number of unbelievable hours in helping me edit and improve my books with her many great suggestions. I can’t thank her enough.

    I also have had many friends and relatives read this book, and I thank them for their comments.

    Some of the teachers and office staff at Century Elementary where I tutor have also given me some good feedback on this book.

    I gratefully thank all those who have encouraged me along the way.

    Chapter One

    Jack Meets Jill

    Jack and Jill

    Went up the hill

    To fetch a pail of water

    Jack fell down

    And broke his crown

    And Jill came tumbling after

    Jack and Jill were friends with each other, but maybe . . . . Jack wasn’t the one who fell. Now, let me tell you the real story about this Jack and Jill.

    It was the middle of a September day, and the weather was starting to cool already. The Jacksons liked the snow, just so long as it didn’t get too deep. They lived in Wisconsin, in a little town named Brookside, which was a short distance north of Green Bay. The Jacksons had

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