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Apocalypse Tango: A 5-story Collection
Apocalypse Tango: A 5-story Collection
Apocalypse Tango: A 5-story Collection
Ebook70 pages1 hour

Apocalypse Tango: A 5-story Collection

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

How does the world end? Self-launched bombs, asteroid from space, rain of fire, alien invasion, or virus and pandemic? Maybe none of those. Maybe it's giant lobsters. Or zombies. Here are five different takes on the end of the world-- as we know it. Some methods are long, drawn-out affairs, others threaten us in the blink of an eye. Even if our take on Mayan calendars was all misinterpretation, there are plenty of other terrors that we could fall prey to. Here are stories to make you think, and some to make you laugh. Come do the Apocalypse Tango and dance while the world burns.

Release dateJan 23, 2014
Apocalypse Tango: A 5-story Collection

Dale T. Phillips

A lifelong student of mysteries, Maine, and the martial arts, Dale T. Phillips has combined all of these into the Zack Taylor series. His travels and background allow him to paint a compelling picture of a man with a mission, but one at odds with himself and his new environment. A longtime follower of mystery fiction, the author has crafted a hero in the mold of Travis McGee, Doc Ford, and John Cain, a moral man at heart who finds himself faced with difficult choices in a dangerous world. But Maine is different from the mean, big-city streets of New York, Boston, or L.A., and Zack must learn quickly if he is to survive. Dale studied writing with Stephen King, and has published over 70 short stories, non-fiction, and more. He has appeared on stage, television (including Jeopardy), and in an independent feature film. He co-wrote and acted in a short political satire film. He has traveled to all 50 states, Mexico, Canada, and through Europe. He can be found at

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    Apocalypse Tango - Dale T. Phillips

    Copyright © 2012 Dale T. Phillips

    Cover Design copyright 2012 Melinda Phillips

    Yesterday and Today was first published in Space and Time, Summer 1996, and later in Atomjack, Issue #87

    God Save the Queen was first published in Kasma, March 2010

    Night of the Annoying Dead was first published in Flashes in the Dark, December, 2010

    Try these other works by Dale T. Phillips

    Shadow of the Wendigo (Supernatural Thriller)

    The Zack Taylor Mystery Series

    A Memory of Grief

    A Fall From Grace

    A Shadow on the Wall

    A Certain Slant of Light

    A Sharp Medicine

    Story Collections

    Fables and Fantasies (Fantasy)

    More Fables and Fantasies (Fantasy)

    Crooked Paths (Mystery/Crime)

    More Crooked Paths (Mystery/Crime)

    The Last Crooked Paths (Mystery/Crime)

    More Crooked Paths (Mystery/Crime)

    Strange Tales (Magic Realism, Paranormal)

    Apocalypse Tango (Science Fiction)

    Halls of Horror (Horror)

    Jumble Sale (Different Genres)

    The Big Book of Genre Stories (Different Genres)

    Non-fiction Career Help

    How to Improve Your Interviewing Skills

    With Other Authors

    ROGUE WAVE: BEST NEW England Crime Stories 2015

    Red Dawn: Best New England Crime Stories 2016

    Windward: Best New England Crime Stories 2017

    Insanity Tales

    Insanity Tales II: The Sense of Fear

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    For all those who came before us, that we might live for a brief time here on Earth



    It seems we’ve been predicting the end of the world ever since the beginning of the world. These days, there are a number of all-too-likely scenarios for bringing down the curtain on our existence. Everyone has their favorite end-of-days cataclysm.

    We even have a large number of people who believe in (and in some cases are actively working for) an imminent, fiery end to humanity, in which, of course, they will be saved by their belief— belief mostly in their own innate special place in the universe, which exempts them from the horrible death awaiting the rest of us. Despite the fact that their own guidebook, the Bible, says they shall specifically not know when this time comes. Can’t even follow instructions their own rule book, but they know the plan. Read the manual, people— this time without ignoring the parts you don’t like.

    There’s also a show (or possibly several by now) on television about people preparing for Doomsday, by laying in stores of food in bunkers and stockpiling guns. In one, they had about 500 jars of pickled cucumber stored up, despite the fact that the nutritional value is mostly nil. And that’s gonna get boring real soon. What’s for dinner, Ma? Pickled cucumbers again? AAAUUUGGGHHH!!!—Cue sound of gunshots echoing in the bunker. The funniest (or saddest) part is, many have these well-stocked lairs for bunkering down in, but have some elaborate plan that involves leaving their home base! Their thousands of dollars and years of preparation are going down the tubes in a heartbeat, with the first armed gang they meet.

    Once, at a firing range, we saw a man pull out an automatic rifle. When asked what he could possibly need that for, he said For when things fall apart. Note that it was not if but when. Rambo-boy wants the world to collapse, so he can enact his sick fantasy of shooting hapless starving survivors. No doubt his perfect world then involves retiring to his lair for the purpose of repopulating the earth from his stock of nubile young women, who are grateful to him for saving them from the awful fate of those outside his fence. A very popular fantasy for a certain set.

    Apart from man-made deadly endings, there are natural disaster possibilities. Years ago, in Yellowstone Park, the ranger on duty told us we were standing on a giant volcano that stretched for miles. My conception of a volcano was one measly hill, but the whole park is a massive caldera, and if it erupted, like some overripe pimple, it would likely make our whole planet uninhabitable. Geologically, it’s overdue to erupt. Sure, it may be thousands of years— or it may be tomorrow. Got a volcano rider on your insurance?

    Forget the Mayan calendar nonsense, that dead horse should no longer be beaten. The Mayans did not predict the world coming to an end this year. We will likely ring in the New Year, even though we’ll have to do it without Dick Clark, who passed on this year.

    What about an

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