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GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing
GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing
GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing
Ebook255 pages4 hours

GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing

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About this ebook

Crystals, gems, minerals, fossils, and stones have been used for healing purposes throughout human history. When you begin to work with crystals, the amount of information about them can be overwhelming. 

GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing is here to make it easier to learn which crystals to use on your own healing journey. Crystal Whisperer, Meredith Pagan, has selected 100 stones that are healing for a variety of ailments, life transitions, celebrations, and preferred atmospheres. 

This book contains a quick guide to stones, plus healing information for 100 individual crystals, from Agate to Wulfenite. This book identifies which elements and chakras are associated with each crystal. The main properties of each stone are presented along with their emotional, spiritual, and physical healing qualities, plus tips on how to best care for and work with them. Each stone is represented by a photograph from the MereStones Collection, to make it easy to identify. 

If you are on a journey of healing or recovery, this book will make it easy for you to connect with the natural world through the healing power of crystals. 

YOU have a spark inside that is a portal to the life of your wildest dreams! Use this book to find your light, and shine on. 

PublisherCarrie Moran
Release dateNov 22, 2019
GemRx: Crystals That Support Recovery and Healing

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    Book preview

    GemRx - Meredith Pagan


    We created this book for anyone

    seeking crystal knowledge.

    We intend it to be a positive,

    life-changing guide for

    those who have received it.


    WE HAVE COLLECTED THE crystals in this book into groups focused on different healing properties in the Stones by Property section. This quick guide will help you select stones based on the support you are currently seeking.

    Stones by Property is followed by 100 of the top stones for healing, in alphabetical order. Each stone has a photo, and lists the Elements, Chakras, Top Properties, Emotional Healing Properties, Spiritual Healing Properties, Physical Healing Properties, along with Care & Tips specific to that stone.


    EVERYTHING ON EARTH is made of atoms, and atoms contain electrical charges. Our human bodies are made from the same building blocks as the crystals featured in this book. Therefore, the vibrations and energy contained within crystals can alter the vibrations and energy in our bodies.

    IBM scientist Marcel Vogel researched crystals and their applications throughout his career. He found that pointing a crystal at another person, the crystal would amplify the person’s thoughts and emotions. This often also led to putting the individual into an altered state of consciousness (Satya Center).

    Beyond modern science, crystals have been used in healing and ritual throughout recorded human history. The knowledge on healing properties contained in this book has been handed down from our ancestors, and is intended to be the very beginning of a crystal healing journey.


    THERE ARE MANY PLACES to purchase crystals and stones, but we encourage you to purchase or obtain your stones from sources that focus on sustainability. Crystals come from the Earth, and we need to take care to not deplete her.

    Sustainable and ethical sourcing is a top priority for MereStones. The crystals, minerals, and fossils in the MereStones Collection are chosen individually, and availability varies. The majority of MereStones come from one local couple that are involved in a co-op that trades and buys large collections from geologists and private collectors; making the MereStones Collection rescues of sorts.⁣⁣ To purchase directly from MereStones, visit



    THE ELEMENTS ARE NATURE's methods of communication. Each element gives us a pathway to understanding and connecting in an organic and instinctual way.

    EARTH:  FEMININITY, grounding, purpose, practicality, stability, manifestation, growth

    Air:  Expression of emotions, idealism, communication, intellect, social

    Fire:  Energy, vitality, willpower, transformation, action, masculinity

    Water:  Emotions, cleansing, communication, flow, fluidity, transparency

    Storm:  Cleansing, balancing, empowerment, alignment, redirection, stimulating

    Spirit:  Binds elements; absorbs, transmutes, and activates energy; celestial

    Wind:  Movement, cold, dry, unstoppable, inspiration, flexibility, carefree


    CHAKRAS ARE ENERGY centers of our body that process emotions and experiences. Do you ever experience feelings in your gut, or butterflies in your stomach? Those sensations are coming from the related Chakras.

    These energy centers can feel drained or activated at times and are innate guides of our healing needs and well-being. Crystals can be used to clear, recharge, or balance the Chakras. Follow the tips on the individual stone pages to get started on using crystals in tandem with your Chakras.

    Crown (top of head, violet)

    Balanced: bliss, spiritual connection, belief systems

    Blocked: loneliness, lack of connection with higher power, feeling unworthy, aimless, focus on materialism

    Third Eye (middle of forehead, indigo)

    Balanced: wisdom,  imagination, intuition, purpose

    Blocked: feeling lost, disconnection to intuition, closed / close minded

    Throat (throat, blue)

    Balanced: self-expression, communication, truth

    Blocked: inauthenticity, frustration, misdirection, unheard perceptions

    Heart (upper chest, green)

    Balanced: forgiveness, love, inner peace, compassion

    Blocked: fear, blocked off, discontent, grudges

    Solar Plexus (upper stomach, yellow)

    Balanced: inner power, confidence, self-worth

    Blocked: powerlessness, victimhood, anxiety, low self-esteem

    Sacral (below the belly button, orange)

    Balanced: freedom, creativity, pleasure, well-being, abundance

    Blocked: hurt, confusion, intimacy issues, toxic relationships, lack of success

    Root (base of spine, red)

    Balanced: survival, grounding, foundation, acceptance

    Blocked: instability, sluggish, stuck, not good enough,  anger, abandonment issues




    Agate, Amazonite, Ametrine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Danburite, Emerald, Epidote, Fluorite, Green Apophyllite, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Hematite, Howlite, Kunzite, Kyunite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lepidocrocite, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Peridot, Pyrite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz,  Shungite, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Tanzanite, Tigers Eye, Turquoise


    Agate, Amazonite, Amethyst, Apophyllite, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Clear Quartz, Danburite, Emerald, Fuchsite, Garnet, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidocrocite, Moonstone, Peridot, Prehnite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Smithsonite, Topaz, Turquoise


    ACTIVATION / ENERGY Boost / Jumpstart

    Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Aragonite Star Cluster, Azurite, Blue Apatite, Carnelian, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Garnet, Hematite, Kunzite, Kyanite, Epidote, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Moldavite, Obsidian, Opal, Pyrite, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, Seraphinite, Serpentine, Spirit Quartz, Tanzanite, Topaz, Tigers Eye, Turquoise

    EMF Protection

    Amazonite, Amethyst, Bismuth, Black Tourmaline, Galena, Green Aventurine, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Jasper (all types), Fluorite, Lepidolite, Native Copper, Shungite, Phantom Quartz, Pyrite, Rhyolite, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite


    Agate, Apache Tears, Black Kyanite, Black Tourmaline,  Charoite, Chiastolite, Emerald, Fossils, Garnet, Galena, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Leopard Skin Jasper, Lodolite, Mookaite Jasper, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Pyrite, Red Jasper, Shungite, Septarian, Smoky Quartz, Super 7 Amethyst, Tigers Eye, Turquoise


    Amazonite, Amethyst, Apophyllite (with/without Stilbite), Black Tourmaline, Blue Calcite,  Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Celestite, Chalcedony, Chiastolite, Citrine, Clear Quartz,  Crazy Lace Agate, Desert Rose, Fluorite, Fossils, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Ocean Jasper, Optical Calcite, Peacock Ore, Peridot, Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Shungite, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Sulfur, Tigers Eye, Topaz


    DIET CHANGE / HEALTHY Choices / Willpower

    Amazonite, Amethyst, Azurite, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Blue Apatite, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Emerald, Epidote, Garnet, Hematite, Heulandite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Malachite, Moonstone, Opal, Peridot, Prehnite, Pyrite, Ruby, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Selenite, Shungite, Seraphinite, Sulfur, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Tigers Eye, Topaz, Unakite


    Agate, Amethyst, Angelite, Apache Tears, Aquamarine, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Celestite, Chalcedony, Charoite, Chrysocolla, Danburite, Epidote, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Topaz



    Amber, Amazonite, Amethyst, Apophyllite with Stilbite, Azurite, Black Tourmaline, Blue Apatite, Blue Calcite, Carnelian,  Clear Quartz, Celestite, Citrine, Charoite, Desert Rose, Fossil Coral, Fuschite, Galena, Garnet,  Green Aventurine, Hematite, Heulandite, Kunzite, Lepidocrocite, Lepidolite, Ocean Jasper, Peridot, Rhodonite, Selenite, Smithsonite, Smoky Quartz, Spirit Quartz, Super 7 Amethyst, Tiger Eye


    Amethyst, Apophyllite, Azurite, Black Tourmaline, Blue Apatite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Celestite, Fluorite, Desert Rose, Herkimer Diamond, Howlite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Kyanite, Obsidian, Optical Calcite, Phantom Quartz, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Selenite, Seraphinite, Shungite, Smoky Quartz, Sulfur, Topaz


    Agate, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Aragonite Star Cluster,  Aquamarine, Azurite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Fluorite,  Garnet, Green Calcite, Hematite, Jasper - all, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Native Copper, Red Calcite, Seraphinite, Sodalite, Sulfur



    Agate, Angelite, Aragonite Star Cluster, Azurite, Bismuth, Blue Apatite, Calcite, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Chiastolite, Chrysocolla, Garnet, Green Calcite, Epidote, Fluorite, Fossils, Heulandite, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Opal, Optical Calcite, Petrified Wood, Rhyolite, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Wavelite, Wulfenite


    Amethyst, Ametrine, Aragonite Star Cluster, Blue Apatite, Calcite, Carnelian, Chiastolite, Chrysocolla, Citrine, Fluorite, Fossil Coral, Herkimer Diamond, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidocrocite, Opal, Pyrite, Rhyolite, Septarian, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Tigers Eye, Vanadinite, Wulfenite

    Earth / Nature Connection

    Agate, Aragonite Star Cluster, Black Tourmaline, Calcite, Desert Rose, Emerald, Green Apophyllite, Hematite, Herkimer Diamond, Fuschite, Labradorite, Larimar, Leopard Skin Jasper, Malachite, Moldavite, Mookaite Jasper, Native Copper, Obsidian, Phantom Quartz, Prehnite, Red Jasper, Rhodonite, Rhyolite, Shungite, Seraphinite, Serpentine, Smoky Quartz, Unakite


    Agate, Amazonite, Amber, Amethyst, Ametrine, Aqua Aura Quartz, Carnelian,

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