You Are What You Believe
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Culturally we lack the training of an early age to be free thinkers. We have become instead, repeaters - cookie cutter persons. Thinking out of the box is so needed. This is what prompted me to write this book. Ive been there, done that so know it well. Children today say they are free thinkers, yet there they stand before us, all wanting and dressing alike. It may help the economy but it certainly is not free thinking. It likely is different than what Mom and Dad ascribe but its still about others thinking. How did we get to where we are? We are all responsible for it. So lets together not recreate the past and go forward with creativity and process out of the box ideas and thinking. Develop questioning what was and liberate ourselves.
Lois B. Mayette
Lois B. Mayette, is a seasoned psychotherapist in private practice, as a certified licensed social worker in New York State. She is a graduate of SUNY at Stony Brook with a masters in social work. She has always taken a holistic approach to wholeness; body, mind, and spirit. This book is compiled from her journals and writings, collected over some 35 plus years. She is a parent, grandparent and lives in Watertown, New York, where she still practices as a psychotherapist.
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You Are What You Believe - Lois B. Mayette
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© 2011 Lois B. Mayette. All rights reserved.
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First published by AuthorHouse 10/21/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4567-9958-8 (sc)
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Reading is a very important part of my growth and development. I read not so much for new learning but for what I call confirmation or affirmation. On my journey I learn through my spirit guide and because I am a doubting Thomas I need to have proof that I am on the right path. So books have been given to me at the right time as needed. It has been an awesome experience for me. One female friend gave me books like clock work for over 10 years. She was also a reader and writer but how she knew what books to give me next was a mystery to us both.
Since I am a mental health therapist most of this knowledge was kept to myself. Colleagues were certainly not on my page and trying to share my experiences with them was not advisable. I did try to get them to think out of the box, but who was I.
I tell this not to be critical but to show how it is hard to move beyond culture and think for yourself. So here are some authors who kept me company.
First the most important reading is the Bible.
Dr. Bernie Siegel,
Father Powell
Dr.AM Krasner
Stanislov Grof
Wayne Dyer
Deepak Chopra
Betty Edie
Caroline Myss
Jeane Dixon
Nancy Wilson Ross
Stephen Lewis and Evan Slauson
Dan Brown
Sylvia Brown
Frank Tipler
Neale Donald Walsch
Since I read up to 50 books a year this is just a few remembered but they will lead you to the others.
I acknowledge my family most of all, both parents, siblings and my own children all who have taught me much.
I am what I believe as everyone is and we will believe it until it no longer serves us. My beliefs have changed greatly in the last several years. Namely the beliefs around my humanness. My body, mind and spirit approach to life has made for the changes. Who I am and what God is?
We are both spirit or energy. I am a human being which makes me different than God but only because I am heavier in this body and not as free as he/she is. I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I want to explore with you the real self and how to get in touch with the real you. The difference between the ego self and the real self. Some of which you have uncovered already no doubt but much that might be yet to be discovered. It is a journey that is exciting or it should be exciting. Culturally we have not been taught to enjoy the peeling away of the layers of the ego to finding the true self. When I speak of culture here I am referring to the United States in general as we are a young culture and have been very exclusive in our ego centered concepts. We are adolescence at our best and are in much need to grow to the next phase of our being. After adolescence is community, now we were founded on community as the Pilgrim’s left England because they did not feel free to Be, in that community. I am of Pilgrim decent and may have come full circle in this journey, a little ego maybe there but I can at least hope.
So what makes the individual grow or the culture grow? The direction that we are going in no longer serves us, change comes through outside forces or inside unrest. My take on what one I choose has been to go willingly for the most part to the waters rather than to be forced. If it comes from within it is willingly and if it comes from outside it is forced upon.
Each experience is a teacher and you need to be willing to grow or learn so not to have to repeat the experience over and over. We in the US are being forced to change as we placed our importance in the material which makes us adolescence. In order to move to a higher level of development we need now to see we are all one. What happens to one of us happens to all of us. We need to be a community again in the real sense. Many are already aware of this but the majority needs to understand how to get there from here.
Thinking is the powerhouse so if you change your thinking you change your feelings and your behavior. Everything goes back to thinking.
A female friend and I were talking to a male one day and he called us bitches. It caught me off guard and my friend saw my shock of being called a bitch. After he had left she turned to me and said, Do you know what you just did?
, I said. You reacted when he called us a bitch, do not you know what BITCH stands for?
Then she told me, Babe in total control of herself.
I laughed and laughed and wrote it down and never recoiled again. I went on to teach others the definition of bitch. No more sting or power over.
The most powerful of ills in our culture are the labels we give persons. The danger is that they become their label stopping them from becoming all they can become. This is very destructive.
I teach that you are not your disease or label, but I always feel that I am swimming up stream against the current. I try to teach that they are not their label and to use what else is there. Once they and others identify them as the label then it is hard to get them to see they are more than that label. I hear well meaning parents use the excuse for a child doing one thing or another as their label. The tragedy here is that self esteem is greatly eroded and we all are affected.
My son thinks he was dyslexic in his early years and I say, aren’t you glad you did not know?
My point is that he did not limit himself and pulled out of himself everything possible. He went to college and is a very successful hydrogeologist. I have parents that introduce their child, this is my she/he is asperger or ADHD
or some such thing. It should be what you have not what you don’t have. Teachers and doctors should be taught this in school as well as parents. Institutions gain from labeling and now it is backfiring on us. If we loved each other more we would drop the labeling of anyone. We lose the potential of that person and it affects all of us.
I went to a one room school house and I remember the teacher standing at the blackboard, being sure that we got the difference between the b and d and the g and q and etc. Where have all the good teachers gone that knew it was hard to differentiate between these letters, and she never mentioned a label. I was so blessed to have had that kind of teacher and education. Most of us could skip the eight grade as we had heard it by then and knew it. We had 8th grade regents at that time. I must confess that I did not skip the 8th grade as going to the big high school for the tests took me out of my comfort zone and I could not concentrate. The teacher was shocked but was able to tell me what happened. Labeling can keep us in our comfort zone and not take healthy risks. Being conservative, is fear of the unknown and wanting to stay in the comfort zones. There is no progress in the comfort zones. Risks must be taken in order for growth to take place.
Two days ago a 22 year old male shot Congresswomen Giffords in Arizona. They want to label him mentally unstable. Know why? It relieves everyone of any responsibility for his behavior.
We had just came off the worse campaign, with behavior by supposedly adults running for election that made my toes curl. I watched very little TV for two months, it was so bad. And I chose to watch Canadian TV when I did. I went to Vienna, Austria on Sept. 2 thru 10th and had good conversations with the people there and they were honest about their socialist government as they stated that they never had it so good. They said it was hard to relate to the United States for our beliefs were not understandable. We talked about our being stuck but what struck me was I was there in 1990 and 1992 and had the same conversation with a couple of females in Munich, for three hours. They are very amazed at how narrow our thinking is and I could not say, there was one thing to disagree with. I think everything happens for a reason and I feel I needed to see how we are viewed by the rest of the world. Our behavior is adolescence as we think we have the answers for everyone, when we take care of our own very poorly. Our thinking is primitive and cave man mentality with just more expensive clubs. I heard that someplace and loved it. And since it is at the so called top of our government that is so irresponsible where do those at the lower levels go for sound examples. Young