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Eureka: Renal Medicine
Eureka: Renal Medicine
Eureka: Renal Medicine
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Eureka: Renal Medicine

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About this ebook

Eureka: Renal Medicine is an innovative book for medical students that fully integrates core science, clinical medicine and surgery.

The book benefits from an engaging and authoritative text, written by specialists in the field, and has several key features to help you really understand the subject:
  • Chapter starter questions - to get you thinking about the topic before you start reading
  • Break out boxes which contain essential key knowledge
  • Clinical cases to help you understand the material in a clinical context
  • Unique graphic narratives which are especially useful for visual learners
  • End of chapter answers to the starter questions
  • A final self-assessment chapter of Single Best Answers to really help test and reinforce your knowledge
The First Principles chapter clearly explains the key concepts, processes and structures of the renal system.

The Clinical Essentials chapter provides an overview of the symptoms and signs of renal disease, relevant history and examination techniques, investigations and management options.

A series of disease-based chapters give concise descriptions of all major disorders, e.g. chronic kidney disease, each chapter is introduced by engaging clinical cases that feature unique graphic narratives.

The Emergencies chapter covers the principles of immediate care in situations, such as hyperkalaemia and kidney stones.

An Integrated Care chapter discusses strategies for the management of chronic conditions across primary and other care settings.

Finally, the Self-Assessment chapter comprises 80 multiple choice questions in clinical Single Best Answer format, to thoroughly test your understanding of the subject.

The Eureka series of books are designed to be a 'one stop shop': they contain all the key information you need to know to succeed in your studies and pass your exams.
Release dateSep 30, 2016
Eureka: Renal Medicine

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    Book preview

    Eureka - Stella Woodward

    Chapter 1

    First principles

    Overview of the renal system

    Development of the renal system

    Structure of the kidney

    Function of the nephron

    The lower urinary tract

    Fluid homeostasis and electrolyte balance

    Acid–base balance

    Endocrine function of the kidney

    Overview of the renal system

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 54.

    1.   What are the functional units of kidneys?

    2.   How is the kidney part of the endocrine (i.e. hormonal) system?

    The renal system or urinary tract comprises two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and the urethra (Figures 1.1). It has two divisions:

    The upper urinary tract: the kidneys, which produce urine

    The lower urinary tract: the ureters, through which urine passes to the bladder, which stores urine, and the urethra, through which urine passes during voiding

    Each kidney contains >1 million nephrons, the functional units of the kidney. Each nephron is made up of:

    a glomerulus, a ball of capillaries in a capsule (the whole termed the renal corpuscle) which produces an ultrafiltrate (a filtrate produced by applying pressure across a semi-permeable membrane) from blood

    a tubule (consisting sequentially of proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct), which transports and modifies the filtrate before it is excreted as urine.

    Thus the renal system:

    removes waste products

    regulates fluid balance, i.e. intake, retention and net loss from the body

    regulates the concentration of electrolytes in body fluids

    The kidneys also have endocrine roles: they produce the hormones erythropoietin, responsible for formation of red blood cells, and renin, which regulates blood pressure; they also convert vitamin D to its active form, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which is required for calcium homeostasis and bone health.

    Figure 1.1 The urinary tract.

    Development of the renal system

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 54.

    3.   Does a fetus pass urine in the womb?

    4.   Why would a kidney be found in the pelvis?

    5.   Why might the kidney have more than one renal artery?

    Embryonic development of the renal system occurs in several stages and is closely linked to development of the genital organs. Development begins at the end of the third week after conception. By week 16 the kidneys are functional and contribute to the formation of amniotic fluid. Development and maturation continue into postnatal life.

    The kidneys and ureters develop from the mesoderm, the intermediate germ cell layer of the embryo (the other layers are the endoderm and ectoderm).

    The bladder (apart from the trigone) and the urethra develop from the urogenital sinus, a structure that derives from the cloaca, which is a common opening for the renal, genital and gastrointestinal tracts. The cloaca is divided by the urogenital membrane into the urogenital sinus and the primitive rectum.

    Because renal and genital embryonic development are closely linked, malformations of the genital and renal tracts commonly occur together.

    Embryonic stages of the kidney

    There are three distinct stages to the development of the kidney, the pronephros, mesonephros, and the metanephros (Figure 1.2). These occur sequentially, although there is overlap with the next stage developing as the previous stage regresses. In addition, there are residual structures from each stage that contribute to the next.


    The pronephros develops towards the head end of the embryo during week 4 of gestation. It soon regress, but leaves behind the pronephric duct which goes on to form the mesonephric duct.


    As the pronephros degenerates, the mesonephros forms in the lumbar region. It functions transiently, draining into the mesonephric (Wolffian) duct (previously the pronephric duct).

    The mesonephros degenerates in turn, but the mesonephric duct persists. In both sexes, the portion of the duct that joins to the cloaca goes on to form the trigone of the bladder and an outgrowth from this distal portion of the mesonephric duct goes on to form the ureteric bud. In men, other parts of the mesonephric duct go on to form the ductal system of the reproductive tract; in women, the rest of the duct degenerates, leaving vestigial structures.


    The metanephros arises in the sacral region and develops in to the definitive kidney. It is invaded by the developing ureteric bud, which divides repeatedly to form the collecting system of the kidney (ureters, renal pelvis, calyces and collecting ducts). The metanephros is induced to differentiate into glomeruli and renal tubules, which join up with the collecting ducts to form the complete nephron (Table 1.1).

    Figure 1.2 The three distinct stages of the embryonic kidney: the pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros.

    Ascent of the kidneys

    As the metanephros forms in the sacral region, the kidneys ascend to their adult position in the upper lumbar region. This occurs between the 6th and 9th week, during which the kidneys come to lie at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra (T12), underneath the adrenal gland (Figure 1.3). As it ascends, the kidney is transiently supplied by blood vessels that originate from the aorta at progressively higher levels, until it receives its definitive blood supply from the lumbar aorta.

    Congenital abnormalities are found in 3–4% of live births; urinary tract abnormalities account for 20–30% of these. Common abnormalities include pelvic kidney (1 in 2000–3000), in which the kidney fails to ascend and remains below the pelvic brim, and multiple renal vessels (20–30% of births), in which there is a persistence of some of the sequential arterial (or venous) vessels received during ascent of the kidney.

    Figure 1.3 Ascent of the kidneys occurs between the 6th and 9th weeks of embryonic development. (a) The adult kidney begins as the metanephros in the sacral region of the embryo. (b) As the embryo grows in length, the kidneys begin their ascent. (c) By the 9th week, the kidneys come to lie at the level of the 12th thoracic vertebra.

    Structure of the kidney

    Starter questions

    Answers to the following questions are on page 54.

    6.   Why are all invasive procedures involving the kidney, such as a biopsy, so risky?

    7.   How does a long loop of Henle help a desert animal survive?

    The kidneys are located on the posterior abdominal wall and are described as being retroperitoneal, because only their anterior surface is covered with peritoneum. They lie at the level of T11–T12 to L3 on either side of the lumbar vertebrae (Figure 1.4). The right kidney lies about 12 mm lower than the left, as the result of downward displacement by the liver.

    Each kidney is bean-shaped with a medial indentation (hilum). The adult kidney is usually 10–14 cm long and 6 cm wide, depending on the individual. Both kidneys are surrounded by perirenal fat, which provides a protective cushion.

    The anatomical relations of the kidney (Figures 1.5 and 1.6; see also Figure 1.1) are:

    Superior: adrenal glands

    Anterior to the right kidney: duodenum (second part), ascending colon and liver

    Anterior to the left kidney: stomach, pancreas, spleen and descending colon

    Posterior: diaphragm, quadratus lumborum, psoas, transversus abdominis, 12th rib, 12th subcostal nerve, and iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves

    Within the fibrous renal capsule there are two zones of tissue: the outer cortex and the inner medulla (Figure 1.7). The medullary region is divided into triangular shaped areas of tissue, the pyramids; the apex of each of these pyramids is called a renal papilla. The hilum of each kidney contains the renal vein, renal artery and renal pelvis, in addition to lymphatics and nerves.

    Figure 1.4 Surface anatomy and relations of the kidneys. , liver; , erector spinae muscle group; , spleen; , region of costodiaphragmatic recess (shaded white); , renal angle; , left kidney; , right kidney; , ureter; , iliolumbar ligament; , iliac crest; , posterior superior iliac spine; , sacrum.

    Figure 1.5 Axial CT scan of the abdomen at the level of the transpyloric plane (level of L1). , stomach; , transverse colon; , liver; , duodenum, firstpart; , superior mesenteric artery; , pancreas; , inferior vena cava; , aorta; , spleen; , L1 vertebra; , right kidney; , left kidney and hilum.

    Figure 1.6 Anterior relations of the kidneys.

    Figure 1.7 Structure of the kidney. The kidney is organised as a group of pyramids facing inwards, and draining via the calyces into the renal pelvis. All vessels – renal artery, renal vein, ureter, lymphatics and nerves – pass through the medial hilum.

    Vascular supply

    Because their role is efficient filtration of the blood, the kidneys are highly vascular; they receive about 20% of cardiac output, roughly 1.1 L/min, which enables the entire blood volume (about 5.5 L) to be filtered 30–35 times a day. Blood is delivered to each kidney via a single renal artery, which enters the kidney at its hilum. In some people, multiple renal arteries are present; these arise directly from the aorta or branch off the existing renal artery.

    Arterial circulation

    After its entry at the hilum the renal artery branches progressively, first forming smaller arteries and then smaller arterioles until the capillary bed is reached (Figure 1.8). The order of branching of each renal artery is as follows:

    five segmental arteries

    interlobar arteries along the sides of the medullary pyramids

    arcuate arteries at the junction of the medulla and cortex

    cortical radiate arteries

    afferent arterioles

    glomerular capillary networks, where filtration occurs

    Fluid moves out of the capillaries to enter the nephron as the glomerular filtrate, which is processed by the kidney to eventually become urine. Blood remaining in the capillaries passes out of the glomerulus via the efferent arteriole.

    Figure 1.8 Renal circulation. The pink boxes show the successive divisions of the arterial supply from the aorta. The blue boxes show the successive joining of veins that eventually drain into the inferior vena cava. The red arrows show the direct passage of blood from arterioles to veins in the cortex: not all blood enters the deep medulla via the vasa recta (see Figure 1.9).

    The renal cortex is the most vascularised part of the kidney, receiving more than 90% of its blood supply. This enables a high glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to be maintained. Most cortical blood enters the medulla and the remainder supplies the renal capsule and adipose tissue. In the outer two thirds of the cortex, the efferent arterioles from the glomerulus form a capillary network (the peritubular capillaries) around the first part of the remaining tubule (the proximal convoluted tubule) (Figure 1.9).

    Vasa recta

    Juxtamedullary glomeruli, i.e. those in the inner third of the cortex, give rise to efferent arterioles that descend into the medulla and divide into hairpin-shaped capillaries and form the vasa recta, a capillary network surrounding the loops of Henle and collecting ducts (Figure 1.9). These capillaries have a role in the countercurrent exchange mechanism responsible for efficiently concentrating urine to preserve water (see page 22).

    The vasa recta and peritubular capillaries drain into a series of venules and veins that eventually drain into the left and right renal veins and finally the inferior vena cava.

    Venous drainage

    This mirrors arterial supply, with a single renal vein draining into the vena cava from each kidney. The left renal vein is longer than the right and receives the left gonadal vein, the left adrenal vein and the left inferior phrenic vein. These drain separately into the inferior vena cava on the right side.

    Nerve supply

    The kidneys are innervated by the autonomic nervous system, the division of the peripheral nervous system that governs the functions of internal organs in the absence of conscious effort. Renal autonomic nerves regulate vasomotor tone, the level of muscular contraction in the walls of arterioles. Autonomic control of vasomotor tone also controls renal blood flow.

    The kidney predominantly receives autonomic nerve supply via the sympathetic nervous system, the division of the autonomic nervous system that activates the body’s ‘fight or flight’ response. Each kidney is innervated via the renal plexus, which receives postganglionic fibres from the coeliac ganglia, aorticorenal ganglia and lower splanchnic nerves. The renal plexus is located around the renal artery and nerve fibres enter the kidney along its branches. These fibres make direct contact with renal blood vessels, renal tubules and juxtaglomerular cells. Increased sympathetic activity results in renal arterial vasoconstriction, and therefore decreased renal blood flow and decreased GFR, in addition to enhanced tubular Na+ and water reabsorption, and stimulation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS; see page 35). Decreased sympathetic activity has the opposite effect. This system contributes to the homeostatic regulation of water and sodium balance and, in disease states, to pathological alterations to this balance.

    Figure 1.9 Peritubular capillaries and vasa recta. For simplicity only one juxtamedullary nephron is shown, its renal tubule descending deep into the medulla where the ascending and descending limbs of the loop of Henle are in close proximity to the vasa recta (as is the collecting duct). The tubules associated with cortical nephrons descend to the medulla near its junction with the cortex (not shown here).

    In addition to autonomic innervation, the kidney contains afferent sensory nerve fibres located in the renal pelvis. Activation of these fibres results in reflex inhibition of sympathetic activity in the contralateral kidney, causing natriuresis and diuresis.

    Lymphatic drainage

    Plexuses of lymph vessels in the cortex drain into several trunks that follow the course of the renal vein and drain into aortic lymph nodes. Some protein is filtered from the blood in the glomerulus, but most is subsequently absorbed by the tubular cells and then returned to the blood via the lymphatic vessels. The lymphatic system also has a central role in the function of the immune system: lymph contains cellular debris and pathogens that are transported to lymph nodes where they encounter a high concentration of lymphocytes. Here, lymphocytes are activated by antigens and an adaptive immune response is initiated.

    Microstructure: the nephron

    The kidneys are composed of:

    the renal corpuscles (the filtration apparatus); collectively the corpuscle and tubule make up the nephron

    the renal tubules (the reabsorptive apparatus)

    the calyces and the renal pelvis (the collecting system). These structures drain into the ureter

    The renal parenchyma, i.e. the functional tissue of the kidney, comprises of about 1 million nephrons, blood vessels and supporting structures such as fibroblasts (interstitial tissue). The nephron is a tube made up of simple epithelium, i.e. a single layer of epithelial cells; it is the functional unit of the kidney. Each nephron consists of two functional components: the renal corpuscle (Figure 1.10) and the renal tubule (Figure 1.11).

    The majority of the renal corpuscles (about 85%), the proximal and distal convoluted tubules and part of the collecting tubules are situated in the outer cortex of the kidney. About 15% of renal corpuscles are in the juxtamedullary region, the deepest part of the cortex. These are associated with nephrons that have longer loops of Henle.

    The descending limb and thin and thick ascending limbs of the loops of Henle, as well as the medullary collecting tubules and collecting ducts are situated in the medulla. The medulla is divided into dark, striated areas called pyramids, the apices of which are called papillae. Papillae project into the renal pelvis, which continues into the ureter.

    The number of nephrons decreases over time. This explains why renal function declines as an individual ages.

    Renal corpuscle

    The renal corpuscle is the site of initial filtration and comprises:

    Bowman’s capsule, the cupped end of the renal tubule

    Bowman’s space, the space between the glomerulus and Bowman’s epithelium. Filtrate within it drains into the renal tubule

    the glomerulus, a network of blood vessels within the capsule. This term often refers to the whole renal corpuscle, not just the vessels

    Figure 1.10 The renal corpuscle, often referred to as the glomerulus. The true glomerulus is the network of capillary vessels, which is fed by afferent and drained by efferent arterioles. The juxtaglomerular apparatus, which is involved in tubuloglomerular feedback (see page 18), is shown where the afferent arteriole and the distal tubule of the same nephron meet.

    Figure 1.11 The nephron comprises the renal corpuscle and renal tubule; it culminates in the collecting duct, which drains into the renal pelvis. Each collecting duct receives fluid from several distal tubules.

    Figure 1.12 The glomerular filtration membrane

    The process of filtration commences in the renal corpuscle, where plasma ultrafiltrate enters Bowman’s space from the glomerulus. This process depends on the filtration membrane, which has three layers (Figure 1.12):

    fenestrated endothelial cells of glomerular capillaries

    the glomerular basement membrane, a continuous layer of connective tissue and glycoproteins

    podocytes, the epithelial cells of the visceral layer of Bowman’s capsule, named for their foot-like projections

    Because of the fenestrations in the endothelium, the barrier to filtration principally consists of the basement membrane and podocytes. The basement membrane is made up of a number of macromolecules including type IV collagen, heparan sulphate and laminin, that provide a barrier to filtration based both on size and charge. The podocyte foot processes interdigitate on the outside of the basement membrane to form filtration slits 20–30 nm wide. The importance of proteins such as nephrin and podocin that are expressed in the filtration slits is shown by the massive proteinuria that results from their genetic deficiency (see page 302).

    Mesangial cells surround glomerular capillaries and have several functions, including:

    structural support

    secretion of extracellular matrix

    phagocytic activity

    secretions of prostaglandins

    These cells can contract to help regulate blood flow through glomerular capillaries. The different glomerular cells and their functions are summarised in Table 1.2.

    Renal tubule

    The renal tubule is specialised for secretion and selective reabsorption. It is made up of the:

    proximal convoluted tubule

    loop of Henle

    distal convoluted tubule

    collecting duct

    The epithelial cells of the renal tubule vary in structure along its length, reflecting the different functions of each segment (Table 1.3). The diameter of the tubule varies along its length, ranging from 15 µm to 60 µm.

    Proximal convoluted tubule

    The proximal convoluted tubule arises from the renal corpuscle and is roughly 15mm long. The wall of the tubule is made up of a single layer of interdigitating cuboidal cells (cube-shaped epithelial cells), connected by tight junctions at their apical (luminal) surfaces.

    Tight junctions are protein complexes that form a semi-permeable barrier between neighbouring epithelial and endothelial cells at their apical surface. They regulate paracellular (intercellular) permeability, help maintain cellular polarity and play a role in cell signalling processes.

    Each cuboidal cell is covered with densely packed microvilli on its luminal surface. The many microvilli of multiple adjacent cells make up the characteristic brush border of the proximal convoluted tubule. This is a specialised surface for transport; the microvilli increase the surface area over which solutes are exchanged by a factor of 200.

    The basal aspect of each cell (the part of the cell adjacent to the basal lamina) is also adapted for transport. It contains invaginations of the cell membrane that increase its surface area. The cytoplasm is rich in mitochondria which provide the energy the cells need to actively transport substances across their membranes.

    Loop of Henle

    The proximal convoluted tubule continues into the U-shaped loop of Henle, which has a descending and an ascending limb. The limbs are divided into portions or segments. The thick segment of the descending limb (pars recta) is similar to that of the proximal convoluted tubule and it can be considered as an extension of this segment. The thick segment leads on to the thin segment of the descending limb, which is relatively metabolically inactive.

    The thin segment of the ascending limb is also relatively inactive, whereas the thick segment is adapted for active transport of ions.

    Nephrons in the juxtamedullary region, i.e. those closest to the medulla, have long loops of Henle that extend deep into the medulla. In contrast, cortical nephrons are entirely within the cortex or enter only the outer region of the medulla.

    Juxtaglomerular apparatus

    The juxtaglomerular apparatus is situated close to Bowman’s capsule, where the distal convoluted tubule passes close to the capsule and its afferent and efferent arterioles (see Figure 1.10). It comprises:

    the macula densa: this is an area of specialised epithelial cells found only in this part of the distal convoluted tubule

    extraglomerular mesangial cells

    granular cells in the wall of the afferent arteriole: these are specialised smooth muscle cells containing secretory granules.

    The granular cells synthesise renin, an enzyme involved in the control of aldosterone release from the adrenal cortex (see page 35). Thus the juxtaglomerular apparatus has a central role in sodium homeostasis and consequently fluid balance and blood pressure (see page 36).

    Distal convoluted tubule

    The loop of Henle continues into the distal convoluted tubule, which is around 5mm long and the shortest segment of the nephron. On the basal membrane, Na+–K+ ATPase pumps participate in active transport of Na+ and potassium ions (K+) across the basolateral membrane.

    The late distal convoluted tubule (distal end), is functionally distinct from the ‘early’ distal convoluted tubule. It is sensitive to the actions of aldosterone due the presence of aldosterone receptors and the 11-β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 2 enzyme, which prevents glucocorticoids from binding to this receptor.

    Connecting tubule

    The connecting tubule is a transitional region of the nephron between the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct. It is lined with:

    cuboidal cells

    connecting tubule cells, which are flatter with a smooth apical surface and basolateral invaginations in which mitochrondria are concentrated

    α and β intercalated cells, which contain many mitochondria and secrete H+ and HCO3−, and therefore have a role in acid-base balance (Table 1.4)

    principal cells, which contain few mitochondria and regulate water, sodium and potassium balance under the control of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone (see page 36)

    Collecting duct

    The distal tubules of several nephrons merge into connecting tubules which each form a collecting duct up to 20mm in length. This is the final section of the nephron. It is lined with cuboidal cells, α and β intercalated cells and principal cells. Passing through the renal cortex and medulla, it opens at the tip of the renal papilla, where it drains filtrate into the renal pelvis. Each cortical collecting duct drains about six distal tubules.

    Principal cells constitute about two thirds of cells within the epithelium of the cortical region of the collecting duct and become more abundant as the collecting duct passes into the medulla. They contain epithelial sodium channels and aquaporins, whose expression is controlled by aldosterone and ADH, respectively. These hormones are responsible for the control of plasma sodium and potassium concentrations, and extracellular fluid volume. As in the connecting tubule, α and β intercalated cells play a role in control of acid-base balance (Table 1.4).

    Function of the nephron

    As the functional unit of the kidney, the nephron regulates plasma composition via the processes of filtration, reabsorption and secretion that are involved in the production of urine. Hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillaries forces plasma ultrafiltrate from blood through the capillary wall and into Bowman’s space. This filtrate travels along the renal tubule, where its composition is altered by reabsorption and secretion of different substances.

    Glomerular filtration

    This is the first stage of urine production. Hydrostatic pressure within the glomerular capillaries forces plasma components through the capillary wall and into Bowman’s space. During this passive process, known as ultrafiltration, small molecules pass through the filtration barrier and larger molecules (e.g. plasma proteins) remain in the capillary.

    The maximum size of molecules able to pass through the filter is 70 kDa. Smaller proteins that are filtered are reabsorbed in the tubule. As a result little protein appears in normal urine (<0.2 gm/day, much of which is secreted by the tubule itself in the form of Tamm–Horsfall protein). Glucose, amino acids, Na+ and K+ are able to pass freely, but blood cells and platelets cannot. Passage through the filter also depends on electrical charge, because the negative charge of heparan sulphate in the basement membrane repels negatively charged molecules such as albumin.

    The presence of albumin in the urine (albuminuria) indicates a pathological process affecting the glomerular filter. Albumin has a molecular weight of 69 kDa and is negatively charged; only very small amounts pass through the healthy glomerular filter. Furthermore, in healthy individuals any albumin that passes through the filter is reabsorbed in the proximal convoluted tubule.

    Glomerular filtration rate

    The GFR is the rate at which fluid is filtered by the glomerulus from the blood into Bowman’s space. This provides a useful indication of glomerular function and is used to detect renal damage. GFR is estimated by measuring the clearance of a substance that satisfies the following criteria:

    it has a steady blood concentration

    it is freely filtered, i.e. it passes unhindered across the glomerular filtration membrane, and

    it is neither reabsorbed nor secreted by cells of the renal tubule

    The GFR is expressed as the amount of substance in the urine that came from a calculable volume of blood over time. It can be determined by applying the following formula to calculate the renal clearance of a substance:


    Cy is the renal clearance of substance ‘y’ in mL/min, i.e. the volume of plasma from which a substance is removed by the kidneys in one minute. This is the GFR

    Uy is the urine concentration of substance ‘y’ (mg/mL)

    V is the rate of urine flow (mL/min)

    Py is the plasma concentration of substance ‘y’ (mg/mL plasma)

    Extrinsic substances such as the plant polysaccharide inulin meet these criteria because all inulin filtered by the glomerulus is excreted in the urine. However, techniques to administer and measure inulin clearance are complicated, so it is not used in clinical practice and creatinine clearance is used instead.

    Creatinine is produced during muscle metabolism and is filtered freely and without modification by the kidney. A small amount is secreted by the renal tubules; thus creatinine clearance overestimates GFR by 10–20%. In clinical practice creatinine concentration is combined in an equation with other variables such as age, gender and ethnic origin to produce an estimated GFR (eGFR). This is reasonably accurate, provided that muscle mass and muscle metabolism remain constant.

    Factors affecting GFR

    The factors with the greatest effect on GFR are:

    differences in hydrostatic pressure and oncotic pressure between tubule and capillaries (Starling’s forces)

    renal blood flow and perfusion pressure

    surface area available for ultrafiltration (can be altered by changes in mesangial cell contractility; decreases as nephrons are lost due to age or disease)

    Hydrostatic and oncotic pressure differences

    The GFR is affected by Starling’s forces, which determine the movement of fluid across capillary membranes (Figure 1.13):

    Hydrostatic pressure in the capillary, which is the pressure exerted by a fluid in a confined space

    The hydrostatic pressure within the interstitium surrounding the capillary

    Oncotic pressure within the capillary (the osmotic pressure exerted by plasma proteins)

    Oncotic pressure in the interstitium

    The greater the positive difference between the hydrostatic pressure in the capillary and the interstitium, the more fluid moves from the capillary to the interstitium. A negative pressure difference between the capillary and the interstitium favours the movement of fluid from the interstitium to the capillary. Oncotic pressure opposes hydrostatic pressure. In a capillary bed, hydrostatic pressure exceeds colloid oncotic pressure at the arteriole end as narrowing of the vessel creates resistance to flow. If the capillary pressure exceeds the plasma oncotic pressure, the net filtration pressure is positive and fluid is forced out of the capillary. At the venous end, oncotic pressure exceeds hydrostatic pressure and enables net movement of fluid back into the capillaries (Figure 1.14).

    Figure 1.13 Starling’s forces along the length of a capillary. Fluid is secreted at the arterial end and reabsorbed at the venous end as hydrostatic pressure decreases. Hydrostatic pressure at the arterial end of the capillary (Pcap) is around 35 mmHg and at the venous end of the capillary is 15 mmHg. Interstitial hydrostatic pressure is so small and variable that in practice it is assumed to be 0 mmHg. Along the capillary, the oncotic pressure (πcap) of plasma is 26 mmHg and that of the interstitial fluid is 1 mmHg. Net filtration pressure is the difference between pressure driving fluid from the capillary and pressure opposing filtration, which can be expressed as (Pcap – Pint) – (πcap – πint). At the arterial end, this is around 10 mmHg, which favours filtration and at the venous end, it is around −10 mmHg which favours reabsorption of fluid. In the glomerulus, these figures are slightly different: the significant loss of fluid and impermeablity of the filtration membrane to protein means that glomerular capillary oncotic pressure increases along its length.

    Figure 1.14 Changes in hydrostatic and oncotic pressure through the renal vasculature. Glomerular ultrafiltration (dark blue shaded area) represents fluid leaving the capillaries, and tubular reabsorption of fluid (red shaded area) is fluid returning to the capillaries. Resistance in the efferent arterioles keeps pressure high in the glomerular capillaries and low in the peritubular capillaries, thereby favouring reabsorption. HPBC, hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s capsule.

    Renal blood flow and perfusion pressure

    The kidneys receive about 20% of resting cardiac output, a blood supply of approximately 1200 mL/min. Renal plasma flow accounts for about 660 mL/min of this and about 120 mL/min (the GFR) is filtered from the blood into the nephron. About 1% of the filtrate (1.2 mL/min) is excreted as urine.

    Renal blood flow is determined by the renal perfusion pressure (the difference in pressure between the renal artery and vein) and total renal vascular resistance (the sum of resistance in the arteries, arterioles, capillaries and veins) and is expressed as:

    blood flow = perfusion pressure/vascular resistance

    Blood flow increases when perfusion pressure rises and vascular resistance falls, and decreases when perfusion pressure falls and vascular resistance rises.

    The relative cross-sectional area of the glomerular capillaries is much larger than that of a non-glomerular capillary bed, so there is less resistance to flow. Hydrostatic pressure decreases less along the length of a glomerular capillary, because a more constant pressure is maintained by efferent arterioles acting as secondary resistance vessels. As a result, glomerular hydrostatic pressure is maintained at about 50–55 mmHg. This is higher than the combined hydrostatic pressure within Bowman’s capsule (15 mmHg) and the colloid oncotic pressure within the capillary (30 mmHg). Fluid is reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries when colloid oncotic pressure increases and hydrostatic pressure is low. The dilutional effect of reabsorption of fluid results in a decrease in colloid oncotic pressure.

    The kidneys have a rich blood supply; they receive a large proportion (about 20%) of cardiac output. Therefore they are particularly vulnerable to bleeding. This must be borne in mind when performing invasive procedures such as a percutaneous renal biopsy; the procedure can damage blood vessels and cause significant bleeding.

    Regulation of glomerular filtration

    Renal blood flow and GFR remain fairly constant, despite changes in systemic blood pressure, because of two autoregulatory mechanisms affecting the afferent and efferent arterioles:

    In the myogenic mechanism, autoregulation occurs when smooth muscle in the wall of blood vessels responds to pressure changes within the vessel wall

    In the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism, tubular flow rate affects the tone of renal blood vessels

    Renal autoregulation occurs over a wide range of perfusion pressures (90–200 mmHg). If perfusion pressure exceeds the limit of autoregulation, blood flow becomes proportional to perfusion pressure, resulting in an increase in renal blood flow and GFR with increasing perfusion pressure. Conversely, if perfusion pressure decreases below the autoregulatory threshold, renal blood flow and GFR decrease.

    Myogenic mechanism

    Increased blood pressure results in increased renal perfusion pressure and increased blood flow to the kidney. This stimulates stretch receptors in smooth muscle fibres within the wall of the afferent arteriole, causing them to constrict and therefore increase resistance to flow within the glomerulus (Figure 1.15). As a result, renal blood flow and GFR remain constant despite an increase in perfusion pressure.

    Conversely, if blood pressure, and therefore renal perfusion pressure, decrease, the afferent arteriole dilates. This results in increased renal blood flow and increased GFR.

    Figure 1.15 Regulation of renal blood flow: the myogenic mechanism. An increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) increases pressure in the afferent arteriole, thereby stretching it. This stimulates stretch receptors, leading to reflex constriction and a decrease in pressure in the glomerular capillaries. The inverse occurs when MAP decreases. In this way, a constant glomerular pressure is maintained.

    Tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism

    This mechanism has a more significant effect on GFR than the myogenic mechanism. It is a negative feedback system; a regulatory mechanism in which a stimulus prompts a response that counteracts it (Figure 1.16). Its three components are the macula densa (the sensor), the granular (also known as juxtaglomerular) cells (the integrator) and the afferent and efferent arterioles (the effectors); these components are referred to jointly as the juxtaglomerular apparatus.

    Tubuloglomerular feedback enables autoregulation of renal blood flow, and subsequently GFR, in response to information concerning the rate of fluid flow in the distal convoluted tubule. The mechanism keeps GFR and distal tubular fluid flow rate constant.

    Macula densa

    The cells of the macula densa sense the tubular fluid flow rate (which is directly proportional to the GFR) by detecting the rate of movement of Na+ and chloride ions (Cl−) into cells through the Na+–K+–2Cl− (NKCC2) cotransporter on the luminal membrane. Low tubular flow rate triggers a signalling cascade which:

    induces dilation of the afferent arterioles directly

    activates the RAAS by stimulating the secretion of the hormone renin from granular cells, which in turn generates angiotensin II (see page 36); angiotensin II then causes vasoconstriction of the efferent arterioles

    Conversely, when the macula densa senses increased tubular fluid flow flow, afferent arteriolar tone is increased.

    The RAAS is also central to the control of blood pressure throughout the body (see page 35).

    Afferent and efferent arterioles

    Decreased renal blood flow leads to relaxation of afferent arterioles and constriction of efferent arterioles via the mechanisms above to increase flow and glomerular hydrostatic pressure. This increases filtration within the glomerulus, thereby increasing GFR. The resultant increase in delivery of filtrate to the distal convoluted tubule corrects the initial decrease in flow rate through it.

    Figure 1.16 Regulation of renal blood flow: tubuloglomerular feedback. (a) An increase in GFR results in an increased rate of tubular flow. This deactivates the macula densa resulting in constriction of the afferent arteriole, a decrease in glomerular hydrostatic pressure and a compensatory decrease in GFR. (b) A fall in GFR results in a decreased tubular flow rate. This results in activation of the macula densa which dilates the afferent arteriole, and, as a result of renin and angiotensin II release, constricts the efferent arteriole. The overall effect is a rise in GFR. GFR, glomerular filtration rate. Red arrow, negative feedback.

    Renal tubular function

    The renal tubules contribute significantly to the control of body fluid balance (page 32), osmolality (see page 38) and electrolyte concentrations (see page 34) by controlling reabsorption and secretion of Na+, K+, calcium ions (Ca²+), phosphate, magnesium ions (Mg²+), Cl− and bicarbonate, as well as, eventually, excretion of certain solutes and water. Different sections of the tubule have specialised functions, which are summarised in Table 1.5 and discussed in the subsections below.

    Water and solutes can pass from the filtrate into the blood, or vice versa. The following processes occur:

    Reabsorption is the movement of water or solutes from the filtrate, via the tubular epithelium and interstitium, into the blood

    Secretion is the movement of substances from the peritubular capillaries into the tubular lumen. This occurs predominantly across tubular cells via active transport, but also occurs passively through intercellular spaces (the paracellular route; this also applies to reabsorption)

    Excretion is the removal of waste products from the blood and is the end result of filtration and secretion

    Most reabsorption and secretion depends directly or indirectly on the movement of Na+ (Figure 1.17). The Na+ gradient is the ‘energy bank’ of tubular transport; it is exploited to reabsorb other ions and molecules, such as glucose and amino acids. The Na+ gradient is created by Na+–K+ ATPase pumps on the basolateral sides of cells of the proximal tubule. Na+–K+ ATPase pumps Na+ out of cells and into the interstitial fluid, and pumps K+ into cells.

    Tubular reabsorption

    This is the movement of solutes out of the luminal filtrate and into tubular cells, then to the interstitium and into the peritubular capillaries. It can take place:

    via tubular cells (the transcellular route)

    between tubular cells (the paracellular route)

    Paracellular transport occurs by passive diffusion or solvent drag, when solutes are transported with water, whereas transcellular transport is either active, requiring energy, or passive (Table 1.6). Most reabsorption of ions and valuable solutes occurs in the proximal convoluted tubule.

    Water follows the movement of solutes along an osmotic gradient by the transcellular or paracellular route. Certain substances, such as Cl−, remain in the tubule and subsequently move between cells down their concentration gradient.

    Blood within peritubular capillaries is rich in plasma proteins, because these are not filtered at the glomerulus. Therefore the oncotic pressure within these capillaries is high. In contrast, hydrostatic pressure within these capillaries is low, because intravascular pressure is lost as blood passes through the efferent arterioles due to their narrow diameter and therefore high vascular resistance. The high oncotic pressure and low hydrostatic pressure result in the movement of fluid out of the peritubular interstitium and into capillaries, according to Starling’s forces.

    Tubular secretion

    Tubular secretion is the movement of substances from blood in the peritubular capillaries into the tubular lumen. This occurs predominantly by active transport and enables the elimination from the blood of ions such as H+ and K+, metabolites such as uric acid, ammonia and bile salts and drugs such as penicillin and salicylates.

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