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The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia
The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia
The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia
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The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia

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Expert bowhunter and archery traditionalist Dan Bertalan has compiled the most complete bowmaking text available today. By traveling coast to coast and consulting America’s top bowmakers, he has gathered the best information on how to build your own recurve longbow, improve your hunting skills, care properly for a bow, and more. Including descriptive photographs, diagrams, a complete glossary of terms, and reviews of particular bows that include draw/force measurements and hand-shot arrow speeds, this illuminating book will provide hunters, collectors, and others with invaluable insight into this specialized world.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.
Release dateJul 17, 2007
The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia

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    The Traditional Bowyers Encyclopedia - Dan Bertalan


    It’s been almost two decades since I traversed the nation, literally from the Atlantic to the Pacific, interviewing thirty of America’s top traditional bowyers during the summer of 1987 and early into 1988. My goal back then was to capture a thick slice of traditional bowmaking history rich in the heritage and technical aspects that make it so intriguing to true toxophilites.

    Despite being in awe while interviewing archery legends such as Fred Bear and Earl Hoyt, Jr. back then, it was still difficult to truly appreciate the magnitude of how quickly chapters in even modern history can change. And although those individual slices of time are fragile things that are here one day and gone the next, like the passing of those true pioneers of the sport, the overall continuum that makes a broader history remains unbroken. Because really, the older chapters merely gather some more of time’s dust while a few new ones add to the overall volume. In the end, the greater history of bowmaking and archery in America hasn’t changed its foundation other than the addition of a newer chapter here and there.

    If you think about it, this particular subject matter alone, traditional bowmaking and old-time archery, lends itself to becoming locked in something of a time capsule. Yew wood longbows today are handcrafted much the same way they were five hundred years ago in England. Composite recurves are made essentially the same way Fred Bear and Earl Hoyt made them sixty years ago during the birth of modern bowhunting.

    Perhaps the most significant changes aren’t in the technical aspects of traditional bowmaking or the overall history. No, the real change lies more within the people who choose to shoot traditional bows.

    Twenty years ago saw the first big resurgence in traditional archery. The deviation from popular compound archery to old-time archery seemed a huge leap at the time. But let’s put that into today’s perspective. Over the past two decades we have seen phenomenal changes in compound bow technology with improvements in let-off, speed, design and overall performance. Arrows have also changed in their construction and impacts on both modern and old-time archery. We have witnessed dramatic changes in everyday life too, like the Internet, cloning, cell phones, plasma screens, iPods, smart-bombs, and technology that seemed like science fiction not so long ago. So the people today who choose to step back in time into the world of traditional archery in fact take a bigger leap than we did decades ago.

    However, the main reason why today’s traditional archer makes that leap remains essentially the same. If you sample a cross section of people who shoot traditional gear today, you’ll still get a core who have loved traditional bows forever and will never stray from that path. Then there’s that wider audience of those who have sampled the challenges and rewards of shooting compound bows and eventually have been lured into trying the magic of shooting old-time bows, with its richer, longer history and whole new range of challenges. Whether they choose to shoot those longbows or recurves during a certain hunting trip or archery event, or for that matter, switch back and forth to their compound, doesn’t take away from their interest in traditional archery or remove them from the ranks. In fact, it may broaden their scope of archery altogether. Either way, shooting a variety of bows shouldn’t disqualify someone from being a traditional archer in an ever-shrinking realm of interest in today’s shooting sports. As Ron Pittsley so aptly points out in a new chapter in his classic philosophical style, In my experience in promoting archery within large and small archery companies, I never tried to let myself get pigeonholed as an archer. That’s one reason I welcome all archers, including compound archers. I think it’s important to gain a much broader view of how the shrinking sport of archery is functioning within our world, and the open-mindedness that it takes to promote it.

    So young or old, new or experienced, transitional from compound or not, traditional archers are still traditional archers. And this book offers all of them a wholesome chunk of American archery history. Within these pages you’ll discover centuries of cumulative bowmaking and bowhunting adventures. In fact, you’re holding the single most comprehensive text on the subject. It contains individual chapters on the original thirty bowyers profiled years ago, plus a new chapter on Ron Pittsley, who symbolizes the bridging and unification of the past twenty years within traditional bowmaking. When reading the new chapter on Predator traditional bows, don’t be surprised if you sense a different style from the following ones. Two decades can change a great many things, including the pen of the writer. This new chapter also focuses on the essence of traditional archery for many shooters and perhaps even offers the secret to happiness in the sport. To bring you up to date on the past twenty years, we have included an update on the recent status of the original thirty bowyers and their companies. We’ve even included some changes in the author’s professional life.

    Because of its depth, this book can be used to fulfill a vast variety of interests in traditional archery. For the historian, it tracks the birth of archery in America and follows its growth into modern bowhunting. It profiles the heydays of traditional archery and the changes over seventy years. For the archer exploring traditional archery for the first time, it holds a treasure chest of information on what to look for in gear and how to use it effectively. For the budding or experienced traditional bowyer, these chapters hold the detailed bowmaking techniques and experience of a nation. Since the first penning of this book, thousands have used it as a detailed guide to building their longbows and recurves. For traditional shooters who want to improve their shooting skills it reveals more sage instinctive shooting advice than any four other books on the subject. And that’s vital because a single book or video on instinctive shooting technique can’t begin to fulfill the broad instructional arena of instinctive shooting for the masses.

    As an added bonus for instinctive shooters, there’s a new section in the chapter on Predator traditional bows that reveals detailed information on the latest in conquering target panic and honing instinctive shooting form. For archers shopping for the ultimate traditional bow to help them achieve the most gratification in the sport, these pages hold a wealth of secrets to knowing what properties to look for in a longbow or recurve then how to make that bow perform to your expectations. That alone is a tall order. For the traditional bowhunter, there are enough stories and bowhunting tips to help you hone every aspect of your adventures afield — from what gear to use to outwit those elusive antlered trophies.

    Finally, for the entire audience of traditional archery buffs, these pages hold something that’s seldom found anywhere else. If you look past the printed words and absorb the true meaning from the pages you read, you’ll discover the biggest treasure of all. It’s the often ethereal, yet very real secret to finding your personal fulfillment in something that you love — traditional archery.

    As you read these pages for the first time or as a repeat, you’ll find that the spirit within each chapter remains the same. All of the bowyers reveal their detailed bowmaking techniques that helped spawn the first big revolution in traditional archery that lives on today. They offer their perspectives and philosophy on bowmaking, delving into the tricks of the trade and innovations that make up traditional bowcrafting. In fact, much of the book wades into the technical aspects of almost every part of crafting a traditional bow — from cutting the trees in the forest to the bow’s final finish. To help you with all the bowmaking terminology, this book also contains a comprehensive glossary and bow diagram reference. You’ll even find an index to aid in locating specific items or points of interest.

    Because the information here is so technical relative to bow performance, each bow profiled includes draw/force measurements and qualified hand-shot arrow speeds. A dual-cell chronograph was used to record the hand-shot arrow speeds. Results vary with a shooter’s draw and release. To minimize these shooter inconsistencies, only the top three arrow speeds from a sampling of many were used to obtain an average relative chronographed arrow speed. Of course, there are significant variables affecting arrow speed, such as the draw length of the shooter, arrow weight, arrow length, fletching, nock type, bowstring type, bowstring accessories, bow specifics, and shooter characteristics — all of which are noted along with the arrow speeds from the bows measured. So as you browse through the information, try to qualify the results with these human and physical variables.

    Besides the wealth of information about selecting a bow and what makes different styles of bows perform, the sage of bowyers in this book offer valuable advice on how to care for your bow. And they all give advice on how to shoot with distinctive and often diverse insights on instinctive form, including both the mental and physical sides of the challenge — from trick shooting to arrowing big game when your nerves are frayed.

    As with every meaty archery book, you’ll also be served a hearty helping of bowhunting adventure here, blended with solid how-to hunting information. With more than seven hundred years of cumulative bowhunting experience, these bowmakers offer hunting stories aplenty, and few are shy about telling how to bag the big ones or telling about the big ones that almost bagged them. These wry bowmen discuss specific hunting techniques, including what gear they use and why — from boots to broadheads.

    Though you might not expect it from the title, this book will also take you on a grand travel adventure of sorts. It starts near the granite shores of the Atlantic along the Hudson River and ends at the misty beaches of the northern Pacific coast. So as you turn the pages, absorb the feel of the passing countryside, linger in the historic towns, stroll through the dusty bow shops, tour the factories and homes as you discover each bowmaker’s special world of traditional archery.

    Unlike the chapters that follow it, chapter two is historical fiction that recreates a segment in the lives of the Yana Indians who once carved out a niche of existence in northern California. Although fictional in part, the spirit of this chapter, The Early Ones, represents a magical thread that transcends time and space between today’s traditional bowyers and that lost race. For Ishi and his people, bowmaking was a way of life, a way of death, and remained the ultimate craft that reflected the spirit of a person.

    Now, a hundred years later, for the men in the following thirty-one chapters, bowmaking remains the ultimate craft.

    So sit back long into the nights as you share and savor their tradition within these pages — a tradition that now runs through your veins too.

    Dan Bertalan

    Madison, Wisconsin, 2007

    Chapter One


    It’s ironic that the new millennium is perhaps the best time in the history of mankind to become a traditional archer.

    Primitive hunters roaming the late Paleolithic landscape may have had good hunting opportunities in an unspoiled wilderness with their crude bows and arrows. But they were also on the menu of warm-blooded prey and hunted by a host of predators that had developed a long-standing taste for human flesh. Until stone points came along, nasty carnivores such as saber-toothed lions commonly made short work of us fangless, clawless, shrieking bipeds. However, the development of the bow and atlatl quickly changed all that. In no time, we spear and arrow-flinging humans wiped out most of the large predators, and many of the large herbivores for that matter. For some 10,000 years, the bow and arrow impacted which species lived or perished across the land.

    Despite the havoc that predators inflicted on primitive archers, other primitive cultures with their archers posed an even bigger threat. The forgotten history of mankind around the world is littered with the bone dust of societies that were blotted off the face of the earth with bows and arrows. Since the first time that an arrow stopped a beating human heart, more cultures have been wiped out using bows and arrows than perhaps any other single type of weaponry. For thousands upon thousands of years, man killed man using bows and arrows in almost every corner of every continent. The bow was a daily companion in defending life and delivering death.

    Thankfully, times have changed for today’s archer. Unless they live in the deepest recesses of the Amazon, archers no longer kill each other with their bows and arrows. Oh sure, mankind still openly kills his fellow man because of religious, cultural, or political differences. We simply use more civilized means of destroying mass life nowadays. The bow has been removed from the equation.

    So in the end, today’s archer no longer faces the lethal threats from wild beasts and fellow archers that they endured for eons. Other than hunting in bear country, or the rare cougar encounter, we no longer have to look over our shoulder in fear of being picked off by some predator. We take our bows afield with little worry of being eaten by lions or bears. And modern fatalities from arrows are as rare as hen’s teeth, or about one in three million, annually — and accidentally. Based on those qualifications of safety alone, this is the best time of all to be a traditional archer.

    Even with the mortal dangers removed from the formula, it’s still the best time to be a traditional archer — especially for those interested in bowhunting. We can roam the woods and mountains freely in quest of bowhunting adventure. And oh what adventure awaits us there.

    More deer inhabit North America today than at anytime in recorded history. In addition to the estimated thirty million out there now, the number keeps growing by almost one million animals a year. With each yearly jump in populations, more and more bowhunting opportunities spring up across the nation from overpopulated parks and neighborhoods filled with deer to the open prairies where hunters can see a dozen trophy bucks a day. But today’s bowhunter’s feast afield doesn’t end with deer alone. Black bear, elk, pronghorn, and turkey have all surpassed one-hundred year highs in many parts of the country. Combine this wildlife boom with a shrinking number of hunters pursuing them, and you have the best hunting opportunities in species, seasons, bag limits, and distribution seen by modern archers. Fred Bear once commented that he was happy when he saw one buck during a hunt back in the 1940s. In contrast, today’s recurve or longbow shooter can see more than fifty deer a day in some areas. The recent boom in bowfishing with traditional gear also reflects changing times. Expanded access to waterways, plus refinements in today’s bowfishing gear, have opened up more bowfishing opportunities for archers than ever before.

    If Fred Bear were still alive today, he would also have to agree that traditional bows, arrows, and broadheads are better than ever. The shrinking availability of quality cedar and the blossoming growth of the carbon arrow industry have provided traditional archers with the straightest, strongest and most indestructible arrows that have ever been launched from a bow. Admittedly, today’s carbon arrows don’t hold the same nostalgic value as cedar. But they unquestionably allow a traditional archer to shoot more accurately and deliver more of the bow’s stored kinetic energy into speed, arrow flight, and penetration. Top that off with today’s broadhead designs and sharpness, and you have the most effective combinations to ever jump from the string of a traditional hunting bow.

    Though they haven’t changed as much as arrows in the past twenty years, today’s traditional bows represent the cumulative evolution of seventy years of modern bowmaking. The design, materials, and craftsmanship of the longbows and recurves being made today have never been better. And the end results are bows that shoot better and are more durable than ever before. The only drawback is perhaps that the selection has never been more daunting. The combination of materials and designs from some bowyers alone is enough to confound any budding archer. Compound that with hundreds of bowyers and you have the widest selection of traditional bows to ever complicate or delight the marketplace. Despite these complications, it’s still the best time ever to be shopping for or shooting one of today’s traditional bows.

    This isn’t just opinion either. It’s a scientific fact.

    Norb Mullaney, a professional engineer from Wisconsin, has tested more recurves and longbows over the past forty-seven years than anyone in the country. His technical knowledge of bow design and performance is unsurpassed, his opinions unbiased. And although he has seen more dramatic changes in compound bow design over the past twenty years, he still marvels at the progression of traditional bow designs.

    The newer generation of hybrid longbows with their deflex-reflex design, says Mullaney, have made the greatest strides in shooting and performance over the years. They are still classified as a longbow yet they are now as nice to shoot as a recurve. And more bowyers are making these hybrids. They are actually superior in performance to many of the older high performance recurves of thirty years ago.

    Norb notes that in his testing of bows, a 540-grain arrow is typically shot from a sixty-pound bow drawn 28.25 inches from low point of the grip to bowstring. He recalls that many of the classic recurves from the 1960s and 1970s tested in the 180 to 190 FPS (feet per second) range. Many of today’s recurves, and longbows for that matter, shoot arrows in the 200 to 206 FPS range. Some of this can be attributed to improvements in bowstring materials, some to bow design and materials.

    Unidirectional fiberglass backing and facing over limb corewoods has been the standard within the traditional bowmaking industry for nearly 60 years. Fiberglass provides the external rigidity and durability of a working bow limb. Nonetheless, as today’s bowyers push the technology envelope, some are trying new materials and designs that leave traditional fiberglass and typical limb cross sections in the past.

    Some bowyers, such as O.L. Adcock, says Norb, have designed some unique varying limb cross sections that result in a lighter limb with increased dynamic limb performance. The limb design of the Adcock bow makes it very shootable by taking out the typical hand-shock of a longbow with lightening the limb. The result is a longbow that shoots an impressive 210 FPS.

    Besides new approaches to limb cross section design, some bowyers such as veteran bowyer Arvid Danielson at Black Swan Archery, have broken the tradition of using fiberglass for limb backing and facing. Most attempts at carbon facing on bow limbs, Norb explains, had to be covered with a layer of fiberglass to protect the more fragile carbon. That just added more mass weight to the limb. But Arvid’s designs have overcome this, which has resulted in less limb weight and superior tension qualities. It improved performance up into the 210 FPS category. The only other traditional bow design with that kind of performance was one of Mike Fedora’s recurves that was also in the 210 FPS range. That was an exceptionally fine bow.

    Mullaney notes that most of the higher performance recurves today top out around 206 FPS. And even though bowyers still strive for innovations that will set them apart in the race for speed, Norb doubts that many will be able to exceed the 210 FPS speeds that appear to be the upper reaches of materials and design of a traditional bow.

    Perhaps the final arena where traditional archers enjoy the best times ever is in archery information. The concept of Gutenberg’s printing press pretty much dominated archery information and lore for some five hundred years until Howard Hill’s archery exploits hit the movie screens in the mid-1900s. Adding to books and movie shorts, Fred Bear later inspired a nation of sportsmen with his movie and television adventures. Years later, bowhunting magazines and videos followed with a flood of archery and bowhunting topics, adding to the growing volume of books. By the late 1980s, there seemed more than enough information to wet the appetites of those interested in old-time archery and traditional bowhunting.

    But then two things happened.

    Closely following the heels of the renewed interest in traditional archery, a band of traditional archers from Oregon decided to publish the first magazine dedicated exclusively to traditional bowhunting. The first issue of Traditional Bowhunter Magazine hit the newsstands in the fall of 1989 with a run of 20,000 magazines. Today, they publish 65,000 and the magazine is recognized as the definitive resource for traditional archery, bowhunting, bowyers, and gear. Traditional archery has gained a lot of respect within the archery community, says Larry Fischer, one of the founders of the magazine. In fact, traditional archery has become so popular that even the mainstream archery magazines now have special sections on traditional bowhunting. We can’t claim that we grew traditional archery, but we can claim that we are the printed catalyst that brought those interested in traditional archery together.

    Larry notes that the spark of interest that ignited the new trend in traditional archery twenty years ago has grown into a full-fledged fire of interest in recent years. The fifty or so bowyers that we had back in the late 1980’s has grown to perhaps five hundred today. Half of those are relatively small workshop businesses. Even the number of overseas and European bowyers has been growing leaps and bounds.

    The biggest change Larry has seen is in the participation at the traditional archery gatherings. In the late 1980s, the Great Lakes Longbow Invitational in Michigan, was the biggest gathering in the country, drawing about two old-time archers for the shooting events and festivities. Though that seemed big at the time, today’s numbers at traditional archery gatherings such as Denton Hills in Pennsylvania and the Compton in Berrien Springs, Michigan can draw crowds of up to 10,000 participants. Not only that, adds Larry, you now have lots of states that have their own traditional archery clubs and host lots of smaller shoots that pull in five hundred to a thousand shooters. And the best part within this growth is seeing all the new young people getting into traditional archery as their first attempt in archery. Anytime you get young people involved it’s good for the future of the sport.

    Like others with their finger on the traditional archery pulse of America, Larry estimates that about 10 percent of the three million archers in the nation regularly shoot traditional gear, while maybe as many as 30 percent own and occasionally shoot traditional bows.

    Although Traditional Bowhunter Magazine made a resounding impact on the printed information gap within traditional archery circles, the explosion of the Internet over the past decade has changed the lives of everyone on the planet — including archery information buffs.

    Today, Internet browsers have instant access to more information on traditional archery and bowhunting than could have been imagined twenty years ago. A Web search on traditional archery nets 1,250,000 results while a search on traditional bowhunting nets 257,000 results. The range and volume of information on the subject is suddenly overwhelming. Now, instead of waiting for magazines or catalogs to come in the mail then sifting through printed information about shopping for or shooting traditional bows, Internet users can wade through the full spectrum of multimedia where they can read information, view images, listen to audio presentations, and even watch videos — all for free.

    One of the most popular traditional bow sites is, the traditional counterpart of, which were both created by Pat Lefemine. Joining the list of traditional archery and bowhunting information Web sites are, ,, and a host of others. Searches on related topics such as traditional bows, recurve bows, longbows, and instinctive shooting could fill truckloads if they were printed. And when it’s all said and done, today’s traditional archer has never had more vivid and comprehensive information at his or her fingertips. Whether shopping for the ultimate bow or looking for accessory gear, the information is simply a click away.

    As we look from our electronic Internet world back over the past 10,000 years of man shooting sticks and stings for a variety of reasons, today, right here and now, is by far the very best time to be a traditional archer. Primitive hunters may have had grand days to recount around the campfire about the great beasts they felled with their bows. But their days were also tainted with stories of hunters who didn’t return because the beasts ultimately proved too great to slay. Native Americans locked in tribal battle with hostile foes for decades had many a bad day with bow in hand, arrow in flesh. Ancient skeletons from primitive cultures with flint, copper, and bronze arrowheads imbedded in bone only hint at the many bad days afield with bows and arrows. For the legions of Roman archers on the battlefields during the Byzantine era, their glory was tainted with blood and pain. For waves of Crusaders who ventured east to reclaim the Holy Land for the pope, the hiss of an arrow was perhaps the final sound to reach their ears. For the longbowmen on the killing grounds at Agincourt, shooting their yew bows was gruesome business that blurred with mud and blood over countless days in the Hundred Year’s War that consumed nations. For Ishi and the last of his native tribe, the precious bow proved insufficient to defend their final strongholds in a virgin continent against the land lust of the endless waves of white men. Nonetheless, Ishi passed on his great love for the bow to a white doctor named Pope. And Pope, with his crude homemade gear, ultimately inspired our fathers of modern bowhunting.

    So really, when put in the vivid perspectives of time, circumstance, and space, this is unquestionably the best time ever to be a traditional archer. Hopefully, with full appreciation of that fact, you can now sit back and enjoy the following pages to help you savor the history and richness of today’s world of bows and arrows.

    Venture onward friend, and share the spirit that has brought you this far.

    Chapter Two


    A faint rustle from the brush ahead sent the two boys diving among the broken rocks near the creek. It was a poor place to hide, but circumstance gave them little choice. Their naked bodies were covered with red dust that clung in patches to the sweat-lined wrinkles around their necks and frightened eyes. Neither one dared breathe as they heard the padded footfalls approaching.

    Straining, in slow snakelike movements, the boys contorted their bronzed bodies to conform with crevices in the broken rocks. Their brown eyes exchanged expressions of fear and excitement. Suddenly, a menacing shadow darkened their faces and paused near their hiding place.

    Like their little brother the rock lizard, the boys slowly squinted and stopped all outward expression of life. Tightened stomachs ached as they breathed in harmony with the distant floating clouds. To become one with the lifeless red rocks was their only hope.

    Soon, the feared one resumed her steady pace up the narrow trail to the woods. She was carrying her wood gathering harness and water skin. Today, they would be safe. The boys emerged from the rocks, grinning in triumph, and continued down the path to the base of the great cliff.

    The feared one was Uni-na, the old crazy hag. Her ancient withered face held deep-set, blackened eyes that could cast a wicked curse on a child. The evil spirits that haunted the distant singing caves sometimes traveled on the north winds and entered the old woman’s head, sending her into a rage. When touched by these spirits, she wandered about casting evil curses on children reckless enough to get caught in her path.

    The adults in the village paid little attention to her odd behavior. They knew she was the harmless crazy one. The children, however, ran wild-eyed into the hills, hiding until the old woman tired and wandered back to her hut near the overhang of the great cliff.

    Uni-na was forced to live there, isolated from the rest of the village, where her crazy antics wouldn’t disrupt the harmonious tribe. Even though she was struck by the spirits, the old crazy one could not be completely banished from the tribe. She was the woman of the tribe’s creator of man-nee, Chu-no-wa-yahi, the crafter of the bow.

    Like two graceful deer, the boys trotted down the trail to the base of the great cliff where the bowmaker lived. There, squatting next to a smoldering morning fire, the old man stirred the embers. The boys saw past the ragged furs, the matted grey hair, and the leathery skin draped over the hunched pile of gnarled bones. In their eyes he would remain the mighty warrior Chu-no-wa-yahi.

    From the corner of his eye the old man saw the boys approaching, but ignored them and began a low guttural chant while he continued working on an unborn bow. The boys knew the chant was the old warrior’s special way of greeting them. Even though he cherished their bright faces near his fire, the old bowmaker was too proud to openly greet the boys. With eyes full of admiration, the two slowly crept near the fire pit, kneeling in the reddish dust near the old man.

    When his audience settled, the bowmaker’s chant turned into the broken song of an ancient tribal tale. Chu-no-wa-yahi’s story was of the great hunter Yano-ni-yahi, who discovered the hidden valley of the white deer. As his quivering, rhythmic song entranced the boys, Chu-no-wa-yahi continued his meticulous crafting of the bow cradled over his shoulder. Spellbound, the youths wondered if the ancient magic from the story was flowing from the old man’s hands into the emerging bow.

    Several high pitched fawn bleats passed from Chu-no-wa-yahi’s pressed lips, as he recounted how Yano-ni-yahi lured the snow white doe into bow range by imitating a distressed fawn. As the old man fashioned the bow, the growling rasps of sandstone against juniper intensified the description of Yano-ni-yahi’s pounding heart and the final gasps of the great white deer. When the old bow crafter finally reached the legend’s climax, the boys were amazed to see that he had transformed the rough juniper stave into the fine outline of a young bow.

    The old bowmaker saw in their eyes that the boys were anxious to become men and receive their tribal bows, but two acorn harvests would pass before they could enter the men’s lodge and become young warriors. Chu-no-wa-yahi tried to quiet their restless spirits by telling them that the staves they had helped gather would be ready to become bows when they became men.

    Earlier that spring, the boys had helped the old bowmaker gather straight juniper staves from the shadowed slopes of Waganupa, the great mountain two days north of the village. Chu-no-wa-yahi would slowly wander through the stands of juniper, carefully selecting the straightest and strongest branches. Usually, these were the lower branches which grew slowly from lack of sunlight. After spying a perfect branch, he would have the agile youths carefully whittle off the stave.

    Their young arms knotted in pain during the endless job of gently whittling free the tough branch. Although they were tempted to hack at the stubborn wood with the flint hand axe, they knew it was strictly forbidden by the old bow crafter. Hacking at the branch or attempting to break it could cause unseen lengthwise cracks that would make the stave useless for crafting a fine bow. The boys learned that prized staves were to be treated with the same gentleness as a helpless newborn.

    Once gathered, the staves were taken back to the village near the base of the great cliff. There they were carefully split in half and bundled together with straight pieces of seasoned wood to keep them straight during aging. With the sapwood facing down, the staves were laid on wooden racks deep in a crevice at the base of the cliff. Protected from rain and sun, the winds of many seasons would slowly age the staves until it was their time to become bows.

    The old bowmaker knew when a piece of juniper was ready to be crafted into a bow. He carefully inspected a prospective stave, first with searching eyes, and then with his calloused, tactile hands. He flexed it between his powerfully outstretched arms, and tested the sapwood with his thumbnail. Finally, he smelled the split portion of the juniper, searching for the telltale aroma of a ripely seasoned piece. Chu-no-wa-yahi told the boys how a piece of juniper, ready to be born into a bow, whispers softly to the eyes, nose, and hands: I am strong. I am worthy. I am ready.

    After the staves were cut and seasoned, the boys would not touch them. Soon they would be bows and tribal custom strictly forbade children and women from touching man-nee. If by some careless act the bow was touched by a woman or child, it was taken to the river and washed thoroughly in sand and water. This cleansing from the earth removed any bad luck cast on man-nee by forbidden hands.

    Using small flint or obsidian scraping tools and pieces of sandstone, Chu-no-wa-yahi fashioned the rough staves. He never wasted a movement. His withered hands glided gracefully back and forth like winging cliff swallows as he shaped the emerging bow. He preferred crafting during the mornings when the sun reflected off the great cliff and illuminated the wood, revealing the fine grain within, guiding his skilled hands along the emerging lines of power and grace.

    Once a flatbow was rough shaped, the old warrior trimmed both ends until the bow spanned from his outstretched hand to his opposite hip. Using a small piece of rounded sandstone, he gently smoothed all surfaces until they flowed together in one harmonious contour. The old crafter taught the boys that the power and smoothness within man-nee depended on the perfect blending of the flat limbs into the rounded, narrower ends, and the thicker handle.

    During the final sanding, Chu-no-wa-yahi would string a bow with a long sinew cord and gently draw back the string with his hand while holding the center of the bow with his outstretched foot. By raising his leg, his skilled eye could easily survey the bending arc of man-nee to ensure the balance and symmetry of both limbs. He taught the boys that the limbs must be shaped to bend in a perfect arc and in harmony, like the sweeping wings of the great eagle in flight.

    When finished sanding, the bowmaker would lean into the glowing embers of the fire and scrape away smoldering coals from two large rocks near the edge of the pit. Squinting from the hot smoke, his ancient face sometimes looked more frightening than the crazy old hag. After the embers were cleared, the old man would wedge one end of the bow between the closely spaced rocks and gently begin bending the tip until it weakened from the heat. Once the tip was bent into a slight recurve, it was held in place between two cool rocks in the shade of the wood pile. When both ends were bent and set, the tips were slightly trimmed on the edges to accept the deer sinew bowstring.

    Once man-nee was shaped into its final form, it was time for both bow and crafter to rest. Chu-no-wa-yahi would gently lay the emerging bow flat on a grass mat near the back of his crowded hut. There, the bow rested, face upward, for a full day before the tedious work of backing the new weapon began. He told the boys that man-nee, like the newborn fawn, must rest after the first day of creation.

    The old man often employed the energies of tribal children to chew dried sinew from deer leg tendons into a soft workable form. While the children sat near the fire with puffed mouths full of fibrous sinew, the old bow crafter would prepare a fresh pot of salmon skin glue. The pungent aroma from the bubbling mixture and the constant chewing of dried deer tendons quieted both the appetite and the conversation of the youths squatted around the fire.

    Before summoning the children to his fireside, the old man would send Uni-na, the crazy one, down river for the day to collect fresh willow bark for wrapping the bow. Although she had been his woman since their youth, he could not have her near his fire when he needed unworn teeth and tireless jaws to help prepare the sinew.

    Once chewed, the sinew was separated into soft fibers, and soaked in a diluted mixture of salmon glue while the old man roughened the bow back with a coarse piece of sandstone. Chu-no-wa-yahi would then apply overlapping layers of the sticky sinew along the back of the bow. His glue-covered hands looked like two squat spiders spinning the sticky strands of sinew up and down the bow. After gluing several layers of sinew, he tightly wrapped the bow in fresh willow bark.

    Protected in the back of Chu-no-wa-yahi’s hut, the new bow rested for several weeks while the sinew and glue mixture cured. When it was dried, the bowmaker removed the willow bark and sanded the ragged edges of the sinew with a small piece of red sandstone. He would then hand-rub more hot salmon glue over the entire bow until it shined smooth like a wet snake. Finally, he wrapped a buckskin thong around the handle section. Chu-no-wa-yahi fashioned the leather grip with great care to exactly fit the hand of the new owner, allowing the bow and the hunter to function as one.

    As a young man, Chu-no-wa-yahi had been praised as one of the most skillful hunters of the village. While hunting, his bow was a part of him; an extension of his spirit. His shots at running deer and flying fowl were already entwined into the village’s evening fireside stories. Over the years, his great love and respect for the bow had grown into a fascination for crafting the finest bows in the land. And now, every hunter in the village owned and treasured one of Chu-no-wa-yahi’s magical creations. Although other men in the village made adequate bows; none matched the beauty or performance of those that emerged from the fireside of Chu-no-wa-yahi. In the hands of a patient hunter, his bows seldom failed to bring home needed game for the village. They were truly magic.

    The old man’s skill at crafting bows was also respected by tribes in the far hills to the east and north. Although others from different villages had tried to make bows similar to Chu-no-wa-yahi’s, they failed to achieve the mystical performance of the old crafter’s bows. They somehow lacked the special combination of knowledge, skill, patience, and the great love for bows that Chu-no-wa-yahi held in his heart. To the old man, creating a bow was not a labor — it was his love, it was his spirit, it was his existence.

    The two boys yearned to create bows like Chu-no-wa-yahi and spent hours watching as he passed on more of his sacred craft to them. They, in turn, brightened his heart with their youthful, sparkling faces at his fireside. Surprisingly, the days passed without the disturbing thoughts or fire-side talk of Saltu, the hated white men who were beginning to invade the lowlands to the west. Like a dark cloud within his heart, the old man feared that it was a matter of time before the dreaded white men came into the hills and forced the tribe back into the harsh canyons that only the deer and the eagle called home.

    But days with the young boys were peaceful and comforting. They reminded him of his youth, and at night he dreamt of hunting deer when he was young, and in his sleep, his arms drew the imaginary bow intertwined with his spirit.

    After leaving Chu-no-wa-yahi each evening, the two boys walked up the trail back to the village, and carried in their hearts a special bond with the old man. At day’s end, they renewed their vows to one another: they would continue to learn the sacred crafting of man-nee from Chu-no-wa-yahi, they would also pass the craft on to their sons.

    As they said a silent good-night to one another with a meeting of the eyes, they knew in their hearts that someday they too would be the pride of the village like old Chu-no-wa-yahi, the legendary Yana crafter of man-nee, the creator of the bow.

    Chapter Three



    It happened years ago and the mists of time should have clouded the memory. Yet I can still see it as if it had happened yesterday. I can still hear the whack of the arrow as it hit.

    It was at one of the big sportsman shows held at the Novi Expo center near Detroit. A few hundred spectators crowded behind the shooting line where some of the nation’s top archers had been gathered for a shooting demonstration. The master of ceremonies stood behind the shooters with his microphone, announcing their credentials and giving a terse description of their archery gear. Four new foam deer targets with three-inch red paper dots in the kill zone stood 25 yards down range.

    The first up was some IBO champ or pro staffer who zinged two arrows from his compound into one of the 3-D deer. The arrows pinned the edges of the red dot on the side of the target. The man swaggered away from the line with the confidence that most pros need to take home their prize money. Polite applause filtered through the crowd.

    Another pro shooter of some ranking stepped up and repeated the feat with his compound. His long stabilizers hummed with each slap of the bowstring. This time the two arrows huddled in one another’s shadow. More applause.

    Murmurs rippled through the spectators as a young lady on the U.S. Olympic team stepped to the shooting line. She drew her graceful recurve, poised in perfect form until she drew the tip of the arrow past the clicker on her riser and the arrow leaped from the bow. It sailed into the fresh dot on another target. A hush settled over the crowd as she drew her second arrow. Her next shaft creased the outside edge of the dot. The applause rose into a mix of hoots and cheers. Yeah, a recurve bow with the right person behind it was really something worth watching. She smiled and waved to the onlookers. They smiled and waved back. The gal and her shooting were both things of beauty to behold.

    Finally, the announcer introduced the last shooter, a bowhunter shooting a 70-pound recurve of all things. He was some last-minute fill-in to show the crowd that some people still bowhunteddeer with an old-fashioned stick ‘n’ string. And to top it off, the guy had made his own bow and was displaying them at a booth in the show.

    Snickers arose from the throng. I could almost feel the poor guy’s guts twisting as he shuffled up to the line. His eyes nervously flicked back and forth from the remaining 3-D target to the floor near his feet as if he were hoping some hole would suddenly open up so he could escape the trap he was in. The only thing visibly remarkable about the guy was the apparent state of shock of being cast into the limelight plus having to perform with homemade traditional gear in front of world-class shooters. No, this wasn’t going to be pretty.

    I’d shot enough bows in competition to see a man defeated before he even tried. He hardly looked stout enough to handle the heavy draw weight. Shoulders slumped, he nocked an arrow and sighed heavily. He lifted his chin and gazed at the target, almost squinting. Then in a heartbeat he was someplace else, someone else from the shaken man who had stood there only seconds before.

    With fluid moment, he drew, held a rock-solid anchor, exhaled and pulled cleanly through the string with back tensionuntil a little string clicker on his limb made a barely audible tick. The arrow smacked dead center in the small dot. He didn’t appear to hear the cursing and gasps of surprise that came from the crowd as he drew his second arrow. He held this one at full draw even longer than the first, until his muscles began to tremble. Ah ha, now the truth would come out. But as he pulled on the bowstring, the quiver in his arm locked for a second, the clicker clicked, and the arrow jumped from the bow.

    From a 70-pound recurve at 25 yards it’s hard to clearly see the arrow in flight. But it was clear for everyone to see it when it rattled tightly against the first arrow in the dead center of the dot. Everybody in the place that day appeared shocked that some frumpy looking average Joe with a recurve could outshoot two pro compound shooters with release aids and an Olympic shooter, all using sights and stabilizers. The only person who didn’t look stunned was the recurve shooter who pulled his arrows quickly and with relief, shrugged almost apologetically to the pros, then vanished off to the side.

    Two things struck me that day about Ron Pittsley shooting his homemade Predator recurve in front of all those people — the honed shooting skills of the instinctive archer and his classic recurve were perhaps the two most impressive traditional things I had ever seen in public.

    There was so much pressure with all those people watching me, recalled Pittsley, over fifteen years later, "that I felt pretty inferior because I was trying to perform at something where I wasn’t even in the same league as those pro target shooters.

    "So I pretty much escaped into a tunnel vision and tried to focus on the shot. Somehow I managed to make two good shots into the target. They looked pretty good in comparison to the pros but I think it was because I was so stressed that I became more focused than anyone else shooting.

    But without question, I couldn’t have done that in front of all those people without the clicker making me go through all the steps of proper shooting form that required 110 percent of my concentration. Those steps are drawing the bow, reaching full draw, establishing a solid anchor, aiming, holding on the target, and increasing back tension until that clicker went off and told me it was time to shoot the arrow. I think that consistently good shots need to be partially mindless and the Crick-It allows that to happen.


    Ask a dozen traditional shooters what they want to achieve more than anything else in the sport and they will likely say they want to shoot the perfect arrow. For most archers, that simple, single act is the essence of shooting traditional gear. But of course it’s not so simple to achieve. Then if you ask them to define what shooting a perfect arrow means, they will include a few cornerstones such as being in control of the shot, having perfect form, and hitting exactly where they’re aiming. That all makes sense. However, if you watch that same dozen shooters on the practice line, few if any can achieve what they want most from shooting their bows — because few are in control of their shot, or demonstrate perfect form, or end up hitting where they’re aiming. Sorry, but it’s true. That fact alone is the biggest fundamental reason why so many people drop out of traditional archery. That’s also why the same number who enthusiastically try traditional archery each year almost equals the same number who drop out from shooting frustration. And that’s why the number of traditional archers who actively shoot traditional gear remains relatively constant. Perhaps the saddest part of all is that most of them who eventually drop out could actually learn how to shoot that perfect arrow if they had the right help. Recognizing that, then getting the help they need is the key to someone finding either fulfillment or disappointment in the essence of shooting. (If you read nothing else in this entire book, and wish to remain a traditional archer, take a moment to re-read this pivotal paragraph then honestly ask yourself where you fit in and what you want from traditional archery.)

    Even legends such as Fred Bear and Ben Pearson both had the malady of target panic, which is the psychological inability to reach full draw and aim at a target. In fact, the vast majority of archers shooting longbows and recurves eventually struggle with this affliction that prevents them from becoming fulfilled at something they so desperately want fulfillment in. At one time Ron Pittsley was also overcome with target panic. Yet unlike the thousands who have abandoned the sport because they couldn’t conquer it, Pittsley not only beat it to become one of the best instinctive shots in the nation, he perfected ways for everyone to beat it — and achieve the essence of shooting in traditional archery.

    The biggest challenge facing most traditional archers, says Pittsley, "is becoming proficient enough with their choice in bows to remain gratified with the sport over time. In traditional archery it’s definitely harder to make the arrow go where you want because of all the things the shooter has to do right every time. There’s a whole lot of open space around that target and a lot of places to hit other than the bull’s-eye. And it’s all just waiting for you to hit anywhere when you to do anything wrong. Those are some of the things that make traditional archery so unforgiving.

    "So first, you have to realize that archery, like a lot of shooting disciplines, requires practice and form. Shooting well doesn’t come from a mood or a good feeling. It requires proper and very deliberate physical actions to get the desired results. And that’s not a very easy concept for the masses to get a hold of. They tend to approach it more from an attitude of, hey, let’s just grab this thing to go shoot it and have fun. Sure, it’s fun hitting what you’re aiming at and that sometimes becomes a real distraction for most shooters.

    "The solution is first getting a realistic grasp on what it takes to ‘feel good’ about a shot. In part, if you want to feel good about picking up that bow and going out the door, you have to embrace practice habits with defined goals and make it a true discipline. Too many people approach their shooting with the attitude of hoping to be good at it. But few ever become really good with the I hope I can attitude."

    During medieval times, it was common for archers in warfare to shoot 90-pound longbows — about the physical limits of a robust man back then. Of course, they were tough dudes who didn’t work in an office all day. They lived or died by their ability to shoot heavy bows long distances. But today’s archer doesn’t need to shoot a heavy bow to survive. In fact, shooting too heavy of a draw weight inhibits the accuracy of most archers. Even though bow weights have come down since we stopped going to war with them, many archers have been over-bowed with too much draw weight since the resurgence of traditional archery. And that contributes greatly to causing target panic and poor shooting. The good news for traditional archery however is that bows weights have been coming down in recent years. Most bowyers, including Pittsley, note that the average bow going out the shop door has dropped 10 to 12 pounds in draw weight. This coming out of the Dark Ages in bow weight is good news for shooters and their form.

    To shoot really well, says Pittsley, you need to learn to anchor, aim, release with back tension, and follow through. But you can’t do all that when you’re over-bowed like so many shooters have been over the years. That prevents you from getting to step two, which is perfecting proper shooting form. Because without that, you can’t refine your confidence and you can’t acquire the skills to become gratified with shooting. That’s why so many people get frustrated and quit.


    Pittsley openly admits that he too was struggling desperately once with becoming the traditional shooter he wanted to be. However, the more he struggled, the worse his shooting got, until he almost threw in the towel. "Like many people in their early years of bowhunting, I wanted to succeed so badly. But there wasn’t any chance of that because I was trying to learn to shoot well exclusively while bowhunting. And bowhunting is not a good arena to learn how to shoot a bow because you’re under tremendous pressure that causes you to screw up, which manifests itself into more selfdoubt. I was so frustrated as a bowhunter I was ready to go out and buy a bowling ball.

    "I had heard of a draw check that helped people reach and maintain an anchor and execute back tension. So I made my own draw check using a toggle switch from the dashboard of a junk car that I duct-taped to my bow. The toggle switch clicked when I reached full draw and it instantly took my mind off what I was doing wrong and made me start to focus on what I needed to do right. Suddenly for the first time, I could see and feel what it was like to shoot a bow properly. From that point on, it’s just a matter of perfecting form and execution.

    I still shoot with a draw check that I’ve redesigned and I always will. It’s a good device for maintaining shooting form. At this point in my shooting career it’s second nature and like an old friend. For most traditional shooters it’s an absolute must to help them get on track because so many archers don’t even know what it feels like to truly draw a bow all the way to anchor, hold it, and aim it solidly, then release with proper back tension. But a Crick-It can definitely help someone get into that shooting mode almost instantly.


    Perhaps one of the most unknown truly great traditional shots in the country, Pittsley uses a combination of high anchor, a slight bow cant, and full concentration on form — with the psychological help of his Crick-It.

    After Pittsley discovered how the draw check clicker changed his shooting, he began selling the ones made at the time. Almost overnight, many of the shooters at his local archery club using clickers and his Predator recurves became some of the top shots in the state. Yet as good as the clicker was, Pittsley saw some ways to make it better. With the help of a buddy, I refined the design to one that was more aesthetically pleasing and less intrusive on the bow. The new design also worked a little better with less foot-pounds of pull tomake it click. After we made the refinements, we began making them as the Crick-It draw check and the product is still going strong.

    Always coming from his soft-sell perspective, Pittsley focuses mostly on helping other people to enjoy the sport more and not drop out. "No, the Crick-It isn’t for everyone. First, you need to ask yourself honestly if you’re fully satisfied or dissatisfied with your shooting. If you’re dissatisfied or want to improve, by all means consider everything to help you improve. That can be either good instruction from a qualified shooter or a draw check like a Crick-It. Unfortunately for most people, instruction alone can’t conquer the target panic that is causing their poor shooting. It’s almost impossible in fact. So the Crick-It offers an opportunity for any archer to instantly see and feel the proper shot. But it isn’t a magic bean. It’s simply a little tool that will help shooters achieve a path of success in learning how to draw, anchor, aim, and shoot an arrow with back tension. And man, that catapults you way ahead in the archery game.

    The real gratification in making the Crick-It is seeing people who are frustrated with archery getting this simple little device, putting it on their bow, and suddenly seeing how to achieve what they have been trying to accomplish for so long. Then they have the choice of setting a goal of shooting a Crick-It their whole life like me, or just putting it on their bow for three months until they learn how to shoot a bow with proper, consistent form.


    The Crick-It draw check has proven a simple and effective cure for thousands of archers conquering target panic.

    Despite its redeeming remedies for poor shooting and target panic, the Crick-It still comes under fire from certain traditionalists. How can you put a small piece of metal and string on a traditional bow and still call it traditional? For those caught up more in idealistic definitions and less in learning how to shoot a bow with consistent confidence there will always be that debate. However, a growing number of traditional bowhunters who are honest about their shooting skills under pressure and ethics afield believe that it’s more important to shoot the best arrow they can from their traditional bow rather than risk a poor shot that could haunt them for years. Nonetheless, the debate continues, and in the end, all individuals must wrestle with their value systems and ethics to ultimately guide themselves to a decision that makes them feel right about their approach to shooting traditional style bows. Heck, some people still debate whether fiberglass on bow limbs or Fastflight bowstrings are really traditional.


    Unlike most of his bowyer counterparts, Ron Pittsley has worked professionally in both small and large scale within the bowmaking industry. He began making his Predator takedown recurves in the late 1980s after building a few bows with his friend Mike St Johns. After perfecting his limb and riser designs, Pittsley began selling the first prototypes of the Predator in 1988. Making the bows in the back room of a radiator auto shop that he owned at the time, he began selling them locally.

    Almost overnight, their classic look combined with the way they shot made them commonplace at his local archery club. Soon word spread nationally and the Predator takedown recurve became firmly established as a top performing bow.

    By 1995 the owner of Darton Archery in Michigan, a bow company with a long history in recurves, took a special interest in Pittsley’s design. They were so interested in fact, that in 1996 Darton hired Pittsley to head up their reviving recurve manufacturing business, and to make the Predator for their recurve line of bows. By the year 2000, it became clear that trying to introduce custom recurves into a compound-dominated dealer market

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