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Second Chance for Mankind: Another Look at the Garden of Eden
Second Chance for Mankind: Another Look at the Garden of Eden
Second Chance for Mankind: Another Look at the Garden of Eden
Ebook47 pages39 minutes

Second Chance for Mankind: Another Look at the Garden of Eden

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Why did God not want man to have the knowledge of good and evil? In a sense, Adam and Eve bit off more than they could chew. Their whole world changed. Were God's words to them judgment or prophecy? Could this in any way relate to our world today? God spoke of a curse upon the earth, and today we see the planet turning on itself.

Much the same way houseplants thrive in a peaceful, happy environment, is the planet responding to the hatred, greed, fighting, and wars that are all around us? What is God's answer? How do we find peace?

As a counselor, Dr. Joan Swanson became aware of the number of clients who seemed to go through life anticipating fear, waiting for the other shoe to fall or believing that hardships come in threes. She realized she had some of these same feelings, and in prayer felt guided to look back at the garden of Eden. What was God's original plan and will for his children? Was fear to be part of their existence? This book was the result. The truths herein have played a very important part in her life. She has found a new peace and reason for trust.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 7, 2012
Second Chance for Mankind: Another Look at the Garden of Eden

Joan Lee Swanson

Dr. Joan has been a radio talk show host, teacher, counselor, missionary to Brazil, mother of five, and writer.

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    Book preview

    Second Chance for Mankind - Joan Lee Swanson

    Second Chance

    for Mankind

    Another Look at the

    Garden of Eden


    Joan Lee Swanson

    Copyright © 2012 by Joan Lee Swanson, Dawn Matisse.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-3863-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-3864-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012901215

    Printed in the United States of America

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/02/2012










    Dedicated to

    My Children…

    Delores Jean Swanson

    Dwight Gerald Swanson

    Who left this world

    too soon


    There is really ‘nothing new under the sun.’ Most problems are universal and timeless … Only the manifestation of the problems appears to be unique to the individual or the times. As a counselor I find everyone seems to struggle with feelings of low self-esteem and inadequacy — my client, their parents before them and their children after them. The resulting emotional buildup can be devastating to personal fulfillment as well as relationships.

    In the counseling room I have heard the following sentiments: I had a good day today but I’ll probably pay for it tomorrow! Or, indications that soon the other shoe will fall. Or, that bad things come in threes. Although it may be said flippantly, I sense a deep-seated belief that you can only expect so much good in your life without equivalent bad. Many, many times we hear after a disaster – that it was God’s will … and we cannot question His ways.

    As I pondered the above, I had to face the fact … I too harbored a similar philosophy.

    As a child I remembered hearing preaching

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