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A World with You and Me
A World with You and Me
A World with You and Me
Ebook116 pages1 hour

A World with You and Me

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To describe life's wonderful imperfection, I wrote this book as if I'm just writing a simple and ordinary letter using a pen and paper. I imagine writing without any spell check or grammar check on. I wrote the book A World With You And Me because my dream is to be a part of a ministry. My goal is to write letters most especially for those people who didn't know how to express their thoughts in a hope that I will be able to help them say what they need to say like how some people encourage me to express myself. I wrote the letters using my simple writing style. Just imagine that my book is a huge mailbox with a lot of letters in it. I used the concept of writing letters because I believe that simple words of encouragement is a way to touch everyone's hearts. Writing this book is like a long journey. I shared everything that I've learned from this life since I was young until I became an adult. I wrote everything that I learned from the news, on tv, on the radio, in school, while traveling and everything that I've learn from my family, friends, from my influences, from different artist and even from strangers.

In my letters to God, I talked to him about what happened to the world, when the problems of the world started, and the reasons why the world is always giving him the blame whenever bad things happen in their lives. In my letters to the world, I wrote letters for all of you and believe it or not?? Even for myself. I propose a happy change. It is composed of my little suggestion or solution to the problems of the world and my ideas to create change. I wrote a letter to parents, fishermen, illegal loggers, abled and disabled people, drivers, doctors, lawyers, young adults, broken and happy families, lovers, friends, and all people who are seeking an inspiration and reason for living.

In the conclusion of the book, I wrote an advance thank-you letter to God and imagined that the world heard me out and granted my proposed happy change. I also wrote this book for people who are a part of a ministry, teachers, writers, artist and all those people who might grant my request to reach out to many people and start a project like what is written in the book. I wrote simple suggestions like for writers, writing a beautiful story on how to solve a math problem for those students who are having a hard time in school. For musicians, asking them to write more songs to make relationships work instead of breaking up. I also wrote a letter asking people to make a car for visually impaired people like me and a lot more!

The book is a piece of enlightenment so the reader is not only drawn into the purpose why it was written but to the idea of considering making a happy change to their own lives.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 16, 2013
A World with You and Me

Louise May L. Fami

I am Louise May L. Fami. I'm from the Philippines. Aside from writing, I also sing, play the piano and write songs. When I don't know how to say what I need to say, I just express myself through writing songs and playing my instrument. I'm now 25 years of age. I would like to invite you to read my book and be a part of everyone's love story. Instead of telling more about myself, I just want to share to you why I wrote the book because for me, my life doesn't revolve about how I'm doing or what can I do. It is about all of us. I wrote the book A World With You And Me because my dream is to be a part of a ministry. My goal is to write letters most especially for those people who didn't know how to express their thoughts in a hope that I will be able to help them say what they need to say like how some people encourage me to express myself. I wrote the letters using my simple writing style. Just imagine that my book is a huge mailbox with a lot of letters in it. I used the concept of writing letters because I believe that simple words of encouragement is a way to touch everyone's hearts. Writing this book is like a long journey. I shared everything that I've learned from this life since I was young until I became an adult. I wrote everything that I learned from the news, on tv, on the radio, in school, while traveling and everything that I've learn from my family, friends, from my influences, from different artist and even from strangers. In my letters to God, I talked to him about what happened to the world, when the problems of the world started, and the reasons why the world is always giving him the blame whenever bad things happen in their lives. In my letters to the world, I wrote letters for all of you and believe it or not?? Even for myself. I propose a happy change. It is composed of my little suggestion or solution to the problems of the world and my ideas to create change. I wrote a letter to parents, fishermen, illegal loggers, abled and disabled people, drivers, doctors, lawyers, young adults, broken and happy families, lovers, friends, and all people who are seeking an inspiration and reason for living. In the conclusion of the book, I wrote an advance thank-you letter to God and imagined that the world heard me out and granted my proposed happy change. I also wrote this book for people who are a part of a ministry, teachers, writers, artist and all those people who might grant my request to reach out to many people and start a project like what is written in the book. I wrote simple suggestions like for writers, writing a beautiful story on how to solve a math problem for those students who are having a hard time in school. For musicians, asking them to write more songs to make relationships work instead of breaking up. I also wrote a letter asking people to make a car for visually impaired people like me and a lot more! The book is a piece of enlightenment so the reader is not only drawn into the purpose why it was written but to the idea of considering making a happy change to their own lives. For more info about me, please click here:

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    A World with You and Me - Louise May L. Fami

    Copyright © 2013 Louise May L. Fami.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4497-9671-6 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/15/2013



    Here is a sneak pick of all my letters

    Now here are my letters to the world:

    Aside from letters, some people also shared articles, poems, and their own song lyrics.


    Dear World,

    I am Maya. I know most of you don’t know me. The only people who know me are My Family and My friends. But I hope you will all take time to read my letter because I really need your help. I wrote a letter to you to ask a simple favour. I really wanted to fight for my relationship with someone. What is that someone’s name?? its for you to find out. For now, let’s just call him someone. I admit, sometimes I doubt it if he really love me or not. I took him for granted, but I also get jealous when ever I feel that he loves someone more than he loves me. Why?? Because he can say I love you to everyone. Sometimes I’m thinking that he is unfair. But after awhile, I will realize that he is not. But no matter what happens, I don’t want to let go. I know he will love me forever. Yes, I know I can hold on to his love for me but just to make sure that I will never turn away, I wan to ask you a favour. Please read all my letters and be happy. If you really want to help me, Just smile, make the most out of your life, do what’s right, fight for real love and that’s it.

    Did you know that we are all a part of each other’s love story?? You also have a special relationship with my someone. Some of you might have a good relationship with him, while some of you are not aware that your relationship with him exist. Please be a part of my happy ending. I have here a lot of letters. My letters to the one I love and my letters to all of you. All you have to do is spend a little time to open my mail box and read it, then everything else will follow. You will smile, Be happy, do what’s right and fight for real love. Here is our story. Our love story in a world with you and me

    Here is a sneak pick of all my letters

    Dear God,

    When I was in my fourth grade. I have a lot of questions in my mind. Questions about you. Like are you there?? Can you hear me?? I thought I can talk to you. I can touch you and I can hear your voice.

    Dear God,

    Before, I thought that you will only smile at me when I am doing good because good people will go to heaven, and bad people will go to hell. But when I’m there, I so a different picture of you on my mind. I can talk to you anywhere and you’re always there.

    Dear God,

    When I’m still in my high school years, my questions doubled that it already occupied 80 percent of my everyday thoughts. In school, I am not the top student but I’ve learn a lot. I’ve learned how life works.

    Dear God,

    Right now, I am already a music graduate. For almost 16 years of studying, I’ve learned a lot. Not only about reading, writing and speaking, science math and English, homework’s, projects and presentations but life.

    Dear God,

    Before I’m wondering. Why are those people in the world blaming you for everything??

    Dear God,

    I realize that some times, to figure out things we don’t need so much intelligence. What we need is wisdom to know how did the puzzle become hard enough to be unresolve. It all started when everyone lost their faith. Faith in You, in their love ones and in their selves.

    Dear God,

    Years and years have passed. Things are not as equal as before. A good example is about people’s social status. At this time, there are already rich and poor.

    Dear God,

    The inequality helped me to trace the root of all the problems of the world and the long stories of broken hearts.

    Dear God,

    A lot of families were made. Some are happy and complete but several families are broken.

    Dear God,

    The product of those happy families had a happy childhood. Happy families live in a home and not a house.

    Dear God,

    How about those who came from broken families?? Some people who came from broken families don’t experience love.

    Dear God,

    Because of the mistakes of the past, millions of people was born in a world with full of wrong beliefs.

    Dear God,

    I hope things will be the same as before. Before, there’s no black and white. No good and bad. Look at the world right now. Some are rich while others are poor.

    Dear God,

    People say life is not complete without problems. But a statement like that is just one of those thousand quotes that we have to write to make ourselves feel good.

    Dear God,

    To have a life, unhappy teen agers would often go home late at night. They have a lot of ways that shows how miserable their life is.

    Dear God,

    If someone is a member of a broken family, they would definitely feel the following:

    Depressed, misunderstood, Helpless, hopeless, worthless, angry, lonely, bored, empty and has Low self esteem.

    Dear God,

    Another reason why life is so complicated for some people, because people complain about almost everything. They don’t appreciate the good things anymore.

    Dear God,

    Men became unfaithful to their woman. Not only that, they even get involved in some girls who are in a relationship.

    Dear God,

    Because of lack of love, many people are not happy. Because of the lack of happiness, some of them don’t have a stable job.

    Dear God,

    After several years, poverty arises. Problems of malnutrition and hunger afflict the poorest in society.

    Dear God,

    As the absence of love to some people continues, the society became tough.

    Dear God,

    Everyday news really affects how people face life’s challenges. Most of the time, the headline is all about crimes, the condition of the economy, and other disasters in different parts of the world.

    Dear God,

    There are a lot of dreamers in the world right now. They make their dreams come true in different ways.

    Dear God,

    I have a dream. My dream is to write to you a letter again someday. I want to write to you about how wonderful life is.

    After writing my letters to God, I also wrote a letter to the world. Here is a glimpse of my letters to the world:

    Dear all the people who are a part of my life,

    I just want to thank all of you. My family, friends, you inspired me to write this book.

    Dear World

    To start the happy change, let’s create a smiling environment.

    Dear World,

    Life is like a food. You have to chew it to enjoy it.

    Dear Christmas,

    Why don’t you come and stay for good??

    Dear World,

    When you feel hopeless, it is not you. The real you is what you are when you are happy.

    Dear World

    Why not spend our life smiling. No drama please.

    Dear World

    While celebrating Christmas everyday, I suggest having just one free food for all.

    Dear all the food experts out there,

    Please think of ways on how can you make a healthy, delicious, clean and safe dish out of left overs.

    Dear World.

    When its Christmas time, in some countries it is really traffic.

    Dear World,

    While celebrating Christmas, let’s

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