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My Woman His Wife Saga
My Woman His Wife Saga
My Woman His Wife Saga
Ebook662 pages11 hours

My Woman His Wife Saga

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Family

  • Relationships

  • Betrayal

  • Revenge

  • Trust

  • Forbidden Love

  • Other Woman

  • Cheating Spouse

  • Secret Affair

  • Family Drama

  • Femme Fatale

  • Criminal Underworld

  • Loyal Friend

  • Sexual Awakening

  • Returning Home

  • Conflict

  • Power Dynamics

  • Love

  • Guilt

  • Marriage

About this ebook

If you thought having a threesome could wreak havoc on a relationship, Monica will prove you one hundred percent correct and then some. Monica shows you why even the mere thought of having a ménage à trois with your spouse and an outsider should never enter your imagination.
PublisherUrban Books
Release dateOct 27, 2015
My Woman His Wife Saga

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    My Woman His Wife Saga - Anna J.


    In the Beginning . . .

    Table For Three

    Imagine that, imagine that, imagine that, imagine . . .

    At five foot two, 136 pounds, dark chocolate skin, and almond eyes, sexy Monica was standing over me topless, in a red thong, and giving me one hell of a show. My girl was popping it like she was trying to get rent money and only had two days left to scrape it up. You would think there was a pole in the center of the bed the way she was rotating and grinding her body to the beat of the music.

    My eyes were fixed on hers as she did a sensual butterfly all the way down until the lips of her tunnel kissed my stomach, leaving a wet spot where they landed. She bent over and a tattoo spelling her name in neat cursive peeked out over the band of her thong. She took her right nipple into her mouth and caressed the other as she continued to move to the beat of the music. Her body seemed to shimmer as light from outside landed on her skin.

    Stepping off the bed, she bent over to remove her thong, afterward hooking it onto my foot. A dildo magically appeared as she crawled toward me. My legs spread invitingly when her lips made contact with the space behind my right knee. I heard R. Kelly hyping it up with the guitar, making the love of my life sweat just a little.

    Well, the second love of my life. While I was laying there, legs spread eagle and playing with my clit, I can’t even get into it because I knew I should be at home with my husband and two kids. I could just get up and go, but I didn’t feel like the drama and tears I had to see every time I was ready to leave. I knew in my heart that I had no damn business being there in the first place, but I was thinking with my pussy in anticipation of all the wonderful orgasms I would have. Shit at home died down a long time ago, but it wasn’t until I found myself lying there looking up at another woman’s breasts did the guilt set in.

    It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I knew I should be at home making love to my husband, but he wasn’t producing multiple orgasms like Monica. She does things with her tongue no one has written about yet. She has ways of making me explode that my husband has no idea on how to find that spot, and I can forget about him lasting all night. The five minutes he gives me I can do myself. I need satisfaction that my own hands don’t produce, and Monica gives me what I need without any questions.

    I don’t want to have to tell my partner what I want. After all these years, he should already know what makes me cum. If you’re going to hit it from the back, put a finger in my asshole or leave a handprint on my ass cheek. Take it with one of my legs on your shoulder while you use your thumb to play with my clit. While I’m riding, take both of my nipples into your mouth at the same time. Do something besides pound me all hard for five minutes then roll over and fall asleep.

    Then, if that wasn’t enough, this fool wanted to invite company into our bed. And that’s why I’m in this mess now.

    It all started about two months before the twins’ fourth birthday. It had already been eight months since my husband and I had so much as fondled each other, let alone had any actual sexual contact. He had been on my last nerve about having a threesome with some hoochie he’d met, and I was about tired of hearing it. All I got was five minutes. What was he gonna do? Break it down to two and a half minutes between the both of us? He must have been suffering from too much radiation from sitting up in that news station all day or something. And what the hell was this girl and I supposed to do? She could munch all the carpet she wanted to, but I don’t get down like that!!!

    Back in the day, my husband and I made love constantly. It was nothing to be bent over the kitchen counter getting served from behind. He would be stroking me from the back with one finger playing with my clit and the other in my asshole, while kissing my neck and talking dirty to me all at the same time. I would ride him in the dining room chair until my legs hurt, and he would then pick me up and lay me on the table, devouring me from feet to head, and not necessarily in that order. He liked for me to hold my lips open so my clit stood right out as he simultaneously sucked on it and fingered me with three fingers the way I liked it.

    All of that stopped for one reason or another. It got to the point where this fool started leaving notes around the house, practically begging me to jump on board. One night he tried to show me a picture of the girl, and I just snapped. What part of no didn’t he understand, the n or the o?

    Babe, just hear me out, he said, pleading on his knees at my side of the bed. You won’t even listen to what I have to say.

    I remembered the days when he would be on his knees on my side of the bed, only my legs would be thrown over his shoulders as his lips and tongue would have me squirming and begging for mercy. But right then, the sight of him was contributing to my already pounding headache.

    James, I done told you fifty thousand damn times that I’m not doing it, so why do you keep asking me?

    He didn’t even realize that I was ready to bust him in the head with the alarm clock. Why wouldn’t he just go to sleep?

    Because you’re not keeping an open mind.

    Would you want me to bring another dick into the bedroom? I asked.

    He looked at me like I was crazy and got up to go lay on his side of the bed.

    That shut his ass right up, if only for a second. I was so damn tired of hearing about this Monica chick, I was ready to just go ahead and get it over with. This entire scenario was making me sick to my stomach. What his dumb ass didn’t realize is I might have gone along with it just to please him, but I’d be damned if I would be pressured into doing anything I wasn’t down for.

    So, is doing it in the bedroom the problem? he asked in a desperate voice.

    What? Didn’t I just tell you I didn’t want to talk about it?

    I’m just saying that if your concern is bringing her into our home I could easily get us a room over at the Hyatt or the Marriott.

    James, how do you even know this girl? What kind of shit are y’all into over at T.U.N.N.?

    I’m guessing this fool couldn’t see the big-ass pile of salt on my shoulders. If we were in a cartoon, steam would’ve been coming out of my ears at that point.

    My buddy Damon hooked it up for me. It’s his wife’s sister or something like that. They do it all the time.

    That only made me wonder what kind of freaky shit her family was into. I don’t know too many people just putting their own flesh and blood out there like that.

    What do you know about her, James? This chick could be HIV positive for all we know. There is no cure for that!

    We would all be using protection, he said as if he was offended. Shit, I was offended he wouldn’t let it go.

    Will she be putting a condom around her mouth? I asked. Semen and saliva can carry the same shit.

    Here you go taking the conversation to another level. Why can’t you just relax and enjoy life for once? It’s only this one time.

    What I’m about to do is enjoy this six hours of sleep. Good night! And with that, I turned my behind over and went to sleep.

    Of course it wasn’t over. When I woke up, James was in the shower. As much as I hated to go in the bathroom while he was in there, I figured if I could at least brush my teeth, I could shower real quick and be out the house before he had a chance to come at me with some bullshit. I was hoping he wouldn’t bring this Monica shit up at 6:37 in the morning because I would hurt him.

    By the time I was done brushing my teeth and cleansing my face, James was stepping out of the shower. Through the mirror I peeked at his toned body and semi-erect penis. At the age of thirty-two, standing at least six feet three inches, he still had the body of a college football player. He’s definitely well endowed, but what difference did it make if he was only good for five minutes? He caught my eye as he was drying off and a sly smile spread across his face as he covered his midsection with the towel and went into the bedroom. I hopped in the shower and lingered a little longer because it was his morning to get the kids ready.

    When I stepped out of the streaming water and into our room, I could still smell his Cool Water cologne. That made me wet instantly, but he’d never know. I’d just as soon please myself than waste my shower on a few minutes with him. After putting my outfit together and plugging in the electric curling iron, I was finally able to sit on the bed and moisturize my skin. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a single yellow rose on my pillow and a piece of heart-shaped chocolate with I Love You printed on the foil resting next to it. I smiled but continued to rub my Happy by Clinque body lotion into my skin.

    I loved my husband, and maybe we could talk about this entire threesome thing later.

    Surprisingly, he had nothing to say at breakfast. He smiled a lot, and that just pissed me off. Not that I had any conversation for him, but his being quiet made me nervous. At least if he was talking I’d know how to vibe off him. He just sat there smiling the entire time, and that just made me suspicious.

    When I started gathering my stuff up to leave for work, he already had my briefcase and files along with my lunch stacked all nice and neat in the passenger seat of my 2003 Blazer. I got a kiss on the cheek, and he even offered to take the kids to childcare for me. Something was definitely up, and I wasn’t at work for five minutes before I figured it out. I was looking through the files that I was supposed to be working on over the weekend when a hot pink folder that I didn’t remember having before caught my eye. When I opened it, a 5x7 photo of Monica was pasted to the left, and a three-page printout about her was on the opposite side. I was too shocked to be offended.

    The pages included her date of birth, zodiac sign, likes and dislikes, a copy of her dental records, last HIV test results, and the results of her gynecologist exam, which I was glad to see were all negative. Her address and phone number were also included, along with directions on how to get to her house from my job off Map Quest. I had to laugh to keep from being pissed because I was sure my husband was going crazy.

    If that wasn’t enough, further inspection produced a key card from the Hyatt and an invite to meet him and Monica at the hotel restaurant for dinner. A note, handwritten by James, said the kids would be at his mother’s house, and I should be at the hotel by seven. I put everything back in the folder and went to my first meeting of the day. I didn’t even want to think about that right now, and I had a few choice words for James later on.

    When I returned to my office for lunch, I opened my door to at least three hundred yellow tulips crowding my space. On my desk sat a bouquet of tulips and white roses mixed in a beautiful Waterford crystal vase. My secretary informed me that they were delivered only ten minutes before I got there, and the card could be found next to the vase on my desk. I was too overwhelmed to think clearly and mechanically walked over to my desk to retrieve the card. It was in a cute yellow and white envelope to match the flowers, and was written with a gold pen. It read:


    You must know that you’re the love of my life, and there is nothing in this world I wouldn’t do to make you happy. This one time I want us to be happy together. Please reconsider . . .

    Love Forever,


    In that instant, I knew I would be at the hotel later. I figured this one time wouldn’t kill me, and it might spice up our love life so that it would be like it used to. I hoped I wasn’t making the biggest mistake of my life. After gathering my thoughts, I went on with the rest of my day, trying not to think about what I would be getting into later. I had a trial at two o’clock that I had to go to, and on my way there I mentally checked my schedule to make sure I would be out of the office by five and chillin’ in the suite by five thirty. That way I could freshen up and put on something sexy for dinner.

    I got out of court at four thirty, having had my client’s charges dismissed. That made me feel great, and I planned to take the next two days off to celebrate. When I got back to the office, my secretary was smiling at me and holding a vase with at least two-dozen powder pink roses accompanied by another card. She gave them to me and offered to open my office door because my arms were full. When I walked in I almost dropped the bouquet I was holding because I was totally surprised. As if all the yellow tulips weren’t enough, my office was now crowded with just as many powder pink and white roses.

    Someone is either madly in love with you or is apologizing. Whatever it is, let me know your secret, my secretary said as if she really wanted an answer. I just turned to her with a smile on my face, stepped to the side, and closed my door. Me and her weren’t cool like that, and then wasn’t the time to start.

    I set the bouquet on my desk next to the one I received earlier. There was nowhere for me to sit, so I walked over to the picture window so I could gather my thoughts while I looked down onto the city from the twenty-third floor. The envelope holding the card smelled like Ralph by Ralph Lauren. That puzzled me for a second because I didn’t own that particular scent. When I opened the envelope and pulled the card out, little gold hearts and stars fell from it. The card was from Monica requesting my presence at the hotel later. I was flattered and speechless. Maybe she wasn’t that bad after all.

    Deciding to head on over, I left my secretary with directions to have all of the ladies in our department come get a bouquet to put on their desks. I wanted my office cleaned out except for the two bouquets on my desk. On my way to my Blazer I called to check up on the kids before stopping at Victoria’s Secret for something sexy.

    I decided on a cranberry spaghetti strap one-piece with matching thong. The gown was ankle length with thigh high splits on both sides, and the front dipped down all the way to my navel. The back opened to the middle of my back, showing off my curvaceous size ten, even after a set of twins. I purchased a bottle of Breathless perfume and a pair of sandals to match, and then made my way to the hotel.

    When I got to the suite, pink and white rose petals decorated every inch of every room and floated in the Jacuzzi on top of rose-colored water. Yellow tulips sat in crystal vases around the living room and bedroom, and Maxwell’s Urban Hang Suite played softly in the background from invisible surround sound speakers. A mixture of pink and white rose petals and yellow tulip petals covered the California king-sized bed. A bottle of Alizé Red Passion sat in a crystal ice bucket accompanied by three wine glasses on the end table closest to the bathroom door. On the other table was a glass bowl filled with condoms.

    A note was tucked into the mirror in the bathroom with instructions to meet my dinner guests in the dining room at seven o’clock sharp. It was already six thirty judging by the clock on the bedroom wall, so I stepped up the game as I showered, dressed, and did my hair in record time, all while not disturbing the romantic setup. I was walking into the dining room at five of seven. The waiter sat me in a cozy booth away from the other guests with a glass of Moet, a yellow tulip, and a powder pink rose courtesy of my husband and Monica. At exactly seven, my dinner guests walked in.

    James was sharp, dressed in cream linen slacks with dark chocolate gator shoes that perfectly matched the button-down shirt with different shades of browns and tans swirled through it, compliments of Sean John fashions. His wedding band glistened and shined from the door, and the light bounced off it from all the way across the room. I could smell his Cool Water way before he reached the table.

    Monica was equally impressive in a short, champagne-colored one piece that showed off perky breasts and fell just above her knee. The bottom of her dress had that tattered look and it accented her long, chocolate legs. Her toes peeked out of champagne stiletto sandals, and her soft, jetblack curls framed her face. Her makeup was flawless, and she smelled sweet.

    I stood up as they made their way to the booth and couldn’t stop staring at them. When my husband and Monica reached the table, he gave me a soft, lingering kiss on my lips that made me wet instantly. He hadn’t kissed me like that in months. Monica gave me a soft kiss on my cheek, and James made sure we were both seated before he took his seat.

    Before we could start conversing, the waiter was at our table with appetizers. We were served stuffed mushrooms and Caesar salad with glasses of Moet to wash it down. I glanced over at my husband periodically and couldn’t believe the thoughts I was having. For the first time in months, I wanted my husband the way a woman wants her man, and I couldn’t wait to get upstairs.

    Did you get the roses I sent you? Monica asked between small bites of the crab-stuffed mushroom she was eating. She had the cutest heart-shaped mouth that made you want to kiss her. Her tongue darted out every so often to the corners of her mouth to remove whatever food or drink was there. That turned me on and made me wonder how her tongue would feel on my skin.

    Yes, thank you. They were nice.

    Did you enjoy the tulips? my husband asked, his eyes never leaving me. I know yellow is your favorite color.

    Tonight, he looked different, kind of like he was in love with me all over again. His eyes twinkled with mischief, and his lips begged for me to kiss him. I wanted to so badly.

    Yes, baby, I did. Thank you.

    You’re welcome, baby. How’d your day go?

    Me, Monica, and James made conversation over the smoked salmon, wild rice, and mixed vegetables we were served for dinner. Before dessert was served, James and I slow danced to Reunion by Maxwell as I watched Monica from the dance floor. She swayed from side to side in her seat, never taking her eyes off me. I don’t know what she did when I wasn’t facing her, but when I did she looked me right in the eye, her facial expressions telling me what I had to look forward to.

    As we danced, my husband held me close, his mouth on my ear singing the words to the song. His warm hands felt good on my bare back as he made small circles, massaging me. I truly felt like this was indeed our reunion because it had been a long time since we’d been like this. I closed my eyes and tightened my arms around his neck, enjoying the feel of him in my arms and me in his.

    Slices of double chocolate cake waited for us when we got back to the table. I couldn’t touch mine because I was ready to go upstairs. James fed me and Monica his cake off the same fork, and that only made me more excited. I wanted to get this party started, but I went with the flow because I didn’t know what they had planned.

    Are you ready for ecstasy, baby? my husband asked me after we finished dessert. Instead of answering, I grabbed both of them by the hand and led them out of the dining room.

    Anything Goes

    Once we got into the elevator, James pulled us into a group hug, our heads resting on each of his shoulders. We looked at each other curiously, probably thinking about how far the other would go. Before I could react, Monica leaned over and kissed me, and it wasn’t a peck on the lips, either. She slid her tongue into my mouth, allowing my taste buds to sample the chocolate cake left on it from dessert. Her lips felt soft as she sucked on my bottom lip, then my top, causing a tingling sensation to shoot down my back, straight to my toes, and finally resting warmly on my clitoris.

    I could taste a hint of her cherry lip gloss when my tongue touched the corner of her mouth. A moan escaped my lips when her hand made contact with the left side of my neck, pulling my face closer to hers. I opened my eyes to look at her facial expressions while she kissed me, and to my surprise, she was already watching me. I blushed, a little embarrassed at being caught, but she let me know it was cool by kissing my eyelids. She kissed the tip of my nose and went back to my lips while my husband made small circles on my back with his fingertips. Her kiss was slow and sensual, and thankfully not wet and sloppy like most men do. She allowed me to lead, then I allowed her to teach me what she knew.

    My right hand found my husband’s erect penis just as we were approaching the fourteenth floor. When I stepped back to adjust my hand around his shaft, the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out. We were all stuck on stupid for about thirty seconds. We were on our way to erotica beyond our wildest dreams and the damn elevator stopped. You talking about pissed! I finally got up the nerve to go through with this wild night and there I was stuck in a hot-ass elevator. Oh, how I was so not in the mood for that.

    James, do something, I said while slightly hyperventilating. We were stuck between the thirteenth and fourteenth floors, and I wanted out.

    Baby, just calm down. I’ll call the service desk to see what they can do.

    While James was on the phone, I sat down in the corner to slow my heart rate and collect my thoughts. I didn’t know how long we were going to be stuck, and that was not the place to pass out from lack of oxygen. I was hoping to still be in the mood when we got out, because at that moment I wanted to be off the elevator and in my bed.

    Just as I leaned my head back against the wall, I felt a pair of warm hands parting my legs. I still heard James on the phone, and my body tensed up because I couldn’t believe Monica was trying to sex me at a time like this. Cumming was the last thing on my mind, and I was almost certain everyone else felt the same way. Before I could protest, Monica had my thong pulled to the side, and her was tongue stroking my clit. Her tongue felt hot on my panic button, and the way she used her fingers made my knees touch the elevator walls instantly.

    She took her time moving two fingers in and out of me while she sucked, licked, kissed, and played havoc with my clit trapped between her lips. My body shook involuntarily because I was trying not to explode. I didn’t want to moan aloud while James was on the phone, but it was killing me trying to hold it in. She held the lips of my cave open and her tongue snaked around inside me, my walls depositing my sweet honey on her tongue. For a second, it felt like we were the only two people trapped in that hot box.

    Okay ladies, the attendant said we’d only be in here for a—damn, when James hung up the phone and looked over at our silhouettes in the dark, he was speechless. I guess the sight of his wife being pleased by another woman shocked him.

    His back was to us the entire time, so it had to have been a pleasant surprise to see Monica and me the way we were. James never could do more than one thing at a time, so it didn’t surprise me that he didn’t pay us any mind until he was done with his call.

    He stood back and watched for a while, taking in the sights and sounds of what was happening.

    With the little bit of light coming from the call box, I could see James massaging his strength through his pants. He squatted down behind Monica, lifting her dress up over her hips, exposing her heart-shaped ass. My eyes had adjusted to the dark, and even though I couldn’t clearly see what was happening, his outline said it all. Monica was in the doggie style position with her head buried between my legs. James had inserted his fingers into her walls just as Monica did to me only moments earlier. I could see James maneuvering his body so that he could taste her. In the meantime, Monica was pulling another orgasm out of me.

    She moaned against my clit from my husband pleasing her. The more James pushed and pulled on her, the more intense her pleasing me became. I scooted forward so that I could lay flat on the floor. Monica stood up and positioned herself over me. She pulled her French-cut panties to the side and placed her pussy lips on my mouth. I just imitated what she did to me, switching back and forth from kissing and sucking her clit and sticking my tongue inside her. James was inside of me, stretching my walls to fit him.

    He stroked me slow, teasing me with just the head before sliding it all in. His thumb created friction on my clit and before we could stop it, I exploded on his length and Monica exploded in my mouth. We were about to switch positions when the lights came on and the elevator started moving. James pulled out of me still rock-hard, making it a little difficult to pull up the zipper on his pants.

    When the elevator door opened, the attendant and the security guard were waiting on the other side. They tried to apologize, but we just rushed past them and scrambled down the hall to our suite so we could finish what we started. We didn’t think about the fact that they could probably smell sex in the air, and I don’t think we really cared.

    Upon entry to the room, Monica went to run hot water into the Jacuzzi because the water that was in there had gone cold. I sat on the side of the bed, anxiety covering me like a blanket. I couldn’t believe what I’d just done and what I was about to do. I was excited and scared at the same time. I was excited because I was finally letting go of my inhibitions and stepping outside the box, but scared because I didn’t want to disappoint my husband.

    I’ll never do this again, I thought, but I did want him to enjoy this night of pleasure.

    Monica came out of the bathroom in her bra and panties. I was hesitant about looking her in the eye because I knew my cheeks were red from blushing. We were all silent, not wanting to be the one to say something first. James changed the CD in the stereo to a slow-jams mix he put together. When R. Kelly started crooning, Come to Daddy, Monica started doing an erotic dance in front of the full-length mirror. James leaned back on the dresser to watch the show, and I just sat there with a shocked expression on my face. She danced like she’d had ballet lessons, but with just enough eroticism to make you think she might have been wrapped around a pole in a strip club once or twice.

    As she got closer to me, I scooted back on the bed to keep her at arm’s length. What we did in the dark elevator was cool because I couldn’t see it, but now we were in a well-lit room with my husband able to see everything. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go through with it, but when I looked over at James stroking his length and gazing at us I couldn’t stop. Just the fact that he’d been hard for more than five minutes was amazing.

    The look on my face screamed, help as I looked from James to Monica. Monica advanced toward me slowly, and James smiled as he watched us work. I was now up against the headboard with my legs up to my chest. When Monica reached me, she took my feet into her hands and started to massage them one at a time. I was as stiff as a virgin on her first night, and Monica did her thing to help me relax.

    She took my toes into her mouth, one at a time. My moans escaped involuntarily. Her soft lips traveled up my thighs until they rested against my pelvis. Her tongue dipped in and out of my honey pot. She held my lips open with both hands, exposing my now wet pearl to my husband.

    James, can I taste it? Monica asked my husband in a husky voice. I looked over at him to read his face. It showed nothing but excitement.

    Go ahead and make her cum, he responded in a deep, passionate voice. His hand moved at a slow, lazy pace up and down his erect shaft. A hint of pre-cum rested on the tip of his penis, and I motioned him over to the bed so I could taste it.

    He disrobed on his way over, his body looking like he should be on the cover of GQ magazine. Monica had her full lips pressed against my clit, causing me to squirm and breathe heavily. James stood beside the bed with his chocolate penis standing straight out. I didn’t hesitate to wrap my lips around him, taking as much in as I could without choking.

    James fondled our breasts simultaneously while trying to maintain his balance as I gave him head. Monica held my legs up and kept her face buried in my treasure chest. Our moans were bouncing off the walls, drowning out the music that was playing. If there were people in the suite next to us, I was sure they heard everything.

    Monica moved back off the bed and pulled me with her. James lay down in the middle of the bed on his back, his erection pointing at the ceiling. I straddled his thickness like a pro, dipping all the way down until my clit touched his pelvis then coming back up until just the head was in. James leaned up on his elbows and took my nipples into his mouth one at a time. Monica had my ass cheeks spread so that her tongue could make acquaintance with my asshole. I was having orgasms back to back like I used to when me and James first met. I was damn near about to pass out from exploding so much.

    We switched positions in order to relax a little more. Monica put on a strap-on vibrator with clitoral stimulators around the base. I looked at her like who did she think she was using that on. She took James’s place in the center of the bed and motioned for me to get on top of her. I looked at her and my husband like they were crazy.

    James, I am not getting on her like that. She done . . . the mood was changing quickly, and Monica was looking frustrated. Ask me did I give a damn. Some shit just ain’t meant to be tried, and this was one of them.

    Baby, it’s okay. It’ll feel just like the real thing. Trust me on this one, James said to me in a calm, soothing voice. I wasn’t buying it.

    And what are you going to do with that? I asked, referring to his erect penis.

    You’ll see, and you’ll enjoy it. Just trust me.

    He gave me a reassuring look as he led me to the bed. I closed my eyes and got on top of Monica, doing to her what I did to my husband. It was feeling good, and I really got into it. When I bent over to kiss Monica, I felt a warm liquid oozing down the crack of my ass. My husband held my back so that I couldn’t move, and I could feel him inserting a finger into my forbidden place. I tensed up automatically, and he whispered to me to try to relax.

    I don’t do back shots, and my husband knew that. I wanted to get an attitude, but what they were doing felt good. I reminded myself that it was only one night, and I tried to relax myself so that my husband could join in the fun. I wondered how he was going to fit it in because he was definitely blessed in the dick department. He’s long and thick, with a big mushroom-shaped head that I knew was way bigger than the hole he would try to get it into. Ten inches in the ass was something to scream about.

    James, I don’t think I’ll be able to take it back there, baby, I whispered. You’re too big.

    I was hoping he would have second thoughts when he heard how scared I was, but that wasn’t the case.

    Jasmine, I won’t hurt you, baby. I’ll take my time, and I’m using this so you’ll be okay. He held out a bottle of KY Warming Liquid for me to view.

    Won’t it get too hot back there?

    You’ll be fine, just relax, Monica responded before taking my nipples into her mouth. A moan escaped from my lips, totally catching me off guard.

    I tried to relax as James eased himself into my back door. Lord knows it was killing me, but I stuck in there. He slowly pushed the head in, which was the most painful part. It felt like he was ripping me a new asshole, and tears gathered at the corners of my eyes, threatening to fall and land on Monica’s forehead. Once he got in as much as he could comfortably, he began pleasing me with long, slow strokes. In combination with Monica pushing and pulling on the bottom, I was going crazy from the new feelings I was having. When James pulled out, Monica pushed in, causing me to lose my breath on more than one occasion. James reached around my waist and teased my clit while Monica held my lips open for him. His other hand fondled my right nipple while Monica’s mouth warmed the other one.

    I didn’t know whether I was coming or going. Some time during the mix, the pace quickened and we were going at it like animals. Monica sat on the lounge chair with vibrator in hand, watching me and James become one. He held me by my ankles, pushing my legs all the way back, my knees touching my ears easily. He was driving his penis deep in me with slow strokes, and I never wanted him to stop.

    I’m cumming, baby, I said to my husband between inhaling and exhaling. Cum with me.

    James slowed it down, and we looked each other as our orgasms played out. My legs wrapped around him tightly until our rapture subsided. Monica looked spent as she too was exploding along with us. James pulled out of me and rested with his head between my breasts while we caught our breath. The session we just had was the best thing since sliced bread.

    I’ll meet y’all in the Jacuzzi, Monica replied as we reluctantly untangled ourselves from each other. At that moment, I wanted Monica to leave so James and I could enjoy our weekend alone, but I didn’t want to be rude. I later found out that was mistake number one. The red light was practically blinking right in front of my face, but for reasons beyond even me, I went with the flow instead of stating my wishes. She served her purpose, and it was time for her ass to go.

    We joined Monica in the Jacuzzi a little while later. James popped open one of the Alizé bottles, and we sat back and chilled. Friday After Next was playing in the DVD player, but I paid it no mind. I wanted some more of my husband, but with Monica there, I knew it would be a group thing. We relaxed a little longer, and before the movie was over we scrubbed each other clean and dried ourselves off.

    James had another movie playing in the room while we fell back on the huge bed. He told us of our plans for the next day. Monica would only be with us for tonight. After breakfast, she would be heading home, leaving me and James to enjoy the rest of our mini-vacation, which was cool with me because I was ready for her to leave anyway. I didn’t see why she had to stay the entire night. I mean, he could have easily put her in a cab and sent her on her merry way. I started to suggest that to James, but I didn’t want to spoil the mood. He also made mention of a shopping spree and a couple’s spa treatment we would be attending at the hotel.

    I half watched the movie, and half played back what went down earlier. Out of the corner of my eye, I took in Monica. She was definitely a cutie, and I could see why James thought her to be the perfect candidate for our evening of adventure. She had skills and knew what she was doing, but I couldn’t help but wonder how much it took for her to be here. Had she and James hooked up before? I tried not to entertain the thought, but it was bugging me. Then, on top of all that, I was wondering if I could maybe hook up with her at a later date. She was phenomenal, and I wanted to see exactly what she could do. Maybe it was just the liquor talking, but I was definitely thinking about meeting up with her soon.

    We gave each other full body massages and orally pleased each other until we drifted off to sleep. The next morning we showered together and had breakfast over conversation of our activities the previous evening. When James got up to use the restroom, Monica just kind of stared at me. For some reason I felt a little uncomfortable.

    So, Jasmine, did you enjoy yourself last night? she asked as if she really wanted to know. I answered after watching her tie the stem of a cherry into a knot with her tongue.

    Yeah, it was different. I had fun, I said nonchalantly. I did not want to have this conversation with her. I was still thinking about having her one on one, but I wouldn’t dare approach the subject.

    Well, if you want us to hook up under more private circumstances, you know how to contact me.

    I’ll do that.

    Just then, James joined us at the table. He thanked Monica for a wonderful evening and put her in a cab to go home. I saw the envelope he slipped her but decided not to comment on it. We went back to our suite to change, and then we went on the shopping spree. We only had three hours to shop because James scheduled our spa time for early afternoon.

    We made it back to the hotel with ten minutes to spare before we had to go and get pampered. Instead of shopping, we ended up going to a miniature golf course. After that we had lunch at the Hibachi, a five-star Asian bar located on Delaware Avenue.

    All too soon our weekend was over and it was time to go back to work. We had a good time just hanging out and being stress-free, and we got into some hellified sex sessions that left me speechless and smiling every time. No more of the five-minute poundings going on. We made love for hours. Sometimes it was slow, sometimes it was heart-pounding fast, but it was more than five minutes, and that’s what mattered.

    Before we left I made sure everything was packed and we weren’t forgetting anything. I sat on the lounge chair to catch my breath and enjoy the room for a second longer. James was in the restroom making sure he packed all of our toiletries. When he came back in the room, he kneeled in front of me and put his head in my lap.

    Jasmine, I am so happy you are my wife. This weekend was wonderful, and I appreciate you going through with our plans. You have made me very happy, James said while rubbing the backs of my legs.

    I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. We needed to get away for a second, I responded while fondling the wavy texture of his hair.

    Instead of responding, he reached under my skirt and pulled my panties to the side. I couldn’t protest because he was already tasting me. We went at it for another hour and were late checking out. We had to pay a fee, but it was well worth it.

    Mistake Number One

    Once James and I got home, things were better than ever. For the first time in months, we made love on a daily basis, and sometimes three or four times a day. In the past two months, we’ve met up for quick sessions during lunch, and we’d sneak off into the garage late at night while the kids were sleeping to add a little spice to our lovemaking. James sent me tulips at least twice a week, and we made it a must-do to have dinner out on Saturday nights just so we could have our time together. We made acquaintance with the kitchen table on more occasions than I can remember, and life was good.

    I didn’t think much about Monica, and for me that night was a distant memory—a thing we never spoke about once we left the hotel. I never let on to how much I really enjoyed myself and that I was seriously contemplating doing it again. Monica made my skin feel like it was on fire. I love a nice stiff one, but her soft lips could be a wonderful replacement.

    The only thing that kept me from going through with it was my job. I didn’t want anyone at the firm thinking I was a swinger or anything like that, and a scandal of that caliber could ruin everything James and I worked so hard for. We had our children to think about, and the high-priced vehicles that we were pushing around town. We were used to living ghetto fabulous, and I couldn’t see anything that petty taking it all away, no matter how wet my pussy got thinking about her.

    I pushed that thought out of my head almost as soon as I thought of it and tried to refocus on my most troublesome case. After a few hours in the office trying to wrap up my long, tiring day, my secretary buzzed me to let me know I had a delivery. I didn’t think anything of it as I circled around my desk to pick up what I assumed to be a package. When I opened my office door, a beautiful bouquet of powder pink roses was waiting for me.

    Speaking of the devil, I thought to myself.

    I thanked my secretary and picked up the bouquet to take it to my office. Before I could close the door, my secretary called out to me.

    Mrs. Cinque, I have to say I admire you, she commented with a straight face. I was puzzled as to what brought that about.

    Why is that?

    Because you bust your behind around here day in and day out, and to me it seems to go unnoticed. Then your husband does little things like send flowers to let you know he’s thinking about you, and it all seems to be okay. My son’s father would never do that.

    I didn’t know what to say, and my face must have said it all. The funny thing is she’s been my secretary for the past two years and I can’t even think of her name at this moment. I wanted to say something positive, but my mind drew a blank. I could smell Monica’s perfume coming from the card in the bouquet, and I wanted to hurry and open it.

    You’ll know when you’ve found the right one. Believe me, and with that said I closed my door and went to inspect my card.

    Monica has beautiful, curvy handwriting that matches her perfectly. The way you write says a lot about you, and her script is just as sassy as she. She wrote a short paragraph inviting me to have dinner with her in her home, without my husband. She said that the night we spent together had been on her mind, and she wanted to show me pleasures I could only dream about. I was shocked, but pleased at the same time. That night we shared was nice, the girl had skills; I had to give it her.

    Now my dilemma was this: we shared that one night on some threesome type stuff, but wouldn’t me and her one-on-one make me a cheater. If she could make me feel like I felt that night, I thought I may just have to see her again.

    At the end of the note she included her address and phone number, and asked that I confirm our meeting by five thirty this evening. I looked at my watch and it was already 5:20. I didn’t know what to do, but curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to go for it. We were only having dinner, but my walls were already contracting. Monica can turn you into Spider Woman in no time, and I was ready to go there. Now, what do I tell James?

    Before I had my story together, I was already dialing the number to the studio, and hoping I could come up with something by the time he answered the phone. I already decided to call my brother so that he could watch the kids until James got home, and I promised myself that I would not stay over there too late. As soon as I exploded, I would leave.

    Thank you for calling The Urban News Network. This is Cindy, how may I direct your call?

    Cindy is the overly polite receptionist over at the station.

    Hi Cindy, can you connect me to James, please?

    Sure, Mrs. Cinque. Hold for a second. She put me on hold and Anita Baker crooning about being in sweet love flowed through my receiver. I felt bad for a second because I loved James, and even though Monica is the same sex as me, it was still cheating. I started to back out and just go make love to him instead until he answered the phone.

    Thanks for calling The Urban News Network, who am I speaking with? James answered with his deep voice. It sounded like things were a little hectic over there, and he was a little agitated.

    Hey, sweetheart. How’s your day going?

    Hey, baby. I was just about to call you. Our system shut down unexpectedly and we’ve been trying to get it together for the past hour. I might be here all night.

    Baby, just relax. You’re the best they have over there, and whatever the problem is, you can fix it. That’s why you’re the Director of Engineering.

    Thanks babe, but I know we had plans to dip off later, and I don’t want to disappoint you.

    Sweetie, it’s okay. I was calling to tell you I would be running late because I’m trying to finish up with the paperwork from the Campbell case, and Trish just made partner, so we were going to get a few drinks afterward to celebrate. I felt like shit. Those lies rolled off too easily. Well, they weren’t total lies. Trish did make partner, but that was like last week and technically I was working on a case, but I was putting it to the side to go bump coochies with Monica. If James even thought I was still seeing Monica, he’d probably die. I know I would be pissed if he were stepping out.

    Tell Trish I said congrats. I’m sorry about tonight, and I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, okay?

    Okay, baby. Don’t stress too much. It’ll be fine.

    I know, boo, I know. I love you. Be safe.

    I will, and I love you too. Talk to you later.

    We blew each other a kiss then hung up. I called Monica next to confirm, and she told me that dinner was almost done, and that I could come on through. I straightened up my desk and put everything in order so that I could bust it out when I came in tomorrow morning. I hate clutter, and never left my desk a mess. Afterward, I freshened up in my private bathroom and made my way down to Monica’s to enjoy dinner . . . and whatever dessert came with it.

    I was having all kinds of doubts on my drive over to Monica’s house. I knew we would sleep together; that went without saying. My only problem was if James ever found out there would be some serious explaining to do. He would have questions, and I knew I couldn’t possibly give him an honest answer. How do you tell your husband his sex is the bomb, but you prefer the feel of another woman’s lips to his? That wouldn’t go over too nicely.

    When I pulled up to her house I wasn’t the least bit surprised. She lived in a cute, two-story, Victorian-style home that sat way back off the street. Her house had a beautiful wrap-around porch set off by a well-manicured lawn. There was a wooden swing off to the left that was perfect for cool summer nights. Her windows sported pastel pink shutters to match the trim on her white house. She had several rose bushes sprinkled around her yard, and her address hung from a powder pink mailbox on a black address hanger. It was written in script with little roses around the border. Monica definitely loved pink flowers.

    By the time I parked my car and began to walk up the path to her door, she was already standing there. Monica was a lot shorter than I remembered. A cute little petite something. She had on a halter dress that stopped just under her ass and showed off her perfect legs. Her hair was done in one of those spiky styles like Halle Berry would wear that showed more of her pretty face and bright eyes.

    She greeted me with a tight hug like she really missed me and invited me into her home. The inside was just as breathtaking. She had a sunken living room decorated in pastel yellows, pinks, and blues. The fireplace was to die for, and I could almost picture us lying in front of it on a cold winter night touching and tasting each other.

    There was a spiral staircase with steps made of clear marble with rose petals embedded in them. The railing was gold plated with a vine design wrapped around it with crystal roses appearing to bud from it. She had pictures of couples making love in various positions on top of pink rose petals with gold leaves. The flowers really stood out because the couples were sketched in black and white. It wasn’t until I took a closer look that I realized that Monica was the woman in the pictures. That left me speechless.

    Through the back door I could see her swimming pool, and I had to get a closer look. When I looked in, a portrait of Monica in a pink teddy could be seen painted on the bottom. I wanted to hate, but I was living good so there was no reason to complain. I just wanted to know what she did for a living to be able to afford all of this. I wanted to see the upstairs, but she suggested we eat dinner before it got cold. I mean, hell, we would be up there later anyway.

    We had polite conversation while we enjoyed our meal. I was a little nervous and resisted the urge to jet several times. I felt so bad about being there while James was stressing at work, and the fact that I lied to him about where I was made me feel even worse. Monica kind of picked up on my mood and suggested we continue our conversation on the couch. I’m sure she was thinking it was something she did, but that was far from the case.

    Once we got comfortable on her sofa, we resumed conversation while she rubbed my feet. It felt so good I could hardly talk. Before I knew it, my head was resting on the arm of the sofa and I was almost asleep. For a second I thought I was at home. I felt James massaging my feet turn into him moving his soft hands up my leg. Then I’m like How did his hands get so soft all of a sudden? When I opened my eyes, Monica’s hands were high on my thighs, my prize not far away. Surprisingly, I didn’t flinch or pull back. I almost wanted her to hurry up because I knew it was going to be good.

    She stood up, I assumed, to take her clothes off. She walked toward the stairs, leaving pieces of clothing along the way. It wasn’t a lot because she didn’t have much on to begin with. By the time she got to the third step, she was standing in nothing but a thong, and I was like damn. She looked even better than the last time. Her chocolate skin made you want to kiss her all over, and her nipples were just a shade darker than the rest of her body, putting you in mind of a Hershey’s kiss. I was hesitant at first, but I followed her up the stairs and into the master bedroom.

    I stood inside the doorway, taking it all in.

    Monica turned on the stereo, and I felt like I was listening to a late night smooth grooves session on the radio. She walked over to me and took my hand, leading me to the bed. No words were needed as she slowly undressed me, kissing the body parts she revealed on the way down. My head was screaming, get the hell out of here, but the rest of my body was whispering, girl, you about to explode, so chill.

    She walked me up to her bed and told me to lay flat on my stomach. I did what I was told and closed my eyes, listening to the

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