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A Journey of Divine Connections
A Journey of Divine Connections
A Journey of Divine Connections
Ebook145 pages2 hours

A Journey of Divine Connections

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About this ebook

Emilys testimony shines as a victorious example of faith, courage and love against all odds. Her inspiring story will prepare you to walk in the Lords will and purposes for your own life. Emily recounts miraculous ways God intervened to cause all things to work for her good because of her constant yielding to the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this book to provide keys that will guide you to achieve the high prize of your lifes calling. A Journey of Divine Connections will direct you in the narrow way, the path of the Righteous. Few find it, but Emily did, and is walking it today.

Rev. Rosemary Schindler, Schindlers Ark international

Readers will be interested to see how God led Emily. Her willingness to follow the Lord is evident. Day to day, year to year faithfulness to the Lord has led her to be a blessing to many people in many places. Her personal journal is bound to stir others to follow Jesus as His true disciple.

Rev. Jean Darnall, Church on the way, Van Nuys, California, U.S.A

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateFeb 7, 2013
A Journey of Divine Connections

Emily Chang

Emily Chang, a self-described "Freaky Geek Erotica Author," has been writing smut since before started banning NC-17 stories. She likes to explore fantastical and science-fiction settings through an eroticized lens, featuring a variety of kinks in stories that are sure to please the freakiest of geeks. Aside from being a writer, she is an avid gamer, cat lover, and comic book reader.

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    A Journey of Divine Connections - Emily Chang

    Cover Design Description

    The book cover was designed by a friend of mine who, when praying about my book, received a revelation from God regarding the design for the front and back covers.

    On the front is depicted the living water flowing from heaven to earth and becoming narrower to illustrate the narrow path leading to eternal life.

    The back cover is symbolic of Jesus on the Cross. This design depicts living water descending from heaven and penetrating earth through Christ’s redeeming sacrifice.

    The color blue signifies heaven and the color brown earth.


    As Emily obeyed God’s will and trusted the Lord to lead her, a wonderful story unfolds. From this testimony, the reader’s faith will be strengthened and there will be the challenge to trust the Living God completely and move forward with His leading and enabling power.

    Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!

    —Julie Bruce, School Chaplain, Victoria, Australia.

    Emily is a woman of faith, filled with the Holy Spirit. I personally have the joy of knowing her since that day in 2001 when we met at All Nations Convocation Jerusalem in Israel. We have kept in touch over the years and I know you will be deeply touched and blessed as I have been as you walk with her as you read her testimony, a journey of love, faith, obedience, divine connections. She walks with God receiving His guidance, provision every area of her life.

    —Carole Brown, White Dove Ministries, Tennessee, USA.

    The sacrifice, courage and obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit in Emily’s life story reveal God’s mission to save and change people’s lives even today. You will be deeply touched and blessed as you read her testimony of faith, obedience, divine guidance. My own life and family have forever been changed through Emily’s big heart of sacrificial loving kindness.

    —Enos Nabudere, Senior pastor,

    Eden Life Ministries, Kampala, Uganda.

    Emily’s testimony shines as a victorious example of faith, courage and love against all odds. Her inspiring story will prepare you to walk in the Lord’s will and purposes for your own life. Emily recounts miraculous ways God intervened to cause all things to work for her good because of her constant yielding to the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend this book to provide keys that will guide you to achieve the high prize of your life’s calling. A Journey of Divine Connections will direct you in the narrow way, the path of the Righteous. Few find it, but Emily did, and is walking it today. Each of us, like Emily, can make a difference in the world and save the lives of many.

    —Rev. Rosemary Schindler, Schindler’s Ark International.

    Readers will be interested to see how God led Emily. Her willingness to follow the Lord is evident. Day to day, year to year faithfulness to the Lord has led her to be a blessing to many people in many places. Her personal journal is bound to stir others to follow Jesus as His true disciple.

    —Rev. Jean Darnall, Church on the way,

    Van Nuys, California, USA.

    A Journey of Divine Connections



    Copyright © 2013 Emily Chang.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-7840-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-7841-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4497-7839-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923965

    WestBow Press rev. date: 03/01/2013

    Thanks To…

    I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to God for His constant faithfulness for His guidance and provision.

    I also thank my family and friends for their support and encouragement.

    To everyone mentioned in this book and to others whose names have not been included, but who were moved by God to support me with prayer, encouragement, or financial assistance, thank you all so much. May the Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make His face shine upon you and His peace sustain you continuously!


    Emily Chang’s story is a mosaic of miracles planned and performed by God. The pattern which has emerged is so startlingly bright in its awesome clarity that the amazing grace and mighty miracles of the Living God cannot be denied. The suffering, the sacrifice and the success of Emily are traced in these inspiring pages. God’s grace and His hand of selection, protection and direction of her life are abundantly evident throughout her incredible story. All the glory is given gladly to Him.

    Emily has witnessed the power of God at work in many countries. She is a woman of great faith and unquestioning obedience to the Lord whom she trusts with all her heart. Because of her obedience to God’s commands she has been the channel of many miraculous blessings to desperately needy people.

    Emily’s world-wide ministry has a unique feature. She is usually moved by the Holy Spirit to cross continents in order to meet one or two particular persons whose deep needs the Lord longs to satisfy. This is a very special part of her ministry reflecting the very personal interest of Jesus in the individual. The Lord who went out of His way to meet the needy woman of Samaria and change her life, still sends His servants across the world to demonstrate His deep personal concern and intense love for individuals. The pages of this book clearly depict this fact.

    It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life and ministry to co-operate with Emily in the writing of this exciting book, and it is my prayer that God will glorify His Name, encourage His people and save precious souls as this inspiring story spreads throughout the world!

    As you read these pages with faith in your heart, you will be excited to worship and praise the Lord!

    Pastor Frank Parker


    For a number of years, many people suggested that I write a book on what I have seen God do in my life, but my answer was always, No.

    However in January 2001, while I was in Uganda to preach and share my testimony at a conference, I was approached by a German publisher and during the course of our conversation, I was asked again, Why don’t you write a book?

    No, I would prefer not to was still my answer. At that time I thought that unless God led me to write the book, I would not be able to do it. But he said Don’t hide what God has done in your life.

    This was a remark which stirred my mind and I started to seriously pray about it. As a result, God answered affirmatively on several occasions. However, I continued to postpone taking any action on the matter.

    While in Los Angeles in February 2007, I met Reverend Jean Darnall, the Youth with a Mission lecturer and a renowned prophetess. Without having ever met me before, Reverend Darnall predicted, Through your book, your ministry will be enlarged to radio and TV programs. I asked her What kind of book? She replied Your testimony! even though she had never heard anything about my life. When I received this word, I felt that it was time for obedience. By God’s grace, I started writing A Journey of Divine Connections.

    As it will become evident from reading this book, life is full of surprises. In His sovereignty, God is deeply involved with the creation of networks between people and aligning them for His purposes.

    Jesus promised that after He ascended into Heaven, He would send the Helper, His Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that demonstrated God’s power in the book of Acts continues to work through us today. I know that events in my testimony are the work of the Holy Spirit. These words of Jesus contain this sure promise: But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. (John 14:26)

    I pray that readers of this book of testimonies will trust the living God completely and also experience His divine power working in wondrous ways. I give all the glory to God, the Living Master of the Universe.

    Emily Chang




    Psalm 92:4-5


    Chapter 1 - Preparation for Ministry

    God is the Healer—Jehovah Rapha

    Born Again

    Our Spirits Shall Sorrow No More

    Spiritual Warfare and Persecution at a Family Funeral

    God’s Calling and My Destiny

    Chapter 2 - Building Bridges

    God’s Preparation for a New Direction

    Prophet with the Message Move to Scotland

    The Fruits of Obedience

    Seed of a Dandelion

    Divine Connections in Uganda

    The Sovereignty of God

    Chapter 3 - Seeds and Shoots

    Meeting Key People

    From Uganda Leading To Germany

    Inner Healing Ministry and God’s Care

    Only a Little Spaghetti and Salt

    Chapter 4 - The Fruits of Prayer

    Call to Ukraine

    Ukraine Mission

    From Israel to Wedding Bells in Scotland

    God Meets My Precise Needs

    Swiss Mission

    Chapter 5 - And it Shall be Called a House of Prayer


    Preparation for Ministry

    God is the Healer—Jehovah Rapha

    I n 1957, I was born in a non-Christian family in South Korea. I had no family support in the Christian faith. I was the only one in the family who went to church despite strong opposition from family members. One of my friends during middle school had told me about Jesus which led me to happily attend church with her every Sunday.


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