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Sound Barrier: The Rocky Road to MACH 1.0+
Sound Barrier: The Rocky Road to MACH 1.0+
Sound Barrier: The Rocky Road to MACH 1.0+
Ebook428 pages5 hours

Sound Barrier: The Rocky Road to MACH 1.0+

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As the speed of early aircraft gradually increased there eventually became an awareness during the 1940's, that strange things were occurring at around 500mph. Many later WW2 fighter aircraft were reported to become dangerously uncontrollable in high-speed power dives. Pilot's and aircraft designers were beginning to encounter the sound barrier. We now realize it to be a phenomenon that occurs when the speed of sound is reached and air compressibility demands additional power to break through it. Breaking the sound barrier became one of the biggest challenges to the world's aircraft designers and it took great courage and daring for the test-pilots of that era to find the way through this difficult obstacle. This is the story of how innovative design and pilots learned how to deal with supersonic flight. It records the many different experimental aircraft and tells of the experiences of those that flew them. Many pilots lost their lives during those dangerous flights but those who survived became legendary.
Release dateOct 30, 2006
Sound Barrier: The Rocky Road to MACH 1.0+

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    Sound Barrier - Peter Caygill


    On 11 August 1954 English Electric P.1 WG760 was being flown on its third flight out of Boscombe Down by Roland Beamont, chief test pilot of the Warton-based company. Having levelled off at 30,000 feet over the English Channel near Poole, Beamont opened the throttles and watched as the pointer on the Machmeter showed a steady increase in speed before coming to a halt at 0.98M. With no apparent increase in speed after nearly two minutes the throttles were closed and a return was made to base. As Beamont headed back to Boscombe Down he was completely unaware that he had become the first pilot to fly supersonically in level flight in a British-built aircraft; significant position error having accounted for the non-appearance of the magic figure of 1.0 on the cockpit display. During the period of acceleration no buffeting had been experienced, neither had there been any undesirable trim changes to worry the pilot. In fact, breaking the so-called ‘sound barrier’ had proved to be a complete non-event.

    This was all in marked contrast to what had gone before. The spectre of compressibility began to have a significant effect on the progress of aviation in the mid 1930s when the new stressed-skin monoplanes, featuring retractable undercarriages, variable pitch propellers and piston engines of increased power, first began to suffer from violent buffeting, control problems and a lack of controllability as localised airflows reached the speed of sound. The advent of the jet engine, which offered even greater levels of power, had the effect of raising the stakes a good deal higher and the myth of an impenetrable barrier began to take hold. Of course this did not stop extremely brave pilots from attempting to fly at sonic speeds but if they tried too hard the only thing they were going to achieve was to rearrange part of the earth’s scenery as they dived straight into the ground. What was needed was a radical rethink on the form an aircraft was to take if it was to fly faster than sound.

    The swept wing, which was to play a big part in delaying the effects of compressibility, had been put forward as a means of allowing aircraft to fly faster even before the Second World War had begun. Under the stimulus of a country fighting for its very survival, the basic theory was turned into practice by the various research institutions in Germany so that by the end of the war the German aircraft industry was far in advance of any other. With the cessation of hostilities, however, all this secret work was then plundered by the advancing Allied forces with research data, together with anyone who had been involved in advanced weapons projects, being spread between east and west. This led to an explosion of activity in all the leading aeronautical nations, with the notable exception of Britain who thought it was much better to forget about manned supersonic flight and concentrate on radio controlled models instead.

    Within two and a half years of the end of the war Chuck Yeager had flown supersonically in the rocket-powered Bell XS-1 and the first swept-wing fighter for the USAF, the F-86 Sabre, which was supersonic in a dive, had been flown in prototype form. In the Soviet Union the forerunner of the MiG-15 was flown for the first time in December 1947 and this aircraft led to a family of interceptors, all of which extended the boundaries of performance with each succeeding generation. By the time that Roland Beamont took the P.1 above Mach 1.0 in August 1954 the USAF already had the Mach 1.3 capable F-100 Super Sabre in service and the equivalent MiG-19 was almost ready for its introduction with the Soviet Air Force. Even France, which had had to start from scratch in 1945, was catching up fast with the Super Mystere II and the delta-winged Mirage nearing their first flights. By the mid-1950s the perils involved in flying faster than the speed of sound were a thing of the past and designers were already looking to Mach 2.0 and beyond.

    This book looks at the period leading up to that time and highlights the difficulties for designers and test pilots alike. From the very first occasions when compressibility was encountered during terminal velocity dives in piston-engined fighters, to the eventual goal of achieving supersonic flight in rocket and jet-powered aircraft, the quest for the holy grail of aviation is recorded in graphic detail. Along the way many pilots were to die in their endeavour to be the first through the ‘sound barrier’ and there were also to be a number of missed opportunities which, if they had been taken, may have rewritten the history books.

    Although the prime reason for all this feverish activity was to achieve some measure of dominance over rival air forces, there was to be a spin-off in commercial aviation with the development of the incomparable Anglo-French Concorde. It is to be hoped that the untimely demise of this aircraft does not mean the end of supersonic passenger flight and that when a new generation of SST eventually takes to the air, the pioneers who gave their lives to the cause of aeronautical progress will be remembered.


    The Pioneers

    When Orville Wright made the first powered flight by a heavier-than-air machine at Kill Devil Hills, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on 17 December 1903 he set in motion a train of events that would lead to the aeroplane achieving dominance both as a weapon of war and as a means of transport. This order of things was anything but clear cut, however, so that even the most informed observers at the time can be forgiven if they considered that the seemingly frail-looking contraption created by the Wright brothers would be anything more than just a curiosity. For the aeroplane to be accepted it had to be able to carry out useful work which meant that it had to fly faster, further and carry a worthwhile payload, or perform a duty that no other machine could do. With the exception of the Wrights who made excellent progress with their developments of the original Flyer, the vast majority of the pioneers who followed their example were fortunate if their machines actually made it into the air at all.

    It was the invention of the internal combustion engine that provided the means by which sustained flight could be contemplated; previously, much experimenting had been carried out with gliders. Initially, Europe led the way following the inspired work of Sir George Cayley who was the first to establish aeronautics as a science and was to discard the flapping wing in favour of fixed wings. The culmination of Cayley’s research was his man-carrying glider of 1853 which successfully carried his coachman aloft at Brompton Hall near Scarborough. Unfortunately the coachman was less than impressed by the experience and immediately resigned his job as he deemed that flying was not part of his job description.

    Although he maintained an interest in developing a workable ornithopter until his death in 1896, Otto Lilienthal was one of the most gifted of the early pioneers. A trained engineer, he built and flew a series of fixed-wing hang gliders with control being effected by movements of the pilot’s body, although shortly before he died he was experimenting with different forms of control and was working towards rudder and elevator control with a form of wing warping for lateral control. His work was not to be completed as he lost his life when his glider stalled and crashed from a height of about 50 feet.

    A similar fate befell the Scot, Percy Pilcher whose gliders were closely related to those of Lilienthal who he had met on a number of occasions and whose ideas he adopted. His most successful glider was the Hawk which he was flying on 30 September 1899 when a section of the tailplane snapped and it suddenly pitched nose down. Pilcher was severely injured in the accident and died two days later without having regained consciousness. At the time of his death he was developing a glider powered by a lightweight engine that he had designed himself. Had he lived there is a possibility that he may have become the first to achieve powered flight, although compared to the Wright brothers he gave very little thought to the question of stability and control.

    On the other side of the Atlantic the French-born Octave Chanute was experimenting with multiplane gliders and was to have a big influence on the Wright brothers. His most successful design was a biplane with a cruciform tail unit that was flown around the turn of the century. Chanute was then contacted by the Wrights and a close relationship blossomed with information being freely passed back and forth. The Wrights had been carrying out their own experiments for some time and although their later gliders showed a distinct resemblance to Chanute’s design, their work was much more advanced. Many of the early aviators were obsessed with inherent stability and as a result gave little thought as to how their creations could be controlled in the air. The Wrights deliberately adopted an unstable configuration that did not feature wing dihedral with the aircraft’s lateral attitude instead being controlled by wing warping. An indication of how far the Wrights were ahead of everyone else was their identification of adverse yaw. This occurred in a turn when the upgoing wing, the trailing edge of which had been warped downwards, created more drag and led to yaw against the direction of the turn. This could easily lead to a stall, but the problem was eventually cured by the use of a rear-mounted rudder which was interconnected with the wing warping system. Having built a suitably strong biplane structure which generated sufficient lift and was controllable, all that was needed was a suitable power source.

    By the turn of the century the first internal combustion engines were offering power-to-weight ratios that held the prospect of an application in heavier-than-air craft. The most advanced was that designed by the American, Charles Manley: a five-cylinder radial that developed around 50 hp and incorporated a carburettor, spark ignition and water cooling. Unfortunately, it was used to power S.P. Langley’s Aerodrome which succeeded only in plunging into the river Potomac on two occasions in 1903 from its catapult above a houseboat. The Wright brothers had their own petrol engine designed and built by their mechanic Charles Taylor and although this was far less advanced than Manley’s radial, the 12 hp that it developed from its four in-line cylinders was just sufficient to power the Flyer. By 1904 the engine had been improved so that it developed 16 hp and this process was continued so that by 1906 it was capable of producing 25 hp. The basic Flyer was also developed, the 1905 machine having flat wings with no trace of anhedral and a pilot-controlled rudder. This aircraft was a truly practical machine and during a demonstration in October 1905 it flew a distance of 24 miles in 38 minutes and 4 seconds during circuits of the Wrights testing ground at Huffman Prairie near Dayton (now part of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base).

    Europe in the meantime had fallen well behind despite possessing the most advanced engine of the day in Leon Levavasseur’s Antoinette. By 1905 this water-cooled vee-8 was developing around 50 hp for a weight of only 265 lb but its use of evaporative (steam) cooling and fuel injection meant that reliability was poor. Nevertheless, it was used to power the extraordinary tail-first 14-bis of Alberto Santos-Dumont who achieved the first sustained flight in Europe by travelling 722 feet in 21.2 seconds at Bagatelle, Paris. Although the European pioneers were not lacking in endeavour, their adherence to the theories of inherent stability rather than the development of adequate means of control meant that only faltering progress was made. It was not until 9 November 1907 that Henry Farman managed to exceed the duration of 59 seconds that Wilbur Wright had achieved in December 1903 when he flew the Voisin-Farman I for a distance of 3,380 feet in 1 minute 14 seconds.

    The arrival of Wilbur Wright in France in 1908 to demonstrate the Flyer A was to come as something of a shock to those early aviators who were suddenly made aware of how inadequate their own machines were. From 21 August until the end of the year he flew from Camp d’Auvours, a military field near Le Mans and in the course of 104 flights set several records, including those for distance and duration during a flight on 21 September when he covered 41 miles in 1 hour 31 minutes. Although European experimenters were no match for the Wrights at this time, there were at least sufficient numbers to form the basis of a new industry and the demonstrations by Wilbur Wright acted as a catalyst for this nascent technology to grow. Within a year Louis Bleriot had flown his Anzani-powered No.XI monoplane across the English Channel and the first aviation meeting had been held at Rheims. The distance prize of £2,000 was won by Henry Farman with a flight of 112 miles and the £400 for the competitor that achieved the highest speed went to Glenn Curtiss of the USA with his Golden Flyer which attained 46.6 mph. The spectacle of heavier-than-air craft being flown by daring pilots racing around pylons captured the public’s imagination, but the question remained as to whether the aeroplane could be developed into anything more than mere entertainment.

    In Britain the rate of progress had been even slower than in France and the first to fly a distance of more than 1 mile was the American S.F. Cody who flew his British Army Aeroplane No.1 at Laffans Plain near Aldershot in Hampshire on 14 May 1909. The first Briton successfully to fly in a British machine was Alliott Verdon Roe in his Roe 1 triplane at Lea Marshes in Essex, however, his work was hampered by lack of funds and his triplane looked distinctly frail compared to the sturdy Bleriot. This lack of progress did not stop Britain from getting in on the act and in October 1909 the first flying meeting was held at Doncaster Town Moor, home of the classic St Leger race. Top billing went to Cody but many of the other pioneer aviators were also in attendance including Henry Farman, Leon Delagrange, Roger Sommer and Hubert Leblon. The Bleriot of Delagrange was notable in that it was powered by a seven-cylinder Gnome rotary engine that had been developed by the Seguin brothers. This type of engine was to have a major impact on the development of aviation in its formative years as it offered, for the day, a very high power-to-weight ratio and excellent reliability. Using the Gnome-powered Bleriot, Delagrange won the Tradesman’s Cup for the highest speed achieved during the meeting at 49.9 mph.

    Although the Wrights had moved to secure their position by offering licence deals to European manufacturers, their pusher biplane design did not lend itself to a significant increase in performance and it was rapidly overhauled by the tractor monoplane. In a little over two years the newly established World Absolute Speed Record for aircraft was doubled from around 50 mph to the magic figure of 100 mph. It was at this time that certain enlightened individuals really began to sit up and take notice of the aeroplane as with speeds of this order, it was beginning to challenge the more traditional view that the air was the preserve of balloons and airships. As already mentioned the Gnome engine provided much of the impetus as its ingenious design kept weight to a minimum (around 3.8 lb/hp) and also provided a novel form of cooling as the crankshaft was fixed and the cylinders revolved together with the propeller. This allowed the cooling fins that surrounded each cylinder to be reduced to the bare minimum as the rotation of the engine meant that sufficient cooling air was always available, even when the aircraft was stationary. As inadequate cooling was the major cause of engine failures at this time, this was of great importance. The spinning mass of the engine also acted like a huge flywheel so that the installation was well balanced with the minimum of vibration.

    The problem of lubrication was solved by employing a one-way system which used castor oil. Once it had done its job the burnt oil poured out of the exhaust ports to cover everything in its wake, including the unfortunate pilot. It can thus be concluded with a fair degree of certainty that any pilot who flew aircraft powered by rotary-type engines never suffered from constipation. The rotary revolution, as it has often been called, spawned the rival Le Rhone engine which differed from the original Gnome in having more traditional inlet valves with distinctive copper pipes to take the mixture to the valve at the top of the cylinder [the Gnome employed a system in which the mixture was admitted to the cylinder via a valve in the crown of the piston]. Rotary engines were also produced by Clerget in France, Bentley in Britain and Oberursal in Germany and were to power many types of aircraft during the First World War.

    The prospect of lighter and more powerful rotaries inspired several designers to produce equally radical aircraft to get the best out of the new type of engine. These included the Deperdussin racers designed by Louis Bechereau which raised the World Speed Record no less than ten times in a little under two years. The Deperdussin was the first real attempt to maximise speed potential by employing a high power engine, while at the same time making sure that aerodynamic drag was reduced by streamlining. The method of construction on the definitive racer was also extremely advanced as it introduced a fuselage monocoque which was built up in two halves and was formed with overlaying strips of tulip wood laid over a mould, the finished structure being fabric covered. The aircraft was a wire-braced, mid-wing monoplane with quite a low wing-area so that landing speeds were relatively high for the period. Engines of 70 and 140 hp were used initially with the later aircraft being powered by a two-row, 14-cylinder Gnome of 160 hp. The attention to detail could be seen in the use of a large propeller spinner to reduce the drag potential of the rotary engine behind it.

    Although an open cockpit was retained, the pilot sat lower in the fuselage than had hitherto been the case where he had a control wheel to work the elevators and the wing warping system with a rudder bar for directional control. The Deperdussin was flown by two of the top racing pilots of the day in Jules Vedrines and Maurice Prevost who competed with the aircraft in Europe and the USA. The speed record was first taken by Vedrines on 13 January 1912 at Pau in France at 90.18 mph and was progressively raised to 126.64 mph, a figure set by Prevost at Rheims on 29 September 1913. The Deperdussin racers also took part in the Gordon Bennett races in Chicago in 1912 and 1913 where they were way ahead of any other competitor, Maurice Prevost winning the latter event at an average speed of 124.5 mph.

    Despite a slow start as regards aircraft production Britain had caught up with the rest of Europe by this time and had its own speed contender in the S.E.4 (or Scout Experimental No.4) produced by the Royal Aircraft Factory at Farnborough. The process of evolution of this machine can be traced back to the B.S.1 (Bleriot Scout No.1) which was designed by Geoffrey de Havilland with the assistance of Henry Folland and S.J. Waters. The B.S.1 was a very clean looking single-bay biplane with a circular cross-section fuselage, the aft section of which was of monocoque construction. It was powered by a two-row 100 hp Gnome engine and was first flown on 13 March 1913, its top speed being measured at over 90 mph. Unfortunately the B.S.1 was written off in a crash following a spin shortly afterwards, but it was decided to rebuild it, by which time it had been re-designated S.E.2. During its reconstruction the S.E.2 was fitted with a single-row Gnome of only 80 hp but when it was flown in October 1913 it was found that it was nearly as fast as in its original guise due to reduced all-up weight. It was later modified once again with the rear monocoque being replaced by a conventional fuselage structure and the incorporation of streamlined ‘Rafwire’ bracing, before being delivered to the Royal Flying Corps (RFC) where it was flown by No.3 Squadron.

    The same basic layout was adopted by Henry Folland for the S.E.4 (the S.E.3 was to have been powered by a 9-cylinder Gnome of 100 hp but was not proceeded with). The prime requirement for this aircraft was that it should have a very high top speed and with this in mind it was fitted with a 14-cylinder, two-row Gnome of 160 hp which was entirely enclosed by a tight fitting cowling with a spinner for the four-blade propeller. The fuselage was less advanced that the S.E.2 as the basic structure comprised four cross-braced longerons with formers and stringers to produce a circular cross-section. Wing bracing, with a single I-strut on each side was reduced to the absolute minimum to reduce drag, the bases of the struts being widened for fixing to both wing spars. Wire bracing was again the newly developed ‘Rafwire’ which also led to a significant reduction in drag. An unprecedented feature for the day was a moulded celluloid cockpit canopy but this was never tested in the air as it was considered by pilots to be a safety hazard.

    The control surfaces of the S.E.4 were extremely advanced as all four wings were fitted with full-span ailerons which could also be lowered to act as landing flaps or raised slightly when flying at high speeds to reduce drag. The gap between the horizontal stabiliser and the elevator was also covered so that drag was kept to a minimum. The S.E.4 was first flown in June 1914 and it immediately became apparent that it was capable of very high speeds. Although no attempt was ever made at the World Speed Record, there is little doubt that the S.E.4 would have set a new benchmark as its top speed was around 135 mph. Its engine installation was, however, found to be extremely temperamental, initially as a result of overheating (which was cured) but continued unreliability led to it being replaced with a 100 hp Gnome Monosoupape (single-valve) which cut maximum speed down to a mere 92 mph. Despite the fact that at 52 mph its landing speed was considered to be too high, the S.E.4 was about to enter RFC service when it was wrecked in a landing accident on 12 August 1914. It was not repaired and the top speed that it had attained with its original engine was not to be surpassed for another five years.

    In the meantime the interest in air racing which had led to the development of high speed landplanes had also extended to seaplanes thanks to the foresight and patronage of Jacques Schneider. Having been inspired by the sight of Wilbur Wright’s demonstrations of flight at Le Mans in 1908, Schneider was determined to aid the development of seaplanes, or hydro-aeroplanes as they were known at first, as he was convinced that the future for air travel lay with this type of craft due to the fact that they were able to take advantage of the unlimited space offered by the sea for taking off and landing. The first race for La Coupe d’Aviation Maritime Jacques Schneider, known in the English speaking world as the Schneider Trophy, took place in Monaco in April 1913 and was contested by France and the USA, although even Charles Weymann, the American competitor, was flying a French Nieuport powered by a Gnome engine.

    The race was eventually won by Maurice Prevost in a seaplane version of the Deperdussin racer at an average speed of 45 mph, although this was not a true reflection of his race pace as he forgot to fly over the finishing line and taxied over it instead. This led to a disqualification but when Weymann was forced to drop out with engine trouble, Prevost took off again to complete the race legally, the clock having been ticking in the meantime. Of the two aircraft the Nieuport was the faster, lapping at around 70 mph, compared with the 60 mph of the Deperdussin, even though the former was powered by a Gnome rotary of only 100 hp. The speed of all machines was considerably reduced from their landplane equivalents as a result of the drag created by the floats and their support structures. Also, the nature of the course, with a particularly sharp 165 degree bend, meant that pilots lost much time in making their turns.

    Following the success of the first contest, the second race took place at Monaco the following year. Considering the level of domination achieved by France in all forms of air racing, few were willing to bet against another victory for the French monoplanes, especially as the only real opposition was a tiny low-powered biplane produced by the fledgling Sopwith company in Britain. This was the Tabloid whose design philosophy was similar to that of the B.S.1/S.E.2., and in its original form was powered by an 80 hp Gnome. For the Schneider race it was re-engined with a 100 hp Gnome Monosoupape but still appeared to have no chance against the Deperdussin, which had now been fitted with an 18-cylinder Gnome of double the power of the little Tabloid, and the 160 hp Nieuport. The performance gap, however, was not as big as some imagined because the monoplanes of the day still required large amounts of external bracing which created excessive drag. They were also less manoeuvrable and lost out heavily to the much nimbler biplane in closed circuit races. In the event Howard Pixton flew the Tabloid with metronomic precision to complete the course at an average speed of 86.78 mph, the various French competitors all suffering from engine problems as they pushed too hard in an attempt to keep in touch with the Sopwith.

    The 1914 Schneider contest was the last major air race before the First World War and it marked the end of the pioneer age of flight. It also pointed the way to the future of aircraft development as with the exception of a few notable designs, such as the Fokker Eindecker, Morane-Saulnier Scout and the Bristol M.1C, the monoplane was to be discarded in favour of the biplane for a considerable period. The golden age of flying had seen a dramatic increase in the top speed of aircraft from the 48.20 mph set by Hubert Latham in an Antoinette in 1910 to the 126.64 mph as recorded by Prevost in the Deperdussin in 1913. During this period the emphasis had been on pushing back the boundaries of flight with wealthy benefactors sponsoring speed and distance events with large cash prizes underpinning the world’s first aircraft manufacturers. The descent into war changed everything so that the plane makers suddenly became entirely dependent on government contracts to design and build aircraft to fulfil a specific military need for which the requirements were diverse.

    The move away from the monoplane had begun in France with a number of fatal crashes in 1911/12 resulting in all military monoplanes being grounded for a time. Similar accidents in Britain led the War Office to ban the flying of monoplanes in September 1912 until improvements were made. The safety issue was just one aspect in the monoplane’s decline as biplanes invariably had a lower wing-loading and were thus much easier to fly with a lower stalling speed which suited the small landing grounds of the day. As the aeroplane was about to be flown by large numbers of trained airmen rather than experienced company pilots, if accident levels were to be kept to reasonable levels the new breed of aircraft had to be a long way removed from the specialised monoplane racers that had been developed for outright speed. Biplanes also tended to be more manoeuvrable and as far as most pilots were concerned, this quality was more important than the ability to outpace a rival. Due to their greater wing area they were more capable of lifting heavy military loads and throughout the war fighting aeroplanes were festooned with more and more equipment. Given that they were needed in large numbers, ease of manufacture was another important factor so the technical innovation which had characterised the brief period from 1910 fell into rapid decline. The net result was that at the end of the war the principal fighters of 1918 were little faster than the racers of the pre-war era.

    One area in which aviation did make great strides was in the development of a new range of liquid-cooled aero engines which offered a much improved power-to-weight ratio compared with those of the pre-war period. Although the rotary engine was to remain in service for the duration of the war (the Sopwith Snipe powered by a Bentley B.R.2 rotary of 230 hp was to remain in service with the RAF until 1926) its dominance was gradually eroded. The trend away from the rotary was effectively begun in Germany by the Daimler motor company which produced a 6-cylinder aero engine in 1912 under the name Mercedes. Developments of this engine gave up to 300 hp and powered a number of German aircraft in the First World War including the Albatros D.V. In Britain Sunbeam entered the aero-engine market in 1914 but the dominant player

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