Acorns: Windows High-Tide Foghat: Volume Iii
About this ebook
Acorns delineates the future of humanity as a reunification of intellect with the Deep Self. Having chosen to focus upon ego (established securely by the time of Christ), much more beta brain wave development will destroy our species and others, which process has already begun. We create our own realities through beliefs, intents and desires and we were in and out of probabilities constantly. Feelings follow beliefs, not the other way around.
Joshua Morris
Growing up, all we’ve ever wanted was to do game design. Being fans of a great deal of roleplaying games and looking at nothing but fantasy, our heads quickly started to fill up with ideas of our own. We had no idea we would become authors. Still takes some getting used to. Around the age of eight, we began to make these action figures out of paper and tape. Starting with characters from Dragon Ball Z and Final Fantasy, it sort of paved the way for our creativity and skills to grow. At sixteen, we came up with a simple man who had a chance to show the world what he could do. Thus creating a gateway that allowed the user, whatever he or she dreamed, would come through. My brother and I fed off each other, coming up with different parts one by one and then combining them together. We’re always adding to our story nowadays. It’s forever growing, just like us, as life teaches us something new every day, learning to get inspiration from everything. It helps us keep an open mind.
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Acorns - Joshua Morris
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The Orgone Accumulator Handbook: Construction Plans, Experimental Use and Protection Against Toxic Energy, James DeMeo, Ph.D.,: Dr. Wilhelm Reich originally offered to cooperate with FDA investigators regarding orgone energy but they refused. Unethical attacks in print upon his work hurt a number of coworkers. Refusal to appear in court resulted in a legal overreaction that forbid interstate shipment of books containing the word orgone
! And all books and journals discussing orgone in detail were ordered destroyed (Case #1056, March 19, 1954, U.S. District Court, Portland, ME, Judge John D. Clifford, Jr.).
Three years after Reich’s death, estate trustees arranged for republication of his works. Coworkers founded the American College of Orgonomy and in 1967 the Journal of Orgonomy appeared.
Orgone energy as cosmic life energy, Reich identified many of its properties. It charges and radiates from all living and nonliving substance.
It readily penetrates all matter with varying rates. All materials attract and absorb or repel or reflect it. One can see, feel, measure and photograph it. It exists atmospherically and in the vacuum of space. Excitable, compressible, spontaneously pulsative, it can expand and contract. The orgone charge within a given environment or substance usually varies cyclically. Orgone proves most strongly attracted to living things, to water, and to itself. Orgone energy can stream or flow but generally flows west-to-east, slightly faster than earth’s rotation. It occurs ubiquitously to the physical universe. It can impart a magnetic charge to ferromagnetic conductors or electromagnetic charge to insulators and it reacts with great disturbance to radioactivity or harsh electromagnetism much as does irradiated protoplasm. Geiger counters can register it. It comprises the medium of electromagnetic disturbances. Atmospheric streamings affect circulation patterns; atmospheric orgone functions underlie the buildup of storm potentials, and influence air temperature, pressure, and humidity. Cosmic orgone energy functions
appear to affect gravitational and solar phenomena. The mass-free life energy exists primary to all other energies.
Orgone energy functions underlie major life processes; pulsation, streaming, and charge of the biological orgone determines the movements, actions, and behavior of protoplasm and tissues, as well as the strength of ‘bioelectrical’ phenomena. Emotion is the ebb and flow, the charge and discharge of the orgone within the membrane of an organism.
It comprises the medium which communicates emotion and perception.
Freud’s early behavior theories discussed drives metaphorically as the libido which term he and most analysts eventually ceased employing. Reich found the libido concept useful and clinically observed "vegetative streamings or currents of emotional energy in the body, which occurred in healthy individuals during states of great relaxation, as following a strong release of emotion, or after a very gratifying genital orgasm… . When the individual experienced great pain, as from childhood traumas, when the emotions were rigidly suppressed… or when chronic sexual stasis and starvation was experienced, the entire nervous system and musculature participated in the process of emotional suppression… . This ‘holding back’ of feeling was also accompanied by a greater or lesser anxious retreat from pleasurable, or even potentially pleasurable situations, which would otherwise stir up suppressed and unpleasant feelings."
Reich found that, when chronic in such a response to pleasure the individual experiences a chronic stiffening and desensitization and a reduction in respiration and contactfulness. Neuromuscular "armoring" has a certain survival value for pain and trauma situations but when chronic thwarts emotion and perpetuates pleasure-avoidance. Deep fears and pressure of conform to the prevalent armored social life usually prevent movement toward emotional health or change of the situation.
Reich argued that chronic frustration/repression of sexual urges/emotions can build tension to the point of bursting, yielding neurotic symptoms or sadistic urges.
Reich considered the low levels of observed bioelectrical activity insufficient to explain the powerful energy forces observed in human behavior, particularly regarding completely withdrawn patients.
Pleasure identified with an increasing bioelectrical charge at the skin. Reich noted the amoeba as lacking a nervous system
yet it expands/contracts in relation to its environment. He considered many functions attributed to the brain as whole-body functions involving autonomic participation but primarily resulting from biological energy currents.
Reich observed moss and grass infusions not as spores welling into amoeba but rather the moss and grass disintegrated into blue-green vesicles which over several days clump around which forms a membrane. The clump of vesicles rolls and pulsates inside the membrane, turning eventually into a new amoeba.
A number of materials, organic/inorganic, allowed to disintegrate and swell in a sterile nutrient solution form the vesicles.
He used around 3,500 to 4,500 power magnification. He did not use the usual microbiological stains or procedures which kill the specimen. Standard electron microscope images require dead specimens.
Calling the vesicles bions, bions of similar size, shape and motility appeared when various substances underwent a slow swelling and disintegration or when heated to incandescence and immersed into sterile nutrient solution. Boiling, autoclaving or heating to incandescence failed to eliminate bions but could liberate them in greater numbers. Similar bionous processes occurred in food decay, the bions as bluish with radiant energy effects.
In the case of soil or tissues disintegrating into bions and reorganizing into protozoans Reich argued that a loss of life energy charge of tissues initiates the process followed by putrefaction and disintegration.
One bion preparation made from pulverized sand heated to incandescence and immersed in a sterile nutrient broth yielded a radiant energy whereof too prolonged observation of the preparations caused conjunctivitis and placed close to the skin created inflammation. Reich developed a dark tan through his clothing mid-winter. Iron or steel became magnetized and insulators took a static charge. Film fogged. The bion radiation as rapidly attracted to metal reflects or dissipates as rapidly. Organic materials absorb and hold it. Nuclear and electromagnetic identification attempts failed.
The air in rooms containing the bion cultures Reich noticed felt heavy
or charged. Observed at night the air scintillated and glowed pulsing. A metal-lined cube trapped and amplified the effects of the radiation. It proved present in the enclosure even after removal of the cultures. Nothing could make it leave. The metal lining seemed to pull radiation from the air.
Orgone energy accumulators mainly use multiple layering of metal and organics. They proved to have specific life-positive effects and quantifiable effects upon air or materials.
It flows with a spinning wave characteristic, acts negentropically, has a strong mutual attraction to or by water. Living organisms accumulate it through food, water, breath, skin. Mutual excitation and attraction of separate streams or of separate systems. Excitability via nuclear, electromagnetic, electrical sparking, friction.
A strong charge creates a slightly higher air temperature, higher electrostatic potential, with a slower electroscopical discharge rate, higher humidity and lower evaporation rates, squelching of ionization effects inside gas-filled ionization Geiger-Muller tubes, ionization effects inside nonionizable vacuum tubes (0.5 micron pressure or lower) and impedance and absorption of electromagnetism.
Orgone energy acts vagotonically with an expansive effect on the entire system, creates sensations of tingling and warmth at the skin surface, increased core and skin temperature, flushing, moderation of blood pressure and pulse rate, increased peristalsis, deeper respiration, increased germination, budding, flowering and fruiting of plants, increased rates of tissue growth, repair, and wound healing, increased field strength, charge, integrity of tissues and immunity, and greater energy, activity and liveliness.
Orgone energy accumulator: outer to inner: 1)celotex, 2)fiberglass, wool, cotton or plastic, 3)steel wool, 4)repeat 2, 5)repeat 3, 6)repeat 2, 7)repeat 3, 8)galvanized sheet metal or steel wire mesh.
The orgonoscope allowed darkroom and atmospheric observations of scintillating foglike forms and dancing, luminescent points of light, construction as of tubes, lenses and a fluorescent screen for magnification. A corpuscular orgone unit changed behavior according to cosmic and meteorological factors, observable also in the daytime to the naked eye to most people once pointed out. Earth has an orgone envelope as do living creatures.
Reich explained spontaneous fogging of x-ray films as by life energy and purposefully created ghosts
via excited orgone energy. Bion cultures would fog film stored in metal cabinets and would render the image of a culture dish and its contents set directly upon it. Thelma Moss of UCLA showed life energy field photographs as possible without electrical stimulation, as with Kirlian techniques, by field enhancement. Living objects directly contacting film for a few days within a dark accumulator will render an image.
Using a Tesla coil and accumulatorlike metal plates Reich devised a way to measure and quantify fields; the differences in energy levels between people or objects.
He demonstrated the energy field pulsations of a large metal sphere as able to set into motion a nearby smaller metallic/organic pendulum.
Accumulators develop slightly higher temperatures than surroundings or control enclosure on sunny clear days with a strong orgone charge near the earth’s surface. The effect vanishes with stormy, rainy weather, when a strong charge exists atmospherically. The orgone energy functions in opposition to the second law of thermodynamics.
An accumulator shows electrostatic effects when an electroscope inside proves to dissipate charge more slowly. Sometimes a partly charged or uncharged static electroscope inside an orgone accumulator spontaneously charges. These effects vanish with rainy or overcast weather and a weak surface charge.
Geiger-Muller tubes and counters charged inside a very strong accumulator for several weeks or months tend to go dead
for a period, may eventually display an erratic count rate for background. Reich designed and constructed what he called vacor tubes evacuated well below ionization levels. Charging inside a very strong accumulator for weeks or months allow these tubes to begin to yield very high counts per minute for background even at very low exciting voltages. These results run counter to the classical particulate interpretation of radioactive decay.
As with other accumulator phenomena the attraction of a slightly higher humidity into accumulators and suppression of open vessel evaporation of water diminishes or vanishes with rain.
Observation of thermal, electroscopic and ionization characteristics showed the energy field of earth as cyclical and identified a reversed potential counter to thermodynamic principles whereof natural orgonotic systems, organisms, weather systems, planets, maintain a higher concentration of energy than their environments. The stronger of two orgonotic systems drains energy from the weaker, increasing its potential or charge until completely draining the weaker system or attaining some maximum capacity. Then discharge may occur. Sunny, clear weather has a strong orgone charge at Earth’s surface, in a state of expansion, preventing significant growth of clouds. Overcast or stormy conditions have a weak surface charge and a strong atmospheric charge in a state of general contraction. Loss of surface charge slows the activity of living organisms and the accumulator will not function.
Virtually all objects and organisms within air, water, earth have a charge that cyclically or pulsatorily increases and decreases, timed to cosmic and meteorological factors. More active physical and emotional periods occur in living creatures when high potentials exist. High atmospheric potentials signal cloudy periods with stronger storms. High earth potentials signal a lack of clouds. These millivolt currents Reich and others such as H. S. Burr viewed as indicative of a more powerful, ubiquitous energetic link of sun, moon, earth, weather systems and all living creatures.
The orgonotester/fluidometer uses an organic/metallic probe similar in design to an accumulator. An electrical potential of 45 volts between two insulated coils in the probe as established, a microampere current flows through the insulators. Similarly a galvanic skin response apparatus has electrical currents pass through orgone-charged skin. The probe contacts objects through orgone fields, responds to the energy fields of objects, people, weather.
Seeds and plants charged inside an accumulator demonstrate higher growth rates and yields of fruit. DeMeo derived a sixfold increase in the length of mung bean sprouts inside a strong accumulator. One can increase germination rates, growth rates, budding, flowering, fruiting. Charged water alone can give growth enhancement effects.
Studies of the effects of orgone radiation on cancer mice and wounded mice generally confirm Reich’s arguments of quicker healing with a stronger charge and slower tumor growth or none as compared to energetically weakened tissues. These findings invalidate many aspects of the DNA theory of cellular differentiation, which appears to be more directly under the structuring influence of the organism’s own life energy field.
Medical police actions in the 1950s halted human orgonomic research in the U.S. Sitting inside an accumulator one will feel a variety of warm, glowing or sometimes tingling sensations at the skin surface, one’s core temperature will rise and skin flush and blood pressure and pulse rate will moderate. Proper use delivers a distinct vagotonic, enlivening effect.
Natural energetic principles similar to orgone energy various scientists have demonstrated. Early Chinese medicine acknowledged chi, such an energetic principle within the body as underlying acupuncture. Ancient texts from India refer to prana or life energy and provide maps of nila points on elephants. Texts from ancient China and India reference an energy taken in through the breath to flow along various meridians, health as of unimpeded flow. Unlike Reich Asian sources often advocate conscious control of emotions and sexual feeling. Mesmer referred to animal magnetism as an atmospheric fluid surrounding, charging and animating living creatures, projectable across distance. Mesmer taught Charcot, who taught Freud, who taught Reich, as did Kammerer and Bergson. Harold S. Burr argued for an electrodynamic field affecting weather and living creatures. Biologist Rupert Sheldrake posited morphogenetic fields as a dynamic, energetic explanation for inheritance, rendering unnecessary the biochemical DNA theory.
Surgeon Robert O. Becker artificially stimulated the regenerative growth of amputated limbs of laboratory mice, similar to a salamander or spider, which kind of growth naturally occurs only in less complex creatures, not generally as extant among mammals. Backer’s work represents a severe blow for the biochemical DNA theory of cellular regulation and the theory of a creature’s bioelectrical field as a meaningless byproduct
of chemical metabolism. As did Reich’s work, Becker’s work proved the animal’s energy field as a primary determinant of growth and repair. Becker was preparing to replicate the limb regrowth experiments on humans, when the biomedical community reacted with severe outrage against him, pulling dirty tricks of all sorts to have his research funding canceled, and his laboratory shut down.
Vitalist Bjorn Nordenstrom, director of the Karolinska Radiological Institute in Sweden, studied the x-ray ghost
phenomenon, a wispy, smokelike or bloblike form on patient x-rays and sometimes on airport baggage x-ray monitors. Unpredictable, most radiologists consider it a nuisance. Nordenstrom observed distinct patterns correlated to bioelectrical fields. Like Reich he discovered and measured bioelectrical currents. His meticulous research, summarized in Biologically Closed Electric Circuits: Clinical, Experimental, and Theoretical Evidence for an Additional Circulatory System, heavily advertised in U.S. medical journals, sold less than 200 copies.
French scientist Louis Kervran demonstrated that living creatures transmute the elements. Chickens fed a diet lacking calcium would not lay mushy or fragile eggs unless he restricted their silica intake. Restricted silica resulted in mushy or fragile eggs and the amount of calcium ate made no difference. Likewise mice healed broken bones quickly if fed a diet high in organic silica but slower with calcium but minimized silica. These experiments strongly suggest the transmutation of silica into calcium. Kervran also demonstrated other likely transmutations, confirmed in Europe and Japan. He eventually concluded that a powerful biological energy must drive the transmutations.
French scientist Jacques Benveniste demonstrated such an energy involved in homeopathic dilutions, his work as replicated in other countries.
As opposed to fronts previous weather forecasters employed streamline analysis of jet streams. Reich discovered the basic configuration of these streams years prior to weather satellites. The older atmospheric scientists argued for a great atmospheric interconnectivity. Charles G. Abbot, head of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in the 1950s, employed related concepts in uncannily accurate prediction months into the future. Irving Langmuir, an originator of cloud seeding techniques, demonstrated cloud seeding in New Mexico to trigger rain storms to Ohio.
Physicist Dayton Miller demonstrated a dynamic aether explaining it as entrained at the surface of the earth and moving faster at higher altitudes. Prior attempts at measurement occurred at lower altitudes or in heavy stone buildings or basements. And the aether as reflected by metals, prior measurement attempts used instruments housed within metal. He made over 200,000 measurements over 30 years and readily detected and measured the aether by experimenting upon a mountain top inside a flimsy building without metals or dense window materials. The theories of relativity and quantum dynamics and the expanding universe and big bang
theories the discovery of an energy in space shatters.
Astrophysicist Halton Arp photographed energy-matter bridges between deep space objects where they should not have existed, demolishing the theories of empty space, the expanding universe and the big bang.
Physicist Hannes Alfven suggested space as filled with streaming plasmic currents.
Frank Brown of Northwestern University demonstrated various biological clocks as sensitive to lunar and other cosmic forces. Italian chemist Giorgio Piccardi demonstrated the physical chemistry of water as changed by magnetism, sunspots and other cosmic phenomena. Magnetism can increase the solubility of water. Magnetic stirring devices should then alter the chemistry of reactions, the quantity of precipitate and titration curves.
Trying to isolate an unknown cosmic energy affecting his chemical experiments similarly to magnetism and correlated to sunspots, an electromagnetic shield as grounded metal box surrounded by temperature-stabilizing wool proved to amplify the phenomena. Brown found hermetically sealed metal enclosures of constant pressure, temperature, light and humidity would not extinguish cosmic influences upon biological clocks but rather allowed clearer observation of them or added an unusual dimension to their behavior e.g. inside the metal box potato metabolism cycled to lunar, solar and galactic parameters and correlated to local weather two days in the future.
Coatings, paints, varnishes on the interior metal surface will interfere though zinc galvanizing does not. A three ply (metal plus nonmetal) accumulator has about 70% of the strength of a ten ply. Copper, aluminum and other nonferrous materials prove toxic in effect to living systems. Certain types of polyurethane foams have a negative effect. Do not use formaldehyde or toxic glues or resins.
Good nonmetals: wood, raw cotton, acrylic, styrene plastic, celotex (soundboard), cork sheeting, glasswool, fiberglass, rock wool, bees wax, candle wax, soil, water.
Poor or toxic nonmetals: wood or plywood, urethane or polyurethane, pressboard (very hard), organic materials containing formaldehyde, asbestos or other toxic chemicals.
Good metals: steel or iron, galvanized steel, steel wool, stainless steel, steel/tin alloy.
Poor or toxic metals: aluminum, lead, copper.
Certain ancient mounds and structures layer clay soils or stone of high iron content, covered with organic-rich soils or peat.
Bees wax or other dielectirc outer layers make an exceptionally powerful accumulator. One can coat a fragile outer layer with clear shellac. Do not shellac interior surfaces.
Accumulators shaped as cones, pyramids or tetrahedrons occasionally prove life-negative. Rectangular, cubical or cylindrical shapes have given the best results.
In 1980 DeMeo in the Cheops pyramid found himself feeling choked, unable to get a breath, which feeling a canteen of water poured over his head and chest relieved. He later heard of groups of tourists so stricken, some people as fainting. DeMeo was the only one of eight stricken.
Possibly the stunted and killed seedlings within conical and pyramidal accumulators result from a toxic accumulation or overcharge.
Corners need not mesh exactly nor layers fit precisely, air tight. Tin cans one could wrap in plastic nested inside each other or metal boxes loosely layered with steel wool and cotton, felt or wool.
Keep accumulators in fresh air. Keep the door or lid partly open when not in use. One may keep the interior fresh and sparkling by setting a basin of water inside when not using. Periodically wipe the interior and exterior clean with a damp cloth.
Whereas good air circulation and sunlight assist the accumulation effect, one best keeps large accumulators used by humans or animals outdoors. A large wooden countryside barn away from all kinds of electrical transmission lines, electromagnetic devices and nuclear facilities as the best research location.
Accumulators at higher altitudes tend to yield stronger charges than at lower altitudes; lower latitudes may yield stronger charges than higher latitudes; lower humidity atmospheres tend to yield stronger charges than higher humidity atmospheres. Periods with many sunspots and solar flares coincide with periods of stronger orgone charge, as compared to periods with few sunspots and flares. Alignments between the Earth, Sun and Moon, during full and new moon periods, appears to yield a stronger, more excited charge in the atmosphere, and within the accumulator.
The accumulator has an energy field and will influence near objects in a manner similar to interiorized objects. The electrical or electromagnetic fields of various instruments might also disturb or otherwise affect an accumulator.
Electrical appliances may also pose a danger of electrical shock as the interior metal walls conduct electricity. Use battery powered lamps for human-sized accumulators. Radio receivers do not appear to have a negative effect.
Any organic or moisture-bearing material will inside an accumulator absorb an orgone charge. For human sized accumulators exterior walls position within 2 to 4 inches from the skin. Sit inside it nude. Heavy clothing interferes with absorption. One may use a wooden chair, dry lumber as relatively poor absorber of the orgone. Metal chairs are also OK.
Too frequent or too prolonged use may provoke overcharge symptoms e.g. pressure in the head, slight nausea, generally feeling ill, dizziness whereof one should rest in fresh air for a moment. Reich warned persons with a history of overcharged biopathies to use the accumulator cautiously (including hypertension, decompensated heart diseases, brain tumors, arteriosclerosis, glaucoma, epilepsy, heavy obesity, apoplexia, skin inflammations, conjunctivitis).
Most people feel they have had enough
after their energy field gently luminates with a warm excitement at the skin after sweating has commenced. Some people require many sessions to fully feel the energetic effects. A rule of thumb is about 30 to 45 minutes but use more than once daily is OK. Do not nap
for prolonged periods.
The qualitative state of the orgone and its absolute charge constantly vary at any given location on earth. Weather cycles cause a varying accumulator charge and toxic environmental conditions, oranur and dor, may occur periodically or chronically.
The orgone energy in the atmosphere as very sensitive to certain kinds of disturbance and agitation poses a common difficulty of finding an energetically clean environment. Much in the manner of protoplasm one can excite or irritate orgone energy. Certain environmental conditions can drive it toward a toxic condition."
Never use orgone accumulators, particularly in biological use, in rooms with the orgone-irritating devices: fluorescent lights, televisions sets, computer or microcomputer, other cathode ray tube devices, microwave ovens, or eddy-current stoves, electric blankets (even if only plugged in, and off), diathermy, x-ray machines, sparking electric motors, induction devices or coils, other electromagnetic devices, ionization-type radioactive smoke detectors, clocks, wristwatches, or other devices containing radioactive, glow-in-the-dark materials (phospholuminescent materials which work on the principle of absorbed visible light are OK), other radioactive materials, or strong chemical fumes.
Do not use orgone accumulators even in the same building where the more powerful of these kinds of devices such as x-ray machines are or were recently used. Experiments by Reich and in German hospitals have demonstrated x-ray equipment to destroy the life-enhancing effects of the orgone radiation. A persistence effect has toxic energetic conditions remain after shut down and removed. Do not use in the vicinity of airport radar systems, cellular telephone or microwave relay towers, very high-tension power lines, AM, FM, or TV broadcast towers, nuclear power plants, storage facilities, or nuclear waste dumps, military installations with nuclear bomb storage, past or present nuclear bomb testing areas.
Reich et al. warned about those devices in the 1940s and 1950s.
The energy present in low-level radiation as conventionally detected should not significantly damage living systems yet the damage occurs. Disturbances within the life energy ordinary nuclear or electromagnetic sensing instruments cannot detect.
Nuclear bombs, nuclear reactors, and related facilities radiate tremendous quantities of nutrinos, theoretically as a speculative assumption damaging nobody. Significant energy the heart of the nuclear reactor constantly loses through the heavy reactor shielding undetectable with ordinary detectors. Reich’s findings suggest this lost energy as not discharged as particles
but discharged directly into the orgone energy continuum, greatly agitating and overcharging it. Whereas the orgone energy can penetrate matter, this energetic disturbance quickly propagates, affecting living creatures and weather.
Physics considers low-level electromagnetic radiation to transmit without a medium of transmission but the nuclear and electromagnetic particle-waves
need a propagating medium.
Nuclear and electromagnetic devices and facilities do have deleterious effects upon the health of their workers and of people who live nearby… . Certain very high energy, or very low energy people, and in general the very young and very old, are more sensitive to these toxic energies, and will react to them more quickly and strongly.
A secretary DeMeo met transitioning from typewriter to word-processor computer developed a metallic taste in her mouth and felt nauseous when in front of the computer, the effect as lasting for weeks after one exposure. A fellow DeMeo met who lived a mile from a large radio broadcasting tower which irradiated this area with strong radio wave and microwave frequencies whose children developed leukemia. Medical practitioners confronted by such symptoms usually do not diagnose based upon the energetic ecology of a patient’s home and work environment.
Reich’s observations on the life negative aspects of these devices and facilities one cannot explain in conventional physics and biology but the above listed electromagnetic and nuclear devices and materials drive the orgone energy into a wild frenzied state which Reich called the oranur effect inadvertently discovered after small amounts of nuclear material entered a strong accumulator. Reich kept several large, 20-ply accumulators inside a room-sized accumulator at his rural laboratory in Maine. When radioactive material entered this high charge the orgone field of the region of mountain became wildly agitated as one readily felt and saw. Laboratory workers became quite ill, and experimental mice kept in another building died in large numbers.
The oranur effect persisted long after removal of the nuclear materials, rendering the facilities unusable for several years, the orgone energy as eventually immobilized and dead,
which Reich call dor
(deadly orgone). A room charged with dor will feel unbearably stuffy and one feels constantly dehydrated, dor as water-hungry. Some people become edematous. An extreme form of dor-sickness renders the organism lethargic, immobilized and emotionally contactless which effect we can sense and measure.
The Oranur Experiment (1951) describes the dramatic events.
Full-spectrum fluorescent lights reduce the problem with other fluorescent of orgone irritation but do not eliminate it. Fluorescent lights often produce hyperactive plants with enlarged leaves. Some studies have shown that fluorescent lights can agitate depressed people into greater activity or metabolism e.g. wintertime depression, depressed newborns, office workers, all of whom become agitated to a temporary increase in activity under fluorescent oranur. Color was shown to have its influence. TV sets and microwave ovens also produce oranur, objectively measurable through the disturbed electrical potential of a house plant exposed to such devices, through use of an orgone charged Geiger counter, or by making extended measurements of accumulator functions, and observing the perturbation which occurs during oranur and dor conditions.
Radio broadcast towers, airport radars, and microwave telephone communications towers
produce oranur. Like microwave ovens and TV sets they leak relatively high levels of radiation. Infrared automatic door opening sensors, or automatic light switches, also operate closer to the microwave end of the infrared spectrum, as do library or commercial inventory scanners.
These smaller sensors could trigger an automobile police radar detector at several hundred yards, the risk to workers as unknown.
Nuclear plants vent (dump) significant quantities of radiation into cooling water and ventilation air which waste the local population often drinks and breathes and which can accumulate in the food chain. Nuclear plants created oranur and dor. Sensitive people can literally feel the difference in a region after a nuclear reactor has been operating for a period, and careful observations will sometimes reveal changes in weather patterns.
Underground atomic bomb tests badly shock and agitate the orgone energy field of the entire earth and some evidence suggests severe weather extremes and flu
symptom epidemics as possibly triggered by underground atomic bomb tests. Some evidence suggests Earth as disturbed in rotational dynamics and the upper atmosphere s overheated and perturbed by underground atom bomb tests. Classical biology/physics denies any vital energy principle and assumes space as empty,
from which frame of reference such effects make no sense.
Sensitive persons feel the oranur effect as a jumpy, overexcited, possibly heated or slightly feverish feeling. One may feel a constant agitation; some people may mildly contract when it is present, while tempers may flare among others,
severe effects as of each person’s weakest point and tending to surface latent medical symptoms. The palms may mottle, sleep may become impossible and one tends toward inability to coherently focus upon one’s activities. Oranur expresses as of atmospheric overcharge. Skies may remain blue but significant haziness will appear on the horizon. Clouds do not coalesce or grow under oranur conditions, partly because the highly charged and agitated atmosphere cannot contract, and the charge within clouds cannot build beyond a certain point. Winds may be chaotic under oranur conditions, as if confused or agitated.
Approaching rain usually fragments or dissipates as they approach an oranur affected region. Rain will decrease particularly as dor conditions eventually replace oranur. The atmosphere may have a ‘tense’ or ‘strained’ quality reflecting the generally overcharged conditions.
Dor has an atmospheric expression. Sufficiently widespread it involves drought or desert conditions appearing on the landscape as a steel-gray haze that gives sunlight a burning or scorching quality, acidifies rain or blocks the rainfall. Clouds become tattered similarly to dirty shredded cotton and never grow beyond a certain small size. Small black or dark gray clouds sometimes appear maintaining their dull coloration even under direct solar illumination which clouds Reich called dor clouds.
Often they form and reform continually over certain locations.
Oranur or dor will generally predominate one over the other. As energetic phenomena winds cannot blow them away but heavy rain may sequester and clean them out,
rainstorms as blocked and diverted under exceptionally strong oranur and dor conditions. Desert locations as generally charged with great quantities of dor, particularly on lower lying topography, multiple nuclear power, refining and waste storage facilities tend toward a very high oranur and dor charge. Sequential drought often occurs, the life energy as very rarely in a natural state, periodically overexcited or deadened.
A healthy, vigorous, clean, transparent, sparkling, crisp atmospheric pulsation of the orgone continuum yields regular cycles of rain-dry-rain-dry. Clouds contrast blue to the horizon. The open sky as deep blue, clouds maintain a roundedness like cauliflower vertically. Distant mountains appear bluish or purple, the vegetation lush and birds and other animals as active. Sunlight warms without burning or scorching as readily. One feels greatly expanded with abounding energy, contactfulness, liveliness. Air literally pushes into one’s lungs. Exceptional aliveness, alertness most people feel and more relaxed than usual. All of life pushes against gravity in expressing comfortable and at ease during rain as rains occur in regular cycles.
Most older people recognize this atmospheric quality as increasingly rare. Older airline pilots remember a dorish haze as only over a few Northwest industrial areas but today one can observe it unbroken, coast to coast and out at sea. Naturalists report the blue orgone glow over mountains to vanish about two years prior to massive forest death, which likewise involves hazy and stagnant air pollution.
Reich used the example of a caged wild animal furious then inert and lethargic which response zoo keepers ubiquitously observe and as corroborated by John Ott in Health and Light. Ott demonstrated TV radiation to overexcite laboratory mice which later became inert, lethargic, eventually degenerative diseases. Ott gave many examples of aggressive behavior among breeding animals such as mink and fish eliminated by removal of fluorescent lighting. Some schoolteachers have found disruptive classroom behavior often eliminated by turning off the lights.
DeMeo observed children allowed to watch
enormous amounts of TV to react similarly. Often one sees entire families busy with other things while the set is on, nobody seeming to care about content just so long as the TV is on. Like cocaine-eating laboratory mice, children and adults may become addicted to the oranur effects of the set, later entering the couch-potato syndrome, which may be a precursor to degenerative disease. Emotionally contracted persons may try to escape an unhappy situation using TV. Reich discovered the orgone as the energy of the emotions. The effect of TV as more than a cognitive
escape has bioenergetic effects. One most clearly perceives this bioenergetic form of electromagnetic/oranur addiction when one tries to turn the set off, forcing them out of a mildly catatonic state into more direct emotional-bioenergetic contact. The more violent, cruel and sexually titillating, the more it touches upon socially repressed sexual longing and anger, feeding the syndrome. Couch potatoes rarely watch the educational channel. Anguish or violence may occur during weaning from a video game parlor. Ott showed these devices, particularly TV and fluorescent lights, to often cause childhood hyperactivity. Other researchers observed emotional contraction among microcomputer addicted children, some of whom develop cataracts and leukemia may prove to occur. One can readily sense the intense oranur in school computer rooms and video game parlors.
DeMeo saw TV-addicted youngsters increase in agitation after it got withdrawn. After about a week they calmed and lost their hyperactivity. Later, allowed to watch black and white TV unrestrictedly they fell into the same trap.
The accumulator will amplify existing local conditions. A minimum distance of around 30 to 50 miles for safety from nuclear power facilities applies to the biological effects of low-level radiation and to the accumulator. Use of an accumulator DeMeo disadvised within a few miles of very high voltage electrical transmission wires, large radio broadcasting towers or if fallout exists in one’s area from a nuclear accident. Never use accumulators inside mobile homes or houses with aluminum siding. Aluminum impacts a life-negative characteristic to the orgone energy. Wide use of insulation with aluminum backing will turn a house into an aluminum accumulator. Houses with metal roofs or steel wall braces act somewhat like accumulators, tending to develop a very high charge. They can disturb one’s sleep cycle and amplify the oranur effect given the use of fluorescent lights, microwave ovens or TVs. Newer energy-efficient homes often lack ventilation, worsening the energetic situation. Most sensitive people will go a bit crazy from the overcharge with such an accumulator.
One should feel warmth, comfort and relaxation in an accumulator. To create an environment in which the accumulator fields its strongest charge with the most energetically soft and expansive characteristics: the accumulator should not lay on the path
between microwave transmission beams and so forth. An open, airy structure with light, shielded from rain and high winds, without TV, fluorescent lights, microwave ovens, radioactive smoke detectors, etc., with few electrical outlets and incandescent lights. Enhance life-positive energy characteristics using adequate ventilation and plants. Green plants soften the effects of dor and oranur and oxygenate the air. Likewise with cascading water or a fountain. In a polluted or desert environment routinely water-clean the accumulator with a damp cloth. One can keep an open bowl inside during nonuse to draw off stagnant energy. One does not want to live inside an accumulator. All fluorescent lights have an agitating electromagnetic ballast and high-voltage cathodes, disturbing and exciting the orgone energy continuum. Incandescent bulbs without frosting closely duplicate the solar spectrum and do not create oranur. Microwave ovens and stoves based on eddy-current principles DeMeo considered ill-advised, electrical resistance heating as safer though they emit some ELF disturbances and use electrical energy inefficiently. Biologically and energy efficiency recommend pilotless, electric-spark, natural gas ovens. Big color TVs use three electron guns in the cathode ray tube (CRT) and operate a relatively high exciting voltages. The TV emits a wide noxious spectrum including ELF, soft x-rays, radio frequencies and pulsed magnetic fields. They can rapidly build up oranur and dor levels. Projection televisions lack a CRT and appear bioenergetically safer but still disturb the orgone energy. Black and white TV uses one electron gun at a much lower voltage. Computers often employ the same CRT technology and correlations exist to fetal deformities and miscarriages. Systems using liquid crystal technology do not foster the eye-irritation and headaches often associated with the CRT.
Plasma screens use more energy than the liquid crystal displays hence may generate biologically disturbing radiations. Aside from the screen the internal circuitry produces electromagnetic disturbances and oranur hence one best uses the portable computers that use rechargeable batteries and DC current. 60 cycle AC power and an internal AC transformer both create significant ELF electromagnetism. Natural Energy Works sold a transparent leaded acrylic shield with a nickel/nylon mesh. Correlations exist between electric blankets and increased miscarriages and spontaneous abortions. Turned off but plugged in they emit a powerful ELF field. Never use them or electrical resistance space heaters with an orgone blanket or accumulator. DeMeo figured 5 miles as a safe distance for cross-country very high voltage power lines and broadcast or telecommunication towers but very large electromagnetic broadcasting systems as used by the military for global communications may send a significant quantity of radiation and require an independent assessment. Never site accumulators close to microwave radiation of household ovens, industrial drying and materials processing, weather, airport, police radar, long distance and cellular telephone communications, and automatic door openers and motion detectors use infrared frequencies bordering on microwave. Most cheaper smoke detectors use radioactive waste as an ionization source and one should not use them where people live. The radioactive irritation constantly produces oranur, and can rapidly agitate the energy within a room.
Photovoltaic smoke detectors one can use as an alternative. One can assess stronger microwave emissions using a microwave oven meter and an automobile police radar detector. If they register at all, an unsafe exposure to microwaves probably exists. The automobile radar detectors operate on microwave telecommunications which one readily observes by driving around town with one. Significant dosages commonly activating these detectors DeMeo drove through entire towns or countries close to military facilities and airports, getting chirp constantly. An apartment where he used to live indicated a certain direction similar to being a hundred yards or so from an operating police radar. Situated along the path of a microwave telecommunications beam from one town to another at a relatively great distance the upper floors of the building received a significant dose and the oranur agitation was quite apparent. One can detect AM transistor radio set to above 1,600 KCS at which setting it receives only background static. Held close to a power outlet, power cord, electrical dim switch, telephone line or jack, computer, TV or fluorescent light the electrical disturbance dramatically increases the degree of interference. Use the cheapest possible radio. The magnetic component of the electromagnetic field as potentially toxic one can detect with a magnetic acoustic coupler and amplifier. Radio Shack sold such a telephone amplifier
for under $10. Not attached and set to high volume the coupler senses stray magnetic fields from a variety of household sources. Do not locate an accumulator or one’s bed near any detected toxic energy sources. No known cheap or simple method exists for detecting low level atomic (ionizing) radiation. Moss Geiger counters cannot monitor the weaker amounts of low level radiation of computer CRTs or TVs and radiation from nuclear facilities as diluted but dangerous, proper measure requires sophisticated long term monitoring or concentration of air and water samples.
A soaking bath or foot bath partly feels relaxing because as Reich observed water and the orgone energy strongly mutually attract. Our internal orgonotic charge reduces. One can change the absorbing or drawing effect into a drawing and energizing using dissolved crystals such as epsom salts which increase the potential of the water, rendering it a more powerful attractor and mobilizer of our bioenergy. One can bring about a similar effect using one pound each of sea salt and baking soda. A 20-minute bath can reduce tension and overcharge or drain off a toxic charge.
The mineral baths at various natural springs of observed healing properties appears to operate upon similar principles. The threat of criminal prosecution often prevents clinics and health spas at such springs from open competition with the hospitals. Reich made radiating bions from clay, soil, ground rock, beach sand and iron filings. Certain sands Scandinavian beaches proved to form exceptionally strong, bluish, radiating bions the energy fields of which could irradiate people and objects. Bion solutions injected into animals had an immobilizing influence upon pathogenic bacteria and cancer cells. Reich later used bion poultices, bion packs, irradiating the body and then came the discovery of the accumulator which directly charged from the atmosphere. One can make a bion pack from beach sand or other earthen or clay materials known to have healing properties.
Wrap the material, about one foot x ½ foot, in a sock and boil in water or a pressure cooker for about 15 minutes. Then wrap it in wax paper or plastic and freeze. Alternate this procedure several times for first use. Do not cook in a microwave oven. Use the pack after boiling. Orgone radiation obtains from this natural source in very dorish atmospheres when use of an orgone blanket or accumulator seems contraindicated. A similar process may exist in the use of rock dust fertilizers for reinvigoration of dying forests and in mud facials
or clay masques.
Draw tubes use 3/4 or 1
galvanized steel electrical conduit pipe cut to 2" lengths. The draw bucket uses a plastic or metal pail on a drainboard into which water slowly circulates and overflows. Insert the draw tube halfway into the draw bucket and point to parts of the room needing energetic cleansing. Dor tends to behave exceptionally water-hungrily and oranur will lessen. After awhile one can sometimes feel with one’s hand in front of the tubes a slight tingling or cool breeze
phenomenon. Position the tubes away from people and do not point to the body more than a few seconds. Several lengths of flexible steel greenfield or BX cable can extend the draw to a sink or bathtub. One can use galvanized or stainless steel, silver as very good. Use a number of tubes. They may be plastic coated. Reich’s medical dor-buster and larger cloudbuster as hazardous for experimentation DeMeo did not here discuss though he terminated a number of severe droughts using the cloudbuster and experiments demonstrated an ability to increase clouds and rain in deserts. Draw tubes and buckets working for several hours or days give a room a softer feeling and sweeter smell. The metal tubes amplify the drawing effects of the water, grounding stale forms of the orgone energy, changing it to a life-positive character.
Reich discovered the cancer biopathy to start in early life, a major component as related to early childhood trauma and the consequent respiratory block and suppression of emotions. The cancer patient possesses significant bioenergetic neuromuscular contraction and tension, armoring, and suffers form a chronic loss and a gradual depletion of bioenergeitc charge. A powerful emotional blow occurs shortly before the onset of tumor development. Bionous processes arising from tissue disintegration originates the cancer cell. Tissue and blood of cancer patients contain copious quantities of t-bacilli which injected into mice causes tumor formation.
Clearly the accumulator could recharge the organism sometimes as associated with complete remission but often a relapse occurred. Apparent in some cases tumor disintegration as toxic would create secondary complications. In some cases buried feelings welled up or genital or thigh pains developed. Riech found almost all of his cancer patients to not have had sexual intercourse for years, to remain in a compulsive marriage, or to deeply have religion.
In The Cancer Biopathy Reich demonstrated using a fluorophotometer that honey has about eight times the orgone charge of refined sugar; unpasteurized milk carries twice the charge of pasteurized milk. "The treatments developed by Gerson, Hoxey, Livingstone and others appear to have independently empirically discovered such nutritional differences and offer more advanced information than Reich on the effects of diet and detoxification.
One’s measurable energy level appears functionally identical to the concept of immunity or disease resistance. Social, emotional and inherited factors influence tissue charge. The discovery of vital/bacterial pleomorphism where viruses can change into bacteria and vice versa the independent observations the t-bacilli and the rediscovery of the bions confirm Reich on cancer as bionously self-generated.
Pain relief and rapid healing of severe burns was reported using the accumulator. Pain reduction wit cancerous tumors and with arthritis was reported. Complete cancer remission as rare, people always experienced pain reduction, life as lengthened several months to years beyond the conventional prognosis. Reich wrote of an immunity to flu and colds. Several German physicians DeMeo met told him "that the somatic effects of the orgone energy accumulator were more powerful in the treatment of cancer than any other form of conventional or natural therapy they had tried. While patients often outwardly appeared
cured," accumulator treatment alone left the emotional aspect of the biopathy unaffected, they found, and many cancer patients, particularly younger people, lacked the character traits of the biopathy described by Reich in the 1940s. They attribute this to toxins and devitalized foods.
Published findings allow us to summarize the biological effects of a strong orgone charge: vagotonic, expansive to the entire system, tingling and warmth at the skin, increased core and skin temperature, flushing, moderated blood pressure and pulse rate, increased peristalsis, deeper respiration, increased germination, budding, flowering, fruiting, increased tissue growth and repair and increased field strength, charge, integrity or tissues, immunity, energy activity and liveliness.
The accumulator might stimulate the recession of any symptoms related to law energy charge in blood or tissues or to chronic overstimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Some medical problems resulting form chronic overcharge indicate caution or nonuse. Not all people suffer from low energy
but often will clamp down on emotional energy whereof additional energy from the accumulator allows more holding back.
In the early 1970s DeMeo met a woman who treated her ovarian cyst with a three-ply accumulator big enough to sit in, for about 45 minutes daily for two or three weeks. She discharged the disintegrating tumor.
Around this time DeMeo constructed a small powerful accumulator 8 miles from the two Turkey Point nuclear power stations in Florida. Within a week the garage took such a high charge one could not long remain in it. The sensible agitation and overcharge provoked and amplified by the power plants began spreading into the house, the entire area often as if subtly resonating or vibrating. This phenomena he recalled distinctly, most apparent as nocturnally when winds ceased and city noise absent. Plants began to die and the white blood count of family members began increasing. A small Geiger counter began erratic and racing counts for background
radiation. Removing the accumulator and placing a small draw-bucket the disturbance gradually quieted.
A few years later he stepped on a hot soldering iron, searing his flesh. Placing the burn in the shooter funnel of a ten-ply accumulator the pain receded in seconds and a few minutes he felt none. The wound healed rapidly. Burn pain relief and rapid healing of new akin he then learned of as one of the most powerful effects of the device.
Sitting in an accumulator DeMeo felt more invigorated and warmer, flushed. He no longer contracted colds or flu. He found the orgone energy blanket as able to stop a head cold or prevent its entry to the chest.
Bitten on the leg by a brown recluse fiddleback
spider whose toxin killed skin in a 1 ½" radius, several sessions per day with a shooter inside an accumulator failed to restore feeling or normal color, the area had turned purple, and a black, hard area fell out of his leg leaving a wound for several weeks. Antibiotics treated a secondary blood infection.
A 19-year-old female who suffered emotional abuse developed a benign breast tumor about 1" in diameter. Three shooter/accumulator treatments began breaking it apart. Reich observed certain kinds of superficial tumors such as breast or skin cancer as effectively treatable with orgone energy.
A 23-year-old woman treated for genital herpes for several years without relief from lesions sat once in an accumulator using a shooter within days of which her lesions began healing.
An elderly woman found relief from arthritis pain using an orgone blanket. Her symptoms returned to their original intensity after she used it with an electric blanket.
A lady with a cold and slight fever was placed on top of an orgone energy blanket for around 15 or 20 minutes after which the child had a 102⁰ temperature. Removing the blanket and walking the child for awhile the temperature dropped to normal and the cold symptoms vanished. Reich noted orgone irradiation to somewhat increase a fever.
Reich identified a foglike form and a dotlike more highly excited expression of the energy. Effects as of radiant energy fields around living creatures and energy fields around magnets or weakly charged electrical wires as in darkness or semidarkness a strong orgone charge intensifies. Allow one’s eyes to adjust to darkness for 30 minutes or so for viewing energetic phenomena inside accumulators.
A dancing dot or orgone unit phenomenon one can observe in the daytime sky, best perceived with a homogeneous background of cloud or blue. Tree often appear to flame this energy into the sky or to att4ract it, much in the manner of a van Gogh painting. One can soften
the eye focus. A hollow metal, plastic or cardboard tube facilitates these observations. Luminating orgone units pulse and move randomly with lifetimes of about one minute, most apparent against plastic window panels and especially through plexiglass windows of jet aircraft.
The accumulator charges seedlings, subsequently increasing growth after planting. Controlled studies by organic farmers, particularly those by Jutta Espanca of Portugal, demonstrate significant charging effects. Espanca found garden seed charging to work best done for a day or a few hours on a sparkling day. Charging seeds for 30 days or more often results in little difference from controls or in stunted growth. Soil or water one can charge. Observe differences in growth and taste. Leave steel wool uncompressed when alternating plastic and steel wool around a metal can.
Dr. Thelma Moss developed a passive life energy photographic technique of placing an energized object, bud, leaf, fruit, seedling sprout, magnet, living or once-living object, on a piece of film paper inside an orgone energy blanket or strong accumulator. Develop in a day or up to a week. Similar to Kirlian electrophotographs these constitute life energy photographs, orgone enhanced.
Reich demonstrated a temperature increase inside an accumulator by a few tenths of a degree up to several degrees. The accumulator temperature minus the control temperature Reich considered as proof of the orgone energy in violation of the second law of thermodynamics.
A simple aluminum or gold leaf static electroscope loses a charge at a slower rate on sunny than on rainy days, slower inside an accumulator. A weakly charged or discharged electroscope soaked inside an accumulator may spontaneously charge on sunny days.
As an accumulator builds a charge on a clear day it suppresses evaporation. DeMeo noted a disturbance in the regularity of the curve − the evaporation differential dynamically increases and decreases according to the orgone energy charge at the surface of Earth − when radioactive fallout arrived at the laboratory site and the accumulator went temporarily dead
(DeMeo, J., Water Evaporation Inside the Orgone Accumulator,
J. Orgonomy, 14, 1980).
Styrofoam proved to have life-negative accumulating effects.
Dor contaminated accumulators after a few months temporarily go dead
hence some researchers keep them outdoors with the lid open. One may refresh it by wiping with a damp cloth daily for a week or so. Keep a bowl of water or a draw bucket with draw tubes inside it when not using it; change the water daily. One can sun-charge the accumulator.
Most people can hold a shooter wand in hand or on the solar plexus or upper lip and readily feel a soft radiant glow. Fill a Pyrex test tube with steel wool compressed. Stopper and tape. Alcohol clean and air dry before storage in an accumulator.
The Psycho-Physiological Effects of the Reich Orgone Energy Accumulator,
Stefan Müschenich, Dipl-Psych., and Rainer Gebauer, Dipl-Psych.: the authors of this study had 15 subjects each as having 20 session hours. Ten persons had ten 30-minute sessions in an eightfold accumulator built to Reich’s specifications. A control box (ten 30-minute sessions) had the same insulating properties but lacked metal. Five subjects used only the accumulator and two subjects only th4e control. The study as double-blind
they used a questionnaire after each session, revealing moods and psychophysiological sensations. Subjects were uninformed. Recording ECG, meteorological data and body temperature they established a 99% probability that the accumulator alters physiological data more greatly than the control data. Core and skin temperature both increased. Increase in pulse rate may have resulted form cognitive processes or anxiety. One person seemed resistant
to accumulator effects. Another responded extremely sensitively. Somatic reactions occurred more strongly in late spring, early summer than during colder periods. Barometer especially seems effectively to predict the physiological pattern in the accumulator. A constant temperature difference gained statistical confirmation at a 99% probability level.
The cover NASA photo shows an Apollo astronaut on the moon, his orgone field as softly glowing blue possibly due to excitation by his high-frequency radio communications equipment. The blue has been explained as dust or water vapor.
Wilhelm Reich,
Ether, God and Devil and Cosmic Superimposition: At its inception, orgone biophysics possessed the important insight that the functioning of living matter is simple, that the essence of life is the vital functioning itself, and that it has no transcendental ‘purpose’ or ‘meaning.’ The search for the purposeful meaning of life stems from the armoring of the human organism, which blots out the living function and replaces it with rigid formulas of life.
The course of orgonomic development of human thought realms in objective interdependence: 0)sensation, 1)moral responsibility (consciousness), 2)unconscious emotional life, 3) society, history, 4)life (biology), heredity, 5)cosmic existence, 0)objective cosmic orgone energy.
The anthropomorphic view of nature is far older than the less than two hundred year mechanistic view.
False conceptual systems continue until their bankruptcy. The biological is the oldest human thought position.
The true scholar and artistic creator must exist outside the familiar if s/he is to accomplish anything.
As religion and science nuclei exist the conceptual systems of God/dess and ether. A third is the devil.
Pleasure, longing, anxiety, rage, sadness, roughly in that order, are the basic emotions of life.
The function of emotion constitutes the goal of a drive. The emotions are specific functions of the living protoplasm.
All emotions and reactions spring from and correspond to organ sensations and expressive movements.
Ideas of the surrounding world form from impressions derived from that world’s expressions. All of the armored organism’s emotions, reactions and ideas are conditioned by its state of motility and expression.
The degree of loosening of the armoring as yielding sensations of current first experienced by the armored organism as anxiety, with the armoring dissolved one experiences orgonotic currents as pleasure.
The energy of biopathic reactions stems from dammed-up biological sexual energy.
Sensory impression and emotion merge in a functional unity in awareness and self-awareness.
X-ray photography showing the energy field of the hands was the result of the conceptual unification of sensory perception and objective excitation. The energy field shows no shadows if the sensation of attraction is absent.
Investigating nature requires literally loving the object, direct and undisturbed orgonotic contact.
The impulses of the living core of the armored organism can not find free expression whereof in desperation all natural impulses must penetrate the armor wall, forcing to the surface and the goal, transforming into a destructive rage. The armored person sums s hardness or disharmony, organism hates or fears natural processes’ well-ordered, infinitely variable freedom, not knowing its love impulses as blocked, behaving as if the unarmored organism had denied it love.
Everything natural and profound is simple.
Complexity is the specific life expression of the armored person.
The simple, straightforward, direct expression inescapably leads periodically to orgiastic plasma convulsions.
God = life = cosmic orgone energy = orgonomic functional law of nature = law of gravitation.
There exists a functional identity between the quantity of excitation and the intensity of sensation.
Perfection is an essential characteristic of mechanistic thinking.
The fear of autonomic organ sensations blocks the capacity to observe orgone energy.
Pleasure equates with biological expansion and anxiety equates with contraction.
Animism projects natural, undistorted organ sensations, mysticism projects unnatural, perverted ones.
Reich frequently observed that if orgone therapy succeeds in dissolving the armor in the mystic, the mystical experiences disappear. Thus, the existence of a dividing wall between excitation and sensation is at the root of the mystical experience,
seldom found without concomitant brutal, sadistic impulses. Furthermore, to my knowledge, orgastic potency is not found among mystics, any more than mysticism is found among orgastically potent persons.
Blocked organ sensations appearing as supernatural powers
exists for the spiritualist, the schizophrenic, the religious physicist and for any kind of paranoiac.
The same energy guides animals’ movements, the growth of all living substance and the stars.
The abstract mathematician does not realize that his formulas can describe objective processes only because his ideas are part of the same natural function that he expresses as abstract symbols.
Concentrated in accumulators, atmospheric orgone energy can reverse anorgonotic processes in sick organisms.
Mechanistic thinking uses the structural image of social patriarchy, viewing the brain as master. All plasmatic matter perceives, with or without sensory nerves.
Cells are organized from bions and decompose into bions at death.
The devil as representing the very accessible secondary drives is tempting and easy to follow, God as boring and distant, representing the life’s core that armoring renders inaccessible.
Space reveals definite physical qualities.
Light does not move, due to local orgone lumination − as opposed to the excitation propagated with the speed of light − as in high vacuum, dawn,
the aurora borealis, the sun’s corona, Saturn’s ring. Orgone energy moves more rapidly than earth. It penetrates everything at varying rates of speed.
Orgone energy flows from the weaker or lower to the stronger or higher system,
agreeing with living systems’ functioning, observable in gravity and cloud growth, explaining how a higher energy level can exist at all. For the organism and for each cell nucleus, surrounding energy gets drawn from the lower energy level. Surplus energy gets discharged according the mechanical potential, higher to lower energy level. Charging from