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Deliverance Diary: Write Down Every Blessing
Deliverance Diary: Write Down Every Blessing
Deliverance Diary: Write Down Every Blessing
Ebook259 pages18 minutes

Deliverance Diary: Write Down Every Blessing

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Did you know God blesses you according to the power of your own faith? Ephesians 3:19-21

You are going to rediscover the blessings God gives you each day. You will not be able to keep this to yourself. God consistently and without any effort blesses us each day. On any given day, we consistently and without any thought forget to count our blessings.

Extraordinary examples of blessings, faith and deliverances are written through the Bible. Now your blessings can be added to the chorus of witnesses who believe and have been blessed before.

Give all your attention to what God is doing for you right now. I bet you will be surprised at all the things Hes presently doing. I bet your Deliverance Diary will be completely full. I bet, if you share it, your blessings will bless other too.

Release dateOct 31, 2014
Deliverance Diary: Write Down Every Blessing

E.J.H. Moffett

E. J. H. MOFFETT is a member of the Church of Christ at East Side in Austin, Texas. She has an associate’s degree in arts from Austin Community College, a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and a master of liberal arts degree from St. Edwards University, all located in Austin, Texas. She has owned her Christian greeting card company, a few flowers™, since 2005. She also creates church forms and documents, and handles communications for her church. Erma has been prayerfully and compassionately studying the Word of God for more than thirty-five years. Grounded in her study and understanding of the scriptures, her elegant, limited-edition Christian greeting cards continue to encourage, inspire, strengthen, and assure her customers. She is the author of the book Begin Your Healing…Write to God. This Deliverance Diary is just another opportunity for you to write to God. It is Erma’s goal to give flowers to those she meets on her journey. This Deliverance Diary gives you a way to give flowers too. It’s all about your measure of faith - how much you have; the amount of you allow God to see; how it shows up in your troubles; and how you hold fast to it in your storms. It is her prayer that you will write down every blessing.

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    Deliverance Diary - E.J.H. Moffett



    Copyright © 2014 E.J.H. Moffett.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version ®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Exceptions are noted as follows: English Standard Version (ESV), King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), New Life Version (NLV), New Living Translation (NLT) and The Message (MSG).


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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4991-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4992-0 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date: 10/31/2014


    Matthews 6:34 MSG

    Matthews 6:34 NLV

    Matthews 6:33

    Matthews 6:30

    Matthews 6:33 KJV

    1 Corinthians 16:33

    Romans 8:28 KJV

    Meditate on Psalm 16:11a

    Meditate on Psalm 16:11b

    Meditate on Psalm 16:11c

    Ephesians 4:31

    Philippians 4:7

    John 14:26-28

    1 Corinthians

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