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Hell’S Gate
Hell’S Gate
Hell’S Gate
Ebook45 pages36 minutes

Hell’S Gate

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Hells Gate is a fiction based on the authors thought line on what Hells Gate, the entrance to Hell Fire would look like. In the authors eyes, the devil eclipses and predominates mans heart with diabolic terrible evils which manifest either in sane minds, ambitious avarice drowsiness of lust and power or a kind of wickedness for nothing. In his admirably balanced mind, the author recounts his journey to heaven where he was shown the beauty of eternity, its peace and perfection beyond human imagination. He saw the Supersensible, Father Abraham, Moses and some Saints. He reiterates how the Angel of the Almighty God was asked to show him some places in heaven. Then, from afar he saw the mystery of eternal damnation which was through Hells Gate. The author was asked to come back to the earth and complete his task of spreading the good news before going back to heaven. Having flown from heaven back to earth, he tried to tell the story about heaven and Hells Gate but the people were not serious in the ways they received the message. Some of them called him the flying man from heaven while others simply said he was the spider man from heaven. Eventually, there was rapture and the author got caught up into heaven leaving a congregation of worshippers in a free for all fight.
Release dateJan 16, 2015
Hell’S Gate

Isaac Benjamin

Isaac Benjamin is the author of several literary classics with distinctive characteristics. His works portray true narratives of human experience. The author is a product of the Nigerian Defence Academy with a B.Sc in Political Science and Defence Studies. He holds a Masters Degree in Peace Studies and Conflict Resolutions. He hopes to be done with his Doctoral studies in no distant time. His works among others includes Great Giants of Wicked Purities, Child Delivery in a Courtroom, Farewell To N’Djamena, Ode to Children of Our Embattled Values, a collection of poems titled The Solitary Verses. The author has some research works published in several journals. Hell’s Gate, one of the author’s literary works is in Hollywood database. The writer is a nationalist who strongly believes in the unity of his country, Nigeria.

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    Book preview

    Hell’S Gate - Isaac Benjamin

    © 2015 ISAAC BENJAMIN. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   01/13/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3596-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5049-3597-5 (e)

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five


    EnyiEgbe Ben Eboh

    Chapter One

    I n what appeared like void, sparkles of heavy heat and seemingly unique smoke covered the entire space. Much could not be understood about what the setting was. Sadly too, subtle sound of mystifying thundering pounded the earth cutting off the portion of Hell fire. The horrifying scene of large number of pitiful people scattered all around the enclave of a marked out dooms place was a thing that could not be beheld without tears. Many of them were sinister creatures that probably had some vengeance motives across their sealed faces of grieve. Tears of regret and sadness covered their eyes in dare demand that the days be extended. But a voice of one of the supposed Angel came with a thundering sound.

    Cover up there you evil ones that refused the message of repentance.

    From afar I could see them push each other in their numbers as though something dangerous would wipe their already ailing bodies. Their bodies were covered with the stench of scars like the one you see when one begins to roast an animal before butchering. They moved fast with some of them falling on each other. There were men, women and the aged. Children were quite few, a reason I cannot explain. Then another Angel came forward with what seemed like a register. He began to read out the names of those that I guess were the worst culprits. In my opinion they were those that had probably killed innocent souls and others who had inflicted some forms of pain on the people.

    The place was very hot and the radiation of the heat could be felt from a thousand radiuses. I was grateful I had made it to the other side. I asked one of the Angels if the people that were on the hell’s side were those that had lived longer than me and he said it was all those who after creation, had left earthly life and could not make this side of the divide.

    As I was new in the journey I had not completed, I began to tell myself that life on earth was

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