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Lily and the Talking Bears: (Scare Bears)
Lily and the Talking Bears: (Scare Bears)
Lily and the Talking Bears: (Scare Bears)
Ebook67 pages55 minutes

Lily and the Talking Bears: (Scare Bears)

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The story starts in a land known to bears as the Great Northern Forest of the East. Humans will know it as the Siberian Region of Russia.

Young Lily discovers a bear cub named Boris hiding in her garden shed and finds that he can talk. On listening to his story, she learns of a mystical man coming in contact with the bear community in their forest in Russia who gave the bears power of speech through a magical talisman.

Boriss father, Grigor, was the leader of the group until an evil bear named Zal stole the talisman and used its powers to overthrow him. Boriss mother fled the area with her cub and hid him in the back of a lorry whilst looking for food. The lorry left on a journey to England with Boris on board.

Lily endeavors to return Boris to his mother in Russia with the help of her cousin Tyler, and they encounter various adventures along the way. They eventually get there and find Boriss mum and then proceed to tackle and defeat the wicked Zal.
Release dateJul 31, 2013
Lily and the Talking Bears: (Scare Bears)

John Hazelgrove

I am aged sixty-six and a retired local authority housing officer. I have three wonderful children and four grandchildren between the ages of three and nine, and we all live in Surrey, England. This is my first attempt at writing, and I wanted to leave something for my grandchildren to remember me by after I have gone. In the past, I used to tell made-up bedtime stories that the children seemed to like and get excited about, and this is an attempt to go one step further.

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    Lily and the Talking Bears - John Hazelgrove

    © 2013 John Hazelgrove. All Rights Reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/27/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-7027-9 (sc)

    978-1-4817-7028-6 (e)

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    Lily and the Talking Bears (Scare Bears)

    An Encounter with Man

    A Magical Transformation

    The Power of the Talisman.

    It all goes wrong

    Zal’s evil plan

    Life for Bears will never be the same.

    Meeting Lily

    Meeting with the Bear.

    The Bear’s Tale.

    Lily hatches a plan

    Sailing to Europe

    Windmills and Tulips


    Dancing in the Square

    Zoo Rescue

    Russia home of the bears

    Return to Khailino

    Reunited with Zola

    ‘What Next!’

    Day of Action

    Back at the Encampment

    Back Home Again

    Lily and the Talking Bears (Scare Bears)

    The story starts in a land known to bears as the great northern forest of the east. Humans will know it as the Siberian Region of Russia.

    Young Lily discovers a bear cub named Boris hiding in her garden shed and finds that he can talk. On listening to his story she learns of a mystical man coming in contact with the bear community in their forest in Russia who gave the bears power of speech through a magical talisman.

    Boris’s father Grigor was leader of the group until an evil bear named Zal stole the talisman and used its powers to overthrow him. Boris’s mother fled the area with her cub and hid him in the back of a lorry whilst looking for food. The lorry left on a journey to England with Boris on Board.

    Lily endeavors to return Boris to his mother in Russia with the help of her cousin Tyler and they encounter various adventures along the way. They eventually get there and find Boris’s mum and then proceed to tackle and defeat the wicked Zal.


    An Encounter with Man

    It was a very cold day with winter fast approaching in the great northern forest of the east.  Snow was already settling on the ground, when one of the older bears who lived in the forest saw a strange figure coming towards them. It was walking very slowly and shakily on two legs and had a mixture of furs and skins wrapped around its body.  It was in fact a man holding a wooden staff which he used to help him walk along and although he was aged in his mid fifties he looked much older with long unruly hair and a scraggily beard.

    The man and the bear got closer together but the man had not noticed the bear ahead of him as he was having much difficulty in walking and was exhausted from his journey. As they became very close the man looked up to see the large old bear right in front of him and as he did so he collapsed half in fright and half in tiredness.

    The bear had not had any contact with humans before and neither had any other bears in that region so there was no need to fear them.  The bear nevertheless approached the man cautiously and sniffed all around him before deciding what his next course of action should be.

    I know! I will take him back to our cave where it is sheltered and warm and ask the other bears what to do.

    The man was placed in a corner of the cave and as the night drew in the bears all slept around him in deep thought of how they will deal with this strange occurrence.

    In the morning the bears were the first to awake and they began to stretch and exercise their lungs with large growls. They acknowledged one another with a series of grunts and growls like the present humans do when they meet for breakfast.  In addition however they have mastered a form of telepathy and moved around their confined space with seemingly choreographed movements and actions. After they all

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