Stage Four, Five Alarm
By Jim Balanesi
About this ebook
And looking at them Jesus said to them,
With men this is impossible,
But with God all things are possible.
Matthew 19:26
Who holds you up when adversity comes and shakes you downwhen youre told that youre going to die from your illness, your income has burned to the ground, and the housing market has fallen? Who is going to be there to help you up?
Stage Four, Five Alarm is the true story of how Jim Balanesi and his wife, Cindy, overcame stage four lung cancer and a fire that destroyed their successful caf through the love and grace of God. These experiences took them on a journey of discovery, learning what their lives are truly all about. Instead of giving up, which would have been so easy, they followed God and His Word, making them stronger with each step. It was a challenge to move forward, but they struggled to stay on the path because they wanted to win these battles once and for all.
God gave them the courage, guidance, strength, and knowledge to continue on together through the hardest of times. Their spirits could have been blown apart by these tragediesif not for their growing relationship with God and His Son, Jesus. Stage Four, Five Alarm shares how their love has kept them together and made them into the strong believers they are today.
Jim Balanesi
Born in San Francisco, Jim Balanesi grew up in Sunnyvale, California. Drafted in 1971, he volunteered for the US Marine Corp. After his honorable discharge three years later, Jim received a BA in art education. Jim and his wife, Cindy, now live in Fairfield, California, and opened their café in Vallejo in 1998.
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Stage Four, Five Alarm - Jim Balanesi
Warning: this book contains the words God and Jesus
and is full of faith, hope, and love.
inspiringvoicesblack.aiCopyright © 2012 by Jim Balanesi.
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ISBN: 978-1-4624-0198-7 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4624-0199-4 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2012941888
Inspiring Voices rev. date: 06/18/2012
Chapter 1 It Could’ve Been Worse, So Much Worse
Chapter 2 Welcome to My Life of Cancer, Stage Four Lung
Chapter 3 Meet the Good Doctor, My Oncologist
Chapter 4 A Memory Just Arrived, and It’s Here to Celebrate
Chapter 5 Now Meet Doctor Gloom
Chapter 6 Five Alarm, but First the Foot
Chapter 7 The Cornucopia of Events That Are Still to Come
Chapter 8 As I Walk (Again) through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
Chapter 9 After All of This and That
To my dear wife
I have proudly and lovingly dedicated this book to my holy Father, with all of my love and gratitude for saving me and thereby giving me another chance at living a holy life—and to my wife, Cindy. She was tirelessly there for me with her super-supportive attitude and innate care-giving skills throughout all of my trials and tribulations—even as she coped with a number of situations in her own personal life that would have broken most spirits. Maybe someday she’ll be able to share two particular stories that show again and again God’s miraculous grace, love, and awesome healing powers. Ours is a living God, here and now, today, tomorrow, and forever. Thank you, my Sweaty-Pie, for truly saving and enriching my life by listening to God so that I now have Him and His Son, Jesus, as my employers! (Sweaty
is a clean nickname, originally just a misspelled word, which is a whole other story in itself.)
This book is not about whining and woe-is-me attitudes. It is a chronicle of events: my journey over the last five +years, from the place where my wife and I began, to a new spiritual way of life today. A series of life-threatening, life-changing events and our actively keeping God in our daily lives turned everything around.
We’re hoping that this book will act as an encouragement and inspiration to others. When you feel like crying out, Why me?
or Why us, God?,
we want to help you turn that feeling around and prevent it from becoming a mind-set so negative that you become stuck in whatever situation you’re facing.
Instead, wonder what God has in store for you; expect that something good is going to come out of this or that, and take another approach. Have a strong faith in God, and don’t stop there. Remember this Scripture: With God all things are possible.
Luke 18:27
This book will show you how God miraculously—and I mean miraculously—got us through to where we are now living in daily peace, abundance, love, and gratitude. I don’t think an hour passes on any day without the thought of Praise God! coming from our hearts. It’s become a new life, a great life to live in His peace. I’m not talking about that drug-induced, mind-altered hippie peace from the sixties. This is all about having God’s true peace inside our souls. And what a joy it is! We’ll help you get there too by sharing our stories.
Cindy and I are just regular people. Of the two of us, she was much more into living a Christian lifestyle and always trying to practice what she was learning by following that path. I, on the other hand, can’t say that I played that role or any role very well, but I’m an okay guy. I’m five years her senior, and we have both now sailed well into our fifties.
I have personally looked back and felt that I wasted most of that time for one big reason: I didn’t actively have God in my life, nor did I use the Bible as my life’s guide. I could’ve (would have) been a contender,
as the famous saying goes, if I had. However, I now see where everything in my life has meaning, and it’s all come full circle to where I am today. I see why I did this, tried that, left this and that, and received—or took—different opportunities along the way, but nothing lasted. And so I came to my recent realization of why I’m here today, living with all of this gratitude and love for God. It’s a puzzle I’ve now pieced together, so I can clearly see the picture. Therefore, I’m not kicking myself or trying to go back and be a contender.
Instead, I believe that God already knew the whole story, and that’s where I now put all of my faith and trust today—in Him and His Son. You can too!
Cindy and I hope that you’ll receive something from our saga. We’ve prayed that you will get something worthwhile for the time you’ve invested in reading this book. We realize that, despite all the stuff Cindy and I experienced, it could have and might have been so much worse!
When you go through adversities and tragedies, as we all do, catch yourself and realize that it could have been so much worse than it actually is or was. Then give thanks that it wasn’t worse, and give the situation to the right source: our living God and His Son, Jesus.
We’ve all had situations—car accidents, falls, fires, loss—where the outcomes could have been so much worse. Our own situations are often nothing compared to what so many others have gone through. I recently saw video clips of returning war veterans with missing limbs. Those heroes have had it so much worse than I have—so much worse. God, please bless all of our soldiers.
We’ve all experienced terrible situations in our own lives, first hand. We don’t want to think about most worst-case scenarios, but maybe we should so we can really give thanks where it’s due. What if this or that had happened? Just watch today’s popular cable TV show I Survived, and you’ll see how some terrible situations actually turned out. It could’ve been so much worse in each one of those stories.
Thank you for giving this book a try, and may God bless you and yours!
I must say that I was very blessed and privileged to have had so many family members, friends, and customers—from the picture framing industry, the café, and my early years—who kindly sent cards and e-mails and made phone calls to let me know of their prayers and thoughts of me. I am still so grateful for their love and kindness over the many years. I tried sending periodic updates to keep many of them posted on what was happening to me. Writing this little book should update all of those who still may be interested. Thank you for your love, care, and desire to keep me in your thoughts.
It was pretty cool when Cindy had that gift shop up at the lake. It was a Christian Book & Gift Store with so much great material. You’ve read by now—at least I hope you have—that God determined your outcome back before you were even born. Here are just a few of the resources available to you: If God be for us, who can be against us
(Romans 8:31). No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
(Isaiah 54:17). With God, all things are possible.
Your faith, trust, and belief in God must be very strong for any of this to work. It’s not easy to turn over your life to God or to His Son, Jesus Christ. It’s not easy, until you see and experience it with your own mind and eyes. We have to stay in this state, constantly growing, until the Holy Spirit is actively living inside of us every moment. Let Him in, and surrender the rest of the clutter in your life. Ask for forgiveness for your sins. Acknowledge that Jesus died for your sins on the cross, rose from the dead, and sits at the right hand of God, His Father. He promises that you will prosper and that He will always be with you.
Isn’t this better than keeping up some false barricade and believing that you are better, stronger, and more qualified than someone we can’t see, touch, or hear but whose works we experience all around us? We can see the beauty and learn of the miraculous stories and feel the joy of peace. Just be quiet and listen. He will talk to you. Talk to Him and then sit quietly.
The Resource section at the end of this book is only a partial list of excellent shows, ministries, and pastors who are filling our daily lives with the best spiritual food. There’s always something good to watch on TV, and the ministers and pastors will become your favorite talents, as they have become for us. You’ll feel invigorated and full of hope as you fight the fight alongside God, your commander in chief.
I just received an envelope in the mail from a friend we met through the Christian Gift Shop that Cindy opened after the fire. This particular husband and wife became special to us over the short time that Cindy had the store. She had told me about them and that the husband, Bob, had gone through lung cancer as well—and that he didn’t even smoke. Cindy encouraged me to meet him, and I finally got the chance. He was such a sweet man, and so is his wife, Debbie. We would meet often for coffee and tea and share our lives touched by cancer. Unfortunately, Bob had to leave his wife of many, many years when he was called to heaven. I can