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The 2 of Me
The 2 of Me
The 2 of Me
Ebook65 pages52 minutes

The 2 of Me

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About this ebook


Edward C. Tucker, PhD
Detroit, Michigan

Understanding the emotional capacity and how to manage human responses to negativity should be a part of educating our youth today. As an educator for 30 years, I recognize that this understanding, as part of the school curriculum, would facilitate the building of student character, student morals and a student appreciation toward humanity.

Sharon Bryant Phillips
Author and Spanish Teacher

This book is powerful, in that it illustrates a glorious work manifested in the authors life. This inspired work is truly a testimony of a mothers love for her daughter. Many of the words in this book have empowered me. Most assuredly, it will have a transforming effect upon anyone who reads it.

Cassandra G. Turner, MLS, MA
Adjunct Professor, EMU

Very enlighteninga good guide for life experiences. It inspires positive thoughts and solutions.

Lois Hilfer, LVN
Arcadia, CA
Release dateNov 14, 2011
The 2 of Me

Sarah McChristian

One of my earliest recollections was standing in the center of a table in the Heinz Pickle Factory in Pittsburgh singing “God Bless America” and trying to make my voice sound as good as the wonderful contemporary, radio hostess, Kate Smith. I was 4 years old; my Mother and I had all expenses paid for this trip by The Detroit Federation of Musicians to attend this Convention because I was their youngest member (my Mother considered me to be her little protégé.) I have always loved performing but, I must have been a disappointment to my Mother because; as a young adult, I finally realized that I should gave up music in Show Business to become the Mother that I should be for my Daughter. College, Music Theory provided an understanding of how to hear the music that I read and be able to write whatever music I heard. However, a few years later, I recall crying when I was convinced by my College Counselor to give up my music major because educational funds were being withheld from all of the Arts. Social Work and Managerial employment gave me the finances that I needed to support my family nevertheless; throughout my lifetime…music has always been my “ace in the hole.” Today (this old woman) enjoys accompanying and conducting a senior, vocal group.

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    The 2 of Me - Sarah McChristian


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    © 2011 Sarah McChristian. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 09/30/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6020-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-6019-8 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011915074

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    A Physical Introduction

    The Emotional Capacity

    Vital Emotional Limits

    Emotional Quick Glance

    Who Am I?


    The Spiritual Heart



    Purpose by Sarah McChristian

    God’s Economy

    Senior Lessons


    Edward C. Tucker, PhD

    Detroit, Michigan

    Understanding the emotional capacity and how to manage human responses to negativity should be a part of educating our youth today. As an educator for 30 years, I recognize that this understanding, as part of the school curriculum, would facilitate the building of student character, student morals and a student appreciation toward humanity.

    Sharon Bryant Phillips

    Author and Spanish Teacher

    This book is powerful, in that it illustrates a glorious work manifested in the author’s life. This inspired work is truly a testimony of a mother’s love for her daughter. Many of the words in this book have empowered me. Most assuredly, it will have a transforming effect upon anyone who reads it.

    Cassandra G. Turner, MLS, MA

    Adjunct Professor, EMU

    Very enlightening…a good guide for life experiences. It inspires positive thoughts and solutions.

    Lois Hilfer, LVN

    Arcadia, CA

    The best Philosophy;

    Mature adults need to know…

    The most important you


    (Relieve that fear, depression and stress)

    Facts that helped me to move

    My thinking

    With perseverance

    Toward perfect peace.

    I learned how to look and feel good;

    So can you!

    Check out…

    The 2 of Me

    By Sarah McChristian

    A Physical Introduction

    Surprisingly, I have learned how to love all kinds of people; some of whom, with which I did not even want to associate. I can remember attending the funeral of a man who was my neighbor, as well as, the husband of a co-community, club member. That man had tried to get me to sneak out on a date with him. Please don’t misunderstand, that early in my life; I certainly did not love the deceased man (after I found out what he was trying to do) but I truly loved his wife and their family. I wanted so to tell them during his funeral not to be so mournful, because I had learned of his dishonesty… but of course, I could not speak about such truth.

    There have been a series of unusual circumstances that have caused me to become a very different person than I ever thought that I would ever become. These changes took place over a period of many years. I would pick up the sign of a distant light shining somewhere inside of me, only to learn that the light represented a person with whom I had not wanted to associate with to whom I was being mysteriously, intellectually drawn toward. High School had made me into a student accepted only for my music talent, because primarily; I had been a social outcast due to the fact that I happened to be an African-American, prior to Civil Rights. Amazingly, an English teacher (who had never been my personal instructor) came to me one day while I was working at school on Hall Duty, and stated that she had read a paper that I had written. She stated that my writing was enjoyable; therefore, she said that she wanted me to enter a National, High-School, Essay Contest. I don’t remember what I wrote about, but that teacher edited my paper and I won the contest. The prize was a course in Radio Speech at Michigan State College. Subsequently the following summer, I spent living away from my parents for the first time on campus in East Lansing. It became the only lengthy period during my years in High school, that I really enjoyed life. I assumed it was because I was

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