Soulmate: Your Ultimate Relationship Awaits
Dexter Sanders
Evangelist, author, educator and international speaker Dexter Sanders has a unique gift for sharing the love of Christ, which has resulted in thousands across the country and abroad receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Dexter travels the globe sharing the good news through church events, festivals, concerts and community outreaches. In addition, Dexter is a gifted character education speaker for middle and high schools across the nation, sharing a message of values along with suicide and bullying prevention.
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Book preview
Soulmate - Dexter Sanders
For centuries, humans have looked upon God as a mystical, even illusional, being that is all so removed from our everyday existence. Even if we accept that He really exists, we don’t think of God as our Father but instead a being so big, so powerful that there’s no way He could be a very personal God. We don’t think we can talk to Him. We don’t believe that He’s the kind of God that would respond if we called out to Him.
Many have concluded that God is simply out of reach and out of touch. If they were really honest with themselves, most Christians would say that they don’t have a close relationship with God. We toss the concept around in our religious circles, but if we were pushed to tell the truth we’d likely have to admit that a personal relationship with God is something we can’t really grasp. Yet the entire Christian faith hinges on the belief that God is so personal that He came down from glory to be in relationship with us in a very personal way.
One of the reasons God came to earth in the form of a man named Jesus was so that we could know that we can have a personal relationship with Him, in the same manner we have relationships with other humans, so that we can approach Him like we approach any other man, even though He is God Almighty. If this is true, we don’t need to change the way we talk to communicate with God. We don’t need to change the way we dress to get God’s attention, and we don’t have to talk in riddles or rhymes for God to notice us. We can talk to God the same way we talk to a loved one but at the same time being careful to speak with reverence, respect, and humility.
There are those who have come up through a church tradition that suggests they must alter the pronunciation of words, and amplify or quiet, augment or diminish their voice when communicating with God.
However, the Bible says that we can simply talk to God the way we would our earthly father or a friend.
Exodus 33:11 reads: So the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. And he would return to the camp, but his servant Joshua the son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the tabernacle.
This example of Moses and his communication with God is given to us so that we can understand that we, too, can be in relationship with God in a very personal way.
Have you ever experienced an empty feeling inside of you? It can be so strong, kind of like an itch that you can’t scratch. No matter how hard you try to get at it, you can’t. I have experienced such a feeling. However, that emptiness that was inside me gave God room to speak to me concerning the things that I needed in my life. To my dismay, God explained to me that the empty feeling I was experiencing was actually my soul crying out for Him.
It’s the same thing that happens when you are a baby. You can’t talk; the only way you know to communicate is to cry out. No one taught you how to cry, it was just something that you came into this world doing. So whenever you were in need, you cried out. When you did, you didn’t just cry out for anybody. You cried out for your mother. Even fresh from the womb, you cried out for your mother because you knew she was the one who carried you. It was Mother who fed you. It was Mother who loved you even while you were yet in her womb. As you began to grow, whenever you were hungry you continued to call out for Mother. When you were wet or soiled, you cried out for your mother.
Your spirit is the same way. Even while you were still in your mother’s womb, your spirit was crying out for the Father. Whenever your spirit is not getting what it needs, it cries out. Just as you cried out to your mother when you were a baby in need, when your spirit is in need it cries out to the Father. It wants to be close to the Father.
In Psalm 42:1–3 we read:
As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, ‘Where is your God?’
Here King David cries out that his soul thirsts for God.
Most of us have never really known what it is to physically thirst for water. Unless you have been stranded in the desert or some other situation where it was not available, chances are you don’t know what it is to thirst for it. To thirst means to desire, to long for, or to have a craving or hunger. In this Psalm, water is used as the object of desire, which suggests that there is a need because of dehydration or dryness in the body of the believer.
Putting those two meanings together, we come to understand that David was in need of hydration because he was dry. His dryness was not physical, however, but spiritual. His dryness caused a longing and hunger for the very thing that could satisfy his thirst. According to the scripture, the only thing that could take away the dryness and hydrate David’s life was the living God.
David was clear to explain that it was his very soul that longed for God.
God created us to be in a fruitful, loving relationship with Him.
Many of us have experienced or are experiencing the same thing as David. There is this longing in our souls. There is a thirst way deep down inside that just won’t go away. We try filling it with other things. We try filling it with other people. No matter what we try, though, we always come up dry. Sadly enough, many who come to this crossroad in life conclude that there is nothing better, so they resign themselves to an empty existence. This is not what God had in mind when He created us.
God created us to be in a fruitful, loving relationship with Him. He created us to love Him and to love one another the way He loves us. God desires to provide physical and spiritual water when we’re thirsty and food when we’re hungry. God wants to meet our every desire, which is the sole reason He has brought you to this book. Together we will explore the love of our God and His desire to be connected to us in the most intimate ways.
Yes, God wants to be in relationship with you. However, this examination will go a step further, to suggest that God wants to have a love affair with you! Having a love affair with God is no different than having one with any human, in some ways. The things it takes to start and maintain a relationship with a potential girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife are the same ones it takes to establish and maintain an affair with God.
There are steps that one must take when establishing a love relationship. When a man wants a woman, or a woman wants a man, social norms suggest the steps they must follow. It’s very important to go through them in a particular order. Putting one step before another could trigger a negative domino effect, ending the relationship abruptly before it ever really gets started. The same is true when seeking a love affair with God. He is a God of order. He created the steps, so it’s very important to adhere to them.
Before we get started, it’s important to discuss the usage of the term affair.
Your immediate thought may generate negative emotions. A husband cheating on his wife is said to have had an affair. Two unmarried people engaging in sexual activity are said to be having an affair.
But to experience the spiritual blessings I believe God has prepared for you in the pages that follow, it is necessary to abandon every negative association society has given to this term and to begin to see it in a different light. The term affair
will be used to express a loving, committed, intimate, and personal relationship between God and man.
Now let’s journey and explore how you can have a love affair with God.
Step One:
The Rendezvous
If you are serious about having a love affair with God, you must first come into contact with Him. If you want a relationship with another person, it will never happen while you sit at home alone watching television. You have to position yourself to come into proximity of the other person.
What exactly does that mean? If you want to be in a relationship with someone who is an expert in law, you might want to hang around lawyers. If you want to come into a relationship with a person that plays basketball, you might want to go to a few basketball games. If you want a relationship with a Christian, you might want to take yourself to church. That being said, if you want a relationship with God, you might want to hang out where He is.
One of the truly great things about being in relationship with God is He makes it so easy, because God is everywhere.
Psalm 139:7–8 declares: Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You are there; if I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.
God is everywhere. God’s presence is everywhere. So you may be thinking, If God is everywhere, I’m already in His presence.
This is true, you are always in God’s physical presence, but His spiritual presence is a whole different ball game. Coming into the presence of God is a spiritual experience.
In Matthew 6:6, Jesus tells His disciples: But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
According to this passage, you can’t go out to the club to find a love affair with God. According to scripture it is to be found in a secret place. That means it is a quiet place where God will meet you. All you have to do is make yourself available to meet Him. God will meet you in a secret place that He has reserved just for you. It’s a spiritual place where your spirit will come into the presence of God’s Spirit. When this