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About this ebook

We must learn to look beyond the mirrors of our lives not only to view the outward appearance of what seems to be but with a deep meditation that allows God to speak to us in ways that exalt His glory in our three dimensional world.

Rarely are reflections planned; instead, they are usually triggered by stimuli such as smells, songs, words, or visuals. Time and again, we pause to ponder about a variety of issues and things that evoke emotions that may range from silliness to self-pity. More often than not, these are the things that shape and mold our lives.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 23, 2014

Mary Wyatt Byers

Award winning poet, Mary Wyatt Byers, is a resident of Charlottesville, Virginia. She is married and has a son and daughter. Among her poetic accolades, she has received numerous certificates of appreciation for her participation in the World of Poetry contests (Sacramento, California/ 1987-91), and three Editor Choice Awards for outstanding achievement in poetry presented by the National Library of Poetry (1993, 1995, 1996). Three of her poems have been published by the National Library of Poetry Organization in its poetry anthologies entitled Whispers in the Wind (1993), Best Poems of 1995, and Best Poems of 1996. Mary has had one play and four volumes of poems copyrighted since 1991. She has published two inspirational poetry books: Seasons of Life: Perspective (2009 ) and Reflections (2014).

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    Reflections - Mary Wyatt Byers

    Copyright © 2014 Mary Wyatt Byers.

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    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations used in this book are from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission." (

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-3908-0 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014909986

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/22/2014




    Reflections of Family (In Loving Memory)

    Give Me My Flowers

    The Burning Bush

    Tack the Giant


    Angus the Westie

    Acrostic Reflections










    Silly Reflections


    When Momma Gets Sick

    The Body

    What If?

    Yam the Cat

    Heavenly Reflections


    Only a Speck

    Who Did You Bring?

    I Don’t Have a Dime

    No Piggybacking!

    Who is Like Our God?

    Though I’ve Never Seen You

    Toy or Temple?

    Daily Reflections

    Morning Prayer

    Evening Prayer



    Leafy Praise



    The Lord Is… A Paraphrasing

    Nightly Reflections

    Outside My Bedroom Window


    The Me Inside: The Saga Continues

    Reflections of the Cross

    I’m So Glad

    What More Can He Do?

    When God Held Back His Power


    Who Do You Say I Am?

    Miscellaneous Reflections

    School Year ____?

    Accepting His Thanks

    Winds of Adversity

    I Believe in Prayer

    I Don’t Understand

    When Troubles Come

    Mother, God’s Special Sower

    I Am Having a Party and You’re Invited…NOT!!!

    The Dandelion Within

    Fault Finding

    What Shall I Render?

    I Had It Out With Clout

    About Advice

    Reflections of Two

    Two Josephs

    Two Lions

    Two Doors

    Reflections of Encouragement

    Encourage Yourself in the Lord

    Bless the Lord, O My Soul

    She’s In My Hands

    Let’s Praise the Lord!

    A Reason for a Season

    God Knows

    Praise Him Anyway

    God Still Gets the Glory




    This book is dedicated to my family and friends who have encouraged me in my endeavor to complete this second poetry book. It is also dedicated to you, the reader, with the hope that you might be inspired to listen to God’s voice during your own moments of reflection.


    In thinking of whom to recognize for helping me write this book of poetry, I’d be speaking amiss if I did not give thanks first and foremost to God the Father for His extraordinary way of insisting that I pick up the pen and record what He wanted to speak through my emotions and experiences (usually very early morning). I’d also like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus, for always being there to mediate with the Father on my behalf during my doubtful and self-pitying moments. At times, it seems I could hear Him saying, Don’t worry, Father, she’s still growing in her trust for what You can do in her life.

    I would like to thank my sister Carolyn (who’s very busy babysitting her first grandchild these days) for sharing her computer expertise in helping me transport photos for use in this book.

    Finally, I’d like to thank my family, friends, co-workers and other individuals who bought copies of my first book, Seasons of Life: Perspective and their encouragement for me to complete another poetry book. I pray that this book will inspire each of them and individuals reading my poetry for the first time to have a closer relationship with God.


    As I write this, I am recovering from carotid artery surgery and watching Dr. Oz whose topic today is Signs of Aging. Oh, wow! I really need that (sarcasm). The audience has just been quizzed on their facial skin by their responses to several questions about the lines around their mouths, between their eyes and whether or not their eyelids droop over their eyelashes. At the end of the quiz, they have been given either green or red cards that tell their skin age based on their responses. Green cards mean their skin is younger than their age, and red cards mean their skin is older than their age. I won’t swear it, but I think that I would’ve received a green card (smile). Of course, some of us might’ve cheated just a little. At any rate, it’s good to look younger than you actually are!

    It has been two weeks to the day since my surgery. Although most of the swelling has gone away, it still bothers me to stretch my neck very far. I still have lots of trouble gargling, rolling my hair, and working at a computer for any great length of time, but I’m so thankful that it’s not what it was a week ago.

    Dr. Oz’s show and my surgery have something in common…reflection. For purposes designed for the writing of this book, I’d like to give the following definitions for the word: Reflection- 1)consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose; and 2)an effect produced by an influence, such as a high crime rate is the reflection of an unstable society (Webster’s Ninth Collegiate Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 1988).

    When Dr. Oz gave his audience the quiz, they had to take a moment to look into a mirror and then decide how to respond to each question (definition #1). I don’t know about the people in the audience, but it caused me to reflect about how the years had changed my appearance and, if the truth is known, it hurt. One woman told how she wears makeup because it made her feel more like a diva. Obviously, she no longer liked the image that stared back at her from a mirror. Recovering from surgery has also made me reflect on what my neck looked like prior to surgery and how it now looks (definition #2). Regardless to whether we think it’s important or not, we will be put into situations that will challenge us to reflect.

    The Bible tells us that we, who are Believers, should be reflections of God’s light in a world that’s growing

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