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Halo and the Rainbows
Halo and the Rainbows
Halo and the Rainbows
Ebook37 pages25 minutes

Halo and the Rainbows

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About this ebook

Where do our beloved pets go when they die? Halo and the Rainbows takes an amazing journey with one boy and his beloved dog, Halo. In the future, life on Earth has changed drastically, and having a dog as a pet is an exception, not the rule. Evan is a lonely young boy in a new earth, yearning for friends. His parents finally decide that Evan should have a pet, so they find a beautiful dog for him to adopt.

He and Halo become fast friends, but as the little dog grows older, Evans parents notice that Halo is slowing down. They worry about how Evan will deal with the loss of his beloved friend. But there is another, more sinister force at work.

Halo and the Rainbows is an inspiring story of an unseen and amazingly beautiful world where angels, rainbows, crystal seas, and a rain of diamond tears reflect the design of a divine creator. Your heart can be touched with peace as a grieving young boy is comforted by the lessons he learns in this journey into the territory of a faithful God.

Release dateOct 7, 2013
Halo and the Rainbows

Cathy Evans

Cathy Evans is a teacher who has taught grade school, high school, and college for many years. She has bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from Lamar University. This is her first work of fiction.

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    Halo and the Rainbows - Cathy Evans


    Copyright © 2013 Cathy Evans

    Illustrations by Dana Outlaw

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0704-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0705-7 (e)

    Printed in the United States of America.

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 9/26/2013


    Halo came home with Evan when she was two months old. She flew home in the car riding on his stomach, her eyes fixed lovingly on his face. She never looked out the window at the clouds or the jewel blue sky or at Dad. All of her attention was focused on Evan. He kept his right hand on her to keep her steady in the slight turbulence they’d encountered near New Texas, but he needn’t have. Her tiny, front claws were hooked into his shirt as she gazed up adoringly at him.

    Looks like you have an admirer, Dad said, as he glanced away from his work momentarily. The earth slipped by rapidly beneath them, and the car’s guidance system announced they were at eight hundred feet in the air and about forty miles from home. We’re almost there, Dad remarked.

    Look! She’s smiling at me, Evan pointed to her face,

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