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In Spirit and Truth: Prayers for Worshipers
In Spirit and Truth: Prayers for Worshipers
In Spirit and Truth: Prayers for Worshipers
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In Spirit and Truth: Prayers for Worshipers

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This book will be a welcome addition to the libraries of those who are engaged in planning and leading worship. It provides thoughtful, expressive prayers that may be used during traditional worship services and also at retreats, at church events, and for the many occasions in life that call for a prayerful response. Encompassing many categories of prayer, the selections included will be a helpful resource for pastors, chaplains, worship leaders, and liturgists throughout the church year as they encourage those they serve to pray and to worship in spirit and truth.
Release dateSep 12, 2016
In Spirit and Truth: Prayers for Worshipers

Susan L. Gleason

Susan L. Gleason is the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Haverhill, Massachusetts, and a member of the Presbytery of Northern New England. She is the author of "What Changed?" a Holy Week drama, and her writings have appeared in Alive Now magazine, in Call to Worship, and online in Preaching Magazine.

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    In Spirit and Truth - Susan L. Gleason

    In Spirit and Truth

    Prayers for Worshipers

    Susan L. Gleason


    In Spirit and Truth

    Prayers for Worshipers

    Copyright © 2016 Susan L. Gleason. All rights reserved. Except for brief quotations in critical publications or reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission from the publisher. Write: Permissions, Wipf and Stock Publishers, 199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3, Eugene, OR 97401.

    Wipf & Stock

    An Imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers

    199 W. 8th Ave., Suite 3

    Eugene, OR 97401

    paperback isbn: 978-1-4982-9471-3

    hardcover isbn: 978-1-4982-9473-7

    ebook isbn: 978-1-4982-9472-0

    Manufactured in the U.S.A. 10/24/16

    An earlier version of Ruler of Heaven was previously published as Ruler of Heaven in Alive Now, March/April, 2010. Prayer for Those in Military Service was previously published as A Prayer for Departing Soldiers in Alive Now, March/April 2009, and Prayer for Peacemaking was previously published as May Peace Prevail in Alive Now, November/December, 2013.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page
    Chapter 1: Enter His Gates
    Chapter 2: Come Let Us Worship
    Chapter 3: Good for the Soul
    Chapter 4: Joy by the Answer
    Chapter 5: There Is a Season

    If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.

    —Meister Eckhart

    This book is dedicated, with love and gratitude,

    To the memory of my parents, William J. and F. Patricia Gleason, who taught me to pray and stood at my bedside each night as I knelt to say my childhood prayers,

    And to those whose devotion to prayer and service have been an inspiration:

    My uncle and godmother, William (Buddy) and Ann Dwyer,

    And my mother-in-law, Nancy H. Sechrest.


    And remember, Sunday comes every four days. These words, spoken in jest to a seminarian about to enter the pastorate, ring true for every minister and worship team entrusted with the task of preparing meaningful worship services on a weekly basis. No sooner has the pastor bestowed this week’s benediction than next week’s call to worship is waiting to be written. In Spirit and Truth aims to assist pastors and worship planners by providing thoughtful, expressive prayers that combine traditional, reformed liturgical forms with contemporary, relevant expressions of praise and need.

    In John 4:23, Jesus tells a Samaritan woman, the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth . . . In worship, we hope to learn and express truth as we seek unity with the God we glorify. But our human weakness interferes, for as the Apostle Paul avers, We do not know how to pray, as we ought (Rom 8:26). However, we are aided by the Spirit, whom Paul tells us intercedes with sighs too deep for words (Rom 8:26). The prayers within our worship services are, therefore, part of the ongoing Spirit-assisted conversation through which we come to know God’s will and way as we call upon God to forgive our mistakes, to increase our understanding, and to direct our lives. In Spirit and Truth is a compilation of prayers meant to serve those who are faithfully engaged in facilitating the human end of that conversation.


    I would like to thank my dear friends in the First Presbyterian Church of McMinnville, Oregon; the First Presbyterian Church of Haverhill, Massachusetts; and the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Clinton, Massachusetts, for fostering my writing and my ministry.

    Special thanks go to Jennifer Dickinson, also known as Fabulous Jenn, who kept a file of my prayers and began the collection that became this book.

    To my mentors Randy Steele and Eric Markman, I appreciate the experience you shared and the opportunities you graciously afforded me to participate in worship planning and leading.

    I am grateful to my cherished friend Kim Zinsser, who throughout the writing of this book was the voice of thoughtful reflection and understanding at the other end of the phone.

    I would also like to recognize my Spiritual Director, Susan Troy, who has graced me with her wisdom and encouragement. Her influence may be seen throughout these pages.

    The enthusiasm and support of my family is a blessing beyond measure. Thanks go to my daughters, Rachel and Emily, and also to my son and son-in-law, Colin and Yeison. You are always in my prayers along with our darling Thea, whose antics never fail to delight and often keep me going.

    And, as always, I am thankful for the generous help and unfailing support of my partner in all things, my loving and beloved husband, Charlie Monroe, without whom the manuscript (and a lot of other things) might never have been finished.


    Enter His Gates

    Prayers for Preparation

    Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise. Give thanks to him, bless his name.

    —Ps 100:4

    The beginning of worship often finds stragglers making their way to the pews; visitors gazing at their surroundings, unsure of what to expect; friends recounting the week’s events; and parents trying to calm already-restless children. The following Prayers for Preparation may be printed in the bulletin as a device for helping worshipers center themselves before the introit or announcements, or they may serve as the opening words of worship spoken aloud by the leader, letting the congregation know that it is time to put aside distractions and become focused. These first prayers include petitions for the presence of the Holy, and they express hope for the fulfillment of our longing to know and serve the One who has gathered us together. Prayers for services where the Lord’s Supper will be celebrated, as well as for specific Sundays, are at the end of the chapter.

    In this time of worship, O God, refresh our desert hearts with living water. Pour out your Holy Spirit on us, and fill us with joy and peace. Then send us out into the world to spill your good news everywhere. Amen.

    In the silence and the singing, in the praying and the listening, in the giving and receiving, be present here. In the hand that shares your peace, in the voice that speaks your Word, in the instrument that plays your

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