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Chaos to Cured: The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder
Chaos to Cured: The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder
Chaos to Cured: The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder
Ebook179 pages3 hours

Chaos to Cured: The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder

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The moonlight sliced into the alleyway as twenty-one-year-old Kirk Miller opened his eyes and stared at the night sky. His head throbbed as the world spun gently. The cold, hard cement felt oddly soothing, but even with all the alcohol and drugs flowing through his veins, Kirks mind was still racing. It would be a year until he was told that those feelings were related to what professionals called a manic episode. Welcome to the world of bipolar disorder.

It is no secret that bipolar disorder is one of the most misunderstood and devastating mental disorders for the diagnosed and those who care for them. But what if there were a cure? In his compelling memoir, Miller details how he was diagnosed with the most severe form of bipolar disorder, was told he would never lead a normal life, and eventually refused to accept his fate. As he began a determined search for answers through research, educated guesses, and risks that nearly cost him his life, Miller shares how he stumbled onto a new method of treating his disorder that, remarkably, helped him achieve a full recovery.

Chaos to Cured shares the true story of one mans courageous journey to finding a cure for bipolar disorder with the hope that everyone will one day have a second chance in life.

Release dateFeb 15, 2013
Chaos to Cured: The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder

Dean P. Stull

Kirk Miller is the founder of Lunera Research and currently coaches families struggling with bipolar disorder and depression. He lives and resides in Colorado. All net profits made from this book will be donated to the Healing Unique Minds Foundation to fund research and aid those suffering from bipolar and other mental disorders.

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    Book preview

    Chaos to Cured - Dean P. Stull


    to Cured

    The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder

    Kirk Patrick Miller


    iUniverse, Inc.


    Chaos to Cured

    The True Story of Defeating Bipolar Disorder

    Copyright © 2013 by Kirk Patrick Miller.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4759-7131-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-4759-7133-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013900528

    iUniverse rev. date: 2/8/2013


    Part One:       Flying Too Close to the Sun

    Part Two:       Nowhere Left to Run

    Part Three:       The End of Denial

    Part Four:       Research and Discovery

    Part Five:       Living without Bipolar

    Professional Endorsements

    34444.jpg    After practicing medicine for over forty years, I never dreamed that one of my patients would discover the most effective method of treating bipolar. Since dealing with Kirk Miller, we still do not know if it is a complete cure or the treatment has kept his bipolar in a constant state of remission; however, the results I have seen with Mr. Miller and others who have undergone the same treatment are undeniable. I hope everyone will find Mr. Miller’s memoir as inspiring and surprising as I found watching his recovery. I feel lucky to have been a part of a once-in-a-lifetime discovery.

    —Dr. Robert Simon, MD

    34447.jpg    Kirk Miller’s memoir provides important, if not vital, insight into the bipolar condition. After working with over two thousand different individuals throughout the world, all suffering from ADD, dyslexia, and bipolar syndrome, I can say, without reserve, that seldom, if ever, have I read such an in-depth and fascinating account of what it is like to be truly bipolar. The fact that the author has cured himself and discovered a potential cure has revolutionary implications. Kirk Miller needs to be heard and heard widely. I endorse his memoir with overwhelming enthusiasm.

    —Jeffery Freed, MAT, author of Right-Brained

    Children in a Left-Brained World

    34449.jpg    We are parents of a son who has bipolar. He has been hospitalized five times. It broke our hearts as we would have to call the police and watch them beat him into submission and take him to the hospital. He would be in there for five to six weeks and would then come home heavily medicated and go into a depressive state for months. In 2010 we heard about Kirk. He has been such a blessing in our lives, extremely helpful and supportive to us and to our son. Our son is now two years with no bipolar symptoms. We will be forever grateful for Kirk. His book will give many bipolar sufferers hope and know that they are not alone and that they can have a ‘normal’ life. Thank you.

    —Darrel and Dixie Navratil

    34451.jpg    Here is a book that I believe is one of a kind … The in-depth story that Mr. Miller shares is a rare look into the mind of a bipolar episode … I believe that Mr. Miller has indeed found a way out of the emotional and mental prison in which bipolar has incarcerated so many individuals. I would encourage anyone and everyone to read this memoir, especially if you know someone with bipolar.

    —Debra Slackman, MA, clinical psychotherapist

    34453.jpg    Mr. Miller provides a unique insight into the inner workings of a bipolar person’s heart and mind, from the perspective of someone who has experienced it before and after successful treatment. This book is a must-have resource for anyone who loves a bipolar person but has a hard time understanding how bipolar disorder affects his/her thinking, mood, and actions.

    —Sheryl Gurrentz, coauthor of If Your Child Is Bipolar:

    A Parent-to-Parent Guide to Living with

    and Loving a Bipolar Child


    Years ago I became a close friend to a young man who seemed just normal. I had known him since he was in elementary school and had stayed in contact as he grew into a man. He struggled from time to time with what I thought was depression, but it seemed manageable. He fell in love with a wonderful young woman. They were married and had two great little boys. I was suddenly introduced to their reality when my friend was hospitalized in a catatonic state with a serious depression following an extreme manic period.

    I visited him in the hospital and felt completely helpless; I can’t imagine how his family felt. I learned that he had a long history of bipolar disorder that I had never suspected or even entertained as a possibility. Unfortunately, his family was not able to survive their bipolar ordeal, as they were never sure which person would be there on a given day.

    Having been involved in the development of pharmaceuticals for most of my career, I looked into bipolar disorder to learn more about current treatment options, hoping to discover what I could do or advice I could offer to help my friend and his family. Almost all options seemed hopeless, and the treatments were very difficult for my friend, often providing no real help. I was confused and disturbed by how difficult this disorder is to identify and treat. I was further bothered by the lack of good pharmaceuticals for treatment.

    Then I met Kirk Miller. He called me based upon a referral from a mutual friend. I was extremely skeptical, as my only point of reference was my friend and his constant battle with bipolar disorder. Kirk wanted my opinion of his personal experience with estrogen inhibitors and how they had helped him overcome his bipolar disorder. Kirk was interested in understanding what it would take to prove the benefit of using estrogen inhibitors in the treatment of bipolar sufferers and how he might best teach others about it. Over time, he earned my trust. I was impressed with his passion and persistence; he felt driven to give other sufferers their life back just as he had recovered his.

    We spent time together talking about Kirk’s experience and the results he and his doctor were seeing in other bipolar sufferers who were also trying estrogen inhibitors in their treatment. We also discussed ways to interest pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals in his experience and develop his treatment plan into a new and exciting option for doctors and future patients. In the end, we all agreed that telling Kirk’s story to others was the best immediate option. I was impressed.

    Most of us who have been impacted by or have observed bipolar disorder—also known as manic-depressive disorder—know that over the past decade many books and articles have been published dealing with bipolar disorder. Physicians, psychiatrists, and other health-care professionals have written important and detailed books defining and attempting to explain the condition. Others go into great detail describing historical and modern treatment strategies as well as ongoing research and clinical development. Current treatment strategies continue to be centered on drug cocktails, including mood stabilizers, such as lithium, dissociative anesthetics, and dopamine agonists. Many books and articles address more nontraditional approaches, including diet changes, dietary supplements, extreme diets, and stress reduction techniques.

    Unfortunately, many individuals suffering from bipolar disorder, like my friend, find little success from any of these approaches or are dissatisfied by the significant side effects when they reach a stable condition. Many of these individuals are willing to take extreme measures to improve their condition, knowing that they have been told that bipolar disorder is managed but never cured.

    Parents, family members, and friends of individuals suffering from bipolar disorder have also written books. They provide insights into the disease, including its destructive impact on families, relationships, and individuals suffering from the condition. Bipolar sufferers have also written about their paths, navigating both the ups and the downs as well as exploring treatments for their condition. Some victims offer stories of survival and struggles in managing the condition.

    Some of these books are positioned as self-help books, written in an effort to help sufferers, family members, and friends cope with the condition and its destructive consequences. Although these books do offer comfort in just knowing that others have bipolar and are suffering, they do not really offer hope to the victims, their families, and their friends. Rather, the message all too often is about struggle and grief. What hope is seen is shallow or lacks a real, believable premise.

    Chaos to Cured stands alone as a true, heartfelt telling of a dramatic realization that leads to a remarkable transformation sparked by determination and love. No one would ever want to live through the life experience described in this book; the details are just too hard. Yet the story and the ending create a true sense of hope for bipolar sufferers.

    As Kirk relives his story, the reader not only is captivated but immediately understands that this book is a true story written with the passion and truth only a bipolar sufferer could convey. Kirk’s story includes some aspect of all the other stories, treatments, and self-help strategies. It is clear that the grip the disease has on individuals with bipolar disorder, their family, and their friends cannot be underestimated, overlooked, or dismissed.

    Chaos to Cured tells a chilling story of the struggles of a bipolar sufferer, his family, and his friends; but at the end there is an unexpected surprise. There is love, there is hope, and there is a future.

    Dean P. Stull, PhD

    Friend, Scientist, Entrepreneur and CEO


    Against all odds and nearly dying in the process, I discovered a new method for treating and curing my bipolar disorder, a condition that had stifled my ability to connect to the world or to the people I cared most for and that had nearly cost me my life. My full recovery left my doctors, family, and friends in shock. A life that had been filled with chaos and pain was suddenly filled with love, calm, patience, success, and stability. In simple terms, my life became everything I had dreamed of, leading me to writing this memoir.

    After watching friends, family, and acquaintances suffer with bipolar, losing their loved ones, friends, jobs, and even lives, I knew that keeping my discovery to myself would be selfish and wrong. Therefore, I am risking my professional reputation as a stable and honorable man to tell the world that there is hope for everyone currently struggling with this unique illness. I want nothing more than to help as many people as possible, and this memoir is the first step.

    I am aware that my book will be highly controversial and many experts will challenge the truth of my claims. However, I am willing and ready for the world to examine every aspect of my life. The scrutiny will be worth it if it will inspire researchers to develop new standards of care for those with bipolar disorder and possibly other mental disorders.

    Over the past five years, I have had the honor of working with amazing doctors and psychiatrists who have successfully used my method of treating the endocrine system with bipolar patients who had run out of all other options. We continued to see progress. I worked closely with the families and patients as a consultant and coach, as no one else could explain what they were going through. After growing close to many of these families and doctors, I was asked to write my life story and share it with the world. This memoir is not for me, although it was therapeutic to write. This memoir is dedicated to all the families and individuals who feel lost and hopeless. Research needs to be done, which is why I am donating all net profits from the sale of this book to Healing Unique Minds Foundation. My goal is to help people find the same happiness I now enjoy.

    I hope everyone reading this memoir discovers a new understanding of what bipolar really is and how it affects the people whose lives it darkens, and I hope that the impossible hope for a cure is never out of reach, just sometimes hidden from view.

    As a final note, I would ask everyone reading this memoir to keep in mind that I am no longer the man I once was, nor do I regret having bipolar. It may have adversely impacted my life in ways that I am unable to change, yet it was because of my illness that I risked my life to discover a new treatment that has forever changed my life and the lives of others for the better.

    Although it took almost four years of data to convince anyone that there was something to what I had found, our continued success only makes me believe that this memoir is more important than my career or money. Life is not always predictable, but it is always filled with potential hope and happiness. My story may begin in darkness, but I would live the same life a thousand times over to discover the happiness and stability I now enjoy every day.


    :: Special Thanks ::

    Words are unfit to convey the love and honor I feel for all those who have stood by me and forever changed my life for the better.

    Dr. Robert Simon, I thank you for saving my life, as I would not be here without your skill, patience, and heart. To my mentor and friend who came to believe in me, Dean Stull, your contributions to the world, and to me, will never be forgotten.

    I must also thank those involved with the formation of the Healing Unique Minds Foundation—Sheryl Gurrentz, Cindy Singer Abramson, Arif Gangji, and Richard Beck—as you have all given of yourselves while asking for nothing in return. I have never felt so honored to sit with such great minds and kind people.

    To the amazing families and individuals I have had the pleasure to know and help, I believe that I can and will make a positive difference with the second chance I was given because of you. For that, I am forever in your debt.

    To my family, which has always been loving and patient, I will continue to do my best to make you proud of the man I have become. I would not have survived without such strong people to guide and help me, especially my mother, who moved mountains in order to help me.

    Dearest Nicoal, you will always be the light that led me to a new and fulfilling life. I have always believed in you, and I wish you the best in your life, wherever it may lead you.

    Lastly, to anyone suffering with bipolar, this story is written for you and your families. I believe it will bring hope and warmth to all who read it.


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