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Tenebra Zeta #2: The Lone Wolf Slinger
Tenebra Zeta #2: The Lone Wolf Slinger
Tenebra Zeta #2: The Lone Wolf Slinger
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Tenebra Zeta #2: The Lone Wolf Slinger

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Tenebra Zeta returns to the fray with a hefty arsenal expansion. When one of Tenebra's outposts in the southern United States suddenly does dark, Lance, Monica, and Rayyah are sent to investigate. Action and peril ensues as they find themselves swarmed by undead under the control by a hideous monster of Algonquin legend known as a wendigo. A vile creature that craves living flesh and can turn terrified living victims into its own shambling thralls.

Thankfully, the still-budding Tenebra Zeta won't face this threat alone. Sent to accompany them is one of the greatest freelance agents in Tenebra's long history. Never one to miss that vital shot nor leave his comrades hanging, he stands alongside these rookie agents and shows them what it means to be a pro.

Jackson "Sheriff" Flynn. The Lone Wolf Slinger.

PublisherJustin Bedard
Release dateMar 7, 2019
Tenebra Zeta #2: The Lone Wolf Slinger

Justin Bedard

Justin Bedard (born September 11th, 1995) is a Canadian author that has lived in southern Ontario most of his life. To talk broad strokes, he's your average geek and has a very strange and slightly immature sense of humor that may be the result of insanity. He currently resides in Kemptville with his parents and two siblings.

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    Tenebra Zeta #2 - Justin Bedard

    The following contains strong language, sexual content, and scenes of violence. Reader discretion is advised.

    The characters and scenarios depicted in this work are either fictional or derived from mythology. Any resemblances to any person living or dead is entirely coincidental.

    ©Justin Bedard, 2019. All rights reserved.


    ISSUE #2



    August 17th, 2198

    Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada




    All I could do was run. I didn’t know where, and it didn’t matter. I just needed to get as far away from that horrible sound as I could. It didn’t matter that I was running around in tunnels built of bleeding bricks. It didn’t matter that I looked down at myself and saw I had the body of a child, more specifically my body when I was no more than nine. All that mattered was that I kept running from whatever I knew was there.

    The hall just wouldn’t end. It would rise and fall and twist and turn and do whatever else, but it wouldn’t end. It wasn’t like I was lost. It was more like the place was alive and cruelly shifting every time I seemed to be getting somewhere. It couldn’t be much further from dropping me into a bottomless pit, faces coming out of the walls to laugh at me as I fell forever.

    It was funny how I’d run for what seemed like an eternity without ever trying to figure out my location. I didn’t need to. I knew exactly where I was, and I knew exactly what was after me. I knew what was breathing ecstatically as it chased me up and down and every which way imaginable. I knew what was casting those long infernal shadows behind me.

    Or rather, who.

    I’m an old man, son! You can’t take on an old man?!

    An old man that made Charlie Manson seem like a saint, and against all better judgment, I looked over my shoulder. And there I saw him. That madman that had been haunting me for an entire decade. Snowy white hair, scars all over, far more muscular than any man his age should have been. All with a murderous glint in his eyes that saw me as nothing more than a lamb for the slaughter.


    He laughed as my mere thinking of his name echoed off the walls, and it only made him pick up the pace and start to reach out for me.

    Better start runnin’, boyo!

    Ran I most certainly did, but I couldn’t gain any ground. Every inch I progressed seemed to slowly shrink the distance between us. My legs pumped even harder, my fear overwhelming me to the point where my brain felt like it was on fire. I couldn’t run...I couldn’t escape...he...I...

    ...the nightmare stopped. Less like it had faded from view and more like it simply fizzled out of existence. It was kind of a pleasant feeling, I had to admit, and it thankfully ended with my eyes snapping wide open. I sat up, breathing in and out like I’d been locked in an air-tight container. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and grabbed my glasses off the bedside table, and once I’d done so, there was my saviour at the side of the bed. Black horns and a tail that melded perfectly with the hues of her short hair, decked out in punk-like gear with a tank top and skin-tight jeans and a choker.

    Thanks, Sandra... I panted as she handed me a glass of water.

    I needed a good snack, she said with a pitying smile. That sounded bad, though. You sure you don’t wanna start seeing Elena again?

    Frankly, I was just surprised it was Sandra sucking my nightmare out rather than Monica. Maybe it was just the intrigue of seeing my older sister at all. As the captain of Tenebra Alpha, she was almost never in the country these days, let alone at home. If she wasn’t on assignment, then she was usually touring the world looking for some big monster to kick the ever-loving crap out of. Yeah, she was a big deal. That and the general air about her kinda made her a little intimidating, but it never took much for her to ease me up.

    I’m fine, I said as I whipped my legs around to the side of the bed and got myself oriented. So what’re you doing home?

    We got a bit of a break, she answered. Mom wants to get the other teams out there so we don’t hog up all the good shit, I guess.

    I smirked. Passion for battle seemed to run in the Harlita bloodline.

    I hear you guys got suspended? Sandra spoke up. What, did Monica drag you into some more crap?

    Yeah, kinda, I said. I all worked out...wait, what day is it?

    The seventeenth.

    Yeah. Our two weeks are up. We’re probably gonna get called back out anytime.

    Sandra smiled and patted me on the shoulder. I suppose it amused her whenever one of her siblings acted tough. Patronizing? You bet it was, but let’s say there was a reason she commanded Tenebra’s top field squadron, so perhaps she had every right to be a little high and mighty.

    Just don’t go getting into more trouble than you can handle, she said.

    I wondered what the point of trying was. Monica was going to sniff trouble out and drag me into it whether I liked it or not. Before I knew it, Sandra had spread her wings and flown out the window. I probably wouldn’t see her for another week as far as I knew.

    Yeah, good talk...

    Same old, same old.

    That damn nightmare still lingered in my head, so down the stairs I went, throwing some bread in the toaster before I switched on the radio. I popped some Prozac and Vitamin D in my mouth and washed them down with orange juice. Rayyah floated into the room and snatched

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