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Compound Yield: The Investors Edge in a Traders World
Compound Yield: The Investors Edge in a Traders World
Compound Yield: The Investors Edge in a Traders World
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Compound Yield: The Investors Edge in a Traders World

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Complacent money will be taken by traders! Traditional 401Ks are hopelessly handicapped in providing for your retirement. You must act on your own behalf. By focusing on yield and then compounding it, the Compound Yield formula produces measurably increasing income that can be either reinvested, for those not yet retired, or drawn upon by those already retired. The formula is easy to learn and execute consistently for dramatic results. The odds enhancer leads to a geometric change for the portfolio beyond compound interest alone. It takes things easily to the next level. Simple mathematical computations allow the user to progressively increase income regardless of portfolio value. Objectives can be calculated and met over and over again monthly. Results should become easier to meet over time as the portfolio is placed on an exponential trajectory. The best of investing for high yield is magnified by safe tradingthere are no losing trades because the outcome is known before a trade is considered. You can see the plan unfold for you. The volatility of your portfolio actually decreases as a consequence of safe trading followed by reinvesting according to specific simple, if not obvious, rules. Marked risk-management follows as a natural consequence of just following the plan. What to do in any market direction becomes obvious. The Compound Yield strategy magnifies income regardless of the direction of individual holdings in your portfolio. How to choose what holdings are worthwhile is explained. Choices are wide open. The formula can be used collaboratively with almost any other strategy. The choice is yours. Being active in your retirement account is important and is made rational and fairly simple by this process. Can you afford another lost decade?
Release dateDec 7, 2012
Compound Yield: The Investors Edge in a Traders World

Robert K. Naguszewski MD

Robert Naguszewski (Nag-goo-chef-ski) MD is a board-certified internist, and is also board-certified by the American Board of Neurology and Psychiatry. He has had broad experience with pain management as well as rehabilitation. Out of his own need to fix his retirement future, he created the Compound Yield formula. Drawing on many years of clinical experience dealing with all varieties of human emotion and fusing this knowledge with his desire to make scientific and mathematical sense out of the marketplace, he put together a predictable model for action. One of his basic assumptions is that trading is emotion being dissipated. Investing in an emotional market becomes senseless unless a structure can be put in place to consistently increase return through income. Stocks have intrinsic properties independent from market emotion that can be harnessed mathematically and scientifically to create this structure. Unifying emotion and science in a manner aligned with spiritual laws governing respect and morality should be able to unlock the universe to the benefit of all. Seeing his plan manifest the desired result over time prompted him to write this book. His need to share it with you is motivated by this understanding.

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    Compound Yield - Robert K. Naguszewski MD

    © 2012 by Robert K. Naguszewski MD. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   08/08/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9459-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9460-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9461-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012922393

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Thanks and Gratitude

    You’re at the Threshold


    Compound Yield

    Seeing, Believing, Receiving: Results and Implications

    Back-Test of Compound Yield on SPY

    Growing with the Plan and Some Lessons Learned

    Bottom Line: A Little Rehash from a Different Perspective

    Volatility Discussion: Some Surprises

    Maintaining Highway Speed

    Some Interesting Things

    Driving This Home

    Odds, Ends, and Disclaimers

    The Catalyst

    Calculation Template


    Thanks and Gratitude

    - To my wife, Tanya. You’ve always stood with me even through my darkest times. You anchor me and are the source of all sensibility.

    - To my daughter Anna. Because you are so much like me, you help smooth out my rough edges and teach me to take each day less seriously.

    - To my daughter Sophie. You are my glass is half full girl and remind me that God’s world is replete with possibility.

    - To Henry, Sadie, and Abu (yes, our dogs). They help me understand that spending some time in the present moment is worthwhile. The present moment is where happiness and joy live. I’m learning to let my thoughts gallop less into the future.

    - To the instructors and my coach at Online Trading Academy, Atlanta, Georgia. Your information combined with a sincere desire for the students to succeed catapulted me to design the Compound Yield strategy. You’ve opened my eyes to see that things are not what they appear. And yes, I finally have written my trading plan, and this is it!

    - To John, Jeff, and Julie, my investment team at Scott and Stringfellow, Atlanta, Georgia. Your research, advice, guidance, and patience are appreciated! You’ve kept your promise to personalize my portfolio.

    - To my patients. You taught me that any one life is no less valuable than another and that a life of service is a good one.

    - To God and His wonderful universe, where we get to co-create our lives alongside Him.

    You’re at the Threshold

    Now that you have opened the door, come on in! What you hold in your hands is hope: hope for your future, hope for your family, and hope for your community as you will be able to be more generous to it. Just by picking up this book, you have shown you are looking for answers. I suspect you fear the truth about what retirement may look like for you. This book came as a consequence of my own interest in improving my future. The success I’m having has ignited a spark of passion in my soul. The funny thing is that when your soul ignites, the rest of you tends to catch fire as well. I’m on fire with enthusiasm and hope. Because this emanates from the level of the soul, I’m compelled to share it with you. A divine truth of the universe is that to receive what it is we want or need, we have to give precisely that away. To be loved, we must love. To have a friend, we must be one. To have generosity shown to us, we must be generous. For me to be wealthy and financially secure, I must help you get there as well. In serving you, I serve myself. What could be better?

    Every book has a little bit of self-centeredness, and such is the case with this one. In a sense, I’m tooting my own horn—but mainly just to myself. At age fifty, over a short period, I lost nearly every material thing I had and was left with little more than my retirement account. For three subsequent years, I lived numb with fear and hopelessness that retirement would not be possible at a reasonable age. The prior ten years in the market had produced no growth in my account. I yearned for a second chance, a chance for redemption. Writing this book has placed a dream again in my heart and the plan to bring it to life. These pages contain that plan, and I will share its formula with you. In reading it, certain thoughts may come to you: So simple! So obvious! Why did it take me so long to see it? You will have been blessed. This will return to me, somehow or some way, and I too will be blessed again. I want you to take joy in bringing these pages to life. This is a game-changer for me, and it will be for you.

    My highest hope and most grandiose wish for this book is for it to become a manual to achieve the common good. Out of concern for our country and particularly the private sector, this formula was born. For a country of over 300 million, only 100 million likely pay taxes. Conservatively, it would be true to say that the top 40 to 50 million pay the vast majority of the federal tax burden. A great wrong needs to be righted. We are on the road to an uninspired existence as our country moves toward an entitlement society. If you are one of the 50 million, this book is for you. It’s for everyone else like us—the private sector. The burdens of the world have always been ours to bear, and we’ve been well-equipped to handle them by our entrepreneurship, dedication to long hours, and

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