The Transformation Principle: Journey to Freedom
By Troy Smith
About this ebook
Can you help me? That was a familiar refrain that tore at my heart as I worked the mean streets of northwest Portland. Over and over, the pleas for help came from miserable souls lost in the quagmire of addiction. Then the cry for help became mine as I cried out to the Eternal God for answers for these hopeless souls. Out of a deep desire to bring real rescue to the hopeless, The Transformation Principle was born.
The Transformation Principle truly is a journey to freedom. The Transformation Principle material has been a proven guide to deliverance for many across the United States and in other countries. It is a simple, easily understood treatment tool for many of the most difficult problems facing our society today. These problems include-but are not limited to - emotional problems (fear, anger, guilt, poor self-image), as well as addictions (drugs, alcohol, food, sex).
The Transformation Principle is a Christ -centered, Bible-based approach that uses Gods Word in a unique way to break the subconscious self-destruct patterns that rob us of healthy self-control in our daily lives.
If you have never considered a Bible-based program, please discover for yourself the peace, joy, and confidence that is realized through a right relationship with the One who truly loves you.
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The Transformation Principle - Troy Smith
Copyright © 2013 Troy Smith
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Week 1 Introduction
Objective 1 To Be on a Sure Foundation
Week 2 The Foundation
Week 3 Looking Inward
Week 4 God’s Faithfulness
Objective 2 To Be of a Sound Mind
Week 5 Emotions and a Sound Mind
Week 6 Building Our Bridge of Faith
Week 7 Renewing the Mind
Objective 3 To Be Responsible
Week 8 Shifting Blame
Week 9 Problem Solving
Week 10 What Is Smart and What Is Not
Objective 4 To Be Able to Resolve Conflicts
Week 11 Relationship Inventory
Week 12 Shortcut to Self-Destruction
Week 13 Processing Your Anger
Objective 5 To Be Confident
Week 14 What Is Truly Worthwhile
Week 15 Finding God’s Will
Week 16 Avoiding Emotional Burnout
Conclusion Last Things
Our Bridge of Faith
Changing from Within
Week 1
T HE TRANSFORMATION PRINCIPLE PROGRAM BEGAN with a promise that was made by Jesus Christ: If the Son shall set you free, you shall be free indeed
(John 8:36). I had come face-to-face with the reality that although a person had entered into a personal relationship with Christ, too often that same person was still being controlled by destructive habits, emotions, and addictions that were destroying his life. Try as he would, he could not break free.
The Transformation program is a journey to freedom, which we gain as we allow Christ to show us how we can truly be free. After many hours of counseling others and through study of addictions and associated problems, I became aware of the basic root problem common in every case: Man is separated from God, and his wrong attitudes keep him from the only source of real help for his problems. Real freedom can only occur when deep-rooted destructive attitudes have been changed.
It is our estimation that at least 87 percent of our decisions are made by our subconscious mind, independent of our conscious mind. The subconscious makes these decisions based on the principles fed into this unique computer we call our mind. Once our subconscious mind decides on a course of action, it then forces us to carry out its decisions.
Our subconscious mind overrides our conscious mind. Emotions ensure that we respond to our mind’s suggestions. We all know that emotions can be much stronger than reason. This leads to the conclusion that, since the majority of our decisions are made by our subconscious mind, we will be able to effect a significant change in our life only if we can change the decisions made there. This book is a tool designed to help us do this.
The problem is that our subconscious mind operates off the false principles of the world and the negative information we are fed day by day. As we deal with all the guilt, fears, and frustrations of day-to-day life, our mind becomes saturated with those things. We are offered the world’s answers to our problems, and our minds learn to operate by those principles. Since these principles are faulty and often lead to greater problems, we sink deeper and deeper into despair and hopelessness. We become enslaved in a destructive lifestyle and can find no way to break free. As we dwell on our failures and addictions, the bondage increases. As we struggle to tear ourselves from this quicksand, we are carried further and further down.
If we are to be successful in changing, we must change at the subconscious level—the level that the Bible refers to as the heart.
After we have spent a lifetime saturating our mind with harmful thoughts and attitudes, there is only one thing that is powerful enough to change us. Our only source of real help is God’s Word, the Bible. There are reasons that the Bible is such a powerful tool:
A. The Word cleanses
Jesus told His disciples that they were cleansed through the washing of the Word. The truth of the Bible neutralizes the lies and false promises by which we have learned to live. Jesus tells us that knowing the truth is essential to freedom (John 8:32). God’s Word is the ultimate source of all truth.
B. The Word has life within itself
As we saturate our minds with God’s Word, the Holy Spirit takes that powerful weapon and uses it to transform our lives from within.
The Transformation Principle is designed to fill the participant’s mind with God’s Word and thus effect the desired change. We do this in three ways:
1. Regular Bible study to nourish the mind (Luke 4:4).
2. Training the subconscious mind to use the basic principles taught in God’s Word.
3. Saturating the mind with verses that teach a truth which combats a specific problem in the participant’s life.
Objective 1
To Be on a Sure Foundation
The first priority when rebuilding our lives is to lay a good foundation. God instructs us in 1 Corinthians 3:11 that the only secure foundation is Jesus Christ. He is the rock.
We were created for fellowship with the Supreme God. The only way that sinful man can fellowship with Holy God is through the God-man, Jesus Christ. As I identify with Christ and learn to live by and trust His promises, every area of my life is permeated by His power.
Week 2
The Foundation
T HE ONE WHO HEEDS JESUS’ words is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock. And when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently against that house, and could not shake it, for it was founded on the rock
(Luke 6:48). In 1 Corinthians 3:11, the Bible states, For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
It is impossible for us to rebuild our lives until we lay a sure foundation. Just as the key to building a solid house begins with a sound foundation, so it is when we are attempting to build a solid life. The key to success in any rebuilding program is this: We must be on a sure foundation. The only foundation for a sound life is spiritually joining to Jesus Christ.
God created us for fellowship with Him. What I want most from my children is their love and respect. I am thrilled just to be a part of their lives. God values us for the same reason. As I draw close to Christ, I sense His pleasure in our relationship, and my heart answers with joy.
God’s offer to each of us is stated in John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Here we find God’s gift is eternal—life without end (Romans 6:23). We don’t work for it, and we can’t buy it because gifts are neither earned nor purchased. Rather, gifts are for receiving. Once received, the giver—God—grants ownership to us, and once we receive it, we have this life without end.
Since God’s gift is eternal, He is