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Love And/In Poetry
Love And/In Poetry
Love And/In Poetry
Ebook88 pages51 minutes

Love And/In Poetry

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About this ebook

I started writing just for fun one after another, but never realized that it would develop in me to be rather part of me. A few years later, I decided to be more serious about expressing my voice through my words. My first few poems were written about the view of women in our lives. As I was always a strong advocate for women, I started to express my affection toward them in every aspect I could think off, especially love at intimacy, their hard work, my mother, and so on. I wrote my first serious poem back in 2006 and 2007; then on I continued, and become attached about two years later.
Release dateJan 14, 2013
Love And/In Poetry

Jhonny B. Pierre

This poetry book is the revitalization of love for all type of readers. it will bring light to what love should be and perhaps carries the message for a change of heart. It has provision for intimate love, for him, for her, for both and/or all three. it also includes provision for the family, and much more...

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    Love And/In Poetry - Jhonny B. Pierre



    Jhonny B. Pierre



    1663 Liberty Drive

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    © 2013 by Jhonny B. Pierre. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 02/06/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-8637-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-0764-0 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    -A Beautiful Woman-

    A mother’s love

    A real Man’s dream

    Commitment scare


    Daddy’s Greatness!!

    Flashback on Valentine’s Day

    Her perfect gentleman

    I’m falling . . .

    Kindness within

    Love to our Hero in Uniform

    Men of Fatherhood

    Music to my ears

    My dear Valentine

    My exceptional mother

    My ideal fancier

    My Lady

    My love in question

    Natural beauty

    Plain love

    Thankful to you

    The Art of Perfection

    The Color of love

    The eyes of a shotgun

    The great of soul in the winter

    The L in Loving

    The smile . . .

    To my Eyes . . . .


    Why does it hurt?


    This book is a sample, and a foretaste. It is the description of true love manifested in human kind to express toward each other the sensation within.

    To my concern, it started a few years back in college at Florida Atlantic University, FAU, as a member of a student club organization by the name of Konbit Kreyol (KK) jointing during key events with Black Students Association (BSU) in the years between 2001 and 2005. BSU had provided a poetry club for students to express their words and their talents. From then, I was inspired by the energy it supplied to a person; it also served as a catalyst to make shine the true feeling burning within me.

    I started writing just for fun one after another, but never realized that it would develop in me to be rather part of me. A few years later, I decided to be more serious about expressing my voice through my words. My first few poems were written about the view of women in our lives. As I was always a strong advocate for women, I started to express my affection toward them in every aspect I could think of, especially love at intimacy, my mother, and so on. I wrote my first serious poem back in 2006 and 2007; then on I continued, and become attached about two years later.

    Earlier this year (2012), I also got inspired by reading poetry books to increase my ideas which truly helped me in sorting out all my emotions in a more suitable manner.

    As the title is Love and/in Poetry, I am certain that you, the reader, will be filled with satisfaction in reading these love based poems. As I present to you the true inner side of me, I want you to treasure these thoughts and try to use them in your daily endeavors by actions and/or by words to help in the process of making this word safer and more livable.

    -A Beautiful Woman-

    How beautiful is such a creature!

    A certain morning arose;

    The clouds are already in such a beautiful pattern to complement with an atmosphere so comfortable.

    The happiness of all the flowers for a new life of solar energy appears with a smooth wind that blows with enough power just enough to open the flowers to release an incredible odor.

    The birds are singing in harmony all different songs, but with the same purpose of a new day from heaven.

    Beside all these characters, what else can be more beautiful that is part of this vast and admirable nature? Damn! I need to know . . . .

    As the sun is still low,

    and the shades are extended enough to make a highway, but among all these miracles that

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