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Open the Door
Open the Door
Open the Door
Ebook117 pages42 minutes

Open the Door

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About this ebook

I started this journey while still in high school in 1974, and I keep hope alive some thirty years later. Hopethe ingredient that brings dreams alive. So to all dreamers: keep hope alive. I tried to reach out to everyone: if you were in love or just fell out of love, if for some reason or another faith dealt you a bad card, the loss of a loved one, or maybe the birth of a newborn. Maybe its your anniversary or your birthday. Maybe destruction hit your town (9/11).Or maybe you just like relaxing and reading a good book of poetry. Whatever the case may be, my book will cover it all. For the young and the old, theres love and laughter to enjoy.

Release dateJan 6, 2014
Open the Door

Brad Breashears

As a kid fresh out of high school, Brad Breashears joined the Navy, where he encountered many new faces and places. Brad spent his time overseas, and through it all this book reflects on the good and bad times that he has seen. As a fifty-five-year-old man, Brad wants to send a message to the young and old: it’s never too late to capture whatever dreams you desire—just keep reaching for that star.

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    Open the Door - Brad Breashears

    Copyright © 2013 Brad Breashears.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0860-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0861-0 (e)

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    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 12/13/2013


    1.-4 neighbor

    2.   father time

    3.   friends

    4.   grant me the power

    5.   here is a rose

    6.   here we stand

    7.   i love you

    8.   i send these words

    9.   just for you

    10.   let the children see

    11.   mothers poem

    12.   struggle to be free

    13.   square

    14.   together forever

    15.   prayer # 1

    16.   love

    17.   try a little tenderness

    18.   i send my love

    19.   prayer # 2

    20.   first circuit court

    21.   summer time

    22.   thinking of you

    23.   he has the holy power

    24.   mirror mirror

    25.   it’s time for prayer

    26.   crossing jordon

    27.   he saved me

    28.   he’s in gods hand

    29.   shine down the light

    30.   just call on god

    31.   lord knows i’ve tried

    32.   sweet judgement day

    33.   you saved my soul

    34.   he’s the cure

    35.   loving him always

    36.   tell em about God

    37.   let the world see

    38.   transaction

    39.   you turned out the fire

    40.   from the heart

    41.   i need loving

    42.   i think of you

    43.   operator

    44.   let freedom be for all men

    45.   sir Lanceanasty

    46.   we’ve come too far

    47.   I’ll never let you go

    48.   our celebration

    49.   people can’t be pleased

    50.   why must the color

    51.   don’t stop believing

    52.   brothers gonna work it out

    53.   i shed a tear

    54.   it seems like only yesterday

    55.   we all want to be free

    56.   love makes a man change

    57.   open your heart

    58.   you hold the key

    59.   i ain’t got nobody

    60.   if we were together

    61.   open up the door

    62.   you better be ready

    63.   before looking at tomorrow

    64.   here’s to you King

    65.   the rain must fall

    66.   the trip is still here

    67.   bits and pieces

    68.   do it yourself

    69.   f2 it

    70.   lets all help

    71.   sometimes

    72.   taking it elsewhere

    73.   keep on smiling

    74.   it’s about time

    75.   here’s to you

    76.   mike talk

    77.   you’re the best

    78.   together

    79.   my sweet heart

    80.   happy birthday

    81.   i am yours

    82.   happy New Years

    83.   the keeper of life

    84.   marriage proposal

    85.   chilling

    86.   roll the dice

    87.   speak no evil

    88.   terror threat

    89.   veterans day

    90.   yours forever

    91.   keep up the faith

    92.   puppy dog0

    93.   dust to dawn1

    94.   love is a flame2

    95.   Christmas time3

    96.   treasure4

    97.   here’s

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