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The Unexpected Love: Stripper
The Unexpected Love: Stripper
The Unexpected Love: Stripper
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The Unexpected Love: Stripper

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Natashas life has been a tragedy. She doesnt know where to begin. It all happened like a dream; it was so fast that she can barely remember it all. She woke up one morning and saw herself in an environment made up of beautiful young girls like her, and in a short while, she only discovered that there was no way out and nowhere to run. Though life in there was quite better and interesting, she sought for freedom.
The Unexpected Love is a story of a beautiful young lady, Natasha, from the Russian Federation, whose freedom is confined within an environment. Natasha stripteases in a well-known entertainment company in such a way that no man can escape her sexual seduction. Many Mafia members pay a lot of money to see her strip. She makes lots of money to the company, and the company does everything possible to maintain and to retain her.
A young black American tourist, Fred Smith, has an opportunity to watch Natasha strip. At first sight, he falls in love with her and wants to do everything possible to get her out of her bondage, which is a difficult task for him. At the cost of getting his love out of bondage, there is so much bloodshed as he clashes with the Mafia, who owns the company who will never let Natasha go.
Release dateJun 5, 2012
The Unexpected Love: Stripper

Daniel Ohale Maduabuchi

Daniel Ohale Maduabuchi is a lover of literature. He has written several books over the past years. He specializes in fiction, romance, drama; and he is consultant in relationship and family matters although he is still single. He published his first book How to Raise the Ideal Family in 2008 and has written so many articles and stories that are not yet published.

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    The Unexpected Love - Daniel Ohale Maduabuchi

    © Copyright 2012 DANIEL OHALE MADUABUCHI.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Printed in the United States of America.


    978-1-4669-3931-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4669-3930-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number:

    Trafford rev. 05/31/2012

    North America & International

    toll-free: 1 888 232 4444 (USA & Canada)

    phone: 250 383 6864 ♦ fax: 812 355 4082


    CHAPTER ONE The Tune

    CHAPTER TWO Hangover

    CHAPTER THREE Bogdan and Inna

    CHAPTER FOUR About the Company BerryX

    CHAPTER FIVE Private Stripping

    CHAPTER SIX Mafia Night

    CHAPTER SEVEN Mystery Reviewed


    CHAPTER NINE Anton’s Life in Military School

    CHAPTER TEN The Fight

    CHAPTER ELEVEN First Attack

    CHAPTER TWELVE Happiness and Sadness



    Have you ever travelled to a land where you don’t even understand their language of communication and all you can understand is the language of love and sacrifices, which you never planned to implant? But the sacrifice you make pulls a great impact on people’s lives, then you begin to consider life to be a mystery because you don’t know what comes next, whom you are going to love or hate no matter your personality. These may be the reasons why sometimes people can adjust to any condition and bring their personality down to the lowest to achieve that goal that they had aimed.

    For my Ukrainian and Russian Friends

    Her Motives

    Here comes a priceless princess stripping. Her moves are like that of an angel, the way she swims in the air, her body as clean as a white cloud. She smells like a morning rose and shines like a mirror reflecting the sunlight, and her smiles could bring healing to the sick, oh! What a pretty being she is that her motives are perfect and predictable. She moves her body, nicely and slowly winding. She twists her waist in such a way that no man can resist her sexual seduction. Here she comes—the princess of all strippers.


    Life can be tragic and, at the same time, mysterious. Some people can do everything possible to make sure that their children get the best in life. They don’t even care about other people’s children, whom they abuse and molest in order to make fortune. That is why, when life becomes a tragedy for them, no one cares.

    Have you ever travelled to a land where you don’t even understand their language of communication and all you can understand is the language of love and sacrifices, which you never planned to implant? But the sacrifice you make pulls a great impact on people’s lives, then you begin to consider life to be a mystery because you don’t know what comes next, whom you are going to love or hate no matter your personality. These may be the reasons why sometimes people can adjust to any condition and bring their personality down to the lowest to achieve that goal that they had aimed.

    More than 30 percent of the world’s population lives on bondage directly or indirectly. Some of these bondages could be hidden indirectly, which cause havoc, pains, and sufferings in the hearts of men, while some are—as a result of having no choice left—for a particular occupation or career in life that are broadly seen directly. So it’s our right to help these people that are captured in bondage, whether directly or indirectly.

    Natasha’s life has been a tragedy. She doesn’t know where to begin. It all happened like a dream; it was so fast that she can barely remember it all. She woke up one morning and saw herself in an environment made up of beautiful young girls like her, and in a short while, she only discovered that there was no way out and nowhere to run. Though life in there was quite better and interesting, she sought for freedom.

    The Unexpected Love is a story of beautiful young lady, Natasha, from the Russian Federation, whose freedom is confined within an environment. Natasha stripteases in a well-known Entertainment company in such a way that no man can escape her sexual seduction. Many Mafia members pay a lot of money to see her strip. She makes lots of money to the company, and the company does everything possible to maintain and to retain her.

    A young black American tourist, Fred Smith, has an opportunity to watch Natasha strip. At first sight, he falls in love with her and wants to do everything possible to get her out of her bondage, which is a difficult task for him. At the cost of getting his love out of bondage, there is so much bloodshed as he clashes with the Mafia, who owns the company who will never let Natasha go.


    The Tune

    T he tune of the music so melodious!

    Pleasing to listen!

    It fills the ears of the desired with passion and exertion!

    The sound sweeps through the surroundings, echoing in and out!

    Bringing out smiles from the faces of its listeners!

    The ears are so large and eager to listen to the music again and again!

    The beat of the sound is so strong that it can pass through the walls so softly and raise the souls that are asleep!

    It brings joy and happiness, welcoming the audience!

    The wave of the sounds shakes the heart with a higher frequency!

    The body is put into vibration!

    Bringing out some eagerness!

    This eagerness triggers enthusiasm!

    Making everyone to feel a ray!

    The eyes of the viewers never wish to be closed!

    The strippers dance to the tune of techno, which is their favorite tune.

    It is amazing and colorful, the way the strippers dance. They move their bodies up and down, stripping to seduce their audience.

    The strippers are professional erotic dancers. They perform contemporary forms of striptease. Unlike in burlesque, the performer in the modern form of stripping minimizes the interaction of customer and dancer, reducing the importance of tease in the performance in favor of speed to undress. Not every stripper will end her performance completely nude, though full nudity is common where not prohibited by law. The integration of the stripper pole as a nearly ubiquitous prop has also shifted the emphasis in the performance toward a more acrobatic, explicit expression versus the slow-developing burlesque.

    The strippers wear very sexy short, skinny skirts that almost expose their panties. The bright bras they wear can’t cover their bosoms properly. They are so loose that they create more attraction. Men focus on them, waiting for them to striptease. The strippers dance smoothly on their high-heeled shoes without even being wired about it.

    The music doesn’t stop getting more interesting. The rhythm rhymes with the lyrics. Men toast and keep ordering for more drinks.

    As the strippers dance, their bodies reflect the sparkling light. Men see them as fire from a furnace. Their beauties are beyond compare. A diamond stud is pierced on the left side of their noses and on their bellies. It gives them an amazing appearance. The tribal tattoo on their lower backs and the silver ring on their right thumbs create a lot of attraction. The strippers toned, and every eye that watches them wishes to have them for the night at least once in their lifetime!

    The more the clock ticks, the more men of caliber keep entering the club, making impressions on the audience. The beat of the music keeps pumping to the walls, echoing! Alas! No one can escape the tune of the music as everyone keeps being happy, shouting to the air. The big guys who can’t dance keep on nodding their heads up and down to the melodious tune. It is a casual night club named Fun Club, where everything is provided with no specialty. Fun Club is divided into two parts. The upper part is basically made for the VIPs, and the lower part is for the casual audience, though the dance floor is located in lower part, so the VIPs still walk down to the dance floor to dance. So it does not really make much difference. It’s just the pattern of the design that makes the difference. Fun Club comprises of everything in a big furnished hall. Set fixtures, a luxurious mix of crystals, Pucci fabrics, baby croc and leather, a futuristic glass fireplace, vacuum-compressed elevators, electric Tinseltown-era artifacts, and ebony Macassar—creating a vibe that gives a modern feel. A long ground bar with a stylish design of a series of drinks, the stripper’s stage directly facing the main dance flow, well-decorated resting leather seats, and crystal red wall papers—Fun Club is decorated in such a way that when people come in, most people inside notice their presence.

    It’s about 12:30 a.m. when Fred Smith and James Johnson walk into Fun Club with their American looks. I mean their appearance is so cute and unique from every other man in the club. Many eyes are on them because of the indifference as the steward matches them up to a free reserved seat where they settle down. The people around them easily notice that they are black Americans—definitely from their looks, skin color, voice intonation, behavior, and mood. Some people around still wonder the reason why they chose to be in Fun Club. It’s rare to see their personality in Fun Club, which is mostly made for the less privileged they said. Soon, the DJ also notices their presence as he plays an English song, which keeps them relieved.

    I love this place. It’s making lot of sense. At least they’re playing an English song, not only those Russian songs, though I love the beats and their crazy dance, said Fred.

    Come on, we just checked in. I told you it’s gonna be fun. The club is just starting, said James smiling.

    You don’t get me, man. Look at that steward, I mean the girl that walked us up to this seat. Can you see how pretty and hot she is? asked Fred.

    Oh! Dude, you have started again! Come on, every girl here in the Russian Federation, especially here in Ukraine, seems to be pretty, easy, innocent, and they are all attractive, James replied to Fred, and as they were still speaking, another steward, more sexily dressed, walked up to them.

    Good evening, gentlemen. She kept smiling. Here is the menu. What do you desire for? Or what can I get for you? questioned steward 2.

    Holy Mary mother of God, you must be kidding me. I like the impression here. I was just thinking of how I’m going speak this funny, difficult Russian language, and here she comes saving my ass. Gosh, I’m sorry, young lady! How do you know that we don’t speak the Russian language? The few people we’ve met who understood English still pretend as if they don’t know it. Maybe they are shy. I just don’t know. So what’s up with you? What gave you the hint? Fred asked.

    It’s our service, sir. From people’s moods, we can tell the part of the world they belong to, said steward 2.

    We know that of course. I mean the intonation, the accent, where did it come from? How do you know we are damn Americans? How many times have you been to United States? Your intonation is a remarkable one, but I know you are a Ukrainian girl, expressed James.

    Steward 2, laughing and blushing, said, "It’s also our

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