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A Meeting of Minds: The Art of Animal Communication
A Meeting of Minds: The Art of Animal Communication
A Meeting of Minds: The Art of Animal Communication
Ebook115 pages1 hour

A Meeting of Minds: The Art of Animal Communication

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Animal Communication is an intuitive language between humans and animals. Animals love to communicate - they communicate with us in a telepathic way and will give us pictures, feelings, sensations and words. They have their own energy just like us and, by tuning in to this more subtle energy, we can exchange information directly with them. It really is possible to communicate with your pets and animals so you can understand what they are thinking and feeling.
Michelle Childerley is an experienced and intuitive animal communicator recently featured on Sky One’s popular series Pet Nation. She is qualified in The Balance Procedure & EFT (emotional freedom technique) - both methods being energy techniques that enable the quick release of emotional blocks in animals. Michelle has worked with a huge variety of animals over the years; she has worked with horse racing trainers, wild life parks and as a regular volunteer at Wood Green Animal Shelters, communicating with rescue pets about what’s happening to them and helping them adjust to the change.
Her experience includes working with people and the animals in their lives to resolve behaviour and training problems, helping to find lost animals as well as helping animals cohabit peacefully with other animals. Throughout her years of involvement in the field, she has always believed that anyone can learn to communicate with animals and to this end has worked through classes and workshops, as well as one on one, to teach people - enabling them to fulfill the dream of having a closer rapport with the animals in their lives.
This book represents the culmination of her years of experience and study and in it Michelle explains the step by step route to achieving the greater understanding and connection that you desire with your companion animals. Exercises, explananations and anecdotes combine to make this an inspiring, entertaining read that will soon have you gaining the knowledge necessary to bridge the communication gap between human and animal.

Release dateJan 19, 2013
A Meeting of Minds: The Art of Animal Communication

Michelle Childerley

Michelle Childerley is an experienced and intuitive animal communicator recently featured on Sky One’s popular series Pet Nation. She is qualified in The Balance Procedure & EFT (emotional freedom technique) methods both being energy techniques that enable quick re-alignment in animals. Michelle has worked with a huge variety of animals over the years. She has worked with horse racing trainers, wild life parks and as a volunteer at Wood Green Animal Shelters, communicating with rescue pets about what’s happening to them and helping them adjust to the change. Michelle felt since the age of seven that she was aware of a special connection with her dog Jason, her soul mate throughout her childhood. She always knew exactly what Jason was thinking and feeling and would enjoy endless conversations. After Jason was taken away at the age of twelve, Michelle shut down her intuitive awareness for many years to come. It wasn’t until 2006 that Michelle became aware of her ability once again when the dog of a man selling the big issue suddenly spoke to her. In that moment a reconnection was established and Michelle then set out to bridge the gap between animal and human communication.

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    A Meeting of Minds - Michelle Childerley


    As an Animal Communicator I describe my conversations and the information that I receive without judgement and through my own belief and trust.

    I have realised that the animal can find its way to you, as there are no accidents or coincidences; we create our own reality and everything is as it is meant to be.

    I am a believer in co-creation and, for whatever reason, we have chosen to incarnate as this particular being, human or animal, here on planet Earth, at this time, for this journey.

    Animal communication is about re-aligning and can shift our understanding for a happier experience.

    Little Ed


    My Journey into Animal Communication

    ‘Everyone is gifted. It’s just that some people open the present sooner’


    My journey with Animal Communication began well before I was consciously aware of it; my yellow Labrador Jason was the first experience with animal communication I had, unbeknownst to me at the time. All the stories I read him, and the recorder playing that he endured, paved the way for the thoughts and feelings that were soon being exchanged between us.

    Expressing these thoughts and feelings to my mother was always welcomed, agreed with and positively encouraged. I was very fortunate here as I know that, in many cases, this type of imagination or perception was laughed at; children were told not to be silly and to stop making things up.

    This is enough rejection for a child to hear from an adult to crush any future telepathy or psychic connection occurring. I was lucky -palmistry, tea leaf reading and levitation had been practised and observed by both of my parents, so my conversations with Jason were totally accepted by them. This continued until I was around 11 years old. By this stage I had also begun to dance which, I didn’t realise at the time, is a ‘right brain’ activity, and therefore enhanced the communication I was practising.


    When I was 11 my parents made the decision to separate and Jason was given to a gamekeeper in Peterborough. On the day that my father took Jason he collected up all of his toys to take with him. I returned home from school later that day to find that one toy was left behind, a squeaky blue frog. This blue frog was to reappear at a crucial time later in my life and show me that I was on the right path.

    My childhood was full of animals, from chickens to guinea pigs and terrapins to hamsters. However, my soulmate was no longer with me, so I continued to focus on dancing and my social life as I entered my teenage years.

    It wasn’t until several years had passed, and I was a mother myself, that animal communication became part of my life again. When my son was old enough I decided to re-enter the work environment, and that’s when I came across a lady who was going to change my life.

    Whilst reading a local magazine I saw an article about my dentist written by one of his patients. She was a teacher and practitioner of many different energy techniques, one of which my husband had recently experienced with amazing results himself. I felt drawn to calling this lady, so I did, and within a few months I had qualified as a practitioner in my first therapy. After studying more and having the most marvellous mentor in Jenny Cox, and with understanding and encouragement from my husband and son, I began to listen to the animals again.

    It started again with the dogs that lived with the people who sell copies of the Big Issue. We have quite a few regular sellers in Cambridge and, walking past them, I would listen to the voices in my head saying things that I knew were not my private thoughts. This time, unlike as a child, I was far more aware of my own thoughts and reality. Explaining this to my husband and son, we decided to start researching this connection I was feeling; we found that it was called ‘Animal Communication’.

    Having attended a few workshops run by others who shared this experience, I began to realise and understand that the energy work I found myself drawn to, had reconnected me to the space I found as a child.

    I suppose I really went along to the workshops to confirm to myself that I could meet people for the first time, be shown a picture of their animal that I had never met before, and be able to have the information that I had received clarified. It was great to be around like-minded people who shared this interest and at the same time realise that this was not me making it up – I really was receiving thoughts, feelings and images from animals.

    It took me quite a while getting from this stage of awareness to telling people what I was now doing, and that I had decided to start running workshops and doing consultations with animals. It’s like water off a duck’s back now and, because I am so much more at ease with it, so is the response that I get back. We are all becoming far more aware of the possibilities than before, and of thinking ‘out of the box’. I believe a shift in consciousness is taking place on our planet in which, alongside access to the internet, we are all becoming far more open to what is possible.

    My work has now taken me to television, film, documentaries, radio interviews, many major newspapers - and I’m now filming my first US project. My days can be spent in myriad ways, from visiting animal shelters to liveries, and communicating with a range of animals from mice to racehorses.

    Very early in my journey, it was the racehorses in Newmarket, where I had previously spent 19 years of my youth, that showed me I was on the right track.

    I had arranged with a trainer to visit a few of their horses that had various challenges. To

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