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Romance & Revolution: The Writings of Michael Serna
Romance & Revolution: The Writings of Michael Serna
Romance & Revolution: The Writings of Michael Serna
Ebook132 pages1 hour

Romance & Revolution: The Writings of Michael Serna

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Romance & Revolution is a compilation of poetry and prose that attempts to give a voice to the aspirations of liberating the human soul from the chains of poverty, prejudice and anything else that might inhibit it from achieving it's fullest potential of happiness. From political poetry that can be vitriolic and incendiary to patriotic and heartfelt, to romantic verses that express an intense love for women, to philosophical poems about religion, evolution, joy and sports, Romance & Revolution is a poetic expression of the author's worldview that is expansive and inclusive of a wide myriad of concepts and ideas found within the human experience. The prose section of this tome features a few essays which intend to spark intelligent and reflective thought and dialogue amidst the reader and the people she/or he comes in contact with. Not everyone will agree with everything that is written here, but it is sure to provoke a strong response in the reader's mind.
Release dateJul 8, 2011
Romance & Revolution: The Writings of Michael Serna

Michael Serna

Michael Serna is a poet/artist/activist living in New York City. He is a writer/poet/artist who seeks to foster creative and practical philosophical discourse and dialogue through written, spoken word and visual art. His love of poetry awakened with the first tome of Pablo Neruda's love sonnets he picked up as a teenager. Since then he has tried to emulate Neruda's work in his, by writing poetry that combines the political with the romantic. In addition to being a poet and writer, Michael Serna is a painter of Neo-constructivist works and has been engaged in numerous political campaigns and demonstrations throughout the years.

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    Romance & Revolution - Michael Serna


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    © 2011 by Michael Serna. All rights reserved.

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    First published by AuthorHouse 06/15/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-1892-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-1891-5 (dj)

    ISBN: 978-1-4634-1890-8 (ebk)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011909591

    Printed in the United States of America

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    Artistic Statement

    A Poem of an Unrequited, Illogical and Utterly Romantic Ilk

    The Sorrows of a Young Revolutionary

    Colombian Mountain Rose

    Eirann go Brach

    A Lover’s Farewell


    The Land Where My Soul Was a Gypsy No More

    For the Aging Diva

    Song to an Ex-Lover

    Had Baudelaire Met Helen of Troy

    When She is Away


    My Kingdom For a Klondike Bar

    The Animation of Love as Drawn by the Brush of Passion

    The Month of Melanie

    In Search of Dorothy Parker

    For The Older Woman

    Love as an Inappropriate Existence

    Your Hands

    A Song or Ann

    To Hell With Convention!

    Spring Poem For Julie

    A Temple of Verse Constructed For a Reticent Goddess

    Gilgamesh as Romantic


    A Brief Glimpse Into American History (Past & Present)

    Ode to Wall Street


    Proletariat Rebuttal to the State of the Union Address


    New York City Blues

    Stroll Down Fifth Avenue

    Dog-Day Afternoons

    Snowy Day in February

    A Child is Born

    The Day Bin Laden Died

    My New York City

    My Homeland

    Ode to the March

    Ode to the American Soldier

    A Modest Proposal

    By Redefining the Parameters of Reality We Make Utopia A Palpable Reality

    The Evolution of Humanity Will Be Televised

    A Poem for the Soviet People

    Ode to Paul Robeson

    You Are Your Own Savior

    Ode to Globalvision

    The Blossoming of Humanity

    The Garden of Eden Reconstructed

    Paradise on Earth

    Portrait of the Young Revolutionary as a Poet

    Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

    Metaphysical Mularkey

    A Lament of the Soul

    A Rendezvous with the Muse

    Evolution Bless Charles Darwin

    Eulogy From a Funeral For Archaic Ideas

    A Brief Atheistic Prayer

    If I Were god . . .



    To Be Read With a Glass of Wine in Tribute to G.I. Gurdjieff


    Happiness II

    A Letter From a Drunk Gary Larson to Charles Schulz

    Ode to Absinthe

    The Glorious Fate of Humanity

    Rainy June Day in Kew Gardens

    Reveling in the Arms of Atheistic Rapture

    The 1996 New York Yankees

    The 2001 Los Angles Lakers

    Heaven is . . .

    For You, The Reader

    If I Could Love One More Day

    Say Hello to Heaven

    Trickle-Up Economics

    On Palestine-Israel

    Reveling in Atheistic Rapture

    A Quote on Life

    Toward Objectivity and Truth in Politics

    The Defiant American

    The Importance of Games

    Dedicated to my love, Julie. Dedicated to the ideals of our revolution and to those Americans who continue to make our country the greatest nation on Earth.

    A manifesto of poetry and prose

    In art, one has to liberate one’s soul, in order for greater works of liberation to take place for humanity.

    -Harry Belafonte

    I have no money, no resources, no hopes. I am the happiest man alive. A year ago, six months ago, I thought that I was an artist. I no longer think about it, I am.

    -Henry Miller

    Artistic Statement

    L’existence est perdue dans les tenebres de la morte eternelle.

    What are we? We are nothing.

    The insignificance of being empowers us to break the paradigms of social reality. We are capable of constructing a world where joy and creativity can flow freely without the omnipresence of greed and power struggles to impede our attainment of pleasure. What is needed, on the part of everyone, is a radical subjectivity that rejects the one-sided dialogue of power that revolves around the hyper-consumption of things that are unnecessary for our existence. It is only through the poetry of action and the action of poetry, through the art of organized resistance and the organized resistance of art, through the canto of spontaneous creation and the spontaneous creation of the canto, that the mechanized servility imposed upon the individual in this culture of corporate images is overcome.

    I draw you close to me, you women. I cannot let you go. I would do you good, I am for you, and you are for me, not only for our own sake, but for others’ sakes. Enveloped in you sleep greater heroes and bards. They refuse to awake at the touch of any man but me.

    -Walt Whitman


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