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The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing: Gun Care and Repair
The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing: Gun Care and Repair
The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing: Gun Care and Repair
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The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing: Gun Care and Repair

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The Most Comprehensive Gunsmithing Guide of All Time.

Written by one of the most prolific firearms experts of all time, The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing is a highly detailed and essential reference for the gun enthusiast and gunsmith alike. At nearly 500 pages, Chapel covers everything from the use of proper tools to how to get a gunsmithing job, and everything in between. In more than forty chapters of exceptionally clear prose, the book answers every question a collector, soldier, or home defender could have on topics such as:

Drawings and Blueprints
Stock Design
Checkering and Carving
Stock Repairs and Alterations
Etching and Engraving
And many more

Not only is the book an incredible resource for gun owners and gunsmiths, it’s also a wonderful look at the world of firearms in the first half the twentieth century. Published just over seventy years ago, the book--and revised by the author two decades laterThe Complete Guide to Gunsmithing is fascinating look at how the nature of firearms has changed. With a thoughtful introductory note by renowned outdoorsman Dr. Jim Casada and eighty-five meticulous illustrations, this is the definitive edition of an enduring and authoritative classic.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Release dateApr 28, 2015
The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing: Gun Care and Repair

Charles Edward Chapel

Charles Edward Chapel was born in Iowa in 1904. Graduating from the Naval Academy at Annapolis and serving in the Marine Corps, he was a prolific writer, publishing thousands of articles on subjects such as police science, aviation, and firearms. One of the nation’s most active gun writers, he published nearly a dozen books on the subject. Guns of the Old West is considered his greatest work. Chapel died in 1967.

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    The Complete Guide to Gunsmithing - Charles Edward Chapel

    I. Shop and Bench

    THE important requirements for a gunsmith’s workshop are warmth, ventilation, and light. No one can work well if his hands are cold, his brain foggy from foul air, or his eyes tired from too much or too little light. Professional gunsmiths take these facts for granted, but amateurs usually select the first space available for a shop and then wonder why they continue to turn out poor work.

    The basement is the worst place for a gunsmith. It is usually poorly heated in the cold months, inadequately ventilated the year round, and devoid of natural light. Dampness causes metal parts to rust. The concrete floor is bad for the feet. If you must use the basement, partition off a section that has a window, obtain one of the modern daylight lamps, install a blower ventilation system, and lay at least a temporary flooring of planks nailed to two-by-fours.

    The attic can be remodeled to eliminate objectionable features. The most serious problem is ventilation, but this can be solved by either a blower system or a fan placed in a hole cut into the roof, with a cover that drops into place to keep out the rain. Be sure to strengthen the flooring where you place the bench and any heavy weights. If there is no flooring, be careful in laying one that you do not break the ceiling plaster of the room below.

    The garage is probably the best place of all if it is large enough. There you can pound and saw to your heart’s content. A small forge and an anvil can be installed without encountering the opposition that these objects arouse when used in a home. Natural light is already provided or it can be obtained without much trouble and expense. Ventilation is almost too much of a good thing in a garage. With all these advantages, it is natural to expect some obstacle. Usually it is the absence of a heating system. This can be met with a portable kerosene stove, or an electric heater where the rates are not too high.

    Having selected the best location for the shop, its floor plan is the next consideration. Leave 5 or 6 feet of clear space in front of the workbench and the same clear area to the left of the bench if you are right-handed. If you are left-handed, leave the clear space to the right of the bench. When possible, place the power tools, such as the lathe, drill press, etc., well away from the bench.

    The bluing equipment should be in another room, or at least as far as possible from the bench, because the fumes, vapors and moisture that accompany many bluing processes are unpleasant to smell and at the same time they promote the rusting of your steel tools and stock.

    A surprising amount of wood and metal stock can be stored overhead by providing racks securely fastened to the walls and ceiling, but the material should be arranged so that the vibration from the various gunsmithing processes will not shake it down on your head.

    Having laid out the workshop, we turn our attention to the workbench. The one shown in Plate 1 is designed for a man of average size. It is 30 inches wide, 34 inches high, with a top of 1½ x 6-inch pine, and legs 4 x 4 inches. The drawer is square, 18 x 18 inches, and 3 inches deep, all of these being inside measurements. The backboard, placed there to keep tools from falling on the floor, is made of 6 x 1½ inch pine. The bench is assembled with ⅜ inch carriage bolts. At the front, there is a 1 x 8-inch apron board. A 4-inch machinist’s vise is mounted at the right and a 6-inch carpenter’s vise is at the left.

    These dimensions are by no means arbitrary. Design your bench to suit your own requirements. Make the length from 4½ to 6 feet, and the height from 30 to 36 inches, according to your height and whether or not you expect to do most of your work standing or sitting. Work placed in the machinist’s vise brings up the operating height a few inches, of course, but you may want a high bench in order to work without straining the back and neck while you are standing. On the other hand, if you expect to make and repair small parts while seated, the height of the bench may be as low as 28 inches.


    The bench must be substantial. The one illustrated proved satisfactory to the author, but several gunsmiths who copied it added braces across the legs at the ends, and diagonal bracing at the back. Bracing across the front would limit leg action; hence it is not recommended by anyone.

    The backboard can be used for the temporary storage of tools by adding cleats and a narrow, thin strip of wood, so that the tools can be placed between the strip and the backboard, and at the same time be separated by the cleats. This idea does not meet the approval of many gunsmiths; instead, they keep their tools in a separate chest or cabinet, or lay them out on a nearby table until the day’s work is done.

    Length is a desirable characteristic. Some gunsmiths build their benches 8 and even 10 feet long, while others have two benches, one for woodworking and one for metalworking. Obviously, the available space may determine the length more than the nature of the work, but no one has ever complained of having a bench that was too long.

    Manual-training benches, such as those used in high schools, can be purchased, but they cost more than twice as much as one made at home and are never as satisfactory, because they are designed for light cabinet-making rather than the heavy loads that a gunsmith may place upon a bench. If you are in a hurry to start gunsmithing, and at the same time want a bench that will fit your needs, you may be able to buy new or secondhand steel bench legs. These are supplied with bolts, screws, etc., ready to join them to a homemade top. Drawers, brackets for attaching a backboard, and similar accessories are seldom sold with the steel legs, and even if they were, you can derive more pleasure from making the apron board, backboard, and drawers according to your own plans.

    Most gunsmiths keep valuable small objects, such as screws, bolts, nuts, nails, taps, dies, drift pins, gauges, etc., in cigar boxes, cardboard boxes, drawers, etc., but when they want to find something in a hurry, it is always in the last container. The better course is to keep small objects in screw-top glass jars, where they will be dust-proof and plainly visible. Keep all objects of the same kind in one jar; if there are various sizes, use a separate jar for each size. When your stock accumulates, paste labels on jars for screws, showing the size and thread.

    A permissible variation is to keep in one jar objects that are associated with each other. For example, sights, screws, drills and taps may belong together. Likewise, a rifle bolt may be placed in the same jar with extra parts for its repair. It is not so important to select a particular type of arrangement as it is to have some kind of system and follow it faithfully.

    Neatness and cleanliness are as important as order. Have a bench brush to clear the bench of sawdust, shavings, metal filings, and broken parts. Keep an old broom handy and sweep the floor around the bench after each job. Throw your trash into a container that is made of metal, for there is a fire hazard in oil-soaked sawdust and shavings, and an added advantage in being able to know where to look for that important missing screw or spring that somehow disappeared.

    It is unhandy to keep tools in cabinets or chests while working, but at the end of the project they should be placed under lock and key. Members of the family, or well-meaning neighbors, may borrow your tools while you are gone. Even if you get them back, they probably will have been injured by careless handling. Then, too, children, especially small boys, cannot resist the temptation of gleaming cutlery and whirling wheels. Locking up your tools may bring a few unpleasant comments, but it is one of the first things to be learned by the gunsmith who is serious about his craft.

    When the workshop is in a garage or a shed, be sure to place bars or strong wire mesh across the windows and reinforce the door, or someone, sooner or later, will break in to steal tools, guns, or ammunition. Then, if a crime is committed with your guns the law enforcement officials may trace ownership to you and demand an explanation.

    In the following chapters, we shall examine the tools and equipment needed for a well-rounded gunsmithing program. At first you will buy only a few tools. As you grow in skill and experience, others can be added.

    II. Measuring Tools

    THE measuring tools used by the gunsmith include the tools of woodworkers and metalworkers. Some of the tools are common to both trades. We shall first discuss those which are suitable for both metal and wood measuring purposes.

    The Steel Scale or Rule is absolutely necessary. Obtain one 6-inch and one 12-inch flexible steel rule, graduated in sixty-fourths and hundredths of an inch. You will use these rules for laying out the work preparatory to checkering, inletting, engraving, etching, mounting sights, and for various other measuring tasks. Steel rules can be obtained in lengths from 1 inch to and including 48 inches, with the widths varying from inch to and including 1½ inches, but the flexible steel rules are usually made in lengths from 4 inches to and including 24 inches, with widths varying from ½ inch to ¾ inch. An ordinary steel rule is shown in Figure 6, Plate 7.

    A folding wood or steel rule, at least 3 feet long, is a handy tool for measuring wood and metal stock before it is worked. Obviously, an ordinary yardstick also should be included among our possessions.

    Flat material is measured by laying the rule across the top, parallel with the edges if the stock has been squared; otherwise the rule is laid along or parallel to the axis. The No. 1 index mark should be set at the end of the piece, instead of setting the piece to the end of the rule, because this is a more accurate method. Observe the index mark at the opposite end of the piece, subtract 1, and you have the measurement. See Figure 1, Plate 2.


    Both hands should be used in measuring or marking the work, as shown in Figure 2, Plate 2. One hand steadies the rule while the other hand holds the pencil or other marking tool.

    A round piece, such as a blank for a gun barrel, is measured for diameter by laying the rule on the piece so that the rule is parallel to the center line of the piece and also at right angles to the diameter, as shown in Figure 3, Plate 2. It is better to set the index mark with the 1-inch mark at the end of the work than it is to set the end of the rule at the end of the work, as we have explained in connection with flat work.

    Sometimes you may wish to use a 6-inch rule to measure flat stock longer than your rule. Lay the rule on the stock, parallel with the edge, measure 5 inches, with the 1-inch index mark at the end of the work, and then measure again, starting 5 inches from the end of the work. This method was used in Figure 4 of Plate 2.

    Figure 5, Plate 2, shows a Hook Rule, so called because it hooks over the end of the work. When this rule is laid at right angles to the side or end of the work, dimensions are read directly, that is, the end of the rule is set at the end of the work, instead of having the 1-inch index mark at the edge or end.

    Figure 6, Plate 2, shows the use of a common rule to measure the diameter of round stock, such as a barrel blank. The rule is placed across the end, directly over the center, with the 1-inch index mark at the edge.

    The diameter of a hole can be roughly measured by setting one end of the flexible steel rule against the side of the hole, being sure that the corner of the rule does not go too deep into the hole; instead, the corner should barely catch the side of the hole. Remember that this is only a rough measurement. Elsewhere in this text we shall explain how accurate measurements of holes are obtained. Figure 7, Plate 2, shows the rough method.

    The width of a recess is measured according to a similar method shown in Figure 8, Plate 2. Set the end of the rule with the corner barely catching against the side of the recess. Be sure that the rule is at right angles to the material.

    The depth of a hole can be roughly measured with two rules. Hold one across the hole, and set the other rule so that it is not only at right angles to the first rule but also parallel to and inside the channel of the hole. Read the depth on the second rule. This is shown in Figure 9, Plate 2.

    Figures 10 and 11, Plate 2, illustrate how to lay off distances and draw lines on curved surfaces, such as gun barrels. The tool used is sometimes called a Box Rule, but more often it is called a Keyseat Rule because it is used principally in laying out keyways on shafts. There are three types: the one-piece, solid keyseat rule; the ordinary rule held in place with two removable clamps; and the type that has two separate rules at right angles, held in place with clamps. Figure 10, Plate 2, is the solid type, while Figure 11, Plate 2, is the ordinary rule with the keyseat clamps.

    An Angle Plate is an L-shaped piece of cast iron, with each arm about 3 inches long and about 3 inches wide, drilled with horizontal and vertical V-grooves as well as round holes. This tool is used to clamp work in place, to lay out work, and to check measurements. It is by no means essential, but many gunsmiths find it a handy device. It can be purchased from a hardware supply house, but most gunsmiths prefer to make their own according to a design that fits their own, individual needs.

    A Bench Plate, sometimes called a Surface Plate, is simply a large, smooth plate of a close-grained special type of cast iron, reinforced underneath to prevent any tendency to warp. It is used to test and straighten precision tools and instruments, for lay-out work in mounting telescope blocks, for laying out stocks to obtain accurate drop and cast-off, for squaring between machined or filed parts of guns, and for other purposes of a similar nature. One commercial size is 7⅞ x 11¾ inches, while another size is 11¾ x 15¾ inches; still another size is 19½ inches square. These factory-made precision plates are expensive. The beginner can get along quite well with a large sheet of plate glass laid on a bench free from vibration, with a spirit level used to be sure that the plate is perfectly level at all times. Some gunsmiths think of an iron or steel plate for pounding as a bench plate, but that is a wrong use of the term.

    A Bevel Protractor consists of a rule with a protractor affixed so that any desired angle may be laid out or read on either wood or metal. It is similar in design and construction to the Combined Protractor and Depth Gauge; in fact, some gunsmiths use an instrument designed to serve as either a bevel protractor or a depth gauge.

    Calipers, both inside and outside types, can be bought in 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-inch sizes. We recommend the purchase of a set of both inside and outside calipers in the 2-, 4-, and 6-inch sizes only. Obtain the kind known as toolmakers’ calipers. They are handy for making rough measurements, but when accuracy is essential, micrometer and vernier measuring instruments are used.

    Dividers are classed according to their form, as spring, lock joint, and extension, and there is also a special form used for large work, called a trammel, abbreviated to tram sometimes, and occasionally referred to as a beam compass. The gunsmith principally uses spring dividers, sold in a set of three, in 2-, 4-, and 6-inch sizes, usually listed as toolmakers’ roundleg dividers. You can use ordinary dividers when you first start your shop, but the better quality tools are worth the extra cost.

    Keep your dividers sharp because if they are not sharp it is impossible to set them for fine work. However, if they have points which are too sharp they become dull easily. It is best to sharpen the points on an oilstone at an angle of about 25 to 30 degrees, being sure that the point is still in line with its leg at the end of the sharpening process. This is done by constantly rotating the point to present new surfaces as it is being ground. This is shown in Figure 1, Plate 3.

    Spring dividers are set to a rule by holding the rule firmly on the bench with one hand, while the other hand holds the dividers. One point of the dividers is placed on the index mark of the rule; the thumb and forefinger of the hand holding the dividers are used to adjust the screw. However, if the surface on which the rule is resting is not slippery, one hand may hold the dividers while the other hand adjusts the spring. Do not lean on the dividers; hold them as if you were holding a bird—firmly enough to keep the bird from escaping, yet lightly enough to avoid choking it to death. Finally, when setting dividers, place the points so that an imaginary line between them lies parallel to the edge of the rule. Figures 2 and 3, Plate 3, show how to set and adjust dividers.

    It is advisable to set the dividers to parallel lines in an orderly manner. First, hold the dividers at right angles to the surface of the work and at right angles to the parallel lines. Second, set one point of the dividers on one of the two parallel lines. Third, lower the other point and turn the adjusting screw slowly until the point being lowered comes to rest on the other line. An imaginary line through the points of the dividers should be at right angles to each of the two parallel lines.


    Figure 4, Plate 3, shows the use of hermaphrodite calipers in roughly centering a piece of round stock. First, the legs are adjusted so that the distance between their ends is a little greater than the radius of the circle. Second, the bent leg is hooked over the edge. Third, the scriber (marking leg) is adjusted so that it is not quite as long as the bent leg. Fourth, the scriber is swung in a short arc near the center of the circle from its present position, and the process of swinging the arc is repeated from three more positions, each about 90 degrees from the former. The center of the circle is in the center of the enclosure formed by the four arcs.

    Hermaphrodite calipers, it must be explained, are also called phrodites and morphodites. They are not used for accurate work, but are very useful for laying out work and transferring dimensions from one surface to another where rough measurements are sufficient. The scriber should be kept sharp; in use it should be held as nearly perpendicular to the surface being marked as possible. The use of hermaphrodite calipers is not restricted to centering the end of round stock, but the one illustration is sufficient to emphasize the rough character of measurements taken with this tool.

    Figure 5, Plate 3, shows a small circle is drawn with the dividers. The dividers are first set to the radius of the circle on a rule. One leg of the dividers is then set in the center of the circle (marked with a center punch in most cases), and a short arc is swung on both sides of the center. A line is drawn through the center of the circle and through these two arcs, and a rule is used to measure the distance between the points where the arcs cross the center line. If the distance between the two points is the desired diameter, the complete circle is drawn. When the distance between the two points is greater or less than the diameter, the dividers are adjusted to correct the error and the trial process is repeated until the desired diameter is obtained.

    Figure 6, Plate 3, shows a circle being drawn with extension dividers. The legs are first adjusted so that they are equal in length and then they are tightly clamped in place. The half-moon-shaped object near the top of the dividers is the quadrant, which has its own clamp that can be adjusted for roughly setting the points of the dividers to the desired radius. The final and accurate adjustment is accomplished with the adjusting screw on the other leg. Trial arcs are swung across a center line, and the diameter checked, as explained before.

    When measurements are marked on a finished surface, some protective covering is desirable. Copper sulphate, whiting (a powdered chalk mixture), and other substances are commonly made into solutions which are painted on the surface with a brush and allowed to dry before being marked. Obviously, the substance used must be one which does not itself harm the surface. Adhesive tape, either surgeon’s adhesive tape or the Scotch cellulose tape, can be used to protect the surface while measurements are being marked.

    A Center Punch is shown in Figure 5, Plate 4. The ordinary machinist’s center punch is about 4 inches long, tempered at both ends, with a point carefully ground to an angle. A set of five of these punches, in a case, costs very little. The diameter at the top of the tapered point, in inches, varies from to in the usual set of five.

    An automatic center punch looks like an ordinary machinist’s center punch except that the handle is larger because it is really a sliding sleeve containing a spring and a trip. A downward pressure releases the trip and makes the impression. The depth of the impression is uniform, the punch seldom slips off the mark while the blow is being struck, and a clean, sharp mark is left. Automatic center punches are made in different styles, lengths, and diameters; some have removable points which can be replaced if broken or taken out for grinding. A hammer should never be used with an automatic center punch.

    Prick punches resemble center punches so much that the two types are usually mentioned as belonging to one class. Small ones, about 3 or 4 inches long, can be cut from worn-out Swiss needle files, hardened, and kept ground sharp, although you will not want all of them to be equally sharp, since some types of work require comparatively dull punches. Still smaller prick punches can be made from discarded dental burrs. Even the punches turned out by the famous manufacturers may prove too soft for your purpose, so you will learn to temper your tools according to methods explained in a later chapter.

    Drift pin punches, with ends having diameters ranging from inch up to inch, can be bought, or they can be made from drill rod. Small ones can be made from old dental burrs. These punches should be annealed first and then hardened again, but they must not be as hard as center or prick punches or they will break in use. The reason is that drift pin punches, as the name indicates, are used to push pins in or out; they have to give while they are being eased along their route. In tempering, oil is used, and the temper is drawn at a blue color, between 600 and 700 degrees Fahrenheit, as explained later in the text.

    Nail punches are bought, ready-made, in various sizes to fit the ends of drift pins which have ends showing on a gun, such as the round-headed pins in some shotguns. These punches have cupped ends so that they will not mar a finished pin. Anneal them, reharden, and draw the temper as you did the drift pin punches. Before rehardening, it is advisable to turn down the ends, so that the point extends straight back for about 1 inch. Finally, polish the cupped end carefully with crocus cloth.

    Wood punches are not mentioned often. They are simply punches with cupped ends which are used for giving a beaded effect to a stock. They can be made from drill rods, in any diameter desired for stock-checkering operations.

    Strictly speaking, the drift, nail, and wood punches do not belong in a classification with measuring tools, but we have described them along with the center and prick punches because all punches are customarily grouped together in a manufacturer’s catalog.

    A Center Gauge is shown in Figure 6, Plate 4. It is used for setting thread tools in the lathe when screw threads are to be cut, and for checking lathe centers when they are being reground. Tables on the center gauge indicate the size of tap drills for American, National, or United States Standard threads, showing in thousandths of an inch the double depth of thread of tap and screw of the pitches commonly used. The angles used on these gauges are 60 degrees for the American, National, or United States Standard and 55 degrees for the Whitworth or English Standard. For this reason separate gauges are made for the 55-degree and the 60-degree angle requirements.

    A Combination Square is shown in Figure 7, Plate 4. It can be used to lay off a slot in flat stock, to lay off a dovetail slot, to check the length of a number of pieces, as a depth gauge, to determine if adjacent sides of a piece are at right angles to each other, and for many other measurements. This tool can be obtained with removable, interchangeable heads. One type has one head for measuring right angles and 45-degree angles, and another head for centering, with a spirit level built in so that a barrel, for instance, can be placed absolutely vertical in a vise. It is also possible to obtain a head with a bevel protractor that can be used to lay out any angle.

    Other squares needed by the gunsmith are (1) a try square, such as the one illustrated in Figure 3, Plate 7; (2) a die-maker’s square (this has three or four blades, each 2½ inches long: a standard blade, a narrow blade, a bevel blade with 30-degree and 45-degree angles at the ends, and an offset blade); (3) a solid, thin steel square, for metalwork (obtain two, one with 3 x 2-inch blades, and one with 6 x 4-inch blades); and finally, (4) an ordinary carpenter’s square, with arms of 1 foot and 2 feet, respectively; this last square is especially useful in making stocks.

    It should be understood that a careful gunsmith should have a small standard square for testing purposes only; that is, this square is reserved for testing the accuracy of other squares and is never used on the work. Squares of this type, hardened, ground to absolute 90-degree angles, are usually listed as toolmakers’ squares, and are more expensive than less accurate squares.

    A Depth Gauge (or Gage) is shown in Figure 1, Plate 5. It is used to measure the depth of holes, projections, etc. There are several types of depth gauges, but all of them are basically alike in having two parts, a rod or blade, and a head. The accuracy of the construction and the delicacy of the measurement indicator are factors in determining the cost of a depth gauge, for prices range from three or four dollars to fifty or sixty dollars.

    A Drop Measurer is shown in Figure 5, Plate 5. The long tube is laid flush upon the barrel and the drop may be read off the scale, both at the comb and at the heel. You can copy this design and make one yourself from wood, brass, or steel.

    A Toolmaker’s Steel Clamp is shown in Figure 4, Plate 7. This is used to hold work square and parallel for laying out surface plates, fitting or drilling. A piece of round stock may be held rigidly in two of these clamps and drilled on an upright, central, or parallel, as desired. These clamps are made from drop forgings, casehardened, with take-up blocks to slip on or off the end of the screw. Supply houses customarily sell these clamps only in pairs.

    Steel Parallels, Adjustable Type, are illustrated in Figure 5, Plate 7. They are used with milling, planer, and shaper vises, taking the place of the large number of tool steel parallels usually required. They are also used for leveling up work on a planer, drill press, etc., and for a support for grinding or milling of square or hexagonal stock on centers, since they may be adjusted and locked to micrometer measurements from ⅜ inch to 2¼ inches.

    Tool Steel Parallels of the usual type are made from a special grade of tool steel, hardened and ground on four sides. They are sold in pairs according to thickness and width, but all of them are customarily 6 inches long. A complete set of eight pairs permits many possible combinations.

    A Trigger Pull Tester is shown in Figure 4, Plate 8. This is patterned after the British Army model, and is marked to read by ¼ inch up to 16 pounds. Its principle of operation is simply that of pulling against a spring. Some gunsmiths like this type of instrument, but we prefer the use of weights, as explained later in the text in connection with trigger adjustments.

    V (or Vee) Blocks and Clamps, illustrated in Figure 3, Plate 5, are used for accurately laying out work in connection with an angle iron, a knee, or a surface plate. They are very handy for holding barrels, fitting scope blocks, etc. They are made of hardened tool steel, accurately ground with parallel sides and V-grooves ground central and parallel to the bottom and sides. They are made and numbered in pairs so that the V-grooves in the blocks having the same numbers are always aligned.

    A Screw Pitch Gauge is shown in Figure 8, Plate 6. The type illustrated has 51 blades, and covers all pitches of V-threads, including pipe threads, threads per inch, and American, National, and United States Threads.

    Other Gauges needed by the gunsmith are: (1) the Surface Gauge, for laying out work with the surface plate; (2) the Augerbit Gauge, which is clamped on a wood auger bit to determine the depth of the hole; (3) the Marking Gauge, which is the ordinary device for marking a straight line parallel to a side (especially by carpenters and gunstock makers); and (4) the Thickness or Feeler Gauge, which has leaves of various thicknesses, and is used by toolmakers, machinists, automotive mechanics, and gunsmiths, the latter using it to measure clearances between parts.

    A Vernier Caliper is shown in Figure 4, Plate 4. The Vernier feature was named for its inventor, Pierre Vernier. It is applied to calipers, depth gauges, height gauges, micrometers, and protractors. In principle, the vernier scale has a line of known length divided into a certain number of parts; the length of these parts or divisions is then compared with divisions made on a line of equal length but with one less division than the number on the first line.

    A Micrometer Caliper is illustrated in Figure 8, Plate 5. Micrometers are made in various sizes and shapes. They may be classified as inside, outside, and depth micrometers. The construction principle is that the advance of a screw is recorded for any part of its turn or for any number of turns. It should be noted that both the vernier and micrometer principles may be applied in the same instrument to give extremely accurate readings.

    Since gun measurements require accuracy to one-ten-thousandths of an inch, it is advisable to buy a micrometer with a measuring range from o to 1 inch by thousandths of an inch on its sleeve and thimble scales, and readings in one-ten-thousandths of an inch with the vernier scale on the sleeve.

    Rough measurements can be made with various gunsmith tools, but for accurate readings, vernier and micrometer instruments are required. A small thumbpiece is part of the typical precision measuring instrument, made with a click, so that the instrument can be accurately set with uniform tension. Skilled gunsmiths are sometimes able to set their instruments accurately and uniformly without the click device, but the beginner does well to advance a step at a time and not attempt to take any short cuts.

    III. General Tools and Equipment

    THE tools, instruments, and equipment, other than measuring tools and power tools, will be described in this chapter. They are presented in alphabetical order to give the reader a broad view of the mechanical means at his disposal. The use of the various tools and instruments will be explained in separate chapters, in connection with the various gunsmithing processes. For instance, the use of checkering tools is explained in the chapter on checkering the stock. Once more, we wish to remind the reader that it is not necessary to acquire all of these tools before he can start work as a gunsmith. Furthermore, many gunsmiths work for forty or fifty years without using more than one-half of the tools mentioned in this book. They could do more work, and do it faster and better, if they had more tools, but for one reason or another they manage to earn a living with a set of tools that could be carried in a suitcase.

    Alcohol Lamp.—This is handy for the heat treatment of small tools, and to melt small quantities of substances when other sources of heat are not available or desirable. You can improvise your own from odds and ends. A common method is to cut part of the spout off an oilcan and insert a wick.

    Anvil.—The usual blacksmith’s anvil is illustrated on Plate 25, and described in the chapter on blacksmithing. One weighing between 40 and 70 pounds is heavy enough for any of the gunsmith’s processes: forging springs, making special hammers, and assembling auxiliary equipment, such as target carriers. An excellent substitute for an anvil is a short piece of railway rail or a piece of shafting, but whatever you use as an anvil should have at least one flat, level surface, and it should be both hard and heavy. Many gunsmiths have a 10- or 15-pound anvil for handling small work.

    Bench Brace.—Two types of bench braces are illustrated in Figure 1, Plate 15. Make these yourself. Their use is explained in the chapters on making and checkering stocks.

    Bending Apparatus is used on gunstocks to increase the drop, lessen the drop, put cast-off into the stock, or put cast-in onto the stock. (These terms are explained fully in later chapters.) The stock-bending apparatus shown in Figure 1, Plate 8, is made of aluminum with steel screws and three wooden blocks. Remember that it is better to properly design and make a stock in the first place than it is to attempt to bend it into a new shape after it has been finished.

    Bits.—These are needed for boring into wood. Do not economize on bits, because the wood used in gunstocks is hard and it will dull cheap bits quickly. You can get along with only auger bits, but eventually you will also want Forstner bits, which do not have a spur in the center and hence make a smooth, flat-bottomed hole, suitable for cutting out wood for magazines, locks and trap-butt plates. To start a hole for the accurate location of the Forstner bit, a center bit is required. Eventually, you will acquire one or two center bits, five or six Forstner bits, and a set of auger bits. The usual set of auger bits consists of thirteen bits, one each, , , , , , , , , , , , , and , of an inch in diameter, but a cheaper and less complete set that will be satisfactory consists of one each, , , , , , and inch.

    Blacksmith Tools are shown on Plate 25, and described in the chapter on blacksmithing.

    Bluing and Browning Tools and Equipment are shown on Plate 23, and described in the chapter on that subject.

    Braces are used with auger bits. The ratchet brace, shown in Figure 4, Plate 6, is the type preferred by gunsmiths. A breast drill, such as the one shown in Figure 2, Plate 4, is also needed. One of the principal uses of the brace, particularly a plain brace without a ratchet, is with a screwdriver bit; this is necessary in loosening connecting screws in rifles and in assembling shotguns.


    Brazing Tools are illustrated on Plate 24, and described in the chapter on soldering and brazing.

    Bunsen Burner.—The usual type of bunsen burner is illustrated in Figure 3, Plate 4. The typical one for bench use has a cast-iron base, is about 6 inches high, has a base diameter of about 3 inches, and uses 6 cubic feet of gas per hour. The same burner, bent to a 45-degree angle, is also available. Both of these improved burners have a simple adjustment whereby the length and temperature of the flame can be controlled by simply turning the burner tube. A cheaper type of burner has a fixed orifice and is controlled by adjusting the air shutter. In appearance, it closely resembles the more elaborate type.

    Catalogs are not tools in the mechanical sense, but they certainly form a valuable part of the equipment of a gunsmith’s shop. Obtain them from retail dealers, jobbers, wholesalers, and manufacturers of hardware, firearms, ammunition, tools, lumber, optical instruments, and other materials and instruments. Frequently an illustration of some special tool, such as a stock-straightening apparatus, for example, will give you an idea for solving a perplexing problem. You may need a replacement part; consult the catalog. If you cannot afford to buy the part, you may be able to design and make your own from the illustration and description in the catalog. Aside from their information, old catalogs, particularly old catalogs of firearms and ammunition, are often sold at a premium. Gun collectors, gunsmiths, museums, antique dealers, and others have frequent occasion to refer to the old catalogs.

    Checkering Tools are illustrated on Plate 20, and explained later in the text in connection with checkering processes. A typical set of checkering tools consists of one tool for laying out lines, one for making the border, and two sizes for the actual checkering. But you can get along with one tool or build up a vast collection, just as you wish.

    Chisels.—Wood chisel blades are illustrated on Plate 17; Die Sinkers’ Chisels are shown on Plate 20; and the use of the Cold Chisel for cutting steel is shown in Figure 2, Plate 9.

    Chisels are sometimes divided into classes, such as bottoming tools, carving tools, cold chisels, firmer chisels, gouges, and socket chisels.

    Bottoming tools are chisels designed to reach into deep recesses, such as the holes cut for shotgun actions, where ordinary tools will not reach. Wait until you have attempted to make one or two gunstocks before you buy or make your bottoming tools. To make your own, forge and file ¼ inch drill rods to the length and shape you find desirable for making your deep cuts, harden and temper, sharpen on an oilstone, and then fit into wooden handles. Keep the heat at a cherry red while you are working it and draw the temper to a purple. These colors used in heat treatment are explained fully in a later chapter.

    Carving tools, in the trade sense, are special tools, usually done up in sets. A typical set consists of nine tools, two sharpening slips and a small oilstone. The tools include firmers, corner firmers, V-gouge, scroll, hollow and extra flat gouges. The most famous maker of such carving tools has been F. V. Addis & Sons, London, England, but tool makers in the United States have gradually captured this trade. The reason for the supremacy of the Addis Co. in the past is that there was a limited demand for wood carving in America.

    Cold chisels are necessary if you do much metalwork. There are four general types of cold chisels generally used. These are: (a) the ordinary flat chisel, usually called a chisel, for chipping flat surfaces; (b) the cape chisel, used for cutting keyways and grooves and for chipping flat surfaces in narrow places; (c) the diamond-point chisel, used for cutting holes in solid metal and similar purposes; and (d) the round-nose chisel, sometimes called a gouge, used where a sharp corner is not wanted, and for other special purposes.

    Cold chisels are classed as to size according to the width of the cutting point. The length of chisels varies greatly and depends upon the purpose for which they will be used. When you start your tool collection, obtain a ¼ inch chisel; follow this with a ¼ inch chisel. Add various sizes and types as you find the need for them. It is difficult to advise a beginner about the selection of cold chisels because no one knows the kind of work he will attempt. Chisels can be made from old files or from pieces of hexagonal tool steel.

    Firmer chisels are ground on both sides so that cuts can be taken in any direction without changing the grip on the tool. Firmers come in various widths and lengths, some being 1 inch wide while others are as narrow as the hyphen (-). When wood carvers speak of firmers, they do so to distinguish their own chisels, which are sharpened on both sides, from the carpenter’s chisels, which are sharpened on one side only, and cannot be used easily for many wood-carving cuts because they must be turned constantly to avoid spoiling the work. Skew chisels, skews, or corner firmers are ground off diagonally with an edge that has a sharp point on one side.

    Gouges are chisels but all chisels are not gouges. The difference lies in the shape of the blade; the gouge has a concave-convex cross section, which may also be described as scoop-like. Gouges arc made in all widths and in varying degrees of curvature, starting with the extra flat, which has very little curvature, through the scroll gouge, which has more curvature, to the hollow gouge, which has a semicircular cutting edge or one which follows the curvature of a circle. Small hollow gouges are called veiners. Still smaller hollow gouges are called eye tools.

    Gouges can be made from drill rods having diameters from ⅛ inch to ½ inch, progressing by 16ths, that is, after the ⅛ inch rod comes the , inch rod, etc. Using a file, work the drill rod down to a taper so that the shape at the cutting end will be that of a semicircle, and then file out the inside, harden and temper. Turn down the opposite end enough to fit it into a wooden handle. When finished, the gouge should project about 4 or 4½ inches from the handle, which means that about 6 or 6½ inches of drill rod is needed for each gouge.

    Socket chisels are short carpenters’ chisels for rough work. They are subclassified as Socket Butt, Socket Firmer, Socket Framing, Socket Pocket, etc. Socket Butt chisels run from ¼ inch to 2 inches wide; Socket Firmer chisels run from ⅛ inch to 2 inches wide; Socket Framing chisels run from 1 inch to 2 inches wide; Socket Pocket or Cabinet chisels run from ¼ inch to 2 inches wide. The blade is usually from 2 to 5½ inches long, with an average of about 3½ or 4 inches. These figures are, of course, general; the actual dimensions vary among the manufacturers.

    Special Wood Carving Knives, Wood Chisel Blades, and Inletting Chisels are shown on Plate 17. The Special Wood Carving Knives illustrated on that plate are designed from patterns which originated in Sweden. Only a few of the many shapes are shown. The blades vary in length from 2½ to about 5 inches, with an average length of about 3 inches for the majority of patterns. They are made with a tang that extends through the handle and is riveted.

    The Wood Chisel Blades on Plate 17 illustrate the principles of chisel design already discussed. The Inletting Chisels are for stock-makers. A set of eleven, similar to those shown on Plate 17, is considered necessary for all-around work.

    Having explained the better known types of chisels, we can now consider briefly the engraving tools shown on Plate 20. The Die Sinkers’ Chisels are so called because they are the type of tool used by die sinkers, who are engravers of dies, for stamping coins, medals, etc. These chisels are made from the finest tool steel, according to old, established patterns. A set of twelve shapes provides enough variety for most difficult cutting or engraving. The Flat Engraving Tools shown on Plate 20 are likewise professional tools. Explanations of the use of such professional engraving tools are given in the chapter on etching and engraving, together with suggestions for making your own tools.

    Clamps.—These tools are used wherever parts must be brought together, as by a screw or screws, for holding temporarily or for compressing. See Figure 3, Plate 26. C Clamps can be bought for a few cents in any dime store; they are useful for various temporary holding purposes, such as the welding operation on Plate 26, for gluing horn, wooden insets, ebony, plastic material, or ivory to forearm tips or pistol grips; for holding down work on a power tool, such as a drill press, and for many other operations.

    In addition to the C clamps, there are carpenters’ and machinists’ clamps, the better grade of the latter being called toolmakers’ clamps; all of these have two parallel jaws and two clamping screws. Each of the clamping screws

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