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The Corporate’S Dogs: Based on a True Story
The Corporate’S Dogs: Based on a True Story
The Corporate’S Dogs: Based on a True Story
Ebook125 pages1 hour

The Corporate’S Dogs: Based on a True Story

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In todays fast-paced age of high stress and instant gratification, the answers to most ailments come in pill form. Pharmaceutical companies are making billions of dollars off this mentality despite the many negative side effects caused by these medications. If it is known that these chemicals can cause issues and possible harm, why are they prescribed to the public? How are these companies convincing the public to risk such harmful side effects?

In this, her debut novel, author Erica Bernstein, MD, uses the insider knowledge she gained as a former employee of a major pharmaceutical company to unveil much of the immorality and complete disregard for ethical responsibility under which Big Pharma operates. She explores the corruption and manipulation of the institutions put in place to protect the public from corporate and medical danger, as well as the deceitful marketing methods that convince average Americans to risk extreme side effects in order to relieve even mild ailments that can often be treated non-chemically. Dr. Bernstein identifies important issues in the regulation of medical drugs in this captivating medical drama. She opens the curtains beyond the wall, there where the Universe is saturated ofpoisonous side effects of chemical drugs of the BIG PHARMA and where the BILLIONS dollars wear the stigma of their crimes, corruptions, bribes and dishonesty.

Release dateOct 5, 2012
The Corporate’S Dogs: Based on a True Story

Erica Bernstein MD

Erica Bernstein, MD, is a former employee of a major pharmaceutical company. She seeks to reveal the corrupt truth about the pharmaceutical industry. She currently lives in San Francisco, California, with her husband and two children.

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    The Corporate’S Dogs - Erica Bernstein MD

    Copyright © 2012 by Erica Bernstein, MD.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-2977-8 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012917621

    iUniverse rev. date: 09/28/2012


    I dedicated this book in the memory of my father and to the millions of people who have lost their love ones due to the disastrously side effects of the poisonous pharmaceutical drugs.

    Spring 2009, Boston, Massachusetts

    It is 7:30 Monday morning, on a beautiful, sunny day in a unique American landmark. Situated in the North Atlantic region of the United States, charismatic Boston meets the open sea. Downtown offers a magnificent view; the European architecture combines with the sea view, giving the city an authenticity found in no other city in the country. The trees and the spring flowers are ready to bloom, and some are ready to pick, and you can smell their perfume in the air. I have left my car window down just enough to feel the fresh breeze. As it’s rush hour, cars are everywhere. Everybody’s in a hurry, and some drivers beep their horns at other drivers. The entire city seems to be under attack by these cars!

    I pass the Keystone Building and then the First National Bank of Boston. On the right is the Old State House and Clock Tower, and straight ahead is the Massachusetts State Capitol.

    I have a few lights to pass before I get to the John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse and meet with my lawyers. Today is a big day for me, and I have to admit that I feel quite nervous because I have never been in a courtroom before, and today I will be the plaintiff.

    Oh no. I have to push the brake very hard to prevent a collision with another car that just crossed the intersection on a red light. Crazy world!

    "The John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse was designed by Henry Cobb and completed in 1998. The magnificent building is located on the Fan Pier Waterfront site, overlooking historic Boston Harbor. It serves as the headquarters for the United States Court of appeals for the First Circuit and the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, housing twenty-seven courtrooms in all. The building was named in honor of Congressman Moakley, a public servant and lifelong South Boston resident.

    The attractive Harborwalk at the Moakley Federal Courthouse wraps around the west edge of the Fan Pier, providing a stunning panoramic view of Boston Harbor from downtown to East Boston. Visitors to the courthouse can arrange to take an hour-long tour highlighting the art of artist, Ellsworth Kelly, as well as temporary exhibits of the ground floor of the courthouse. The law library on the top floor is also open to the general public.

    During the summer, boat transportation to Little Brewster Island is available from the boat dock."

    One more light and I will be there. I’ll arrive thirty minutes early, enough time to meet with my attorneys and get familiar with the courtroom. The parking is adjacent to the courthouse on Northern Avenue and the Fun Pier. Parking is always a problem, so hopefully I’ll get lucky and find a good spot.

    Here we go—right here, perfect.

    After I get into the building, I have to pass through the security check-in. The officer guides me to room 25, where the hearing is going to start in twenty minutes. I look for my attorneys, and I can’t see them. But I see the other party on the left side of the courtroom, waiting for their lawyers too. We don’t exchange any salutations—of course not; we are in a war!

    The door opens, and my attorneys walk in, along with the opposing side’s attorneys. The lawyers exchange greetings and find their seats in the front of the courtroom.

    I go to the side of the room where my attorneys are seated. Good morning, Ms. Roswelt.

    Good morning, Ms. Celeste, my lawyer replies. Did you find everything okay?

    Yes, I assure her, except the traffic was congested.

    Yeah, I know, Ms. Roswelt agrees. It’s very unpleasant. But here we are; that’s all that matters.

    I am represented by Cinthya Roswelt of Reeds Law Firm. Cinthya is a very pleasant person. Forty-four years old, she has short, red hair and brown eyes. She has a very strong personality, a dramatic tone of voice, and a great reputation in the area. She is accompanied by another lawyer from the firm; they are working together on my case.

    The defendant, Mr. Larry Burbon from Renovex Pharma, is represented by Mr. Roger Cantone of Lewis Law Firm. Mr. Cantone is about fifty years old. He’s tall, has dark hair and black eyes, and wears a round beard and glasses.

    I think it’s about time to introduce myself. I am Sophia Celeste. At thirty-seven years old, I’m of medium height and am slender. I have long, dark-blonde hair; green eyes; and an irresistible smile—that’s what people remark about me.

    My lawyers and I exchange some information regarding the hearing that’s about to start in a few minutes.

    The room is quite large and full, with the audience and the jury—six males and six females.

    The defendants and their lawyers are on the left side of the room, and I can see two big dogs from the corporation sitting on the second row behind their group.

    The entire audience keeps silent; we expect the judge to enter at any moment, so the show is going to begin.

    The door opens, and the bailiff announces loudly, All rise!

    The judge appears in front of the audience in his black robe with a white collar. He is in his late fifties, of medium height, and has white-gray hair and glasses. His name is William Berman, and he has been a judge in this federal court for about four years.

    Please, be seated, Judge Berman says.

    The bailiff announces the case:

    Civil Action No. JFL 099-19747, Jury demanded.

    Plaintiff, Sophia Celeste, vs. Renovex Pharma, Defendant.

    Count no. 1:     Sexual harassment in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    Count no. 2:     Retaliation in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    The defendant is a multibillion-dollar drug company with headquarters in California. The company’s last annual report estimated more than $300 billion in sales revenue.

    The judge is anxious to start. Are you ready? he asks, addressing both parties.

    Each of the lawyers replies, Yes, Your Honor.

    A transcriptionist is typing already.

    Judge Berman

    .     Ms. Celeste, would you please stand up and raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?


    standing.     Yes, I do.

    Judge Berman

    .     Ms. Celeste, you understand that from this moment you are under oath.

    Ms. Roswelt

    .     Ms. Celeste, would you please tell us your full name, your age, and your address?


    .     My name is Sophia Celeste. I am thirty-seven year old, and I live at 1015 Cross Circle Street in Boston, Massachusetts.

    Ms. Roswelt

    .     Can you tell us your professional background—the name of the company for which you were working in this period and your job title?


    .     My background is in biology, and I was working for Renovex Pharma as a pharmaceutical sales representative.

    Ms. Roswelt

    .     Ms. Celeste, who hired you and to whom did you directly report?


    .     I was hired by Mr. Steven Brown, the regional director of the Northeast Atlantic area, and I directly reported to Larry Burbon, the regional manager.

    Ms. Roswelt

    .     Can you walk us through your story, from the beginning, as well as you remember, please?

    After a few moments, I start to tell my incredible story, which everybody will remember for a long time.


    :     I remember it was in the beginning of May, yes, May 14, about 7:00 p.m., when I arrived at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Boston for a job interview with Larry Burbon, the area manager for Renovex Pharma.

    *    *    *

    That morning, I was very excited about the opportunity to move forward with my career and join a company where I would be able to combine my medical knowledge and my ability as a salesperson.

    Today is going to be a special day, I thought. Today is my day! My dream will come true. I will have a brilliant career, and my dream will become a reality right now.

    In the past, I’d worked, just for a short period and just for fun, as a fashion model. I loved it, and I have to admit, even today, most people remark that I look like a million bucks.

    That day, I wore a navy suit with a

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