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All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve
All Hallows' Eve
Ebook24 pages17 minutes

All Hallows' Eve

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Halloween. The one day a year people wear ridiculous outfits, and drink for reasons they don't understand. Unless they are British. Then they do that every day.

In a trendy London bar, three friends meet up at a fancy-dress party, in appropriately silly clothes for such an occasion. Each of them content to hide their true selves behind their costumes. The trouble is there are some things you can't hide from. Like fate.

PublisherScott Andrews
Release dateJul 5, 2013
All Hallows' Eve

Scott Andrews

Scott Andrews has written two novels, a number of short stories, an absurd number of songs, one screenplay and a few articles. He is a member of the international Spandau Synthpop sensation, Yu.

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    All Hallows' Eve - Scott Andrews

    All Hallows’ Eve

    By Scott Andrews

    Copyright 2013 Scott Andrews

    Goodreads Edition

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    Praise for ‘Existence Is Futile’

    'Existence is Futile' is a brave, honest, sometimes confusing, but ultimately very satisfying novel for those who expect more from literature than just entertainment. It is demanding. It is critical. But, it has a big, pulsing heart. Wonderful.

    Thomas Rose-Masters, author of ‘Birdman Cycle’

    Andrews leaves the reader with an ending that was a surprise to me, but lovely. Excellent read!

    Jennifer Moorman, author of ‘The Baker’s Man’

    This is... a hard book to describe. I've read it, and I'm still not entirely sure what it is about. The process of loss? The questioning of sanity and reality? The futility of humans? Or about actual ninjas?

    All I know is it was fantastic. Although all the above sound quite intense, Andrews has given us a book that is full of warmth and

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